Five secrets for killer cocktails

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Ever wondered why homemade cocktails never seem to be close to the quality of those made by professional mixologists?

For those who don’t have the time or inclination to study and practice to become seasoned gurus, here’s a quick look at the five biggest secrets to creating your own killer cocktails.

1. BE BRAVE, BE BOLD If you go about things in a timid and terrified way, you’ll never come up with anything with character. Don’t be afraid to really push things and you’ll produce drinks with excellent flavour.

2. PERFECTIONISM IS FLAWED Perfectionism will destroy your mixology creativity. There is precision involved, but the more you strive for perfection, the more you’ll find yourself not being won over by any of the flavours.

3. MASTER THE SIMPLE STUFF Creating popular and timeless cocktails is great practice. The more you know and understand the simple recipes and components, the better position you’ll be in to get creative with your own future classics.

4. BRAND CHOICE When it comes to the ingredients you choose, brand matters. One brand is not always better than another. Hendrick’s and Tanqueray for example, represent outstanding gin variants, but offer very different tastes.

5. TASTE MEMORY Remember that you are constantly surrounded by all the inspiration you could ever need when it comes to determining which flavours go together and which clash.

To mix amazing cocktails you need to get into the habit of fully considering, analysing and remembering flavour combinations that appeal to you.

So regardless of what it is you are eating or drinking – even if it’s something as simple as a can of pop or a stick of gum – try to build a database of flavour combinations to work with.