"Flames of Eternity" Chapter Four By EmmaLee Bertagnole S.C Lang

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  • 8/8/2019 "Flames of Eternity" Chapter Four By EmmaLee Bertagnole S.C Lang


    "Flames of Eternity" Chapter Four By EmmaLee

    Bertagnole & S.C. Lang

    I watched in stunned silence. Anger flooding into me like the

    red waters of the Ashe River into the Eastern Ocean, as my friend, my

    War-General, Lansing pawed my request. Blood pounded like war drums in

    my temples and my hands started to shake with the uncontrolled rage.

    He dare he defy me? Lansing took too much for granted if he thought

    our past would protect him from my wrath at his cruel betrayal. I

    was a king, for the love of all thats holy; and more than that, I

    was now the second-in-command behind Overlord Ammen for rule of all

    Ravencrest. I was not a man to be trifled with. Friend or not, War-

    General or not, brother or not, Lansing would pay dearly for his

    insolence against me.

    I grabbed the window sill tightly with both hands in an attempt

    to contain my shaking. My mind was a torrent of thoughts ranging from

    how enjoyable tar-and-feathering my backstabbing War-General would

    be, to how custom and my new title would demand that I act in a regal

    and stately manner. Right now, I didnt give a blast about handling

    Lansings gross insult in any kind of diplomatic fashion; no, what I

    wanted was to laugh in victory as I washed his blood off my hands.

    As my troops had marched from Barrington Kingdom to the capitolcity of Randor, I had wondered with great amusement what my first

    command as Ravencrests number two would be. Never in my life did I

    imagine that command would be the death of my dearest friend. The

    Fates were already proving themselves a harsh mistress, yet I was

    determined no to bow or fold under the pressure. Hard betrayals

    demanded even harder punishments; news of this was bound to spread

    among the commoners, and I couldnt show them a weak face just because

    I loved Lansing.

    With God as my witness, he would pay with his life.

    An insistent knocking forced my attention away from the disturbing

    scene playing out below me, and my anger swelled to even newer heights

    at the unwanted intrusion. Apparently, lofty titles and prestige was

    not enough to earn respect in this regal city with its mysterious

    magical ways and damnable citizens.

    One of Ammens servants who had been assigned to me answered the

    door. I heard the rapid tones of a hushed conversation, then the

    unmistakable patter of footsteps on the throw rugs, and I knew whoever

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    it was, I was going to be forced to be stately.

    Of all the damn times . . .

    Underlord Zyphran, Court Advisor of the Ways, Ryken is here

    to officially beg an audience with you, my lord. He says its of the

    highest import, was rather insistent of it, in fact, my lord.

    I closed my eyes tight against the boiling rage that threatenedto pour out of me in a murderous wave of action. Finally, I was able

    to force a welcoming smile on my face and turned around to face my

    uninvited guest.

    What stood before was a sight worthy of a laugh, though I was

    hardly in a mind to offer one. A man of highly advanced age stood

    twenty paces from me dressed in a dark purple robe belted with a

    bright yellow sash of silk. Black velvet boots covered his feet, and

    an aged and gnarled walking stick was gripped tightly in his skeleton-

    like hand. His hair was long, gray and so unkept I expected spiders

    to crawl out of it at any moment. Eyes the color of an angry ocean

    peered at me with obvious interest. I assumed he had a mouth, thoughall trace of it was buried behind a heavy moustache and a long beard

    that was as unruly as his hair. His skin looked like parchment that

    had been crumbled in someones hand, thick lines ran across his

    forehead while thinner ones webbed out from the corners of his eyes

    and fell down his cheeks.

    He allowed me a few moments to soak in his appearance before

    he bowed deeply, sweeping one arms along his midsection in a grand

    display of respect. My young lord, how I have longed to meet you.

    The ancient one stayed in his bowed position, until I realized

    he was waiting for permission to stand upright again. My anger was

    slightly abated. Finally, I was being shown some proper respect, this

    funny little man was welcomed in my chamber even if I hadnt summoned

    him. Forgive me my lack of manners, my friend. You may rise. If you

    would, my good man, what exactly is an Advisor of the Ways?

    Ryken straightened with some difficulty, his eyes betraying

    gratitude at not having to stay bend over. Thank you for your

    kindness, my lord. In meanings spoken in words you understand, my

    lord, I am a warlock. I dwell in the kingdom of magic.

