Fongs 6è A

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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FUNGIBy Monica, Kevin,

Lucia and Carlota.

What they are. Division. Where they live. How they move. How they reproduce. They´re relation with humans.


What they are. Essers saprotrophs. Eukaryotic organisms. Unicellular or multicellular. Heterotrophs.

Division-1. The mushrooms:The mushrooms belong to family of fungus. They have two principal parts, the head (or cap) and the stem. The mushrooms can be toxic or edible. Too, are multicellular and heterotrophs. They´re food is organic matter.

Division-2. The mold:

The mold, are multicellular and heterotrophs. They also, feed on organic matter.

(click on the peach to see ho mold looks like)

Division-3 The Yeast:They´re also heterotrophs. The yeast are unicelular organisms that feed on of sugar and fabricates carbon dioxhid and ethyl alcohol.

Where they live

Fungi live in damp and shady places (forests, jungles, etc.)

How they move

Fungi can’t move, because they have plants cells.

How they reproduce

Fungi they repoduce through spores. Under the cap of the mushroom spores are and fall around the mushroom. Reproductin of mold is very similar to mushroom. The spores are in a structures. The yeast is different. A lump them out, and this is another cell.

They’re relation whith humans. The fungi relationship of fungi with humans is as follows: Have helped us evolve as much as with food and with medicinese.For exeple; penicillin yeast beer, bread…


In this work we have learned much about fungi ( his division, his reproduction ... ) we have know more together.


Information found on Wikipedia and videos that we passed Blanca.

The end
