Florida Emergency Nurses Association State...

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Florida Emergency Nurses Association

State Council Minutes

Date: January 23, 2015

Location: Daytona Beach Convention Center Room #203-B

Start: 10:00AM End: 3:47 PM

Facilitator: Leona Stout-Demps

Recorder: Paula Davis

Officers: Leona Stout-Demps (President); Dennise Mathis (President-Elect); Paula Davis (Secretary); Elizabeth Bonner (Treasurer); Catherine Edmisten (Treasurer-Elect); Terri Repasky (Immediate Past-President) Members: Darleen Williams, Katrin Breault, Teresa Murphy, Mike Bonn, Jay Bronson, Ann Brown, Christine Townsend ,Cathy Sakers, Penny Blake, Tammy Lalmansigh, Cathy O”Neil, Anne Blevins, Bethany Beard, Robin Powers, Bonnie McIntosh, Grace Green, Pattie Sadler, Charise Cyr, Isabella Discepolo, Thomas Lee, Karen Sabo, Pat Hogan, Janine Mangold, Nancy Mako, Barbara Wargo, Heidi Azaril, Eileen Horan, Susie Martinson, Michael Rushing, Stephanie Cesarec, Pam Ludlow, Wanda Bowlin, Naxcie Merchant, Carol Milliken, Barbara Pessoa-Humphrey, Christopher Missler, Kevin Captain Guests: Stephanie Drummond (student UCF), Carol Fultz (UF Health) Parliamentarian: Dottie Hindman Co-Parliamentarian: Larry Williams Board Liaison: Ellen “Ellie” Encapera [Not Present]

Time Items Responsible Notes 10:00AM

Call to order/Introductions/Recognitions/Celebrations

- New attendees/Student Nurses/Other

Leona Demps Celebrations:

Pam Ludlow and Stephanie Cesarec graduated and were awarded MSN from UCF; Robin Powers is officially PhD candidate and a new grandmother; Naxcie Merchant newly certified Legal Nurse Consultant; * Elizabeth Bonner had birthday 1-22-15. Dottie Hindman celebrates her 75th birthday February 23, 2015.

Verification of Quorum Dottie Hindman Quorum verified by Parliamentarian

Chapter Reports to Secretary (online or in person) Leona Demps Will have minutes posted on line prior to state meeting. The minutes will not be printed and brought to meeting to stay green. Attendees expected to read minutes prior to meeting.


Secretary requests that reports be submitted electronically prior to meeting.

Approval of Meeting Minutes Paula Davis Minutes reviewed with amendments made. Motion to approve minutes as amended by Cathy Sakers and second by Bethany Beard. Motion passed.

Parliamentarian: 2015 Conflict of Interest Policy

New/ Updated Bylaws or Policies

Dottie Hindman Conflict of interest statements discussed and will need to be signed annually by all FENA Executive Committee, Committee Chairs and Co-chairs and Chapter representatives. Will obtain updates from all members present at today’s meeting and future meetings.

Discussed 3 tiers membership for ENA and how FENA council membership is composed and eligibility.

Updated Reimbursement Policy, Reimbursement Guidelines and Financial Coverage and Reimbursement – executive decision to increase lodging to $175 per night. Motion to approve amendment by Cathy Sakers and second by Bethany Beard. Motion passed.

There will be updates to the bylaws that will be presented for discussion and vote at next FENA Executive Committee Meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

Current budget report

2015 Projected Budget

End of the year (2014) chapter financial report

Expectations for coming year: signatory on all chapter accounts

Contact Information

Elizabeth Bonner Treasurer’s report presented to FENA State Council Board of Directors

Deadline reminder for any chapter that paid out money over $600 as need information for 1099 that FENA needs to issue.

Need financial reports for all chapters by February 15, 2015 so can file taxes

Have signatures on all chapter checking


accounts except chapter in the Keys.

We are hosting ENA national meeting and do not have idea of what expenditures will be needed so we budgeted $6000. Money for T-shirts and gifts for General Assembly will have to be paid for this year since Florida is hosting state for national meeting.

Explanation of where FENA allocated from TNCC/ENPC fees and membership main sources of income. Discussed other ideas to increase sources and opportunities for income for FENA and tasked chapter representatives to help increase membership.

