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Agenda Item: 3

Revision 1




Noumea, New Caledonia, 10 - 11 October 2011

Agenda Item 3: Sub-regional Mechanism for Addressing Regional Safety Issues







(Presented by the Secretariat)


This working paper describes the Asian COSCAP programmes, with

emphasis on their work on Regional Aviation Safety Teams (ARAST).

The ARAST experience and safety enhancements are the foundation

for the establishment of sub-groups and ad-hoc working groups under

the direction of the APAC RASG.


1.1 The COSCAP programmes are dedicated forums for promoting continuing dialogue,

coordination and cooperation to support and strengthen aviation safety among participating Civil

Aviation Administrations. They accomplish this through the advancement of safety oversight

policies, procedures and regulations, and support harmonization and standardization. They also

provide an efficient and cost-effective method for the training of a large number of safety oversight

personnel. In addition, they enable Member States to be effective in reducing safety risk through the

establishment of Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RASTs).

1.2 The 1st COSCAP programme, comprising the States of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,

Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, was established in South Asia (COSCAP-SA) in February

1998, with Afghanistan joining in 2010. Subsequently, COSCAP South East Asia (COSCAP-SEA)

was established in 2001 for Cambodia, Hong Kong China, Macao China, Indonesia, Lao PDR,

Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam, with Brunei and Timor-Leste

joining in 2007. COSCAP North Asia (COSCAP-NA) was established in 2003 with members China,

the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea.

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2.1 Each COSCAP Programme is guided by a Programme Steering Committee of the

Directors General of Civil Aviation (Heads of Civil Aviation Administration) of all Member

Administrations, as well as the ICAO Regional Director or his representative, and the Programme’s

Chief Technical Adviser (CTA). Representatives of the donor community and other organizations

participating in programme funding through cash and/or in-kind support as well as air operator and

service provider representatives are also be invited to participate in the steering committee meetings.

Steering Committee meetings are held approximately every twelve months.

2.2 The COSCAP programmes in Asia Pacific closely coordinate their efforts to support

Member Administrations in four primary areas:

1) Supporting Member Administrations to strengthen their safety oversight

programme, often in preparation for the ICAO USOAP Audit and subsequently

to support the development and implementation of Corrective Action Plans;

2) Developing regulations, standards and guidance material;

3) Providing training courses, seminars, and workshops; and,

4) Establishing Regional Aviation Safety Teams to develop and recommend to

their respective Steering Committee safety enhancement actions to reduce safety

risk in the Asia Pacific Region and to support the implementation of the Global

Aviation Safety Plan (GASP).

2.3 COSCAP programmes assign a high priority to assisting Member Administrations

with preparations for the ICAO USOAP audits, and to the development and implementation of

corrective action plans to respond to the audits. In addition to supporting States to identify shortfalls,

the COSCAP programmes can provide updated regulatory and guidance material that can readily

adapted by the Administrations to strengthen their safety oversight system. Over a one year period

ending 30 June 2011, a total of 43 missions were conducted by the Asian COSCAP programmes for

USOAP audit and corrective action support.

2.4 COSCAP programmes have produced model regulations, standards and guidance

material for use by Member Administrations, to a large extent based on documentation developed by

other CAAs, adapted for use in the sub-region. States that have yet to develop their own material can

utilize the COSCAP guidance or adapt it for their use. Guidance material and models are generally

developed prior to a related training programme being provided. Since 2008 the COSCAPs have

developed programmes in this manner to support Foreign Air Operator Approval and Surveillance,

Accident Investigation, and PBN Operational Approval.

2.5 COSCAP experts prepare and provide training in areas where they have the required

expertise, supplemented in many instances by donor organizations which provide training in support

of the COSCAP programme. Training programmes are to a large extent adapted to the Region and,

where numbers warrant, the training may be provided in each Member State. Since the 47th DGCA

Conference a total of 79 courses, workshops and seminars have been conducted under the auspices

of the COSCAP programmes for which there were 1350 participants.

2.6 Coordination and exchange of best practices is essential for COSCAP programmes, as

resources do not permit duplication of efforts. COSCAP Programme Coordinators and the ICAO

Regional Flight Safety Officer are in regular contact to ensure that there is no duplication of effort and

to exchange best practices.

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2.7 In cooperation with the ICAO Flight Procedures Programme (FPP) office, the

COSCAPs have delivered 9 PBN Operational approval courses in 7 States and facilitated 10 PBN

implementation workshops bringing together all stakeholders within a State (e.g., CAAs, air

operators, air traffic control, airports, approach designers, etc.) The workshops are designed to

identify and coordinate the action required by all parties to enable timely implementation of PBN.

