Flipped classroom, blended learning or …? Designing ... · Flipped classroom, blended learning or...

Post on 02-Oct-2020

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Flipped classroom, blended learning or …? Designing teaching for a digital fall semesterCrina Damsa, Department of Education & LINKcrina.damsa@iped.uio.no


• Key principles of pedagogical designs in digital, physical or hybrid environments

• Design as tool for innovating teaching

Key principles for sound pedagogical design

1. Ensure access, structure and information flow

2. Identify learning outcomes, contents and pedagogies

3. Determine degree and modes of interactivity

4. Identify strategies for feedback and assessment

5. Consider adaptive learning activities

6. Ensure integration and coherence

7. Foster a good learning climate

Damsa & Fremstad, 2018; Langford & Damsa, 2020

2. Identifylearningoutcomes, contentsand pedagogies

WHATCore knowledge and skillsTheir nature? e.g., theoretical, applied, practicalSources of information and knowledge

HOWPedagogy• Expository/Practice/Exploratory/CollaborativeForms of teaching• Lecturing, Demonstrating, PerformingStudents’ learning activities• Reading, Discussing, Writing, ReflectingModality • Face-to-face/Fully online/BlendedBoelens, De Wever & Voet, 2017;

Hodges et al., 2020

Pedagogies and digital tools



Group discussions

Problem based


Article/Case analysis



Joint writing


Concept mapping

Online forum/Chat/Zoom












‘Flipping’ and ‘blending’

• Lecturing and student workmoved outsideclass time

• Contact time used for clarification, elaboration, consolidation

• Digital toolssupport learningactivities

Hermansen & Esterhazy, 2019; Lage et al., 2000 ;De Lozier & Rhodes, 2012

3. Determine extentand modes of participation andinteractivity

Instructor Role• Active instruction /Small presence /None

Student Role/Activity• Listen or read/Complete problems or

answer questions/Explore and work w. resources/Collaborate with peers

(Online) Communication • Synchronous (live) Asynchronous/Blend• Video-based/Written

Selecting tools for• Lecture delivery, Brainstorming,

Discussing, Joint writing, Modelling, …

Role and forms of Assessment • Provide information - learning state• Determine if student is ready for new

content• Input to grade• Identify students at risk of failure

Source and type of Feedback• Teacher/Peers/Automated• Structured/Free text• Modality: F2f, Annotation tools

4. Identify role andstrategiesfor feedback andassessment

5. Consider adaptiveforms of activityfor students withdifferent needs

Universal design principles

Different means of• representationtext, graphs, charts, images, videos, demonstrations, objects to manipulate

• expressionlectures notes posting, review/feedback sessions, optional readings

• engagementverbal, written, performative private/social

Assistive technologies + pedagogicalstrategies

LINK resourcesUniversal design course Rose et al., 2012

6. Ensureintegrationandcoherence

• Constructive alignment

• Structure will beinherent

Image: 24point0Biggs & Tang, 2011









Knowledge, skills, competence (attitudes, values)

Ped. design as tool for sustainable innovation

8. Identify ways to evaluate whether your design works– Measure effects– Student evaluation– Design process evaluation

9. Plan for continuity– Document your design – Share– Collaborate with colleagues

10. Tap into/Connect to institutional initiatives and resources

Kearns, 2016; Russel, 2018

References• Boelens, R., De Wever, B., & Voet, M. (2017). Four key challenges to the design of blended learning: A systematic literature

review. Educational Research Review, 22, 1-18. • Boud, D., & Molloy, E. (2013). Rethinking models of feedback for learning: the challenge of designPreview the document.

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38(6), 698–712, https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2012.691462• Damsa, C.I. & Fremstad, E (2018). Pedagogical use of Canvas. Reserach-based report, UiO, F-LINK,

https://www.uio.no/link/ressurser/rapporter/ • Esterhazy, R. & Hermansen, H. (2019). «Flipped classroom» i praksis: Hvordan tilrettelegge for aktive læringsprosesser.• Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust T. & Bond, A. (2020). The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online

Learning, EDUCAUSE report. Retrieved from https://er.educause.edu/articles/2020/3/the-difference-between-emergency-remote-teaching-and-online-learning?fbclid=IwAR3EKRs28dI2jlf7BBD0qFCIgjkATqsSTGAWAf4NfFtgS_KffsZ6dI5W8ts

• Langford, M., & Damsa, C (2020). Online teaching in the time of COVID-19 times: Academic Teachers’ experiences in Norway, Centre for Experiential Legal Learning (CELL), Universitetet i Oslo.

• De Lozier, S., Rhodes, M.G. (2016). Flipped Classrooms: a Review of Key Ideas and Recommendations for PracticePreview thedocument, Educational Psycholgy Review, 29,141–151, DOI 10.1007/s10648-015-9356-9

• Kearns, L.R. (2016). The experience of teaching online and its impact on faculty innovation across delivery methods, Internet andHigher Education 31, 71–78

• Rose, D.H., Harbour, W. S., Johnston, C.S., Daley, S., & Abarbanell, L. (2006). Universal Design for Learning in PostsecondaryEducation: Reflections on Principles and their Application, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 19(2), 135-151.

• Russell, C. (2009). A systemic framework for managing e-learning adoption in campus universities: individual strategies in context. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 17, 1, 3–19.

• Tanis, C. J. (2020). The seven principles of online learning: Feedback from faculty and alumni on its importance for teaching and learning. Research in Learning Technology, 28. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v28.2319