FOR SALE s d Dally. 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer... · hogany parlor and curio cabinets, music box,...

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24 Sec. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SUNDAY MORIS IN 0, APEIL % 1905 . !• i i <n_)>»*»—iiwsy^ssswws—Will insiiiSawEMr*"***

' FOR SALE For Sate 1 cent a word Sundays. 2 coots a

word Dally,

COMPULSORY AUCTION SALE OK OH AN I) household furniture at 1407 N. 16th, Tuesday,

April 4, at 10.30. This U without exception one of the grainiest sabs of household effects Of the year, and everything must he positively sold, DO natter at what sacrifice as house must be vacat­ed. Magnificent curved mahogany parlor suit, up­holstered |o the finest silk daroafk; aho toit


in -tiresome Verona; upright canin"t gruud piar.o. only used S months: French gill c'.oea

»ld list dei _

unlicany bureau and chiffonier

piano, OB set. gold leaf mantel taitat design.

mirror, almost new, handsome brass bed, uupcitor

. . a and chlffouler, fine rll paint­ings, elegant hric-a-brae. ladles' Vernla Martin desk and table. French bronse some cut glass, superior carpets.

.urea, band-wo tine ma­

hogany parlor and curio cabinets, music box, roll top desk, lacv curtains and draperies, fine couch, hnndsome osk sideboard, carved oak chiua closet, with glass back: leather dining room chairs, extension table, large and small rugs. French china dltiuer, tea, flsh. after dinner sets. Turkish chair and couch, mahoga­ny and oak bed room sulta, chiffoniers, balr mattresses, superior carpets, large bsndiotnn rags. May be examined 9 o'clock, morlng of sale. SODA FOUNTAINSTALL STYLES AND SIZES,

on terms to suit. We also have a large num­ber of second-hand, thoroughly remodeled, and for tale at a fraction of original cost. The sold accumulation of "used" fountains taken a exchange for new ones compels us to nam* ow prices and easv terms to elnso them oat

rapidly. , Don't delay if von want a bargain. A Sons. 1*13 to 1421 Vine st. apmiy. won't <

Robert M. Green "Jot in the trust.

e O K U I S

BJi '

srdy, interesting, flowering plant for field or product for flel<!

garden, producing $1000 an acre ench year; $.10 will start yon. y. S. Government advises

*'Ivation: fall Instructions free how to gr Write to tJrantte Hill Farm, Louisa, Va.

„ start yon. V cultivation: fall I

STORAGE"""SALE—HANDSOME BRASS BED-stesd. only $10. worth $35; fine cabinet organ.

15 stops, only $15: mabogany chiffonier, $17; irgo walnut Wardrobe. $7; several oak cham-»r suits. $8 up; leather oonch. $7; 85 yards

Imssels carpet. $11. O'Malley's Storage lonse. 103032 Ridge ave.

FAMILY WILL SELL FINE QUARTERED oak wardrobe. $9: cost $18; golden oak toilet '"onler. $8. cost $14; fine v«|our tufted couch,

lady's mahogany secretary, $8, all nearly pew FIREPROOF SAFES. CHEAP. NEW AND SEC-

ond-hand. get prices before buying, save 50 per cent., direct from our factory; oldest, lar­gest reliable Safe House. Hasscnforder Safe works. 219 Ncrth Fourths FOR SALE CHEAP-FORTUNE TELLING MA-

chine, sultsble for nark or seashore: good ponev maker: or would exchange for Leg-

chickens. W. W. McCool. Marshaltou. rare

E"rn c Pclawi FINE $25.00 KBYSTGN-~8TAT ElrtANJO AND

ease. $10.00; $4 catcher's mitt (Decker pat-•nt); $2: $2 catcher's mitt, $1; guitar. $2: 10 fb. dumb bells, 60c. 1729 N. 3d St.. Phila­delphia. FOR 8 A ^ ^ A R O E ~ ^ W R J a E R A T 6 R . 8UIT-

able for butcher, butter aud egg or milk busi­ness; will hold 250 tubs of butter. Apply James J. Madden Co., 810 N. 2d st. •7R-VBRY F I N B ^ U A R T R ¥ B D V O A K VP-

right piano, in perfect order: original price $860. Kennoily & Bro,, 125 N. 11th street, corner Cherry TURKISH CORNER COMPLETE. LA HOE


net, music box and table, interchangeable rolls; coat originally «125. Kennedy & Bro., 125 N. l l th st.v corner Cherry._ PUOILISTIC AUTOBIOGRAPHY, HYER* TO

