Foods with tryptophan for good sleep and relaxation

Post on 16-May-2015

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description The body–mind link is undeniable, and what we eat can affect our moods. Eating to make ourselves feel better can become a problem when it becomes comfort eating or food addiction, but eating to restore low blood sugar levels can be a simple solution for beating stress and feeling better. So can eating foods that are rich in tryptophan, the amino acid needed to build serotonin, the brain chemical that makes us relax and feel peaceful. Chocolate (in moderation – 50 g of dark chocolate daily) is an excellent source of tryptophan but there are many other common and delicious foods that are also good sources of tryptophan.




Foods containing tryptophan make excellent suppers or bedtime snacks as a way of ensuring good sleep and promoting relaxation.

So what foods are rich in the tryptophan needed for making serotonin? 

Serotonin is the brain chemical that makes us feel satisfied, happy and at peace. 

The number one food should come as no surprise: chocolate. 

This is why chocolate addictions are so prevalent – eating chocolate really does boost your mood. 

But before you go and purchase a large block of chocolate and wolf down the lot in an attempt to feel better, remember that moderation is the key and that chocolate is not the only source of tryptophan. 

When you do have some chocolate, go for dark chocolate with 70% or more cocoa solids to get the maximum amount of tryptophan, and allow yourself 50 grams a day. 

Schedule a dark chocolate break and savour it!

Other foods that are great sources of tryptophan include:

Oily fish such as salmon and tunaBananas

Strawberries and raspberries (strawberries dipped in dark chocolate… mmm!)

Apricots, fresh or dried

Avocado Yeast – and this includes that

Aussie favourite, Vegemite Nuts, especially walnuts, Brazil

nuts, cashews and hazelnuts (also decadent dipped in dark chocolate)


Broccoli Brown rice and rice bran Lentils (make it into hummus or

a dip) Sunflower seeds

This list is enough to inspire any cook and has probably demonstrated the mind–body link by making your mouth water at some point. 

They’re also readily available in the majority of good supermarkets.  And a lot of those foods aren’t super-expensive .

Many are simple to prepare into the bargain – poached eggs alongside a salad containing broccoli, avocado dried apricots and sunflower seeds can be prepared in less time than it takes to whip down to the local takeaway.  

What more could you ask?

Just remember the golden rule – moderation!

Source: Positive Tranceformations