Motion to approve 2015 budget by Penny Blake and second by Darleen Williams; motion passed.

Fundraising Activity Rachelle Zahniser Cathy Sakers

$ 219 in donations received for FENA. Winner was Isabella Discepolo.

2014 State & Chapter Annual Reports

Leona Demps Information for all officers from each chapter in Florida needs to be updated so national and state council can communicate with everyone

Reminded all chapter presidents that the annual reports are on line and need to be completed and sent to ENA by January 31, 2015. Please notify Leona when chapter has submitted reports.

FENA Officer Election

Open positions Announcement: President-Elect & Treasurer-Elect

Process: 1stQ – Announce position(s); 2ndQ – Accepting Nominations; 3rdQ – Presentation of Nominees ; 4thQ – Vote

Terri Repasky Will need President -Elect and Treasurer-Elect for January 2016-2018 terms. Election to be held October 2015. All nominations need to be submitted in writing to either Terri or Leona.

Discussed role and responsibilities and it is


discussed in CLO and current Officers will be glad to share

Election process discussed and put on Facebook and FENA website

ENA Foundation Grant Application (State & Chapter Leadership Orientation)

Leona Demps Elizabeth Bonner

ENA Foundation sent email to FENA that they will do matching grant for money to send member(s) to the State and Chapter Leader’s Orientation and Government Advocacy Meeting or Day on the Hill. Leona and Elizabeth had to complete grant and submit back to ENA. Was not presented to FENA council as short notice so FENA Executive Committee opted to leave at state level for grant.

FENA was awarded $1000 and FENA Executive Committee voted to award to Government Affairs committee and was awarded to Tammy Lalmansign to attend for Day on the Hill.

Going forward Executive Committee would like to develop process for other council members to apply for this grant if it becomes on-going grant. Will work with Awards and Scholarships Committee to develop process.


New – 2 scholarships to ClinCon

Advertisement of scholarships

Marlene Bachrach Trisha MacCarthy

Marlene and Trisha not present. Leona Demps reported the FENA Executive Committee voted to award 2 scholarships to Clincon and 2 scholarships to Symposium by the Sea.

Applications will be posted on FENA website for members to apply for reimbursement.

General Assembly – State Captains Dottie Hindman Reviewed 2015 delegate application for


Delegate Application

Shirt Colors & Inventory

Terri Repasky General Assembly. Will be posting on line. Send applications to Dottie. Deadline for applications is June 1, 2015.

Not sure how many delegates Florida will be allotted at this time. Selections will be made by June 15, 2015 and notified by Dottie.

Shirts will stay aqua and black. If anyone needs new shirts they can purchase new shirt for $30 and contact Dottie ASAP so can order shirts.

Discussion on polo shirts versus current long sleeved shirts – no money in 2015 budget for new shirts for delegates. Discussed can look at something for 2016. Anne Brown volunteered to look for new shirts for 2016 meeting. .

ENA Annual Conference 2015 – Orlando

Pin – Dottie Hindman

Booth for Hosting State – Leona

Donation item (s) – Fundraising Committee

Booth for sale items – Fundraising Committee

Leona Demps Grace Green

Bonnie McIntosh

Dottie has annual meeting pin designed now and looking for someone to make the pins.

Business Orlando and FENA met and information shared to assist with dinner meeting arrangements, gift items for bags, pin vendor, and welcome video for conference annual meeting.

Visit Orlando will have visitor booth for attendees and will man booth at conference

Contracts have not been signed so not sure of host hotels

Discussed having each local chapter to do short video and will find out what media needed to compose large video

Discussed volunteer time for booths and delegate responsibilities at conference. Cannot determine at this time what time


allotments will be needed. Leona in contact with national ENA trying to obtain more information about conference needs and assistance FENA will need to provide.

Will explore whether FENA will be able to have booth and have fundraising opportunity at the booth.

Website Updates


Event Calendar


Cathy Edmisten Michael Bonn

Cathy and Michael need up-to-date information for chapter officers and information to update FENA website

Request for delegate group picture be sent to chapter presidents made by Cathy Sakers

Updates on FENA website: mission of web page to be informational. Changes or events requested to be on FENA web page can be posted within one week in most cases.

Links have been updated and will link straight to ENA and various other sites. CDC site link also available.