Oorbett, handsome yortrslts, suitable foT sport­ing man or club house, $5. P-362, Inquirer

tABBBRS—WE SELL THE KLINB CHAIR for cash or on easy terms. Two secondhand

ones at a reasonable price. The Alpha Co., 142 and 144 N. 9th st. LEFT ON STORAGE-LABOR LOT NRWI.IN-

oleum. 85c. yard; cook range. $3 ISO; furni­ture, etc. National Storage House. 1308 Callow-tuil. • H O B M A T C E R ' T I ' A T C H I N G ^ ^ . running order: cost $00 new. made by Brad-bnry A Co., England, only $10. Ed. Slide-brand. New Providence. Pa.

BATH ~TUBS. FORTY. Copper lined, steel. portable, tnba. nenrlv

new. msko offer. Charles Drake, 1520 Columbia avenue.

' 'i 'I'lummn n J l . . , ^ I I — > » * ' » « • » -

FOR SALE For Salo 1 cent a word Sunday*. 2 c e n t s a

word Dal ly .

At the Great Wilson Tea House Old fashioned; our forefather* used It. Pr ime

roasted Laguayra coffee. 17c. per pound; 7 pounds for $1 . The above coffee, of which I have recently received E L E V E N H U N D R E D BAGS right direct from the plantat ion on which It Is grown, and It Is only nine days at this wri t ing since it arrived here, and tho ship­per has his money already In his pocket. That s one reason w h y that no other dealer In Phila­delphia can g e t a smel l a t this particular brand of coffee, a s the shipper remarked when on a visit horo, '• - i f

-•ale (icipnja can get* a »miell at this particular brand

irked wh( . .. . x soul can get a

Riuell at this coffee as long as Charles Wilson, thaT~no~otljer living soul ca_.get a

Jr., wants the money to.yay'joj^ft'. Cl'<AR?»3 'wFOON*.* JR.. 0Imp6rtaVk" Jobber and Retailer, East Paesyunk ave., between Ninth. Tenth. Wharton and Reed sts. Kstub-tUhod 27 years rl " * pounds for $1.00.

Igiit here, Good tea, ten

) „ BARGAINS IN JEWELRY. ttO-Ptiro white diamond. % kt. a 10—Diamond locket, cheap. 190—Pure white diamond, % kt.. perfect. |76-White diamond, over 1 kt. '85—Five stone diamond ring. SO— perfect diamond, over IVi kt, .

M— lg kt. watch, minute repeater. 175-Diamond horse shoe brooch, very cheap. 150 -Princess ring. 8 pearls and diamonds. 205—Perfect diamond, nearly 8 kt. • '250--Peiulant large diamonds.

75- Three stone diamond ring, fine. "15—Kajrrings. 3 kt.. cheap. ' Diamond necklace. 54 diamonds.

Perfect diamond ring, 4V4 kt. . . . Large (liamoud harvetmoon.

Numerous others, all guaranteed as represent ed and cheap enough for dealers. Wm. Lay cock. 010 Walnut st. ABMY AND NAVY OOODS-WE HAVE ADD-

ed thousands of dollars' worth of these desir­able goods to our spring stock and ready, to

ilforms tor all ' * •"" ges: defy all corm.... . . . K.