    I furrowed my brow at the old one. A warlock. I shouldve guessed

    by his ridiculous manner of dress. What an odd way of speaking you

    have, my friend. It reminds me of the language of the Elders.Of this assessment of my speech, you are not incorrect, my lord.

    I am of their wondrous ilk, and I do own their unique manner of word-

    forming and thought processing.

    I nodded my head in acknowledgement. I could already tell

    this ancient bag of bones was going to cause my head to ache. There

    was only one way I could think of to limit his blather, Ryken,

    as Im sure you can understand, I am a very busy man with many

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    duties to attend to. In the face of that, I must ask you that if you

    have a reason for honoring me with this visit, that you get to it

    immediately, please.

    Of course, yes. Of course, yes. Apologise, my lord. Im here to

    speak to you about mysteries that of interest I know you have. Namely,

    the ancient and all-powerful stones you incorrectly call the Flames ofEternity.

    What do you mean by incorrectly?

    The robed fool gave me a look of such inquiry I thought he had

    fallen ill with madness. Apologise, I do, my lord. Incorrectly is a

    word I assumed the meaning of you knew.

    My anger had returned in full-force. For the love of all thats

    holy, man. I know what the word means.

    Why then state you that you did not, my lord?

    I took a few deep breaths to try and reign in my rage. The

    point, Ryken, I said in a very tight tone. Get to the point before I

    lose all patience with you.The ancient fool bristled at my rebuke, then cleared his

    throat. Prophecy is written clear, my lord. Wrong is one thing

    prophecy knows not how to be. I speak to you of the stones you seek

    because demand it the prophecy does very loudly. You must be in

    knowledge of this.

    I ran a hand down my face. It was something I often did when I

    was frustrated with something, or in this particular case, someone. I

    actually had no idea what all his blathering was about, I knew nothing

    of prophecy whatsoever. However, I wasnt going to let the warlock

    know this; I wouldnt exactly look regal and Underlord-like if I

    admitted I didnt know anything about prophecy. Remind me of which

    particular prophecy you are referring to, Ryken.

    From another land, a great one will come to defeat the evil

    sorceress, Regyna and be a mighty champion of the Rocks of Life. Of

    young age and much power will the champion possess. The warlock of

    the champions choosing shall act as the rod used by the champion to

    strike down the sorceress. That passage be the one of which I quote,

    my lord. He pointed a bony finger at me and smiled in what looked

    like took a great effort. Prophecys champion is who you are. I feel

    this true in the blood that sustains this life of mine. Rod of yours

    to use is the offer I make to you, my lord. To win you the Stonesof Life, or as you call them, Flames of Eternity, I wish to see you

    achieve. Being wrong is one thing prophecy is not able to be.

    The bag of bones had my full and complete attention now. All the

    anger Id felt moments ago about Lansings brutal betrayal had flown

    out of the still open window. Perhaps, if the Fates were of such a

    mind, theyd allow that anger to drop directly on that bastards no-

    good head and crush him like the worm he truly was. At the moment,

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    however, I had greater issues before me. Ryken, I said as I took

    the ancient one shoulders firmly in my hands. The warlock winced in

    pain, but I didnt care. This was far too important to worry about his

    discomfiture. Do you know where the stones are?

    The old ones eyes stormed over, and I knew the answer before he

    said a single word. Their precise location is a frustrating mysteryto everyone, my lord. Including myself. However, hope is never all

    lost. As a warlock, I can feel the stones. Their power, like blood

    through these old veins of mine does run. Young I will never be again,

    and the winning of the stones is a game for one blessed with youth.

    Ryken! I interrupted in a commanding voice. I fixed the warlock

    with a fiery stare and gripped his shoulders even tighter. My patience

    with his flowery speech had reached its end. Do you or dont you know

    where the stones are?

    The warlock grinned at me, the storm in his eyes

    receding. Question already asked, and question already answered,

    my lord. I know not of the location to the Stones of Life, becausenever have I looked for them. Again, he pointed at me. Champion Ive

    waited for, champion promised by prophecy is suddenly upon me. Now,

    prophecy has been fulfilled. To find Stones of Life, you and I shall


    I felt like my life was in a spiral and I was not sure which

    direction it was going. As Lansing and I wandered the marketplace so

    I could find vegetables and fruits to make into juices and broths for

    Lilly should she wake, I realized I was standing in a place I had not

    allowed myself to stand in over three hundred years. I was attracted

    to a man.