Discussion of various updates and improvements made in web site and not to allow commercial advertising on FENA website

1 HR Lunch & Learn> Sponsor: FENA Topic: Government Affairs Penelope Blake 1 CEU

FENA Strategic Plan 2013-2015 FCEP Affiliation

o Newsletter contribution o Education

Culture of Learning o TNCC/ENPC o FENA Chapter Leaders Orientation Program o Education/Symposium by the Sea o ClinCon Conference

Safe Practice/Safe Care o Work Place Violence

Would like to offer CE education to members at quarterly meetings as part of Strategic Plan

Safe Practice and Safe Care for each member as well as your hospital. Link is on the FENA website for more information

Make effort to attend student nurse meetings or have them attend local chapter meetings to have them learn about ENA and promote ENA


Support Legislation to Promote Safe Nursing Practice

ENA Annual Conference Host 2015 Promote Awareness of ENA to the Public and Schools of Nursing

TNCC / ENPC Report/Discussion Robin Powers/ Cindy Garlesky

No report from Cindy Garlesky for ENPC

EMS-C is state appointed position and is not FENA appointed as Mike Rushing wanted to volunteer to represent FENA. No one at FENA aware if EMS-C position open but encouraged him to apply if there was an open position.

TNCC update: reverified 68% of Florida instructors for the 7th edition update

Total 214 TNCC provider classes in 2014 with 1732 students in these classes and over 1700 passed TNCC.

36 instructor candidates identified and 30 have been verified as TNCC instructors.

Database being continued to provide quality control of classes and ensure TNCC availability in Florida

AACN reversed position that all TNCC instructors had to have BSN in order for ENA to be able to provide CE”s. The reversal now stipulates that all new instructors would have to have BSN’s but current instructors would not have to have BSN.

TNCC 7th edition is different and feedback that may be push to 2 ½ day course as lot of information for participants to learn and lot more discussion. Lot of discussion about time off from work to attend and paid to attend longer classes. Average pass rate has dropped to 87% in Florida.

Discussion about teaching scenarios not in


7th edition so Robin stated for her class she made booklet from teaching scenarios to allow students to be able to study and must return book the following day. Students concerned no practice scenarios in 7th edition book to study for TNP testing.

National ENA may be monitoring classes to ensure quality of courses.

ENA tightening up administrative policies and qualifications to become an instructor.

Discussed roles of course director versus state facility which is an appointment of FENA.

Committee Chairs & Co-Chairs Positions

Reporting form / 2015 goals

Meeting times between chair & co-chairs

Leona Demps All chair and co-chair positions are filled

Each committee asked to fill out goals for 2015 and the measurable outcomes. Committees will complete plans and also include attendance at meetings with national ENA as part of goals for 2015.

No break out session at FENA meeting so chair and co-chair will need to meet prior to state council meeting to report to update progress of goals.

Motion made to approve chairs and co-chairs with amendments made by Penny Blake and second by Darleen Williams. Motion passed

Committee Reports (10-15 minutes per committee)

Awards and Scholarships

Advanced Practice



Disaster Management

Committee Chairs

Awards: Marlene and Trisha not at meeting

but see report above from Leona about scholarships

Advanced Practice: Darleen Williams reported about ENA developing Institute of Advanced Emergency Practice and FENA



EMS Advisory Council


General Assembly/Nominating

Gov. Affairs

Injury Prevention/IQSIP

Annual Conference Host State 2015


goal has been to attend meeting and be involved with new institute. Advanced Practice also to partner with Government Affairs with any proposed legislation and changes in certification and portfolio for NP’s.

Certification: Katrin Beault reported that Florida passed if you have national specialty certification that now it meets qualifications to meet Florida license renewal. Will try to put message on FENA website.

Communication/Informatics: Discussed above with Cathy and Mike

Disaster Management: Jay Bronson promoted to Region 1 SMART team and plan changed and every team has plan renewed December 2014 for 6 months. Lot of legislation for funding and support disaster teams in progress.

Education: Anne Brown and Christine Townsend reported working with EMLRC to have more input for nursing at their conferences. Networking to Pediatric Web series through EMLRC to offer free CE’s. Members reported several sites for free CE’s especially for pediatrics. Discussed working with EMLRC on videos for education to be posted on EMLRC website for CE’s.

