First Presbyterian Church · 2019-03-26 · In faith, we confess that God seeks to rule our lives...

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First Presbyterian ChurchFirst Presbyterian ChurchFirst Presbyterian Church

June 25, 2017June 25, 2017June 25, 2017

10:00 a.m.10:00 a.m.10:00 a.m.

Embodying Christ’s inclusive love with heart, mind, and service

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*Please stand, in body or in spirit. Text printed in bold italics to be read in unison.

Prelude As the Deer/O Worship the King arr. Calloway

Chiming of the Hour



We will walk with God, my brothers; we will walk with God. We will walk with God, my sisters; we will walk with God. We will go rejoicing till the kingdom has come. We will go rejoicing till the kingdom has come. (hymn 742)

*Call to Worship

The Holy Spirit has given us life and pours on us the power to become new people! The winds of the Spirit have given us breath and the fire of the Spirit has enkindled in us a love for God and each other. Come and be ready for the surprises that God’s Spirit brings. We open our lives to the presence of God. May God help us to be true people of Spirit, letting holy surprises fill our days! **

*Hymn 410 God Is Calling Through the Whisper

*Invitation to Confession

*Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we thank you that you receive us, not according to our failing goodness, but according to your overflowing grace. You receive us as we are. You show us what we can be. You have come to us in Jesus Christ to share our common lot and reconcile us to yourself and one another. Sweep over us with your Spirit, change us by your love, that we may sing with joy before you, and live to your glory in the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. **

(time for silent confession) And let God’s people say: Amen.

*Assurance of Forgiveness



A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

June 25, 2017 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

*The Peace of Christ

Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Let us share the peace of Christ with one another.

*Sung Response (hymn 301, verse 1)

Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, A place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive. Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; Here the love of Christ shall end divisions: All are welcome; all are welcome; all are welcome in this place.

Anthem Take Up Your Cross Hopson

Time with the Children Peggy Terpstra Children are invited to remain for the rest of the service or go to First Steps.

First Reading Genesis 21:1-21

Hymn 51 To Abraham and Sarah

Second Reading Matthew 10:24-39

Sermon Shining and Tarnished Rays of Hope Bob Cantrell

*Affirmation of Faith In faith we acknowledge that God has acted in the past, in a holy history. In faith, we confess that God seeks to rule our lives today. In faith, we affirm that God continues to send prophets and speak through willing vessels to guide the course of history toward its end. In faith, we trust that end to be characterized by the traits we find in Jesus Christ: compassion, justice, and love. In faith, we long to be part of that purpose. Amen.**

Call to Prayer (hymn 288)

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me; mold me; fill me; use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.


Prayers of the People, with The Lord’s Prayer (ecumenical version) {

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Offering of God’s Tithes and Our Gifts

Offertory Nearer, My God, to Thee Mason/arr. Hayes

*Doxology (hymn 606) and Prayer of Dedication

*Hymn 738 O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee

*Charge and Blessing

*Sung Response Irish Blessing (see inside back cover of hymnal)

Postlude The Solid Rock Bradbury/arr. Hayes


**The Call to Worship, Invitation to Confession, Prayer of Confession, and Affirmation of Faith used in today’s order of worship are adapted and reprinted by permission of the publishers from Touch Holiness, ed. Ruth C. Duck and Maren C. Tirabassi. Copyright 1990 by the Pilgrim Press.

Today’s flowers are given by Lewis & Phyllis Phillips to the glory of God and in memory of our daughter Nancy Reed.


"I know only in part..." (1 Corinthians 13:12)

I'm often struck by the way Bible describes

people whom God calls to fulfill God's purposes -

how human, even earthy, they seem to be! I'm

especially struck by the messy, painful conflicts

they often create for themselves and others. The

story of Abraham and Sarah, and their son, Issac,

and of Hagar and her son, Ishmael, in the book of

Genesis is one of excruciating family conflict and

also of surprising, grace-filled hope. I don't claim

to understand this story or anything in the Bible

completely, but I do believe we can know and

experience the transforming truth and grace of

the One who was not only at work in very human

lives in the past but who is also present and at

work in our lives and world today. May such

knowledge of transforming truth and grace be

ours as we worship and open ourselves to the

mysterious depths of God's Word!

- Bob Cantrell

We are grateful to Bob Cantrell, Methodist

minister and friend of FPC for preaching today.


Liturgist: Chris Black

Time with Children: Peggy Terpstra

First Steps: not meeting today

Sound Guild: Don Spong

Ushers: Andre Darko, George Darko,

Louise Dunlap, Carolyn Krause, Dave

Mullins, Walt Porter Counters: Lou Dunlap, Dan Terpstra

Flowers: Lewis & Phyllis Phillips

Fellowship Hosts: Gail & Phil King

Open/Close: Chuck Hadden, Herb Krause



Through the month of July we will focus on

different genres of music and the theology

surrounding them. The lineup includes heritage

(Psalms and shape note), classical, bluegrass

(gospel), global, and jazz music.

Next Sunday, July 2, we will focus on Psalm and

shape note music as Sharon and Anna dig into our

heritage to explore one of the earliest styles of

congregational song. You’ll have an opportunity

to learn how to sing in shape note style.

