First Baptist Church of St. James City · Read the latest letters from our Missionaries: on the...

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First Baptist Church of St. James CityFirst Baptist Church of St. James CityFirst Baptist Church of St. James CityFirst Baptist Church of St. James City

He that getteth wisdom loveth

his own soul: He that keepth understanding

shall find good.

Eighth Ave. & Oleander St.

St. James City, FL 33956

Office: 283-0982

Cell: 321-274-2962 *Like us on Facebook*

Pastor Larry L. Jinks September 27, 2015

Words of Welcome! Welcome in the name of Christ Jesus the Lord.

Through Him we have access to God in boldness and confidence, Ephesians 3:12. If you are visiting with us, please fill out a visitor’s information card and put it in the offering plate or hand it to an Usher, so we may have a record of your visit. If you are here for the first time,

please introduce yourself to our Pastor, or Deacons. We would like to extend the hospitality of our congregation to you. If you do not already belong to a Church in the area, Please consider

making your Church home with us.

Sunday Morning Worship Service

September 27, 2015

The FBC of SJC Family Welcomes You

Prelude: Preparing our hearts for Worship

Hymn #555 “There shall be showers of blessing”


Tithes and Offerings

Responsive Reading

Hymn # 524 “It took a miracle”

Hands of Fellowship

I’m so glad I’m part of the family of God: I’ve been washed in the fountain cleansed by His Blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, for

I’m part of the Family, The Family of God

Special Music

This Morning’s Message,

Pastor Larry L. JinksPastor Larry L. JinksPastor Larry L. JinksPastor Larry L. Jinks What can we do for God?What can we do for God?What can we do for God?What can we do for God?

Matthew 5:13-16

Invitation hymn # 331 “Room at the cross for you”

Dismiss with chorus of “Blest be the tie that binds””

Samaritan’s Purse

Christmas Child Shoe Box Time

October & November

See what’s Happening

This week at FBC of SJC

Attendance: AM Service: September 20: 59

The Lord’s Day, September 27:

Youth Group

*Our complete Prayer List us updated on Wed. night. See Teri if you want one*

Fellowship & coffee time……..…..8:45 am

Bible Study…………………….…..9:00 am

Morning Worship Service…….….10:00 am

Evening Worship Service & Youth group will resume in October

Wednesday, September 30:

Ladies Prayer Group…………..3 to 4:00 pm

(4830 Gulfgate in the Cove, St. James City)

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study……...6:30 pm

Thursday: Free Breakfast October 15: 8:00 am

Friday: Free Family Movie Night will resume in November

Tell everyone on and off the Island! Saturday Dec. 5th, 11am—2pm.

Freshest seafood and all the fixin’s. A bounces house & Slide for the Kids and young at heart. Snow-cones available. Music

by Billy Cass & Band.

Last year we had over 500 people

6th annual Seafood

Pastor Larry Today!

Wanda Waitman 9/29

Doug Mosher 10/02

Gretchen Bennett 10/03

September is

Maguire Florida State Mission Month

Our Church goal is $500. Pray about y

our gift to the Lord!

Don’t forget to bring non-perishable foods for our FOOD PANTRY The Food Pantry Basket is in the Fellowship Hall

Sign-up for Ladies Prayer Shawl group


call Selena 229-1528

Your Deacons 2015

Glen Abernathy...…283-1327 James Driggers….....283-4686 Owen Stewart………..240-6005

Joey Postel…………..834-8222


Jesus Others You

Please silence all Electronic devices

Church Staff

Rev. Larry L. Jinks…....Pastor

Owen Stewart……….....Song Leader

Joey Postel……………...Announcer

Chris Moyer, Jr……....Piano & Sound

Teri Clementi……...……Secretary

Read the latest letters from

our Missionaries:

on the Missions Board.Acts

& Facts & Missions Maga-

zines On front credenza -

Help yourself


O CT OBE R— 26

T I ME 6 :3 0 PM

Bring a dish to Share! Please Sign up for seating

Morning messages recorded on CD’s. Copies available, ask Glen for one. Or you can also listen on the Website.