主僕月訊 - chinese-catholic.org2/15常年期第六主日 聖灰禮儀2/18...

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達拉斯天主教耶穌聖心堂 Sacred Heart of Jesus Chinese Parish

4201 14th Street Plano, TX 75074 972-516-8500

http://www.chinese-catholic.org webmaster@chinese-catholic.org

主僕月訊 2015年 2月

Monthly Newsletter February 2015

Happy Chinese New Year


主日彌撒: 英文 上午 9:30

中文 上午 11:00

瞻禮假日 中英文 上午 11:00

瞻禮非假日 中英文 晚上 7:30

Sunday Mass: English 9:30AM Chinese 11:00AM Feast and holiday Combined 11:00AM Feast (non-holiday) Combined 7:30PM

平日彌撒: 週一至週四 下午 6:00

週五彌撒及聖體降福 晚上 7:30

週六 上午 9:30

Daily Mass: Mon–Thu 6:00PM Fri: Mass and Benediction 7:30PM Sat: Immaculate Heart Mass 9:30AM

朝拜聖體: 週一至週五 上午 9-11:00

每主日 上午 8:15-9:15,下午 12-3

及首週六 彌撒後至下午 5:00

Adoration: weekday 9 - 11:00AM Sundays 8:15-9:15AM; noon-3PM 1st Saturday 10AM - 5:00PM

和好聖事: 週六 下午 5:00 ~ 6:00 Confession: Sat: 5~6PM or call for appointment

堂區司鐸:林育明神父 (972)516-8500


Pastor: Fr. Vincent Lin Deacon: Dcn. George Chou

堂區主任助理:章其鳴(972)612-8880 Parish Assistant: Chi-Ming Chang

堂區諮議、幹事 Parish Council and Staff

牧民諮議: 張新泰(972)-713-6824


Pastoral Council: Ted Chang, James Wang,

Sandy Chen, Christopher Lu, Sean Hsu


朱文樸 (972)517-1906

Financial Council: Jing Ling Wang, Ping Ying Wang, Ben Kwong, Paul Chen, Joseph Chu

財務組: 謝智敏 (214)334-7686 Accounting: Selina Tse

行政組: 林育明神父(代) (972)516-8500 Administration: Fr. Lin (Temporary)

禮儀組: 李蒞莉 (972)245-4577 Liturgy: Lily Gan

圖書室: 張新泰 (972)713-6824 Library: Ted Chang

大傳組: 楊治財(代) (972)596-3040 Mass Communication: Linda Yang

靈修陶成:陳慶鴻 214-463-1723王正(972)398-0796

關懷組: 陳美卿 (972)807-2735

Spirituality/ Formation: Anthony Chan/James Wang Outreach Judy Wong

祈禱會: 周漸群 (214)463-1724 The Prayer Group: Louisa Chow

夫婦懇談會: 陳世清 (972)509-8917 The Marriage Encounter: Luke Chen

青少年陶成組: (Vacant) Youth Ministry: (Vacant)

聖經/信仰分享(十組):王 正 (972)398-0796 Bible/Faith sharing (10 groups): James Wang

成人慕道班: 周國復執事 (972)607-3738

星期日 下午 1:30~3:30

RCIA Dcn. George Chou Sunday 11:00 AM ~ 12:15 PM

兒童/青少年宗教教育:Kevin McGillis

星期日上午十點四十五分 ~ 十二點十五分

CCD: Kevin McGillis Sunday 10:45 AM ~ 12:15 PM

聖母軍: 李 雪 (972)422-2726

星期日 9:15 AM ~10:30 AM

Legion of Mary: Hsueh Lee Sunday 9:15 AM ~10:30 AM

聖心文化及語文服務组:劉貞妮 (469) 854-9692

中文班 星期日 下午 1:30-3:30

星期六 上午 10:00-12:00

中文會話班 星期五 下午 4:15-6:15

英文班 星期六 上午 9:30-11:00

太極拲班 星期六 上午 9:30-11:30

Sacred Heart Cultural & Language services: Jenny Chen (469) 854-9692 Chinese Class Sun. 1:30 PM ~3:30 PM Sat. 10:00AM~12:00PM Chinese Class: Fri. 4:15 PM ~6:15 PM English class Sat. 9:30 AM ~11:00 AM Tai-Chi Sat. 9:30 AM ~ 11:30 AM

聖詠團: 甘智岡 (972)596-8323 Church Choir: John Kan


二月份主日及慶日彌撒 Special Masses and Activities in February

2/01 常年期第四主日

2/02 獻主節。

2/08 常年期第五主日(歡迎禮)

2/15 常年期第六主日

2/18 聖灰禮儀

2/22 四旬期第一主日

2/01 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2/02 Presentation of the Lord 2/08 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time(Rite of acceptance) 2/15 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2/18 Ash Wednesday 2/22 First Sunday of Lent

牧民諮議 張新泰提供

2/21 慶祝春節聚餐及同樂會時間如下:

5:30PM 聚餐﹝每家帶一道夠自己家人的份量﹞

7:00PM 晚會

9:00PM 結束

我們有抽獎活動,歡迎大家提供獎品。彩卷 2/8 日開

始發售,每張$1 凡購買 10 張加送 1 張。

Pastoral Council Ted Chang

To celebrate Chinese New Year, the Festivity includes a potluck dinner and relaxing activities and programes on 2/21 (Saturday): 5:30 PM – Dinner (Please bring a dish or two) 7~ 9 PM – Festival program There will be prize drawing during the evening festival (donation of prizes are welcome). Raffle ticket will be sold on 2/8 for one dollar a piece.

