First United Methodist Church 516 Kellogg Ave. 515 232 ...

Post on 27-Mar-2022

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THE GATHERING OPENING VOLUNTARIES---PRELUDE “Lift Every Voice and Sing” arr: Michael Ryan “Christ for the World We Sing” arr: Gilbert M. Martin “Bread of the World” arr: David Paton “I Love to Tell the Story” Charles Callahan
GREETING, SHARING NEWS OF THE CHURCH ALIVE Welcome, members, friends & visitors—please fill in the ritual of friendship pad, pass it to your neighbor, and then return it to its starting place. If you are new and would like more information, please indicate on the friendship pad and also stop at the hospitality desk in the narthex.
CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: Where is this Jesus, the one you call Messiah? People: Christ is here among us! Leader: Let me see his body, his hands and his feet. People: We are Christ’s body; We are Christ’s feet. Leader: You see the suffering in the world? Where is Jesus now? People: We are going into the world to be the body of Christ. Leader: Let us go together, let us partner with others. People: For we are the body of Christ: let us share the Good News!
HYMN No. 569 “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations”
OPENING PRAYER Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in the giving that we receive, it is in the pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. ~ Francis of Assisi, UMH # 481
First United Methodist Church 516 Kellogg Ave.
A TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN ANTHEM 8:30 a.m. “Let There Be Peace on Earth” arr: Joel Raney
Chancel Choir acc: Barb Mittman 11:00 a.m.
“Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” “Love, Love”
Sunday School Children
HYMN No. 568 “Christ for the World We Sing”
“Go, Tell It on the Mountain” arr: Marvin Gaspard OFFERTORY RESPONSE
No. 95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” PRAYER OF DEDICATION God of Justice, your giving is without bounds. We thank you that you have given what we need, so that all may be fed, clothed and housed. Guard us from the selfish sin of hoarding, and inspire us to be instruments of love, sharing all that you give us, as a witness to your generosity and justice. As followers of Christ, lead us to act together in places of want. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING HYMN No. 571 “Go, Make of All Disciples”
CLOSING VOLUNTARY “Another Year Is Dawning” Samuel S. Wesley
Let us be aware this musical offering is a statement of faith to send us from worship into service. Please be respectful of those who choose to remain to listen.
New Parents of Young Children Group Study Starting in January!
Starting Sunday January 20, 2019 from 4:30-6:30. Parents start out with a study while kids play in the nursery followed by a meal for the whole family. This runs every Sunday from January through March. Please contact Stephanie Starrett for more information or 515-577-7518.
YOUNG ADULT GROUP…. Are you out of high school, under the age of 30 and looking for a young adult small group to join? We will meet on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 in the High School youth room. We will start up again on Wednesday, January 23rd Please contact Pastor Nikki at if you have questions.
Wednesday AM Men’s Bible Study meets at Lincoln Center Hy-Vee at 6 am every Wednesday. Contact Chad Copley 290-5266 or All are welcome. United Methodist Women Leadership Team meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month, August – May at 11:15 am in the Conference Room. All UMW members are welcome to attend. Each meeting includes devotions, reports from officers and information sharing. Contact Jane Edwards, President, 233-4266 for more information. United Methodist Women Circles always welcome new members. Their meetings include devotions, a program or service project, and fellowship.
Ruth Circle meets the second Thursday of the month, August - May in the Multipurpose Room at 9 am. Contact Jane Jorgensen, 231-1106, for more information. Sarah Circle meets the second Thursday of the month, September –May in the Multipurpose room at 1 pm. Contact Jane Edwards, 233-4266, for more information.
Silver Anniversary Circle meets the second Thursday of the
month at 7 pm in members’ homes or the church, September- May.
Contact Joan Peterson, 451-3011 for more information.
ADDITIONAL ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Faith and Reason Faith and Reason Class will be starting a study on Immigration and the Bible on January 6. Books are free and are available in the office, one per household. A donation to offset shipping costs would be appreciated. Classes will involve viewing videos, discussing the topic and hearing a visiting expert speak. Reading the book is not required! Gain a greater understanding on how today’s issues around refugees, trafficking and immigration relate to what happened during biblical times. This promises to be a lively discussion while enhancing scriptural awareness. Coffee Talk This group utilizes a great variety of video and book based studies covering numerous relevant topics in regards to faith formation. Chad and Carrie Copley lead this group that always has an engaging and thought-provoking discussion based on the studies. Conference Room- E101 Wesley’s Holy Club If you are new to the Methodist faith or maybe just feel like you want more background on this denomination you’ve been a part of for a while, this is a great group for you! This group will take a look at the United Methodist faith through a variety of studies. The next study the group will look at is The Wesleyan Way by Scott J Jones. Staff Conference Room- W107 Wonderful Wednesday Women Wonderful Wednesday Women meet at 10:00a.m. on Wednesday mornings. The group will use some of the Adam Hamilton Revival study as they explore the scripture and messages of the upcoming sermon series. The group meets in the conference room. Wednesday Night Adults This group will take a look at the Adam Hamilton Revival study connecting the January sermon series to what they are studying midweek. Revival takes participants through England where the Wesley’s were from and guides them through their life, ministry, and teachings. It challenges participants to rediscover their spiritual passion.
If there are other groups meeting that have not been mentioned and you have room for more members, let us know so that we can put it in the next bulletin.