2.8 The COSCAP programmes also exchange experts for short missions where a

particular expertise is required. These exchanges also provide an opportunity for exchange of best

practices leading to further harmonization of safety related matters in the Region. Since the 47th

DGCA Conference 12 exchange missions have been conducted between Asian COSCAP


2.9 Further to support in airworthiness and aerodrome certification areas as reported to

the 47th DGCA conference, the FAA has kindly continued to support RAST meetings, and provided

expert assistance for five missions totalling three weeks to assist the development of safety


2.10 Further information on the three Asian COSCAPs can be obtained from their

respective websites

COSCAP-North Asia:

COSCAP-South Asia:

COSCAP-South East Asia:


3.1 The ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP), which was endorsed by the 33rd

Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2001, stressed the need for a reduction in the rate of fatal accidents

in air transport operations. The GASP endorses the concept of concentrating the safety-related

activities of ICAO on those safety initiatives -- planned or currently underway -- which offer the best

safety dividends in terms of reducing the accident rate. Additionally, the GASP encourages States to

foster regional and sub regional safety groups for the purpose of furthering the global safety effort.

3.2 Two major safety initiatives have been established which are in keeping with the

broad objectives of the GASP. The United States, as part of the FAA's Safer Skies agenda,

established the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) in June 1998. Similarly, in 1998 the

States represented by the JAA formed the Joint Strategic Safety Initiative (JSSI), now the European

Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) under the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Both

initiatives draw upon a broad base of experts from government agencies, airlines, manufacturers,

aviation associations, labour unions, and other safety-related organizations. The focus of their efforts

resulted in a rigorous analysis of accidents, which occurred over the most recent ten-year period for

which significant data was available. Major causes of accidents were identified and categorized, and

priorities were assigned for the purpose of pursuing remedial actions. The top accident categories

initially examined by these groups were:

Controlled flight into terrain

Approach and landing

Loss of Control

Uncontained engine failures

Runway incursions


3.3 ESSI and CAST work in close co-operation to analyze significant worldwide

accidents/incidents, develop recommendations for improvement actions, and to commit/monitor

implementation completion. In addition, some members from each group actively participate in the

other group on a regular basis.

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3.4 Regional Aviation Safety Teams (RAST) have been in place for over 9 years,

beginning with COSCAP-SA, and are a high priority activity of the COSCAP programmes. Under its

respective COSCAP programme document, each Asian COSCAP independently established a

regional aviation safety team with its own terms of reference. The RAST Meetings are attended by

the CAAs, air operators, aerodrome and air traffic management staff of Member Administrations,

ICAO, and donors and safety partners.

3.5 The objective of each RAST is to recommend interventions to their respective

COSCAP Steering Committee which are intended to reduce identified aviation risks. The

recommendations, once approved by the Steering Committee, may be implemented through the

coordinated efforts of the regulatory authorities, in consonance with service providers, airlines and

aircraft manufacturers. When such actions are endorsed by the Steering Committee, the Team

Members will serve as focal points for introducing the interventions within their respective States and

for coordinating their government's efforts with industry. Safety initiatives are tracked and monitored

by the individual COSCAPs with updates provided at respective annual SCM.

3.6 To accomplish the objectives, the teams review for application within their


a) existing safety interventions which have already been developed through the

efforts of well-established, multinational safety undertakings such as the CAST

and the ESSI;

b) global safety initiatives and best practices and metrics defined in the GASP and

Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR); and

c) regional accidents and significant incident trends and other areas of local concern

to determine unique issues which may warrant locally-developed interventions.

3.7 The focus and priority for the RAST is to introduce, support, and develop actions,

which have the potential to effectively and economically reduce the risk of an aviation accident.


4.1 The effective functioning of the individual RASTs is heavily dependent upon the

support of donor organizations and other safety partners. In order to facilitate active participation at

all Asian Region safety team meetings, the practice evolved whereby the SEARAST, NARAST and

SARAST meetings were held consecutively at the ICAO Regional Office in Bangkok. In this way the

donors and other safety partners were able to maximize participation through a single session of


4.2 While holding consecutive meetings minimized travel, there were still inefficiencies

related to requesting experts to repeatedly present the same or similar material to three separate

audiences over a period of weeks. Holding separate sub-regional RAST team meetings also did not

provide for the detailed examination of broader regional safety concerns.

