FIWARE LAB Cloud Portal -...

Post on 07-Sep-2018

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Pasquale VitaleEngineering Ingegneria Informatica

FIWARE LAB Cloud Portal


�FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting

�Deploying your first VM

�Deploying components for your application

�Object Storage API

�Reference Information

OpenStack: The Open Source Cloud Operating System

�OpenStack is open source software to build private and public clouds

�FIWARE LAB Cloud Portal is IaaS based on OpenStack

Provision and manage large networks of virtual machines

Object storage and Block storage for use with servers and applicationsPluggable, scalable, API-driven system

for managing networks and IP addresses

Cloud Portal

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting


� Create your account in

� Enter in the Cloud Portal

� Create your keypair (private key)

� Deploy your instance

� Add a public IP

� Open ports to the VM

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Create your account in

If you forgot it, request the new password

Enter your email and password to access to the FIWARE LAB

Redirect to

If you do not have an account, sign up

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Enter in the Cloud Portal




FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Create your keypair

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section

�Compute menu

� Images

� Instances

� Security

� Flavors

� Snapshots

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Images

Choose your VM you want to launch


FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � detail

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Wizard - step 1 of 4


�Instance Name

�Flavor (tiny, small, medium, etc8)

�Instance Count

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Wizard - step 2 of 4

Access & Security


�Security Groups

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Wizard - step 3 of 4

Post Creation

�Customization Script

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Wizard - step 4 of 4


�Instance Name


�Security Group

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Instances

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Flavors

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security


�Floating IPs

�Security Groups


FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security


�Floating IPs

� Allocate Floating IPs

� Actions

� Associate IP

� Disassociate Floating IP

� Release Floating IPs

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security


�Floating IPs

� Allocate Floating IPs

� Actions

� Associate IP

� Disassociate Floating IP

� Release Floating IPs

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security


�Security Groups

� Create Security Group

� Actions

� Edit Rule

� Delete Rule

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security


�Security Groups

� Create Security Group

� Actions

� Edit Rule

� Delete Rule

-1 is to allow ping

22 is to allow ssh

443 is to allow https

80 is to allow http allow only IP

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security



� Create Keypair

� Import Keypair

� Actions

� Delete Keypairs

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Security



� Create Keypair

� Import Keypair

� Actions

� Delete Keypairs

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Snapshots


�Instance Snapshots

�Volume Snapshots

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Snapshots


�Instance Snapshots

� Actions

� Launch Instance

� Edit Image

� Delete Snapshots

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Compute section � Snapshots


�Volume Snapshots

� Actions

� Delete Snapshots

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section

�Blueprint Instances

�Blueprint Templates

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Instances

Go in the catalog

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Blueprint Templates

�Open Catalog

�Create New Template


� Launch Template

� Clone Template

� Delete Template

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Open Catalog

Blueprint Templates


� Close catalog

� Actions

� Clone Template

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Create New Template

Blueprint Template

�Create New Template

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Click on template to start the wizard to add tiers in your CloudPortalTemplate

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Blueprint Templates

�Create Tier

� Wizard step 1 of 2

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Blueprint Templates

�Create Tier

� Wizard step 2 of 2

Software added to tier

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

CloudPortalTemplate detail

Edit and delete tiers

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

There are 2 tiers for CloudPortalTemplate

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Launch the CloudPortalTemplate

to start the wizard

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Templates

Blueprint Templates

�Launch Blueprint Template

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Blueprint section � Blueprint Instances

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section



FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Volumes

Volumes are persistent storage for the VM

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Create Volume

Create Volume

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section

Volume attached

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Containers

Containers are object storage (like folders)

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Create Container

Create Container

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Create Container

Upload Objects

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Container

Download Object

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Container

Copy Object

FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section ���� Object Storage API

�Authentication to get initial token

username='' password='mypassword' curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"}}}' \-H ‘content-type: aplication/json' \ \ -vvv

�Use initial token to get tenant

curl -H 'x-auth-token: '$token

�Authenticate tenant to get token for Object Storage

curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"}, "tenantId":"'$tenantId'"}}' \ -H ‘content-type: aplication/json' \

�Object Storage URL



FIWARE LAB Cloud Hosting ���� Storage section � Example container

REST call: GET

X-Auth-Tokenapplication/cdmi-object X-CDMI-Specification-Version

List of objects

within the container

Connection to VM (1)

�Example via SSH

� with keypair.pem file

�ssh -i keypair.pem root@

Connection to VM (2)

�Example via Putty

� Convert keypair to PPK

Connection to VM (3)

�Example via FileZilla

� Set keypair


�If you have any question or problem contact to

�You can see webinars, courses, videos in the FIWARE Academy

�You can use stackoverflow to ask question using the fiware and/or filab tags.