EMS Advisory Council: Patty Sadler reported that EMS is working to standardize protocols. There will be some Ebola training forthcoming this year. Discussed Danny Griffin’s Friday Night Lights Out Program and has free CD’s available and can offer as


outreach to schools for sports concussion and injuries. State wide disaster protocols were rewritten and should be published soon. CDC/Florida trauma alert guidelines will be unchanged. April Pools is another outreach educational research details to come. Access to Care was discussed and holding patients in the ED. EMS is aware of ED overcrowding and boarding. EMS aware of nursing shortage so that are going to go public with information about boarding and they want to go to paramedics filling the gap.

Fundraising: Cathy Sakers - Working on buying jewelry for ENA Foundation donation.

General Assembly: See State Captain’s report

Government Affairs: Ken Steinheart contacted Penny about rally in Ybor City by National Nurse Union against violence against nurses. Ken wanted to know if FENA wanted to be support endeavor by NNU on violence against nurses. Penny will further investigate request and potential legislation on this. EM Days Planning conference in progress. US government funding Ebola grants for 5.4 billion dollars and not all money will remain in US. Mandated nurse staffing ratios legislations may come this year. Discussion about mental health patients boarding in ED’s. See attached report for more information.

Injury Prevention: Nothing new to report by


Cathy Sakers. If local chapter wants to do project contact her and will try to work with local chapter. Discussed Friday Night Lights Out as possible outreach for local chapters for injury prevention. Cathy will get information on train the trainer course for FENA members.

Annual Conference: See above report

Membership: Ann Blevins - Florida now has 2100 members and holding steady. 275 new members in Florida. Monthly letters sent out to new members. Discussion on how to increase membership and ideas to promote meeting attendance.

Open Discussion/Round Table: State Award Application

Open Discussion/Requests

Leona and Dennise finishing work to complete this application to be filed by January 31, 2015

Request from Teresa Murphy to be placed on April meeting agenda to discuss chapter project with Transition of Report from EMS to ED Bedside project. Will email President for request to be on agenda

Dates to Remember & Upcoming Opportunities 2015:

State & Chapter Leadership Orientation: February 19-20 / Las Vegas, NV

Government Affairs Advocacy: February 19-20 / Las Vegas, NV

FCEP Emergency Medicine Days: March 8-10,Tallahassee, FL

FENA Chapter Leaders Orientation: April 28 / St. Petersburg, FL

ENA Day on the Hill: April 28-29 / Washington, DC

ClinCon Conference: July 17-20, 2015

Leona Demps

CLO will be held at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg – see website for more information


Symposium by the Sea: August __ /TBA

ENA Annual Conference: September 28-October 3 / Orlando, FL

2015 FENA State Council Meetings Dates: January 23 / Daytona Beach

April 29 / St. Petersburg July / Orlando October 22 / Ocala

Leona Demps

4PM Adjournment Leona Demps Motion made by Robin Powers to adjourn meeting and second by Darleen Williams. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 1547 .

2015 Committee / Position

Chairperson Co-Chair Board Liaison

Press Secretary Bethany Beard NA Leona Stout-Demps

Awards/Scholarships Marlene Bachrach Tricia McCarthy Leona Stout-Demps

Advanced Practice Paula Davis Darleen Williams Paula Davis

Certification Katrin Breault Teresa Murphy Paula Davis

Communications/Informatics Michael Bonn Catherine Edmisten Dennise Mathis

Emergency Preparedness Jay Brosnan Susan Thornton Leona Stout-Demps

Education Ann Brown Christine Townsend Terri Repasky

Fundraising Rachelle Zahniser Cathy Sakers Elizabeth Bonner

State Captains Dottie Hindman Terri Repasky Leona Stout-Demps

Government Affairs Penny Blake Tammy Lalmansigh Dennise Mathis

IQSIP/Injury Prevention Cathy O’Neil Shannon Martin Elizabeth Bonner

2015 EN Conference Planning Work Group Bonnie McIntosh Grace Green Leona Stout-Demps

Membership Elizabeth Blevins Maureen Rivers Elizabeth Bonner

Pediatrics/ ENPC Cindy Garlesky Dennise Mathis

Trauma/TNCC Robin Powers Terri Repasky


Nominations/Elections Terri Repasky

Thank you for all you do for ENA, FENA and your Local Chapter

FENA Executive Board & Officers