Yes! The time has arrived to really gear up for our 2019 trip to the mountains of Appalachia as we work with A.S.P. (a mission and ministry of the UMC). The dates are July 20-July 28. Contact Ken Van Pelt who is once again serving as our team coordinator! Each participant is asked to pay $100. There is a registration form available in the church. For more information please contact Ken at or 232-4018.
Ushering Assignments for Church Committees for 2019 2nd Sunday of the month
January 13: Worship and Member Care Committees February 10: Boy Scouts March 10: CEMT & Welcoming & Marketing Committees April 14: Finance and Stewardship Committees May 12: SPRC and Missions Committees June 16: CEMT & Welcoming & Marketing Committees July 14: Worship and Member Care Committees August 11: Board of Trustees and Foundation Board September 8: SPRC and Mission Committees October 13: Gifts & Memorials and History Committees November 10: Board of Trustees and Foundation Board December 8: Church Council ********************************************************************************** First Sunday UMM *Second Sunday Committees Third Sunday Youth, families and friends Fourth Sunday UMM & Young Adult Class Fifth Sunday Confirmation Class, Mentors and families
Tickets are $15 each. Tickets will be available for purchase
after service, during coffee time and at the church office.
The deadline to purchase tickets is FEBRUARY 6. All
proceeds go to Youth 2019 for their trip to the Youth 2019
Conference in Kansas City this July.
Please keep the Pelz family in your thoughts and prayers. Scott Pelz, brother of Steve and son of Diane, passed away early on the morning of January 10. A celebration of Scott’s life was held in Van Meter on January 18.
United Methodist Women (UMW) Leadership Team meets at 11:15am on Wednesday, January 23 in the Conference Room.
USHERS 8:30 & 11:00
Youth, Family & Friends
Audio/Video/Streaming Doug Hill Pete Peterson Dean Swyter Mike Evans Calvin Evans Marty Sankey Larry Vallery Zachery Smith Bobby Gens Nicole Smith
The Week at a Glance January 20– January 26
Sunday, Jan. 20 8:30 Service Sunday School 11:00 Service 4-7 Parents grp/MPR & nursery 7:00 Last Supper Practice
Monday, Jan. 21 Church Closed
Tuesday, Jan. 22 Quilters Women’s Study Group/CR Farm to Folk
Wednesday, Jan. 23 10:00 WWW 11:15 UMW Leadership Team/CR 6:00 Wednesday Meal (all welcome) 6:30 Wednesday night activities 8:00 Young Adult Group
Thursday, Jan. 24 Kiwanis 5:00 Quilt Guilde 5:30 Trustees/CR
Friday, Jan. 25 9-11 Visitation for Gayle Huey 11:00 Services Lunch to follow
Saturday, Jan. 26 Conference Seminar - 10:30-12 5:30 service
Greeters and Welcome Center 8:30
Greeters Becky Jordan
Calendar: Tis the season for ISU basketball:)!!!
Jan. 23…regular Chancel Bells (6:30 p.m.), Chancel Choir (7:30 p.m.) Jan. 30…no Bells, no Choir Jan. 31…Chancel Choir (7:30 p.m.)
Chancel Choir ALWAYS welcomes NEW members! Make this the year YOU join us!
UTILITIES Becky Jordan Roy Cakerice
Dean and Judy Sampson
To view church services live, go to To view past services and other church events, go to Ames First United Methodist Church's YouTube page at
Our Welcome Center is located in the gathering space near the elevator. Please stop by if you have questions or would like to get more information about the church. Be sure to mention if you are a first time visitor. Nursery care is available in Room E203, in the Christian Education Unit, on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings for children under the age of 5. All of our workers are trained and screened. Items for children’s worship bags are available in the gathering area. Restrooms are located in the east hallways and by the elevator. Ushers are available at the entrances of the sanctuary to assist you with hearing devices, large print bulletins or any questions you may have. An emergency phone and defibrillator are located on the wall near the west entry.
First United Methodist Church Affirmation of Welcome
As a community of the people of God, we are called to minister to all people of the world, knowing that the world is often an unloving place of alienation and brokenness. Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, as we are challenged by the Gospel to be agents of healing within our society.
We stand in affirmation with the apostle Paul that in Christ "there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female." Christ has made us one. We acknowledge that this reconciliation encompasses all within the community of faith who exhibit any and all differences in the human condition including, but not limited to: race, gender, ethnicity, age, culture, physical and mental ability, educational level, economic status, personality, marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity in response to the often hostile social climate with respect to diversity within our society and the resulting feelings of alienation from the Church, we wish to make known our caring and concern. It is for this purpose that we affirm the following:
all persons share the sacred worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God;
all persons are welcome within the membership of this congregation upon making affirmation of faith; and that as members of this congregation, all persons are invited and encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation.
Rev. Dr. Kerrin Kirkpatrick, Senior Minister/Lead Pastor Rev. Nikki Ross Bishop, Associate Pastor
Nicole Smith, Director of Christian Education Brooke Kruger, Youth Director
Deb Benefield, Director of Office & Communications Reid Cummer, Business Manager
Myrna Cakerice, Organist/Director of Choirs Steve Pelz, Facility Director
Matt Woodworth, Part-time/Sunday Custodian
Go to our website: for the latest church information. Follow us on facebook.
Church office hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Friday 8:30 to 4:30