4.3 Recognizing the desirability of improving both the safety effectiveness and efficiency

of the RASTs, in 2008 the respective COSCAP Steering Committees approved their combination into

a single Asian Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST). Other than accommodating the creation of

the ARAST, the terms of reference for each RAST remained largely unchanged.

4.4 The RASTs originally examined safety enhancements primarily in the flight

operations and air traffic control areas as these were shown by the CAST to have the greatest potential

for improving safety. Thereafter, with a large percentage of priority implementation complete or

underway in these areas, 2008 saw the creation of the ARAST Maintenance sub-team to undertake the

examination of CAST safety enhancements in this technical area.

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4.5 In addition to meeting as a combined ARAST, each COSCAP retained the existence

of its individual RAST so as to ensure that any unique sub-regional issues could be adequately tracked

and addressed. In practice, these teams meet separately on the day following the completion of the


4.6 Following reports to the Steering Committees over the course of 2008 / 2009, the

Steering Committees subsequently approved a further evolution that provided for the ARAST to

become the mechanism to facilitate the evaluation and implementation of the focus areas, best

practices, metrics and maturity level established by the Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global

Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASP/R).

4.7 The first ARAST meeting to examine the GASP/R was held in June 2009, examining

the first five Global Safety Initiatives:

GSI 1 – Consistent Implementation of International Standards & Industry Best


GSI 2 – Consistent Regulatory Oversight

GSI 3 – Effective Errors & Incidents Reporting

GSI 4 – Effective Incident & Accident Investigation

GSI 5 – Consistent Coordination of Regional Programmes

4.8 In preparation for this review, regional safety data was analyzed to identify the areas

of greatest relevance. This included the analysis of ICAO USOAP data so as to identify the areas of

greatest safety impact.

4.9 The review of the first five GSIs resulted in the identification of 23 proposed actions.

These include the creation of an Accident / Incident Investigation sub-team to examine GSI 3 and GSI

4 in detail.


5.1 Of the 72 CAST safety enhancements (SE), the ARAST has identified 40 SEs for

implementation in the Asia region. This has included the issuance of 23 Advisory Circulars and

Advisory Bulletins among other actions.

5.2 The 4th ARAST (February 2011) identified 27 Safety Action Items. Please refer to

the Appendix for a sample of safety actions arising from safety team meetings.

5.3 The current implementation status of SEs for the three Asian COSCAPs is

approximately 73% for required COSCAP action and 60% for required State / Administration action.


6.1 The work of the COSCAP safety teams could not be accomplished without the

commitment, active participation, and financial and technical support of safety partners and donors,

including the FAA, DGAC France, CASA Australia, EASA, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, the BEA

France, IATA, IFALPA and the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA).

6.2 Because the implementation of safety enhancements requires follow-up within each

member State / Administration, continuity of Member representation on the RAST and subsequently

on National implementation teams is essential.

6.3 Each COSCAP assists its Members with implementation of safety enhancements.

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7.1 DGCA47 DP 4/3, paragraph 2.7, recognized that the establishment of the

RASG-APAC, including the Directors General, would require a working level technical group

comprised of technical specialists who would review safety issues and develop safety interventions

and enhancements. Accordingly, in recognition of the effectiveness of the established ARAST

mechanism, it was anticipated that the ARAST would transition to become the Asia Pacific Regional

Aviation Safety Team (APRAST), a sub-group of the RASG. The APRAST would submit

recommendations to the Directors General and Safety Partners sitting as the RASG-APAC for their

consideration and approval.

7.2 Key points regarding the transition from the ARAST under the COSCAPs to the


7.2.1 Avoidance of duplication: The ARAST technical group would transition to become

the APRAST. There would be no duplication as the technical specialists, external experts and donors

would continue to review safety concerns and identify recommended safety actions to the Directors

General and Safety Partners.

7.2.2 Role of Safety Partners: Participation in the RASG and the APRAST would be

open to Safety Partners as they currently participate under the ARAST, individual RASTs and

Steering Committees.

7.2.3 Role of Directors General: The authority of the Directors General regarding the

recommendations arising from the safety team would remain essentially unchanged.

7.2.4 Mandate and Role of COSCAPs Continued: The role, mandate and functioning of

the COSCAPs remains unaffected by the creation of the RASG-APAC. The role of COSCAP to

support Member State implementation of actions approved by the Directors General is unaffected.

