For Epson Dealer Information Reference to the VP-E Sales Aid PowerPoint document may be needed in...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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for Epson

Dealer Information

Reference to the VP-E Sales Aid PowerPoint document may be needed in conjunction with

this document.

Dealer benefits

Incremental Sales of Epson printers

From Troika’s UK experience:

• Approximately 40% of End Users buying VersoProof have purchased a new Epson printer.

• Half of these are upgrades from there older Epson 9000 and 7000 series.

• The remaining 60% have attached VP-E to there existing Epson printer.

Installation and Support benefits• Typically a full day is chargeable for installation and training at the

customer site.

Dealer benefits


Standard Epson Inks are used, the additional Epson sales generate more ink sales.

VP-E double coated paper is essential for the optimum colour gamut, achieving contract quality proofs; no distortion of the papers and good folding capabilities.

Therefore the Troika duplex papers are used:

• 1030 x 790, 170 gsm Satin Duplex Paper• List Price £500.00 per pack of 50: £10.00 per sheet• Dealer discount is 45%, i.e., £275.00 per pack

See info book for latest duplex papers and sizes.

A customer using just 25 packs of B1 Satin paper a year will generate significant profits for Troika dealers. At £225.00 gross profit per pack of 50

sheets that equates to £5,625.00 per customer per year.

If only 10 customers buy VersoProof from you over the next year, that will generate an incremental gross profit of £56,250.00 for you

that is not insignificant.

VersoProof paper is dual coated, for high absorbance of the ink on one side

and shortly after on the other side.

It has excellent ability to absorb this high volume of ink and can be folded

successfully to make excellent mock-ups or dummies.

Consumable Sales

VP-E recommended end user prices

VP-E 44 is suitable for all recent large format Epson printers: Epson 10600, Epson 10000, Epson 9600

Recommended sale price £4,500.00

VP-E 24 is a size limited version for the Epson 7600Recommended sale price £3,375.00

Dealer discount is 25% off list. It is recognised the end user price will vary from country to country

due to import duty, dealer margin requirements, and what the country will bear.

Dealer benefits

Sales of VersoProof

VersoProof is an intelligent sale, it is not suitable for dealers

who are use to the “Box Shifting”, but needs industry

knowledge and experience.

Technicians with experience of Industry Standard RIPs is


for list of RIPs see the VP-E Sales Aid.ppt

““why should you make the effort”why should you make the effort”Epson command in excess of 80% of the proofing market in North America and Europe.

HP have approximately 10%, and all the others combined to make up the rest.


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Epson Range HP Range Others

Percentage market share of Large Format Printers in the proofing market.

Epson Range

HP Range


Duplexing on Epsons give an 8 to 1 greater selling

opportunity over HPs.

Out of the 12 demonstrations at Troika Systems for

duplexing solutions, 1 had been for an automatic

turning solution. That customer had identified the

NEED for automatic turning and could justify it; the

remaining 11 had all decided on VersoProof the

manual turning solution.

WHY: • Production requirements (typically less than 10 duplex proof per day)

• COST (already have the labour to turn the sheet)

• Already have an Epson, or desiring an Epson

(rather than the lower resolution HP printers)

““why why

should should

you you

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““wow”wow” Is the most commonly heard word at any VersoProof Demonstration


The most commonly heard statement from potential customers is

“isn't it easy” followed by a commitment to purchase.


The most commonly heard statement form a potential dealer is “I

want to sell this, I have x customers who would want this today”


““wow” wow”

In the 2 months up to Feb 03, Troika have had a 100% success rate with all

VersoProof demonstrations: resulting in End Users committing to

purchase, or Dealers wanting to sell.


All prospective customers or dealers leave with a folded duplexed proof

and the same proof guillotined and stapled to represent an exact dummy

of the folded proof. Without giving these to the customer the sale will

never be closed.

These represent exactly what the customer is

producing day in day out week after week.


Also, VersoProof is:

A SATISFYING sale, with a high success rate.

The cost of sales is not high- enhancing profitability.

No additional Large Format Printer support costs,

And leads to significant, highly profitable duplex paper sales.

We have established an 11:1 greater opportunity with VersoProof

on the Epson range in comparison to the HP automatic turning

solutions; and at a price customers can afford.

VersoProof compared to automatic turning solutions

VersoProof for Epson

Dealer information

What's holding you back – lets move forward!

Contact us at