    How I had managed to avoid such emotions for so many centuries was

    never something I had lingered on. I always forced myself to appear

    unattractive; I avoided most human companionship, only allowing a

    handful of people over the years to be considered what I would call

    friend. Never had one been as close to me as Lilly and now as I stood

    picking through tomatoes with Lansing by my side I knew that if I was

    not careful this man would work his way into that circle as well.

    Sneaking a glance at the man, I could not hold back a smile, he

    was clearly uncomfortable with shopping and working through themarketplace, he held himself stiff, his eyes alert and aware always

    looking for the nearest danger. As he glanced down at me and noticed

    my smile, he relaxed and smiled back.

    Fear not, Lansing, I am almost finished. Your torture is near

    its end. I teased as I paid for the items I had just placed into my


    Turning to head back towards the house I gasped as two small boys

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    ran past me. In their excitement to be fleeing from their mother,

    who was screaming after them several feet behind they knocked me to

    the side and almost unbalanced me right into the crates of vegetables

    beside me.

    I got you. Lansings strong hands found my hips as he lifted me,

    as my feet left the ground a surprising laugh escaped me as I graspedhis shoulders in shock. As he turned me around and set my feet to the

    ground away from the crates, I could not help but notice the way his

    hands continued to hold me.

    For the briefest moment we just stared at each other before

    finally both taking a step back as the awkwardness of the situation

    found us. Thank you, once more you come to my rescue, Lansing. I

    brushed my hands down my dress trying to distract myself from the

    uncomfortable tension between us.

    Clearing his throat, he nodded. It is my pleasure to be of

    assistance to you.

    His uncomfortable smile told me that this was as new to him as itwas to me and I could not help but reach out and take his hand. Come,

    I have what I need. I know you must have business to attend to.

    He looked up, our eyes meeting as his fingers laced with mine.

    With a simple nod we turned back leaving the noise of the marketplace

    behind and heading towards the house. I knew I was taking liberties

    that were not proper for a female in my standing to take with one

    such as Lansing, but as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze I pushed all

    insecurities to the back of my mind and forced myself to ignore the

    whispers and glances we received from the people around us.

    As we entered the house, the silence was almost eerie and I dropped

    the basket on the table and rushed back to the bedroom, leaving

    Lansing to follow behind. Lilly still lay unmoving, her color pale,

    the thick down comforter tucked around her thin frail body. A bowl

    of bloody water sat next to the bed with a rag, which I assumed the

    doctor had been using to try and clean her up. Her hair still lay

    matted with dried blood and I promised myself that the first chance I

    had I would wash it for her.

    The doctor sat beside her and looked up at me with a sad shake of

    his head. She has not stirred, she has no reaction to pain, does not

    respond in any way. I fear this may be worse than I first thought.

    Frowning, I walk to the bed and reach down taking her hand. I knewI could help her if only I could be alone with her. Turning to the

    two men, I smile. I appreciate all you both have done to help her.

    I caressed a hand softly down her cheek before looking back at the

    doctor. I can sit with her now. There is not much we can do now other

    than wait. I turned glancing at Lansing. Thank you, Lansing for all

    you have done, she would have died if it had not been for you. My

    eyes misted at the thought of losing Lilly and I quickly turned back

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    towards the bed to hide my tears.

    Selena. Lansings hand lay upon my shoulder.

    I think I will take my leave, the doctor interrupted. I will

    return in several hours to check on her again. Please get hold of me

    if something should change.

    I nodded, still aware of Lansings hand upon my shoulder. Thankyou.

    Lansing and I both stayed silent while the doctor gathered his

    things and quietly left us alone. We stood staring at Lilly for a few

    moments before he broke the silence.

    Can I bring you anything? He asked with a gentle squeeze to my


    I turned my face to him as I lifted a hand to wipe at my tears. I

    should have taken her away from him. I asked her to stay with me and

    she refused, I should have forced her to leave there. I looked back

    down at Lilly. No one should have to endure the pain she has.

    Lansing made a soft sound as he pulled me into his arms for agentle hug. I went willingly as he embraced me, unable to stop more

    tears from falling down my cheeks. He held me in silence letting me

    cry, his strong hand caressing down my back in comforting strokes.

    Emotions swarmed me as I realized this was the first time that I had

    been embraced by a man. I had shared many friendly hugs with Lilly and

    other women in my past but I had never allowed a male this close to me


    With an uncomfortable shrug, I pulled back. I am sorry, Lansing. I

    know this is not how you envisioned your day. Once again, I thank you

    for all that you have done. I will be fine. I need to finish cleaning

    her up and I am sure you have much to do. I turned from him, moving

    to sit on the bed beside Lilly.

