Flipbook assignment two

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Technologies Role In

Societal Poverty

Miggslives: Flickr

Is technology an additional cause or solution to poverty?

Geralt: Pixabay

“Modern technology is so woven into the fabric of our daily lives that we barely notice how dependent we are on it.”How Technological Justice Can Fight Global Poverty: Simon Trace Wikimedia Commons

As society becomes more integrated and reliant on technology aTECHNOLOGICAL INJUSTICEbegins to form

Johnathon Billinger: Geograph

Technological InjusticeEveryone not having the same access and opportunities with technology

Brianetta: DeviantART

“Technology has created

more problems

than it has solved,

increasing poverty,

hunger and illiteracy…”

Trowbridge Estate: Flickr

Robin Cole

Technical Fixes Cause Poverty and Hunger

By, Andy Coghlan

The digital divide makes it difficult for those less fortunate to have an

opportunity to prosper in societyRebecca Hildreth: Flickr

Therefore adding to…

…poverty or unnecessary hardship

Tony Fischer: Flickr

Poverty is Real

About 3.2 million people now live in

low income, including 634,000 children.

Stats Cananda

Wikimedia Commons

What links technology to


Alex Proimos: FotoPedia

Technology is geared towards the rich Can Technology End Poverty?

Marlon Bundy: Flickr

Technology is Expensive

Average 650 personal computerPRWeb

Internet 40 monthlyStudy in Canada

Guy Sie: Flickr

People with less education and less income are the most at risk

Wikimedia Commons

“Canadians at the highest income level reported performing nearly two more tasks than those at the lowest

income level over the previous 12 months.”

Digital divide persists in Canada, both in access and Internet fluency GoodNCrazy: Flickr

“In terms of education, people with some post-secondary education had Internet-use rates nearly 10 per cent higher than people with just a high school diploma” Digital divide persists in Canada, both in access and Internet fluency

Kshelton: Pixabay

Without technological engagement the less fortunate watch opportunities speed them by…

Worldizan: Flickr

People need access to different forms of


Wikimedia Commons

Brenda Gottsabend: Flickr

Finding Jobs…

Many of the new jobs are in retailing, accounting,

consulting, health care, telecommunications and

defense-related industries…job postings on the Internet

rose to 4.7 million The Wall Street Journal

With no knowledge of these jobs…

People are unable to find work.

People need to be educated on how to use technology

Wikimedia Commons

Technology is useless, unless the user is

taught how to leverage its value and potential

Liz Freman: Flickr

“Technical innovation is essential for people to be able to make more effective use of the resources available to them and to respond to social, economic and environmental changes.”How Technological Justice Can Fight Global Poverty : Simon Trace

Wikimedia Common

Steps in Reducing Poverty and Digital Gap

Wikimedia Commons

Provide Public Domains for Usage

Educate Others on Proper and Efficient Use

Alan Cleaverr: Flickr

Together We Can Create

Technological JusticeRick Munish: DeviantART