Follow the Leader You Caused This! Where is it? Primary Quotes HELP! I Do Declare! 100 200 300 400...

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Follow the


You Caused This!

Where is it?

Primary Quotes HELP!

I Do Declare!

100 100 100 100 100


200 200 200 200 200


300 300 300 300 300


400 400 400 400 400


500 500 500 500



Main page (home)

Follow the Leader - 100 Points

I was the leader of the Continental Army

George Washington

Follow the Leader - 200 Points

I surrendered at YorktownGeneral Cornwallis

Follow the Leader - 300 Points

I was the leader of Great Britain during the American Revolution.

George III

Follow the Leader - 400 Points

I was the leader in the American Navy and declared, “I have not yet

begun to fight!”John Paul Jones

Follow the Leader - 500 Points

I was once a leader in the Continental Army, but switched to

the British side during the war.Benedict Arnold

You Caused This! - 100 Points

A tax placed on almost all printed materialsStamp Act

You Caused This! - 200 Points

Citizens of Boston get into a scuffle with British soldiers. Five Bostonians

get killed.Boston Massacre

You Caused This! - 300 Points

I was a tax on paint, lead, glass, paper, and tea.Townshend Acts

You Caused This! - 400 Points

I was a reaction to the Boston Tea Party and shut down Boston Harbor

Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

You Caused This! - 500 Points

I forbid any colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Proclamation of 1763

Where is it? - 100 Points

The city where Sam Adams, John Hancock and Paul Revere live.


Where is it? - 200 Points

The turning point of the American Revolution occurred here


Where is it? - 300 Points

The last major battle of the American Revolution was fought


Where is it? - 400 Points

The Second Continental Congress declared independence from here.


Where is it? - 500 Points

The winter camping quarters of the Continental Army during the winter

of 1777-1778.Valley Forge

Primary Quotes - 100 Points

“I have not yet begun to fight!”-John Paul Jones

Primary Quotes - 200 Points

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one

people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them

with another…”-Declaration of Independence

Primary Quotes - 300 Points

“Give me liberty or give me death!”-Patrick Henry

Primary Quotes - 400 Points

“…these are the times that try men’s souls.”

Thomas Paine - the Crisis

Primary Quotes - 500 Points

“…blows must decide whether they are subject to this country or independent." King George III

HELP! - 100 Points

Nation who declared war against Great Britain after the Battle of


HELP! - 200 Points

French officer who became one of Washington’s closest advisors

Marquis de Lafayette

HELP! - 300 Points

Country, which also claimed territory in North America and most of South America, declared war against Great

Britain. (Besides France)(Spain)

HELP! - 400 Points

Spanish Governor of Louisiana who helped fight the British.

Bernardo de Galvez

HELP! - 500 Points

Prussian (German) officer who helped train Washington's army.

Baron von Steuben

I Do Declare! - 100 Points

The Declaration of Independence was approved on… (date)

July 4, 1776

I Do Declare! - 200 Points

The three rights that we are entitled to are…

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

I Do Declare! - 300 Points

Person in the Declaration who is being blamed for the problems between the colonies and Great

BritainKing George III

I Do Declare! - 400 Points

Powers that the Declaration states that all free nations should have.Levy War, conclude Peace, contract

Alliances, establish Commerce

I Do Declare! - 500 Points

President of the Second Continental Congress

John Hancock