The COSCAP Steering Committee will continue to establish the priorities and guide the activities of

its COSCAP programme. The RAST element of the COSCAP is a high priority activity, strengthened

by its ability to participate in the APRAST. Each COSCAP Steering Committee may also direct its

own safety team to work on specific safety enhancements in addition to the activities of the APRAST.


8.1 The Meeting is invited to take note of the COSCAP safety team (ARAST) experience

and the work that has taken place regarding safety enhancements which are the foundation for the

establishment of sub-groups and ad-hoc working groups under the direction of the APAC-RASG.

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1. Advisory Bulletins and Advisory Circulars Issued

2. Summary of ARAST Safety Actions

3. Sample sub-regional Safety Team actions

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Sample List of COSCAP


Issued Subject

2003 Information to States on Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS)

2003 Guidance for Operators on Training Programmes for The Use of Terrain

Awareness and Warning System (TAWS)

2004 Information to States on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

2004 Standard Operating Procedures for Flight Deck Crewmembers

2004 Reissue of COSCAP-NA AC 002 - Appendix 1 revised and new Appendix

5 – now include SOPS related to CRM and Loss of Control

2004 Guidance for Air Operators On the Establishment of A Flight Safety


2004 Establishing a Flight Safety Documents System

2004 Information to States on Promotion of Flight Safety by the Air Operator

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

2004 Information to States on Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programme (FDA)

2004 Guidance on the Establishment of a Flight Data Analysis (FDA)


2004 Information to States on Approach and Landing Reduction (ALAR)

/Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Prevention Training




Guidance for Operators for Conducting Constant Decent Final Approach

(CDFA) for Non-Precision Approaches

2007 Flight Procedures and Training During Taxi Operations

2006 Ground Vehicle Operations at Aerodromes

2006 Crew Resource Management Training Programme

2006 Access to Information on Airplane Manufacture’s Website

2006 Issuance of Safety Alert/Warming


Not issued

Single Pilot Procedures During Taxi Operations

2006 Enhancing Situational Awareness in the Control Tower

2008 Preventing Injuries Caused by Turbulence

2007 Prevention of Runway Incursion in Abinitio Pilot Training

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Issued Subject

2008 Operational Procedures and Training Requirements of Airborne Collision

Avoidance System (ACAS) Equipment

2008 Reduced Effectiveness of TAWS/EGPWS Equipment

2008 Safety Oversight of TAWS/EGPWS Equipment

2009 Mode Awareness and Energy State Management Aspects of Flight Deck


2011 Maintenance Contracting

2011 Guidance for Task and Shift handovers

2011 Guidance on Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviour

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Update on ACTIONS at 4th ARAST

(excerpt from Record of 4th

ARAST, February 2011)


G09.nn – 2009 — 2nd

ARAST, GASP BP = Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR) Best Practice

M09.nn = 2009 — 2nd

ARAST, Maintenance SE-nnn = Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) Safety Enhancement

O09.nn = 2009 — 2nd

ARAST , Operations

A10.nn = 2010 — 3rd


A11.nn – 2011 — 4th


Action Item Action by Update Status

TCAS / ACAS Working Group – FAA

(reference ARAST 2, item 4.8)

O09.07 COSCAP to distribute the TCAS report to COSCAP Member States and Administrations when available

COSCAP FAA to provide when available

O09.08 FAA to brief a future meeting on the findings of the study. FAA FAA provided a briefing at the 3rd

ARAST Meeting


European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI)

(reference 3rd

ARAST, item 4.9)

A10.01 China kindly volunteered to attend the ESSI meetings on behalf of the ARAST.

CAAC CAAC Attended December 2010 Completed

A10.02 COSCAP-NA will assist the coordination of this action and the sharing of information with member Administrations

COSCAP-NA CAAC Attended December 2010 Completed

SE-18 — Evaluation and Surveillance of Sub-Contractor

maintenance providers

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Action Item Action by Update Status

M09.02 COSCAPs to provide a draft Advisory Circular for consideration by Member Administrations/States.

COSCAP-NA Draft AC 021 distributed for review by the meeting

Members to comment by 31 May 2011 (Action


A11.10 Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie by 31 May 2011

after which Advisory Circular 021 — Maintenance Contracting will be finalized.


SE-19, Policy regarding the use of Minimum Equipment

List (MEL)

A10.05 Brunei representative to provide linkages related to State access of MMEL for Airbus aircraft.

Brunei See A10.06 below Completed

A10.06 COSCAP to confirm with Airbus the availability of MMEL information for CAAs and advise at the next ARAST.

