Fish Paste picture here By:KALEN AND AMANDA. Live birth or hatched from egg Paste picture here. Some...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Live birth or hatched from egg

Paste picture here.

Some fish lay red eggs like live in water.


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Fish have small skeletons.

Breathe with lungs or gills

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Fish breathe with gills in water.


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Type of Body Covering

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Some mammals have fur and some have hair. It keeps them warm

Live Birth

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There baibes are alive

Live Birth

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There baibes are alive


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By: laurianne and eloise

Type of body covering

Paste picture here.

Some mammal have hair and some have fur.

Feed Young with Milk

Paste picture here.

Mammals feed milk to their babies.

Breathe with lungs or gills

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Mammal breathe with lungs


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By: Penelope and Sarah Maude

Hatched from eggs

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Birds hatch from eggs that female birds lay..

Warm blooded or cold blooded

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Birds are warm blooded.

Body covering

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Birds have feathers to keep them warm from the cold. Feathers also help them fly.


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By:Sandrine and Rosemary

A female mammal gives milk

Paste picture here.

They give milk to there babies.

Type of body covering.

Paste picture here.

They have fur or hair on their body.

Warm-blooded and cold-blooded.

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Mammals are warm-blooded.


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By:Dillon Joshua Loik

Reptiles are cold blooded.

Paste picture here.

Reptiles have dry scales.

Allagator skeletons

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Reptiles are vertebrates.

Breathe with lungs.

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All reptiles breathe with lungs.


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By: Kaila and Jade

Body covering

Paste picture here.

all Mammals have hair. Most mammals are soft. Some are furry and some are not .

Breathe with lungs or gills

Paste picture here.

Some mammals don’t like water. Some mammals love the water like the dolphin. Dolphins live in the water but breathe with lungs.

Feed young with milk

Paste picture here.

Mammals feed their young with milk. This colt is drinking her mother’s milk.


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By: Ryan and Mathieu

Type of body covering

Paste picture here.

They have scales

Reptiles have skeletons

Paste picture here.

A snakes has a skeleton.

Hatched from an eggsA reptile hatched from eggs.

Paste picture here.


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By: Wally and Josh

A reptile skeleton

Paste picture here.

A reptile is vertebrate.

Live Birth or Hatched from Eggs?

Paste picture here.

They lay eggs.

Warm blooded or cold blooded?

Paste picture here.

Reptiles are cold-blooded.

Pictures taken from Google