    Lansing shifted and took a deep breath before speaking. Will you

    tell me of her father? What he has done, what he is like? I would like

    to know who I am confronting before I question him.

    I nodded and reached for the chair by the bed, moving it out a bit

    and gesturing to it. He smiled his thanks and took the chair, turning

    it so that he faced me before sitting.

    I met Lilly several years ago. She was injured then as well,

    nothing like this, but bruised and bloody still. She was nothing more

    than a child who did not have anyone to turn to. The staff of the innall did what they could but they would face his fists as well if they

    tried to help Lilly in any way. I took Lillys hand once more and

    rubbed my thumb over her palm.

    He would find any reason to hurt her, she would be a moment

    late to dinner, or she would not wash the dishes to his liking, or

    something as simple as talking with a guest without permission was

    enough to set him off. I closed my eyes remembering the number of

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    times she would show up with black eyes, or swollen lip. The guilt

    poured from me as I thought of the pain she had been through.

    Lansing sat silent, not pushing me, he waited patiently for me to

    continue. I knew that he was probably not a man used to waiting, when

    he asked questions he demanded the answers and for him to show such

    patience with me was admirable.Taking a deep breath, I continued to hold Lillys hand in mine, I

    could feel her pulse weakly beating and let the steady rhythm calm

    me. I dont think that she understood how wrong it was, what he would

    do to her. It was all she knew. Once when I asked her to move in with

    me she refused, saying he needed her help, that he would not make it

    without her. She is a loyal daughter, an even better friend.

    Closing my eyes as I thought back to some of the adventures we

    had. We used to go on long walks through the fields picking wild

    flowers to place around the inn. She is always adding beauty to

    everything she touches. She was not permitted to have friends. He kept

    everyone from her; she would sneak off to meet with me. The one timehe did catch us together he laughed at us, telling her that she was

    lowering herself by associating with one as weak and sickly as I. Even

    after he found out where I lived, that I was not from the poorer side

    of the city, that I had money he still blew me off as nothing, telling

    Lilly that no matter who she tried to be seen with that she would

    still be nothing, a no one. I shook my head with a sad smile. To

    him, if you did not have money, gold, prestige, then you were not

    worthy of his company. Lilly did not care; she is always friendly to

    those beneath her, always welcoming to new friends. Her willingness to

    accept anyone got her in trouble with him often. I gave Lillys hand

    a squeeze. She is a pure soul. There are not many like her around


    Lansing cleared his throat. How bad was it, did he only beat her

    or did he . . .? He left the sentence hanging, but I had no doubts to

    what he was asking.

    I swallowed hard; this was a question I myself had wondered at

    often. Finally, I looked at Lansing and shook my head. I do not know,

    I asked her several times, but she would never give me a straight

    answer, I do not know if it was because it was happening, or if she is

    just like so many your girls and ashamed to discuss such topics in any

    way. Giving him a concerned look, I never saw evidence of it, but Iwas not always around.

    He nodded as he took in the information I gave him. I could feel

    the anger inside him at what had been done to Lilly. It almost reached

    the level of my own. I knew that her father would pay for what he had

    done. Lansing would make sure of it.

    Looking back at her, I sighed. I needed to heal her more, relieve

    some of the swelling. Find out how much damage had been done to her

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    brain and pray to the gods that she would come back the same as she

    had been.

    Seeming to understand my need to be alone, he nodded. I will leave

    you to do what you must, but I will be by later today to check on you

    if that is all right?

    I smiled at him and nodded. I promised you that you could visit,that we could get to know each other and I keep my word. I will enjoy

    your company.

    He grinned as he brushed a hand through his hair. Then I will see

    you this evening, if you have need of anything before please have

    someone get hold of anyone of my men, they will know where to find

    me. He took a couple steps towards the door then stopped. Fear not

    Selena, I think she is strong, she will recover. You will not lose

    her. With a nod, he turned and walked through the door.

    I let out a shaky breath as I heard the front door shut. The days

    events overwhelmed me. The emotions I was starting to feel for the

    man scared me and my worry over Lilly consumed me. With a shake ofmy head, I rose, picking up the bowl of water taking it outside and

    dumping it before going to the well and filling it with fresh. I was

    determined to push this male from my mind and the only way to do that

    was to focus on Lilly.