COSCAP-NA Information provided by Airbus:

See Annex V


A10.07 COSCAP to provide the Model MMEL/MEL Policy and Procedures Manual for inclusion on the meeting CD.

COSCAP provided on the ARAST 3 CD. Completed

A10.08 COSCAP Administrations to advise if they require any

training related to MMEL/MEL implementation.

Members provided training to administrations on request. Completed

SE-20 — Directors of Safety will determine deficiencies

and Quality Control Procedures outlined in SE -18 and

SE-19 are addressed.

M09.03 COSCAPs to provide guidance and training material to

Member Administration/States and COSCAP

administrations to determine if additional support is


COSCAP ongoing


SE-169R1 — Policy & Procedures related to Work Cards

and Shift Changes

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Action Item Action by Update Status

M09.05 COSCAP to develop a draft Advisory Circular for

consideration by Member Administrations/States to

heighten the awareness and risk.

COSCAP-NA Draft AC 022 distributed for review by the meeting

Members to comment by 31 May 2011 (Action


A11.11 Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie by 31 May 2011

after which the Advisory Circular 022 — Guidance for Task and Shift Handovers will be finalized.


SE-170R1 — OEM Continuous Monitoring of Service


M09.06 COSCAP to gather information from ICAO related to

USOAP data results (related protocol questions) and share

that with Member Administrations/States.

COSCAP-NA The USOAP data related to Output 1 acquired for

ARAST 3 indicated that there are almost no

findings in these areas.


SE-172R1 — Gap Analysis of Existing Airplane

Maintenance Process & Follow-up Action Plan.

A10.09 ARAST to continue to follow up with CAST for latest


COSCAP Ongoing

A10.10 COSCAP to organize a seminar on MSG and MRB

processes to promote the exchange of best practices in


COSCAP-NA With support of AAPA, planned for 21 & 22 April 2011 — Beijing, China

A10.11 Airbus and Boeing to kindly provide support to such a Seminar.

Airbus and Boeing

Boeing and Airbus supporting seminar Completed

SE-175R1 — Policy and Procedures – Flight Critical

Configurations Changes Made During Maintenance

M09.08: COSCAPs to provide draft guidance material to Member

Administrations/States for their review on best practices

that could be followed to ensure that appropriate measures

are in place to prevent such occurrences.




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Action Item Action by Update Status

BP 1a-2 – States takes all necessary action to ensure

compliance with SARPs and industry best practice.

G09.02 States to continue their efforts as necessary to comply in this area.

Members Ongoing

BP 1a-4 States apply coordinated initiatives to ensure that

non-compliant States do not engage in activity which

could be seen as unacceptably increasing the risk of


G09.03 States to implement Annex 6 part I, amendment 32

regarding Foreign Air operators by revision to regulations,

procedures and guidance material

Members COSCAP Model Regulation, Manual developed

Training provided July 2010.

State-specific COSCAP support on request


G09.05 COSCAP to continue to monitor and support effective

implementation of the requirements

COSCAP Ongoing

BP 2a-3 – State applies the principles of risk management

to its safety related activities.

Safety Management Systems (SMS) and State Safety

Program (SSP)

G09.06 States support initiative to implement a State Safety

Programme (SSP), including the requirement for Safety

Management Systems (SMS) implementation by service


Members Ongoing

G09.07 COSCAPs to support SSP development and SMS implementation through provision of training courses.

COSCAP Ongoing

G09.08 COSCAPs to assist States through the development of generic models and guidance material.

COSCAP Ongoing

A10.12 COSCAP to examine the availability/provision of guidance / training to Operators for internal audit assessment.


Training available from IATA Completed

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Action Item Action by Update Status

A10.13 COSCAP to explore the possibility of conducting a training

audit exercise on an Air Operator SMS and to provide de-

identified feedback to the next ARAST meeting.


Assessment completed



A10.14 States kindly requested to advise COSCAP if they could

support such an exercise (both Air Operator and CAA

support required).

Members Completed

A10.03 COSCAP to support SSP implementation as a means to implement the GASP / R.

COSCAP Ongoing

A10.15 Singapore kindly offered to provide a presentation on their

implementation of SMS and of an Air Operator or AMO

implementation of SMS.

CAAS COSCAP SMS Implementation seminar

combined with ROK / FAA 3rd

Flight Safety

Seminar – 31 May to 2 June 2011

CAAS to participate

A10.16 COSCAP to provide material to Member States for high

level training of senior management on SMS concepts and


COSCAP-NA Material and / or presentations available on request


A10.17 Member States are to advise COSCAP if additional SMS guidance and training is required.