財務組 謝智敏、王靜玲提供 Accounting Team Selina Tse & Jingling Wang



任何問題,請詢問 Selina 或王靜玲。 2 月將有將有下列第二次奉獻: (1) Bishop's Annual Appeal

Pledge--February8,2015.(2) Aid to the Church in Central and EasternEurope–February18,2015.(3) Black and Indian

Missions -- February 22, 2015. 謝謝您的慷慨奉獻。

主教 Farrell 推出一個募款計劃, 名稱是 "我們的信心

我們的未來". 這是為全 Dallas 教 區籌款一億兩千五

百萬,. 款項將用 1) 天主教學校費用, 2) 教區教堂的擴

充, 3) 神職人員的培訓, 4), 主教座堂的整修, 5) 天主教


我們教堂的目標是 十四萬五千. 要是得到委員會的同

意, 主教 Farrell 會將我們得款低於目標的部分的 30%

和超出目標的部分的 70% 歸回我們堂區使用. 我們計

劃將四萬三千五百元用在建堂基金. 十二月中旬你們


Monthly financial report is posted in the church’s bulletin board only due to internet security reasons. Financial report for recent months is posted on the bulletin board. Please review it and if you have any questions please contact Selina Tse or Jingling Wang. There are three special collections in February: Bishop's Annual Appeal Pledge -- February 8, 2015. Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe – February18,2015. Black and Indian Missions -- February 22, 2015 Thank you for your generous support to the Diocese. Bishop Farrell has launched the "Our Faith Our Future” Capital Campaign, a diocesan-wide fund raising effort with an overall goal for $125 million used for 1) Catholic Schools, 2) Parishes, 3) Vocations / Seminary, 4) Cathedral Restoration and 5) Catholic Charities. Bishop Farrell intends, with the consent of his Advisory Committee, unless otherwise restricted by a donor, to request that 30% of funds raised by each parish up to the amount of its parish goal, and 70% of those funds over its goal, be distributed back to that parish for its own approved philanthropic purposes. Our parish’s goal is $145,000, and we plan to request $43,500 from the Fund to increase the Building Fund. You will receive pledge letter in mid-December.

禮儀組 李莅莉提供 Liturgical Group Provided by Lily Gan

2/02 獻主節,今天是紀念聖母生耶穌 40 天後行洗




2/08 彌撒中將舉行成人慕道班的歡迎禮。教會正式


2/18 聖灰禮儀,當日教友應守大小齋。彌撒將在晚

2/02 Presentation of the Lord. Candle mass commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus will be celebrated today evening at 6:00pm. This day also marks the ritual presentation of the baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. 2/08 Rite of Acceptance – Welcoming: There is a special celebration at Mass for those who have chosen to study the Catholic faith further and enter into the second stage of RCIA.



2/22 春節祭祖將於中文彌撒後舉行.

2/18 Ash Wednesday. It's a day of penitence to cleanse the body and soul before the Lent. On Ash Wednesday, both abstinence and fasting are required of Catholics who are not exempted for various reasons..Mass will be held at 7:30pm. 2/22 Rite of Honoring Ancestors will be held after Chinese Mass.

大傳組 黃發芳/楊治財 提供 Communications by Cindy Chu/Linda Yang


【葡萄藤】2 月份葡萄藤主編是陳美卿。




【葡萄藤】歡迎大家繼續踴躍投稿。投稿文章請寄 cindyfachu@yahoo.com 如有打字的需要,可將您的文


大傳組【葡萄藤】去年已於百佳及 99 超市,購置兩個專業之陳列架。本來是專門陳列【葡萄藤】或


其它之傳單,丟置其上,由於大傳組人力有限,煩請教友們赴百佳及 99 超市購物時,若見到此一狀況,






成人慕道班 周執事提供 中文慕道班這個月將進入一個新的階段,也就是禮儀


2 月 7 日下午 5:30pm 我們將會有 RCIA 聚餐,歡迎大



慕道友入門收錄禮將在 2 月 8 日上午在教堂舉

行,請慕道友在彌撒前 15分鐘到教堂。

慕道友入門收錄禮 2 月 22 日上午在教堂接受歡


甄選禮。禮儀在 7:00pm 開始,我們預定 6:30pm 坐


RCIA Provided by Dcn. George Chou RCIA will have a potluck party held on February 7th

At 5:30pm, all are welcome, please bring a dish enough for you and your party.