    Ryken had left my lavish chambers hours ago to further consult

    with his precious prophecies about where the Flames of Eternitymight

    be hidden. I had dismissed Ammens servants along with the robed fool,

    so I could be alone with my thoughts.

    I also had an ulterior motive for wanting solitude. I didnt

    want any anyone around in case that bastard War-General of mine came

    prancing through my door, all smiling and full of himself over his

    conquest of myproperty. We were like brothers, him and I; and his

    transgression against me would be settled the way brothers settled

    such disputes. With me locking him in a room and punching the holy

    hell out of him until he begged for mercy. In a straight fight I had

    no prayer of defeating Lansing. My War-General had been trained by

    the best soldiers in all of Barrington in hand-to-hand combat for

    close to a decade, while I had been stuffed inside war rooms learning

    diplomacy. I knew how to fight wars with words, and bargains, andbribery. Lansing knew how to kill with his bare hands. However, I

    was his King, and now I was also his Underlord; he couldnt strike

    me without turning it into an immediate death sentence and we both

    understood that. Of course, I would never allow such a fate to befall

    Lansing. I was livid at him, madder in fact, then I could ever

    remember being at a another human in my life, but I could never have

    him put to death. However, he damn sure didnt need to know that. I

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    would gladly lock him in a room and beat some respect and sense into

    him, and prying eyes didnt need to be around for that.

    Lansings punishment was a matter that would have to wait

    for a later time. At the moment, I had other things occupying my

    thoughts. I had waited like a commoner the rest of the day for Ryken

    to return with news on the whereabouts of the stones, but all that Iaccomplished was watching the day surrender first to dusk, then to the

    deep purple of night.

    I poured a goblet of strong ale, drank it as fast as I could,

    then poured another. I numbly picked at the supper the servants

    brought when the sky began to darken, and allowed my mind to

    contemplate what the future would hold once I had the stones in my


    The ancient warlock had blathered on relentlessly about how

    the prophecies didnt know how to be wrong, and that the answer to

    everything under the very stars themselves could be found by studying

    the ancient texts. I didnt care if he drew picture in the ashes of athousand crushed bones, just so long as it got me what I wanted.

    Ale seemed to make the unbearable waiting slightly tolerable and

    I was on my way to the grand table in the main room to pour me another

    round, when a firm rattle came from my door. I whipped my head at the

    source of the sound. Finally, I thought to myself, Ryken has returned

    with something useful. The knocking was much louder and more insistent

    than the one he used earlier in the day, however, I figured good news

    had given confidence to his hand.

    I opened the door fully ready to give Ryken a piece of my mind

    for dallying so long only to find four smartly-dressed Elite Guards

    standing there. I was momentarily stunned by their crisp, clean

    tunics, brilliantly polished helmets and shiny, but very deadly

    weapons, resting in their sheaths. Of all the things I was prepared to

    see, a quad of Randors elite fighters was not among them.

    Underlord Zyphran, said the tallest one. His tone of voice

    carried more authority than I cared for in a subordinate, but I said

    nothing. Elite Guards just didnt pop up at your door for no reason,

    something was happening. That knowledge overrode the disrespect in the

    guards tone. My lord, we have instructions to escort you to Overlord

    Ammen immediately.

    Ammen wishes an audience with me, does he?Those were our instructions, my lord.

    Yes, yes, I waved a dismissive hand at him. He wasnt the only

    one in my doorway who could be rude. Very well, very well. lead the


    We didnt go very far.

    The hallways of Castle Randor, along with everything else, were

    a tribute to extreme wealth. Marble statues and solid gold vases

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    hugged the walls, while finely-woven rugs owned the floor. We went

    up a narrow flight of steps, along short hallway and to a finely-

    built wooden door. The guard knocked on the door with far more respect

    than he did mine, waited several seconds and then opened the door and

    ushered me inside.

    Ammen did not look pleased, I noticed as the guard announced myarrival. The Overlord gestured for me to sit down with burning eyes

    and a hard frown as he dismissed his guards in hushed tones. I got the

    impression money was exchanging hands, but couldnt fathom why.

    A few moments later, Ammen took a seat across from me. His green

    robe with gold-trim regal and elegantly decorated with the Randor

    Dragon. His eyes looked like two black orbs, shiny and sinister all at

    the same time, and his face was devoid of color. Underlord Zyphran,

    he said in a voice as icy as a Barrington Kingdom winter. Tell me, do

    you have any idea of the current location of your War-General?