1000 army shirts, $1; army shoes. $1.50;

all societies, serve you with uniforms tor camps, courte.i lodges; defy all competition in prices; 1000 army shirts. If; army shoes. 41.50; boots. $2.60; legglns. 60c.; campaign hats and caps. 50c.: khaki uniforms. $1.50 to $2: 500 sad­dles, bridles, collars^ traces, e t c ; ^ry. lmpor

or jure; rois. euiup »IWH*. fisgs. decorations, full outfit for camping and

our trade. Mall order* Drclfns ft Co.. 2007

dies, bridles, collars, traces, etc.; very impor* taut for farmers add contractors; 500 all sites of tents for sale or hire; cots, camp, stools, fisgs. decorations, full outfit for camping at boat bouses; we solicit your trade. Mall orde promptly attended to. Dre Frankford ave.. 12 S. 2d st. SPRING CLOTHING BARGAINS — OVER-

coats $1.50; sutts, $2; coats and vests. 76c; sack coats, 50c.; pants. 75c; boys suits. $1: knee pants, 25c Loan Office, Front and Glrard avenue. $15—SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING MA-

chlne; latest model, with all attachments; guaranteed In perfect order; cost $50, Loan Office, Front and Oirard ave. $5 BUYS BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND RING IN

solid gold mounting; worth $16. Loan Office, Front and Glrard ave^ $TJPr7~JEWELED "^NICKBL APPLETQN ft

Tracy movement. In 4-os. silver case: ooen face; "guaranteed good timepiece; worth $25. Loan Office, Front and Glrard ave. $2>-PAlR S O U T A T R B D~IAMOND~ BAR"

rtngs. beautiful white diamonds, worth $50; cheap enough for dealers. Loan Office, Front and Glrard ave.

FURNITURE. PIANO. MIRROR, ETC.. NOW In 0-room house in West Philadelphia; sacri­

fice to quick buyer: no reasonable offer -refused. X-304. Tnrtulrer office. t»fcfe^lAMQlfD~aTUp r ft KT.i SURFACE


hogan/. crown desk, antique secretary, book­case, of dealers. a ladv In reduced circumstances, no

P-302. Inoulrer office. SLOT MACHINES. MILLS NEW QUARTO-

scopes, Rogenfield Victoria, electric blowers, electric shock, all Iron cabinet sifting, and Kid varieties. Sloan Novelty, 082 N. Oth st. FOR SALJR--BBAUTIFUL PARLOR MANTEL

ldlrror. fine suit rattan furniture, rockers, ta­bles, lardlnlere. stands, etc.: all new. C»ll from 10 to 3, or evenlpgs. 2Q34 N. Broad st.



\ bat feet long. 2 atb tubs. In good condition;' oiiu push cart, cheap. Rear 1326 Kenilworth »t., No; 8. $5,OO^INDIA~SHAWL. BLACK CENTRR~"C0M.


Indcr press, practically uew. A-334. Inquirer office. . TWO OR THREE SUITS CLOTHES.' PIT BOY

Vi years, also rain coat; will sell cheap; no dealers. 1230 Columbia ave. FOR S.VLE— LARGE ICE C H F . S T 7 ~ 0 A N CALL

Sunday. 2000 Nevada st.. 29th and Daupbln • t rests. 2ifi)OLLAR BRO\VN SATIN FOULARD'bresiT

bust 38. gcod as now; will sell for $8.00. C-871, inquirer office.


case, 24 Inches; regular price $0.60. Kenuedy * "•^••.^26 N- 11th st., cornvr Cherry. $2.50 FOR TWO UPHOLSTERED CHA'IKS ^ and a book rack; all In perfect condition. H-800, Inquirer office. 118— Genuine Lemalre field glass; regular price

125 N. 11th street. $80. Kennedy corner Charry. ft Bro..

HANDSOME PAIR DIAMOND EARRINGS, only $22.00: bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office.

German town ave. and York st. BARBERS-TWO CHAFR MIRROR CASE"

Bargain. The Alpha Co.. 142 and 144 N. 9th atreet. -


monthiv payments: big bargains, liassen forder Safe Works. 210 North Fourth BLACKSMITHS' FURNACE TOOLS. LAP

mowers, rifle, buggy ana other tools chi 489 N. tilth st. COURSE IN SCRANTON CORRESPONDING

School. English b-snehes; cost $48; will; sell *h*-Ai>. 4S0 it. 04th st.

ENAMEL FOR SALE. BED ROOM SUITS, r .^ -ur , , bsds. oak refrigerator, cheap, must bo sold

Monday. 850. N. Uth st.

BARBERS—LOT OF GOOD SECOND-HAND revolving chairs, reasonable. Tho Alpha Co., 1 4 3 £22 ^44 N. 9th st. __

WE CAN MAKE YOUR OLD BRASS TABLE-*, lamps and chandeliers Tike new. DT- -ostal.

