Five Most Celebrated Festivals in the world

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Five Most Celebrated Festivals in the world

Here are some glimpse..

Brazilian Carnival

It’s a two days spectacular parades put on by the city’s samba schools, along with street parties, live Brazilian music and plenty more. All the parades during the Carnival are opened by ‘King Momo’, the King of the Carnival.

Nearly 100,000 paying spectators turn out for the all-night spectacle at the Sambadrome. Most of the education institutes and offices where shut down during the carnival days. Whole of Brazil goes into a party mood. Street parties are very famous during the Carnival.

Bastille Day in Paris

The Bastille day is celebrated on 14th July every year. The day marks the storming of the Bastille prison back in 1789, which mark the beginning of French Revolution. The celebration begins at night of 13th July with parties taking place all over Paris. Fireworks all over the major places in Paris especially in Eiffel Tower are worth watching too.

The next morning mark the beginning of the traditional military parade heading from the Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde, this parade features French troops decked out in all their official uniform.

Whisky Festival In Scotland

The Speyside festival is celebrated every year in the first week of May. The chain of different whiskey related activities takes place with amazing music and food events. It consists of wildlife walks with whiskey treats, art and craft, drama and comedy.

There are lot of whisky activities to enjoy from malt whisky master classes to exclusive tastings and possibly even the chance to visit a distillery not normally open to the public. It is being celebrates all across Speyside in Scotland.

Songkran Festival in Thailand

This water festival is celebrated to mark the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year the name “Songkram”, comes from a Sanskrit word meaning passing or approaching. It is celebrated all across the Thailand with people spraying water on each other.

Offerings are left at temples on this day to ring in the New Year, with plenty of other events also taking place.

Bullfight Festival in Spain

History of the Festival

The Bullfight was there in one from or the other from ancient days but it was in the Iberian Peninsula that these contests were fully developed. With the passage of time it became one of the most famous festival specially in Spain.

Now it is not only celebrated in Spain but its roots have spread to different part of Europe specially France and the other adjoining countries.

The Bull running is the most famous festival in Spain. It is basically running in

small group in front of the bulls those are let loose. This event consists of three rocket signals the first signal is the alert to the runner that the corral gate is open followed by the second rocket signals that all six bulls have been released.

The third and the last signals that all have entered the bull ring and the respective corral with this the event ends.

All About the festival

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