    I was perplexed, to say the least. Apparently, however, I was not

    the only high-ranking official in Randor who was upset with Lansing.I explained that I had not seen him all day, though I expected his

    arrival at any moment. Then I asked if there was a problem. That was

    really a pretty dumb question, but it needed to be asked.

    It would seem, Ammen started, his voice becoming even

    colder. That your War-General was in my dungeon about two hours ago.

    Now I really was confused. In you dungeon? For what purpose? Was

    he arrested? On what charge?

    Ammen held up his palm for me to find silence. I did. This was

    the Overlord. If he commanded something, everyone obeyed. Including

    me. He was in my dungeon killing a man in cold blood.

    That made my jaw hit the floor. Im sorry, I managed to say at

    last. I fail to understand. Who did he kill, and why?

    The who is Phillip Bracken, the owner of one of the nicer inns

    in Randor, and a highly respected man. He spread his hands in a

    questioning gesture, As to the why, well, I was hoping you could

    enlighten me, Underlord Zyphran. After all, the man does belong to


    I had no answers for the Overlord. To come into a city offering

    hospitality, especially one as spectacular and grand as Randor, and

    kill one of their citizens was the greatest offense someone could

    commit. Surely Lansing was aware of that, yet, he had killed one ofRandors citizens. My heart lurched in my chest, there was nothing I

    could do to protect Lansing in this situation. He was completely at

    the mercy of the Overlord.

    All I could do was remain silent.

    Ammen nodded slightly. He knew he had me in a no-win situation,

    and judging by the look in his eyes, he was enjoying watching me

    squirm. The law decrees that his life is now in my hands. You, of

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    course, are aware of this, are you not, Underlord Zyphran?

    I am, my lord.

    Are you prepared to offer an acceptable reason for your War-

    Generals atrocious behavior?

    No, my lord, I admitted slowly. I have no excuses for his

    actions.Ammen smiled that sickening oily grin. Youre honesty

    compliments you, Zyphran. Before I pass judgment on your War-General,

    you need to hear the whole story. Seems your Lansing as been a very

    busy man. Ammen went on to explain how Lansing had ordered the

    arrest of this Phillip Bracken, which was far outside his realm of


    Ammen also spoke very deliberately about who Lansing was with.

    He left out no detail as he explained how my War-General demanded her

    release, and swept her off into the murky night air.

    Perhaps you allow such insolence in your underlings, Zyphran,

    he said in a voice as hard as stone. But let me assure you, I donot.

    I understand, my lord. He will be very harshly dealt with.

    Theres more. After Lansing had Innkeeper Bracken arrested,

    without proof of a crime, I must remind you, he then goes to Innkeeper

    Brackens cell. My guards gather around to see what is going on, after

    all, this is a most highly unusual occurrence. Lansing withdraws a

    dagger and throws it on the floor in front of Innkeeper Bracken,

    demanding that the much smaller, and older man pick up the weapon.

    When Innkeeper Bracken refused, Lansing kicked him several times in

    the gut, causing him to vomit blood onto the ground. Again your War-

    General demanded that Innkeeper Bracken pick up the weapon. And again,

    when his demand was refused, Lansing kicked Innkeeper Bracken; this

    time however, it was in the face.

    Bleeding now from his nose and mouth, Lansing once again

    demanded that the weapon be picked up. Ammen once again spread his

    hands open. What choice did he have? Innkeeper Bracken knew death

    was certain, the only question was how. So, he picked up the dagger.

    Thats when Lansing drew his sword and decapitated him. Lansing then

    wiped his blade clean on Innkeeper Brackens tunic, and announced that

    his butchery had been committed in self-defence.

    Something about this whole thing wasnt ringing true to me. Iknew Lansing better than anybody alive, and this just didnt sound

    like something he would do. I couldnt imagine what had -- the stones!

    That had to be it. Somehow the Flames of Eternity were involved in

    this. But how?

    The girl, myvery request, was also a player in this twisted

    scenario, I could feel it in my bones. There was a lot more to her

    than a frail frame and a pretty face. Thats why she disappeared on me

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    as we rode into Randor.

    Could my dark-haired angel actually know Regyna, the mythical

    keeper of the stones? Could such a thing be possible? Was I, in fact,

    much closer to the stones then I even dared to dream? Was there a

    chance that my dark-haired request knew of the stones whereabouts? I

    had to find out the answers, and, thanks to Overlord Blathermouth, Inow knew I had a very solid lead to the girl -- Lansing.