Members Ongoing

A10.18 States requested to provide copies of their SSP

implementation documentation for COSCAP CTA NA to

provide comments and to support development of COSCAP guidance material.

Members Feedback received Completed

A10.19 States to conduct a preliminary gap analysis and provide

data to their respective COSCAP CTA to establish regional

SSP implementation base-line. Data provided by States to be kept confidential by COSCAP.

Members Data received, regional Baseline established Completed

A10.20 COSCAP to send a letter to the Director General of each

member administration in support of the preliminary SSP gap analysis. Data will be kept confidential.



SA/SEA/ NA letter sent out in May 2010, seeking

August 30 return


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Action Item Action by Update Status

A10.21 Pakistan kindly offered to provide their SSP manual to COSCAP for review and comment.




A11.03 COSCAP to communicate to ICAO headquarters the need

to support training of SSP Instructors from the Asia Pacific Region

COSCAP Letter 16 March 2011 to ICAO, Director Air

Navigation Bureau

A11.04 Singapore Aviation Academy kindly offered to support the training of some SSP instructors




A11.12 COSCAP to finalize the SMS assessment guidelines and

forward to member Administrations/States for their consideration:


A11.13 COSCAP to develop guidance for the acceptance of service provider’s SMS.


A11.25 COSCAP to provide a workshop on methods and indicators

to be utilize in development of State safety measurement

and service provider safety performance measurement.


A11.26 COSCAPs to invite other Member Administration to

provide presentations on the challenges and solutions

related to SSP Implementation.


A11.27 Member Administrations requested COSCAPs support for

the implementation of SSP Framework elements 1.4, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2.


BP 3a-4 – Each aviation professional that has an impact

on safety has a clear understanding of what constitutes

acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

G09.11 CTA North Asia to develop guidance to supplement ICAO

material related to GSI-3a-4.

COSCAP-NA AC 023 Acceptable & Unacceptable Behaviour

provided to participants


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Action Item Action by Update Status

A10.22 RAST Members to provide additional comments by 30 April 2010

Members Completed

6BP 5a-1 – COSCAPs encourage implementation of best

practices consistent with Roadmap Focus Areas for their


G09.20 ICAO (Mitch Fox) kindly requested to pursue global

coordination with ICAO Contracting States

ICAO HQ RASG Update presentation provided to the



G09.21 COSCAPs to develop specific policies addressing

coordination with Asian COSCAPs and ICAO Regional Office, for the approval of their Steering Committee.

Overtaken by RASG Closed

SE 30 –Mode Awareness and Energy State Management

Aspects of Flight Deck Automation

O09.14 Member States and Administrations to consider Advisory

Circular Mode Awareness and Energy State Management

Aspects of Flight Deck Management for implementation.

Members Review at SARAST, SEARAST and NARAST Open.

Runway Excursions

(reference ARAST 2, item 7.2)

O09.02 COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention material from the FSF

COSCAP IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4


O09.03 COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention workshop from FSF

COSCAP IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4


O09.04: FAA will kindly inform COSCAPs of safety enhancement work in this area.


A10.23 IATA will kindly consider providing a one day Runway

Excursion Workshop concurrent with the 4th ARAST Meeting.

IATA IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4


CAST SE-176 – Runway Safety Action Teams

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Action Item Action by Update Status

A10.24 COSCAP to examine ICAO requirements (Manual on

Prevention of Runway Incursions) and ICAO Runway

Safety Toolkit related to establishment of runway safety teams.

COSCAP-SA Presentation to 4th ARAST Completed

A10.25 COSCAP-SA to examine the FAA material related to SE

176 and Wrong Runway Departure report.

COSCAP-SA Presentation to 4th ARAST Completed

A10.26 COSCAPs to survey member States on the existence of

Runway Safety teams, and how these have been established

(Note: USOAP data indicates 70% of States had not

established runway safety teams).


A10.27 COSCAP to provide a report and recommendations for next ARAST meeting.


A11.14 Member Administrations who have yet to do so to review

the ICAO Guidance material and establish a Runway Safety Programme with priority on International Airports.


A11.15 COSCAP to explore with ICAO the need for a definition concerning Runway Confusion, Incursion and Excursion


SE- 178 – Enhanced Surface Marking and Lighting

A10. 28 COSCAP-SEA to review with ICAO Aerodrome Expert to

identify ICAO Standards and the related guidance material that is available.

