FLC Leadership Center December 2015 Newsletter

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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FLC Leadership Center December 2015 Newsletter


December 2015 Newsletter

1000 Rim Drive, 171 Student Union, Durango, CO 81301

Happy December

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” - Seneca

We hope you all had a wonderful break and are now rested and ready to finish the rest of the fall semester. Not only does this mean finals are coming up, but my staff and I are also working

hard on planning Spring Orientation, another wonderful opportunity to wel-come new students, transfer students, and their families to the Skyhawks family. As each semester comes to an end, it also means that a new begin-ning for some is right around the cor-ner. Of course this also means that some students will be joining a new family – our FLC alumni! On behalf of the Leadership Center staff, let me offer

our sincerest congratulations to those students who will be walk-ing in December and graduating. My staff and I look forward to seeing you at Commencement! We wish everyone the very best and the merriest of holiday seasons.

Mark Mastalski Director, Leadership Center

Associated Students of Fort Lewis College

ASFLC meets every Wednesday (during the regular academic year) at 7:00pm in the Senate Chambers, 163 Student Union.

The snow has fallen which can only mean one thing: winter break is fast ap-proaching! As the Fall semester winds down, Student Senate has been busy finishing up some large projects. The Sustainability Initiative Grant’s man-agement and administrative control has been passed from Senate to the Campus Sustainability Council; expect applications to go out at the start of the Spring semester. Senate is also finishing up negotiations with the City of Durango regarding the renewal of our contract with them to provide FLC students with free Durango-T passes through student fees. As we look to the Spring semester we are drawing up action plans and are open to ideas from students for what they’d like to see us tackle. Have a fun and safe winter break! -Evan Wick (Student Body Vice

In November, Wellness Peer Adviso-ry Council (WellPAC) was recog-nized at the BACCHUS Assembly in Virginia as an “Outstanding Peer Education Group”. Congratulations to all of the members and their ad-visor, Kendra Gallegos Reichle!

RSO Registration for the Spring 2016 term will be December 11 January 22. Only new organizations need to register.

Associated Students of Fort Lewis College Legal Aid

ASFLC sponsors an at-torney to visit campus and provide legal aid to students on a first-come, first-served basis. This service is paid for via student fees and is avail-able to any registered FLC student.

Upcoming date:

December 2nd

All sessions are held in 179 Student Union (in the Leadership Center) from Noon—1:30pm.

ASFLC legal aid service pro-vides current students with le-gal consultation and legal ad-vice; it is not intended, under any circumstances, to provide a legal

. Addition-ally, the legal aid attorney is not available to discuss FLC disciplinary matters or legal cases involving FLC as a party.

The snow has fallen which can only mean one thing: winter break is fast ap-proaching! As the Fall semester winds down, Student Senate has been busy finishing up some large projects. The Sustainability Initiative Grant’s man-agement and administrative control has been passed from Senate to the Campus Sustainability Council; expect applications to go out at the start of the Spring semester. Senate is also finishing up negotiations with the City of Durango regarding the renewal of our contract with them to provide FLC

T passes through student fees. As we look to the Spring semester we are drawing up action plans and are open to ideas from students for what they’d like to see us tackle. Have a fun and safe winter

(Student Body Vice-President)

In November, Wellness Peer Adviso-ry Council (WellPAC) was recog-nized at the BACCHUS Assembly in Virginia as an “Outstanding Peer Education Group”. Congratulations to all of the members and their ad-visor, Kendra Gallegos Reichle!

RSO Registration for the Spring 2016 term will be December 11 – January 22. Only new organizations need to register.

Student Union, Room 171

(Across from the Info Desk)

Phone: (970) 247-7394

Office Hours:

Monday—Thursday: 8am-6pm

Friday: 8am—5pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed


mastalski_m@fortlewis.edu (970) 247 - 7452

Mark Mastalski—Director of Leadership Center

rennhack_a@fortlewis.edu (970) 247 - 7258

Ashley Rennhack— Asst. Director of Leadership Center

ercalagias@fortlewis.edu (970) 247 - 7090

Elizabeth Calagias—Union Programming Coordinator

& Coordinator for New Student Orientation

ptfredricks@fortlewis.edu (970) 247 - 7517

Patrick Fredricks—Leadership Programs Coordinator

kgreichle@fortlewis.edu (970) 247 - 7508

Kendra Gallegos Reichle— Coordinator of Student

Wellness Initiatives Final Exams

Monday, December 14—Thursday, December 17

Final Exams Make-Up Friday, December 18

Commencement Saturday, December 19

Final Grades Viewable to Students

Wednesday, December 23 at 1:00 PM