    Are you even listening to me, Underlord Zyphran?

    Yes. Yes, of course, my lord.

    Good. I cant tell you how pleased I am to hear that. Now,

    as I was saying. If this had been any other man, under any other

    circumstance, I would order him executed and wash my hands of the

    whole affair. However, Because I was unable to grant your request and

    deliver the girl to you, I am changing your request to sparing your

    War-Generals unworthy life. Is this understood?

    I literally had to fight to keep the smile off my face. Life was

    a wonderful lover sometimes, for she provided me with the greatest ofgifts. Once again, your generosity overwhelms me, my lord. I cant

    begin to thank you enough for this most undeserving gift. I promise

    you, my lord, that Lansing will cause no more grief during our stay

    here in your wonderful city.

    Excellent. My debt to you is paid, Underlord Zyphran. Lansing

    will be allowed to live, however, one more transgression, no matter

    how slight, will end up with his swift execution and the immediate

    removal of your rank and title. Our business here is now concluded.

    You may feel free to get yourself out of my sight as quickly as you

    can, Underlord Zyphran.

    Yes, my lord.

    I had never been touched by illness or injury, I had never even

    experienced pain from a stubbed toe. Oh sure, I had stubbed my toe

    before but with my power, physical pain was not something I felt.

    However, as I sat next to Lilly my fingers working through the matted

    blood in her hair, I felt another pain, an emotional one that ripped

    my heart in two.

    I could not understand what could possibly cause a parent to do

    something so horrible to their child. My relationship with my parentshad been so different from what Lilly had been cursed with. My mother

    and father were loving, taking time to teach me everything I would

    need to know to survive the centuries I was destined to live. I had

    never known a firm hand or violent outburst. Sure, I had been in

    trouble, just as any child would, but for me it was a firm word that

    had been my punishment. The look of disappointment in my parents eyes

    was enough to bring forth guilt and remorse for any unjust deed that I

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    might have done.

    Closing my eyes, I saw my fathers face as my mother and I exited

    the chamber housing the stones, so many years ago. As his eyes met

    mine with a mixture of pride and sadness, I knew that my life would

    never again be the same. My life was no longer my own. I was born to

    serve, born to protect.Over three hundred years had passed since I had taken possession

    of the stones and even still I was learning more about their powers.

    I only knew what they allowed me to know, as if they had a life-force

    of their own. They would call to me and I would go, spending hours

    of meditation in their light. Power would pour through me, knowledge

    burning inside me, but always at their call, never my own. The few

    times I had gone to the stones seeking direction, they had glowed

    dim, offering no assistance to my pleas. I was at their mercy; they

    controlled my fate, my choices, and my life.

    I longed to live a normal life, longed for friends I could be

    honest with, longed not to have to hide behind illusions and frailweak appearances, but most of all I longed for love. My dreams at

    night filled with images of a man who would stand beside me, share in

    my laughter, and accept me for who I was.

    I had long ago given up on finding him; he was a figment of my

    imagination, someone to visit my dreams. I was to keep the stones safe

    from the realities of the world. I would never feel his caress, taste

    of his kiss, and know the fulfillment of trust. There was too much to

    lose by taking that risk, not just for me but also for humanity. It

    was not only my life in peril, but all of those around me. I could not

    let them down chasing such dreams of love.

    With the basin placed above Lillys head, I rinsed the crimson

    from her hair, the water turning red as my fingers worked through the

    strands. The moment I had been left alone with her I had used my magic

    to heal her further, take the pressure from her skull. I could sense

    no damage to her brain, but I was not an expert at healing and hoped

    that my feeble skills would be enough. She was breathing easier and

    her pulse felt stronger but she still had not stirred or showed any

    sign of coming around.

    Setting the bowl onto the dresser, I wrap a towel around her wet

    locks, patting them dry before sitting upon the bed beside her and

    using my fingers to gently brush through her hair. As I worked my waythrough the tangles, my mind wandered back to Lansing. I could still

    feel his gentle arms around me, and even at just the remembrance of

    it, my pulse quickened. I had never before met a man who had stood up

    for me, protected me. I was not sure of how to handle the emotions his

    care and protectiveness caused me. I swallowed hard as I thought about

    my emotions and then about the stones. I had no right to think about

    any man the way I was thinking of Lansing. My destiny was to protect

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    the stones, to keep the world safe from those who would use them for


    Taking the towel and the basin I move away from Lilly and take it

    once again outside to dump it. Darkness had set over the city, the

    streets emptying as merchants headed home to their families. I had

    often sat above the city, outside the cave and watched the familiesbelow. Smiling as the couples taking an evening stroll, children

    arguing with their mother as she tried to put them to bed. All things

    I would never experience. I knew that my mother had told me that

    someday love might find me, but I could not foresee ever trusting

    another enough to give myself to him, putting the Flames of Eternity

    at risk for the sake of my own pleasure of fulfillment.

