Finu's visit to bulgaria

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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The third Smile Comenius meeting took place in Bulgaria. This is a summary of our the visit.


20th – 25th March 2013

Ms. Stef and Ms. Claudine – Year 3

Comenius Visit to Varna, Bulgaria

The flight was long.

Malta To

Vienna To

Sofia To


Although Finu had a long trip, it was very interesting because he met some interesting people on the way!

Some footballers from the Maltese National Team!

The next day Finu visited the Bulgarian school - Peyo Yavorov school.

The children welcomed us with some traditional bread.

Finu also went for a tour around the school.

In the school hall the children put up a show.

There was a band

The teachers from all the countries sat around a big table.

Children wearing traditional costumes.

There were some cheerleaders…

Finu visited some classrooms and met some Bulgarian children. They also gave him some cards and good luck charms.

Good luck charms

Finu is having a

good time with the

children in class

The school also has a swimming pool where Finu went for a swim and met some friends.

Some other interesting things which Finu saw in Bulgaria…

A Cathedral

• A Museum with a lot of gold items

A Cathedral

He saw the remains of a Church

Finu ate a lot of healthy food such as salads!

Finu also met teachers from different countries.

He also went for a swim in the Black Sea.

Snow for the first time!!

After 5 days in Bulgaria Finu’s adventure was over, and he started his journey back to Malta!

Varna To

Athens To