See the June Banner for a description of the music

we’ll be focusing on the remaining weeks.

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church (FPC)! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We hope you feel the love that is

present and our joy in having you with us. Please join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall following worship.

Nursery care is available in the Education building. Ask any of the ushers to direct you, if needed.

Hearing assistance units and large print bulletins are available from the ushers.

Audio recordings of sermons and more information on FPC are at Please call the church office

(483-1318) for audio recordings of the entire service.

Sharon will be away on vacation from June

15-30. Please call Adrienne in the church

office (483-1318) or Chris (973-7596) in

the event of a pastoral emergency.

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK June 25-July 2, 2017

Sun. 6/25 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a.m. Early Birds (next page)

10:00 a.m. Worship (fellowship hall)

6:00 p.m. MCRRC study

Mon. 6/26 12:00 p.m. Men’s lunch (Shoney’s)

5:15 p.m. ADFAC board meeting (room 6)

6:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 42 (room 102)

Tues. 6/27

9:30 a.m. Prayer shawl ministry (room 101)

10:00 a.m. Staff meeting (Sharon’s office)

12:15 p.m. Centering Prayer (library)

1:30 p.m. United Way meeting (room 102)

5:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous (library)

6:30 p.m. Guitar workshop (room 102)

Wed. 6/28 11:30 a.m. Al Anon (library)

7:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal (fellowship hall)

Thurs. 6/29

Fri. 6/30

7:30 p.m. Chinese Bible study (room 6)

Sat. 7/1

Sun. 7/2 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a.m. Early Birds (next page)

10:00 a.m. Worship (fellowship hall)


Mon., July 24—Help fill backpacks for

ADFAC’s school supply outreach

Sun., July 30—Blessing of the Backpacks

during worship; “Fifth Sunday”

celebration afterward

Sun., Aug. 6—Sunday school resumes

Celebrations this week—

Birthdays …

6/27 Dennis Strickler

6/28 Helen Wessel

6/30 Bonnie Murray

and anniversaries

6/29 Fred & Sally Haywood

Remember those who are …

in healthcare and

retirement communities:

Bob Clausing, Boyd Coker, Leslie

Cowan, Peggy Gregory, Ronnie

Griffin, Lois Lacy, Anna & Marvin

Randolph, Ruth Reeve


Sandra Edwards

Announcement for next Sunday’s bulletin? Send a note to Adrienne in the church office by this Wednesday afternoon.

Want to put a note in The Banner? Email your submission for next month’s newsletter to Adrienne in the church

office or Carolyn Kraus ( by the 15th of this month.

Please note: Centering Prayer will meet in

the library on Tuesdays while the sanctuary

renovations continue.


In your bulletin today is a (bright green!) form

to fill out and put in the offering plate. This is a

time and talent form provided by the Stewardship

committee, asking you to consider how you might

offer your gifts to fill some very specific needs

in the church in the coming three months.

Please take a minute to complete the form and

give it to the ushers today, or take it home and

bring it back next Sunday. You can also fill it out

online. Just check your email for a note from the

church with a link to the form.


9:00 a.m.

“Early Birds” class – room 6 (coffee/treats, Bible

study/discussion) Studying the Book of Romans.

On break— The adult classes—“Rise & Shine” at 9:00 a.m.,

and the “Seekers” at 11:15 a.m., as well as the

children and youth classes and high school Bible

study, are taking a break through the summer.

They will resume with the start of the new school

year in August.


The Wednesday Bible study continues on

break this week, but will pick up where

they left off in their study of Psalms next

Wednesday, July 5, 5:45 to 6:30 p.m., in

the parlor. It’s always a good time to join

in, and childcare is available.

The Holy Chow groups have

begun to gather! Please take

pictures of your gatherings

and send them to Adrienne



Liturgist: TBA

Time with Children: Sharon Youngs

First Steps: Anne Backus, Chris Black

Sound Guild: Sydney Murray

Ushers: Anne Backus, Bill Bostick, Pat Clark,

Kate Fulcher, Joe Grey, Matt Lindsey, Lewis

Phillips, Tammy Pietrzak, Susan Sharp Counters: Bill Bostick, Joe Grey

Flowers: Shirley Knight

Fellowship Hosts: TBA

Open/Close: Anne Backus, Dennis Strickler

To donate flowers ($35) for worship on a particular Sunday, in memory or honor of a

person or occasion, please sign up on the flower calendar for 2017 posted in the fellow-

ship hall. You can put a check in the offering plate or mail it in close to the date. You

will be contacted regarding the wording of your dedication for that Sunday’s bulletin.

First Presbyterian Church—A PC(USA) Congregation

P.O. Box 6106 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (865) 483-1318 Located at 1051 Oak Ridge Turnpike on the corner of Lafayette Church Office Hours: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.—12:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Sharon Youngs Pastor Chris Black Dir. of Cong. Care & Discipleship

Anna Thomas Director of Music Peggy Hinkle Organist

Adrienne Pyle Office Manager Omer Breeden Custodian Brittany King Nursery Kelly Johnson Nursery

give online