    Stepping back into the house, I set about fixing myself a cup of

    tea. I did not require nourishment the way most did to survive. I

    needed to eat, but one small meal would carry me for a week. Over

    the years, I had acquired a taste for tea; it was the one luxury I

    allowed myself. I had grown use to living a simple life, though I hadmoney and could have lived as the rich do, I had never been happy with

    the lifestyle. I kept myself to the nicer areas of the city, keeping

    enough prestige and notoriety that I was respected but never flaunted

    my means or my money to those poorer than I.

    Never aging made it impossible to hold one persona or home for very

    long, every ten or fifteen years I would have to move and reappear as

    someone new who had just moved into town. Having expensive worldly

    possessions became more a hindrance and I did not need that.

    I listened to Lillys gentle breathing coming from the other room,

    comforting me that she was still okay. Finishing my tea, I set the cup

    down on the kitchen table just as I hear a gentle knock upon my door.

    Thinking it is Lansing coming to visit I smile, running my fingers

    through my hair as I open the door.

    Selena, One of the maids from the inn stood before me, an older

    woman, her gray hair thinning and body frail from years of work. How

    is she, does she live?

    Beatrice, please come in. I step aside allowing her to

    enter. She is still asleep, has not woke, but I feel her breathing

    is stronger and hold hope that she will recover. Closing the door, I

    motion for her to follow me. Come she is in here. Leading her into

    the bedroom, I step aside as she goes to the bed.I saw it happen, her voice unsteady with emotion. I dared not

    interfere with them but I should have. It was my own fear that kept me

    from speaking up. I should have helped the lass.

    I felt her pain, felt the same way. We all knew of the abuse and

    had failed Lilly in saving her from the nightmare she was now in. You

    were right not to get involved B, he would have only turned on you.

    You have felt his hand before and know he would not have hesitated to

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    hurt you. It is I who should have forced her to leave there sooner. I

    knew what he was doing, but yet I let her stay.

    She frowned as she placed her hand over Lillys. Well, at least we

    know now that he can not harm her ever again, his death was welcome

    news to my ears.

    I stood up straighter. His death? What are you saying? He wastaken into custody just this morning.

    She turned her look solemn. You have not heard? The War-General

    who accompanied you this morning took his life, sliced his head right

    off from what I hear. They now hold him in custody for killing an

    untried man.

    My heart skipped as she told me what had happened. Panic gripped

    me. He was in this position because of me, I had asked for his

    assistance. I may not have asked him to kill the man but it was still

    my fault he was involved in this at all.

    I needed to act fast, I knew Overlord Ammen and he would not stand

    for a man killed while in custody. If they had Lansing in custody, hewas sure to be put to death for such an act. Stepping close I grasped

    Beatrices arm. Can you stay with her for awhile? I will return soon,

    but I must find out what has happened.

    She nodded, It would be my pleasure to sit with Miss Lilly.

    Nevertheless, are you sure you should get involved in this? I do not

    wish for trouble to find you as well, Selena. Lilly will need you

    while she heals; I fear I am not strong enough to care for her as you


    I smiled reassuringly. I will be safe, I am just seeking

    information. I owe it to him to help if I can for what he did for her

    this morning. He saved her life.

    Beatrice smiled as she pulled me into a quick hug, her bony body

    cutting into mine. You are a good woman, Selena; I wish there were

    more like you. Go, be safe. I will stay with Miss Lilly as long as you

    need me too.

    Relieved that she would stay I thanked her as I grabbed my

    shawl. Thank you. I will not be long. Please help yourself to

    anything you need, there is food in the kitchen, a fresh pot of tea is

    by the fire. You have no idea how much I appreciate this, B.

    I gave a final glance at Lilly and turned going into the front room

    of my small home. Taking a deep breath I used my magic to cloak myselfin invisibility and willed myself to the Overlords dungeon, where I

    hoped Lansing was being held.

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