The rite of welcoming will be held on February 8th. The catechumens please come 15 minutes earlier before the mass.

The rite of sending will be held on February 22nd

and the rite of election will be held at 7:00pm in Cathedral on the same day, we plan to be seated in

Cathedral at 6:30pm.

兒童及青少年信仰培育組 Kevin McGillis 提供



2 月 22 日慶祝中國新年,停課一日。

3 月 8 & 15 日,停課一日。

Children and Youth Faith Formation group (provided by Kevin McGillis) We are always looking for extra help, come volunteer to help Our Youth, Our Future. Sunday February 22nd is a class Holiday, participate in Parish Chinese New Year Celebration. Spring Break, no classes will be held on March 8

th &



星期五晚間祈禱會 周漸群提供





Friday evening Prayer Meeting by Louisa Chow Every Friday evening from 7:30 to 9pm, there is Mass followed by Holy Hours, including adoration, prayer time and Benediction. Please join the meeting to praise and thank our merciful God. If you have special prayer intentions, we can pray for you in front of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

聖心文化及語文服務組 劉貞妮 提供

聖心中文課 2015 年春季班於 1 月 9 至 11 日開始

上課, 上課時間如下: 週日班 1:30 pm~3:30 pm, 週五

班 4:20 pm~5:20 pm, 週六班 10 am~12 pm,另外還



The Sacred Heart Cultural & Language Services by Jenny Chen

Registration for 2015 Spring Semester Chinese Classes starts now. Classes start from 1/9 to 1/11/2015. Sunday classes are from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, Friday Class is from 4:20 pm to 5:20 pm, Saturday Classes from 10am to 12pm. Information for Adult Chinese Class, Saturday Adult English Class, and Tai-Chi Class, please contact Jenny Chen or Vivian Chou .

關懷組: 陳美卿提供


貧困兒童有一個快樂的聖誕節,今年 mother Teresa

的修女會想要為孩童們募集溫暖的 Twin size 的羊毛


Outreach Judy Wong Once again, Christmas will soon be here. The sisters from The Missionaries of Charity would like to give those South Dallas kids a merry Christmas, and have decided to give them Twin Size micro fleece blanket as Christmas presents this year. Thank you for your generosity!

靈修陶成組 王正、陳慶鴻提供













聖安德烈貝塞特(修士) St. Andre Bessette (1845-






聖方濟各沙雷氏(主教、聖師)(紀念) St. Francis de

Sales (1567-1622)



Spirituality/Formation by James Wang, Anthony Chan This year’s Chinese Adult Lent Retreat will be held 3/7-3/8. We will have a young priest from China, Fr. Bonaventure Bai to lead the retreat. He is a Franciscan Father with American Franciscans. He has served in two parishes in Ohio in the past few years and is currently studying at Catholic University in Washington DC. His research focus is on Religion and Culture. He has lead many retreats for Chinese Catholic communities across North America and was well received. The theme of the Lent Retreat here will be “To have an abundant life.” The schedule of the retreat is as follows: 3/7 Saturday 10 AM- 4:45 PM 4 sessions 4:45 PM – 5:30 PM confession 3/8 Sunday 1:15 PM- 3:15 PM Final Talk Those who need to reserve lunch box for Saturday will be able to sign up at the narthex starting 2/15. St. Andre Bessette (1845-1937) Known as “God’s Door Keeper” he healed thousands thru Jesus All the Saints knew the importance of Eucharistic Adoration. The Eucharist is where grace and healing comes from. St. Andre Bessette knew this as he would often spend long nights in adoration of our beloved Lord. From this he consoled and healed thousands of people while remaining a simple doorkeeper as a Brother for the Congregation of The Cross. Let us imitate him and sign up for at least a weekly Holy Hour of adoration at our local Eucharistic Adoration program. St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Doctor of The









Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)









Church and Bishop of Geneva Switzerland “As mountain hares become white in winter because they neither see nor eat anything but snow, so by adoring and feeding on beauty, purity and goodness itself in the Eucharist you will become altogether beautiful, pure, and good.” “Nowhere do we find our Savior more tender or more loving than here (in adoration) where He, so to speak, annihilates Himself and reduces Himself to food in order to penetrate our souls and to unite Himself to the hearts of His friends.” St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Doctor of the Church, Theologian, and Philosopher St. Thomas used to spend many hours in adoration before our beloved Lord. He once said that he learned more from prayer before the Blessed Sacrament than from many hours of study. “No other sacrament (except the Holy Eucharist) has greater healing power; through it sins are purged away, virtues are increased, and the soul is enriched with an abundance of every spiritual gift.”



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接/送/服/務 專門接送機場及其他服務:

(24 小時) 1.中、英、越、粵口語傳譯 2.達拉斯是區及郊區觀光服務 3.出差開會接送服務 Tina 徐:972-740-5616 Tony :972-740-6543

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Plano, TX 75023 Tel: (972)867-8803