First conditional 2

Post on 06-May-2015

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More forms in the 1st conditional.


1st Conditionalmore forms

If A B⇒

If it rains, we’ll stay at home.

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent simple

resultwill (future)

If it rains, we will stay at home.

varying A

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent continuous

resultwill (future)

If it is -ing, we will ...

you can use thePresent Continuous

in the A-part

If you are sitting comfortably,I’ll begin.

If you are sitting comfortably,I’ll begin.

If they’re using Windows, they’ll need to upgrade their software.

If they’re using Windows, they’ll need to upgrade their software.

If Pirlo’s playing well, he’ll create problems in their


If Pirlo’s playing well, he’ll create problems in their


you can use thePresent Perfect

in the A-part

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent perfect

resultwill (future)

If you have p.p., we will ...

If you’ve been to Paris, you’ll recognise this building.

If you’ve been to Paris, you’ll recognise this building.

If you’ve finished, you can go.

If you’ve finished, you can go.

If he’s failed the exam,he’ll have to take it again.

If he’s failed the exam,he’ll have to take it again.

varying B

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent simple


If it _s, do something!

you can use theImperative

in the B-part

If you don’t know how to do it,ask me!

If you don’t know how to do it,ask me!

If it rains,take an umbrella!

If it rains,take an umbrella!

If you visit Paris,don’t miss the Picasso Museum!

If you visit Paris,don’t miss the Picasso Museum!

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent simple

resultpresent modals

If it _s, I may…

you can usepresent modals

in the B-part

you can usewill, shall, can, may, must

in the B-part

you can usewill, (shall), can, may, must

in the B-part

If you need help, you can ask.

If you need help, you can ask.

If you want to go to University in England, you must pass the

IELTS exam.

If you want to go to University in England, you must pass the

IELTS exam.

If you like the Beatles, you may also like the Rolling Sones.

If you like the Beatles, you may also like the Rolling Sones.

If A ⇒ Bif 1st cond. present tense

present continuouspresent perfect

willimperativemust / can / may / (shall)

If A ⇒ Bif 1st conditional

conditionpresent simplepresent continuouspresent perfect

resultwill (future)imperativemust / can / may / (shall)

When A B⇒

the same constructions are also possible after ‘when’ etc.

When you’ve finished,you may leave.

When you’ve finished,you may leave.