Standard Platlna Works. 449 N. 12th. OB'APHOPHONB RKCORD8. 250. APUIL

Townseud, catalogue mailed ou application. 1209 Dauphin. __ $25001-q^PH^PHONB. ELEOTRICAL AT~


and secopd-hnnd; Co SAF

. ALL aud second-hand; low price,

manufacturer!. IZES; NEW ttsburg Safe

BAFF.S. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF; NEW -ASr. •fcoud-hand; ail makes and sites: cheap, Btlffe; ft rreeman. manufacturers, 723 Chestnut. BILLIARDS. POOLT BOWLINiQ. SHUFFLE"

boards, second-hand tables, cheap.: table* rant-ad, Wl|ft.privilege of buying. 222^8^ 8tb_st. BAFEpBARNESI SAFE AND LOCK CO. NEW

and leooud-baiid gates; safca removed and re 17 N. eth ist. m* i" ,1, .»•_ I,I — - — | — ~ i i . , m • i . ,

$10 — OF>NT'S w


20-YEAR GOLD FILLED watch, nickel Elgin movement; worth $20.

n Office, Front and Glrard ave. $3.50~DIAMOND LINK CUFF BUTTONS.

In solid gold settings, worth $9. Loan Of­fice, Front and Glrard ave. $10-WHITE SILK DBB8B.. SI8B 40. WITH

extra silk skirt and petticoat; perfectly new; cost $30. Loan Office, Front and Oirard ave. $1~SPUD GOLD K.YSGLA8SWS AND SPBC-

taelcs. suit all agea, worth $5. Loan Office. Front snd Glrard ave. $1.50-EIOnT-DAY CLOCK, STRIKES HOUR

and half hour; worth $5. Loan Office, Front and Glrard ave. • $2—BEAUTIFUL PARLOR LAMP." VANCY

colored globe, worth $5. Loan Office, Front and Glrard avo. $8-TRUNK, METAL BOUND STEEL OOR-

ners, cost $0. Loan Office, FrOht and Glrard avenue. $2.50-VIOLIN AND BOW IN GOOD CONDI-

Offlce, Front and tlon: worth $7.50. Glrard ave. Loan

SOO.-CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRE88ES. ALL sixes; largo assortments. Loan Office. Front

and Glrard ave. $2.50~LADIES' FINE BLACK SKIRTS. NEAR-

ly new; all sixes: worth $6. Loan Office, Front and Glrard ave. rNF~ANT8~8HORT~"lND LONG DRESSES.

25c: petticoats, 15c; short and long coats. 76c; shoes, 25c. I/>an Office, Front and Glrard atonne. _ _ _ _ _ « _ BARGAINS-LADIES' SPRING COATS. $i;

capes. 50c; skirts, 50c; wrappers, 60c.; dresses, 50c.; fancy table covers. 50c; bed­spreads. 00c; pillows, 36c: nyrs, t i l baskets, 25c. Loan Office. Front and Glrard ave. HANDSOME DIAMOND RING. BLUE WHITE

stone and perfect; must be seen to be ap­preciated: only $110.00: this Is a bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office. Germantown ave. and York st. LA RGB WALNUT HALL RACK. BOXED

leather seat, cost $95. will sell for $36; too big for my present hall; eight days' grand­father's clock reproduction, In good running order, $15. 8207 Columbia ave. . STANDARD MAKE PIANO. PRACTICALLY


endar wall clock, In good running order, cost $6. Kennedy ft Bro., 126 N. 11th street, corner Cherry. t

$1 85~EXTRA~~F1NE DR^8-SlFlT~CA8E~2« Inches, 7 Inches wide: straps all round: regu­

lar price $8.50. Kennedy ft Bro., 126 N. l lth St., corner Cherry. FOR SALF^WALNUT PBDBOOM SUIT.DARK

oak book case, double glass doors, sew­ing machine, screens, etc. Call Monday and after. 1800 West Cumberland. I90-MA801UC QOMMANDBBY UNIFORM .and regalia, complete, with carrying case;

cost $75. Kennedy ft Bro.. 125 N. llth street, corner Cherry.

y i,iniyi>

FOR SUE For Sale l cent a word Sunday*. 2 c e n t s a

word Dal ly .