COSCAP-NA Presentation by ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer to 4



A10.29 FAA to provide detailed information related to this Safety

Enhancement for review by COSCAP to determine its applicability to Asia Pacific Region.

FAA Briefing provided

A10.30 IFALPA offered to provide guidance material available

from New Zealand.

IFALPA No material is available Completed

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Action Item Action by Update Status

A11.17 COSCAP to provide to the ARAST Meeting regular

updates on future developments in the area of Runway



A11.18 Member Administrations to encourage participation at the Global Runway Safety Symposium.


A11.19 COSCAP to provide a briefing to ARAST/APRAST on the

outputs of the Global Runway Safety Symposium.


A11.20 COSCAP to determine the availability of training

concerning the development of Type A charts and electronic charts (Type A and Type B).


SE-179 — Scenario Based Training for Pilots

A10.31 FAA to provide full report related to SE-179 to COSCAP for review.

FAA ICAO is also making some major changes to the way training is done in the future.

A10.32 COSCAP to report back to the next ARAST on the results

of this review.


SE- 180 — Scenario Based Training for Tower Controller

A10.33 Update to be provided by the FAA at the next ARAST Meeting to determine possible action in Asia Pacific.


A11.21 COSCAP to review SAFO and INFO 08049 developed by

FAA, discuss with ICAO to determine the applicability in Asia Pacific and report back to the next ARAST/APRAST


A11.22 FAA to provide Tower Controller Runway Training CD to

the COSCAP programmes for review and consideration.


A11.23 COSCAP to provide a briefing at the next ARAST/APRAST Meeting


SE-181 — Taxiway and Runway Configuration

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A10.34 Update to be provided by the FAA at the next ARAST Meeting.

FAA See also A10.35

A10.35 COSCAPs to follow up with ICAO regarding work that they may be conducting related to this matter.




Aerodrome Officer

Presentation by ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer to 4


Further ICAO developments to be provided.

SE-182 — Air Traffic Control Clearance Procedure


A10.36 COSCAP to review the FAA material and report to the next meeting.

COSCAP-SA Runway crossing procedure under review (action A11.16)

A11.16 COSCAP-SA to determine if there is an ICAO standard

regarding the provision of a take off clearance to an aircraft that must taxi across other runways prior to take off.


CAST SE-183 Cockpit Moving Map Display and Runway

Awareness System

A10.37 Equipment and standards related so not deemed appropriate for consideration by the ARAST.

None Closed

SE-184 — Minimum Vectoring Altitude Re-evaluation

SE-185 — TAWS and RNAV Visual or other procedures

O09.05 COSCAP will distribute the TAWS report to COSCAP Member States and Administrations when available

COSCAP CAST report completed. Briefing on report completed at 3


Report will be provided to ARAST once released

O09.06 FAA will brief future meetings on the findings of the TAWS study.

FAA FAA provided a briefing at the 3rd

ARAST Meeting


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A10.38 COSCAP Member States to canvas their Operators to

determine whether there is a significant number of TAWS

false warnings within their region.

IATA IATA to research STEADES data

(reference A11.24)


A10.39 COSCAP to send letter to States and ask them to provide data to COSCAP prior to 30 July 2010.


No longer required Closed

A10.40 IATA kindly offered to search STEADES for data on

TAWS alerts for the region.

IATA Presentation to ARAST 4 Completed

A10.41 IATA kindly asked to make a presentation on STEADES at the next ARAST.

IATA Presentation to ARAST 4 Completed

A11.24 IATA was requested to kindly acquire TAWS data by



Regional Safety Data / USOAP Data Analysis

A11.01 COSCAPs to explore with Asia States, FAA, EASA and

other organizations, methods and policies related to data

collection, analysis and sharing of data


A11.02 COSCAPs to convene a workshop or seminar, concerning

methods and policies related to data collection, analysis and sharing


ARAST Accident Investigation

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Action Item Action by Update Status

A11.05 COSCAP requested to determine the level of Accident

Investigation training required by a State that has entered

into an agreement to have its Annex 13 obligations met by another State.

COSCAP From ICAO: If, by formal and mutual agreement

with another State or regional organization, a

State has delegated the conduct of all accident and

serious incident investigations which fall under its

investigation responsibilities, the State would still

need to train the relevant technical staff for the

first actions following the occurrence. This

includes the collection and preservation of

evidence. In addition, the State must ensure that

the staff in charge of sending and receiving/acting

on initial notifications of accidents and incidents

have received the proper training.

A11.06 COSCAPs to determine the ICAO position concerning

cockpit image recorders and report back to the ARAST/APRAST.


A11.07 In coordination with AAIB Singapore, COSCAPs to extend

an invitation on behalf of AAIB to Member

Administrations to attend the AAIB Sea Search for Flight

Recorder Workshop. Alternatively the ICAO Regional

Office may be invited to extend an invitation on behalf of AAIB.


A11.08 COSCAPs to explore with KARAIB the possibility of

providing a second ECCAIRS training programme in the region for APAC administrations.


Performance Based Navigation

A11.09 States that require support to implement and/or develop

their PBN Implementation Plan are to advise COSCAP/FPP.


Regional Safety Concerns

RASG-APAC/1 - WP/18 - 22 -

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Action Item Action by Update Status

O09.15 COSCAP will inform ICAO Regional Office and request that the issue be raised with the APANPIRG.

COSCAP Completed

O09.17 COSCAPs to follow up as necessary to determine that the safety concern has been addressed.

COSCAP-SA Completed

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Ref. Title





1 SE-1 CFIT/ AP 1.01 Terrain Avoidance Warning System (TAWS) Completed Completed

2 SE-2 CFIT/ AP 1.06 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Completed Completed

3 SE-3 CFIT/AP 1.03 Precision-Like Approach Implementation (―21

st Century Instrument Approaches‖)

(Vertical Angles – PAI 1-7, 11) Completed Completed

4 SE-10 CFIT / AP 1.08 Airline Proactive Safety Programs (FOQA & ASAP) Completed Completed

5 SE-12/ AP 1.04 CFIT - Training - CFIT Prevention Completed Open

6 SE-14 / AP 2.05 ALAR - Policies for ALAR (Safety Culture – CEOs and DOS more visible) Completed Open

7 SE-15 / AP 2.05 ALAR – Policies for ALAR (Safety Culture – Safety information in Manuals) Completed Open

8 SE-16 / AP 2.05 ALAR – Policies for ALAR (Safety Culture – AFM Database for Inspectors) Completed Open

9 SE - 17 Aircraft components are serviced in accordance with the original manufacturers

recommended methods from cold weather operation ARAST/Completed ARAST/Completed

10 SE - 18 Evaluation and Surveillance of Sub-Contractor maintenance providers ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

11 SE - 19 Policy regarding the use of Minimum Equipment List (MEL) ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

12 SE - 20 Directors of Safety will determine deficiencies and Quality Control Procedures

outlined in SE-18 and SE-19 are addressed ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

13 SE-23 / AP 2.01 Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (Flight Crew Training) Completed Completed

14 SE-26/ AP 3.03 Loss of Control (SOPs) Completed Completed

15 SE-27/ AP 3.04 Loss of Control (Risk Assessment and Management) Completed Completed

16 SE-28/AP 3.05 Loss of Control ( Safety Information) Completed Open

17 SE-29/AP3.05 Loss of Control Completed Completed

18 SE - 30 Mode Awareness and Energy State Management Aspects of Flight Deck Automation Completed Open

19 SE-31/AP 3.02 Loss of Control Training (Advanced Maneuvers Training) Open Open

20 SE - 78 Cabin Injury Reduction During Turbulence Completed Open

21 SE - 120 Map Shift Detection/Prevention, GPS Installation & TAWS Safety Enhancement Completed Open

22 SE - 121 Cargo – Cargo Loading Training and SOPs Open Open

23 SE - 125 Dangerous Goods Processing No Action Needed No Action Needed

24 SE - 129 Regulation and Policy – Compliance, Enforcement and Restricted Operations Open Open

25 SE - 131 Cargo – Safety Culture Completed Completed


Agenda Item: 3

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- 24 -




Ref. Title





26 SE - 136 Icing – Training-Engine Surge Recovery Open Open

27 SE - 163 Midair – See-and-Avoid No Action Needed No Action Needed

28 SE - 164 Midair –ACAS Installation Completed Open

29 SE - 165 Midair – ACAS Policies and Procedures Completed Open

30 SE - 169R1 Policy and Procedures related to Work Cards & Shift Changes ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

31 SE - 170R1 OEM Continuous Monitoring of Service History ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

32 SE -172R1 Gap Analysis of Existing Airplane Maintenance Process & Follow up Action Plan

related to MSG analysis and MRB report, etc. ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

33 SE - 175R1 Policy and Procedures – Flight Critical Configurations Changes Made During

Maintenance ARAST/Open ARAST/Open

— END —