^ C O N ^ H A N D CASH REGISTERS The only difference between our register* and

now one* 1* the price. Compare them: ,^A NEW PRICE. OUR PRICE.

$75 NAt1QNALSi>i......w

And 75 other registers from $15 up. We don't care what you want, wo have It. Kvery retUtw

WILL SELL TO PRIVATB PARTY HOUBB-hold good*, constating of parlor, •fttlpar room

Snd dining room suite, kitchen utensils, sldc-o«rd. carpet*, beds, chiffonier, wardrobe*, hat

racks, e t c : .good* are stored. Write to Mr*. T . 1618 Mt. vernon *t. A PAIR OF RUBBER BOOTS, USED ONOB.

size 7: a $35 Hew Century earner*, with ver­tical cartridge, roll holder and developing ma ehlno In velvet lined case: also tripod: can be seen evening* only: will sell reasonable. 847 N. 29th st. FOR SALE, aUKAP-OHERRY INCLOSED

cashier'* box; glass front; suitable for res­taurant, grocery or butcher shop. Kensington Loan ft Storage Co., corner Front and Susque­hanna ave. TALKING MACHINES, FINE BARGAINS:

Edison home phonograph. $15: Edison stand­ard phonograph, $10; $85 Victor talking machine,, $15: $25 Columbia talking machine, $12. 16l6 N. 2d st. |

P U N C H I N G BAG. S T A N D A N D GLOVES. complete , $7.00; worth $15,00; 2 motor*, cost

16.00: wIU take $7.00. Call evening*, W. 1 lb , 60S Parrlsh *t . F O R S A L t t 5x8x8 B U T C H E R ' S B O X ; SELL

ed .Wednesday t o make Call Front and Second

for $15; must be mov room for largec ono. Street pike. Ed. Groupner. INCUBATOR. C Y P H E R S . C H E A P . SLIGHTLY

used; also brooders. B. A. Lloyd. 42U and E l m ave . , Camden. Take Trenton or Pensauken trolley. ^ P E R S O N I N T E N D I N G TO P U R C H A S E N E W

piano can boy at a reduction, a due bill for $100.00 to apply on purchase of standard in­strument. M-354, Inquirer office.

11 mi • i i . i . i u •> '«»«»'« 11 ' nn,W"H' ' ' " ' " ' < • "'••• '. " r " « • \ . ' • ' v , . - . ; . ; V" '• ! ' • . ' . • . . •

FOR SALE , For Sale 1 cent a word Sufcday*. 2 cent* a

word Dai ly . . p ^ ; ^

Talking Machines Free Everybody wonders rVow we do It. Call or

or write arid we will convince you. LARGE DISC RECORDS

? ^ C The Keen Talking Machine Co.

Near Race. 158 N. 8tb, open evening*. CARPBTSl MATTiNGSI CARPETSI-NOW IS

the time to make your choice of big stock new mill end carpet* and mattings which must go regardless of cost. During tbls sal*. all carpets are sowed, laid free, wool vlngralns. 26c, 30c yard. Japanese matting*, carpet de­sign*, originally. $13, $157 now $7. J& roH; Brussels room stair remnants, from 111 to 50 yards. 70c. to $1. now 40c. 00c yard. Bring slses with you. Veivots, 76c. yard, cbolco a»-sortment. Private residence. 800 N. 6th.

MAT>INGSI MATTINGS! MATtlNGS \ AND Mattlngal—For saie cheap, at McAvoy**

'Wholesale House, 129 Walnut st. See for your­self 1185 roll* of matting*. 68 pattern* Jap­anese and China mattings; hotel*, storekeepers, apartment bouses take notice; will not sell less than roil, 40 yards. $3.90 up; if you need matting* it will pay housekeeper* come aud see these matting*.

SIGN MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS. NUM-, berlng machines, check punches, stencil*, pads, ink. etc. I trill be at my office on Monday and Tuesday this week to close out all new and sec­ond-hand stock at most any price 1 if yon have lost letters or figures of your sign marker. »°w

soldi S. A.

BARGAIN^ 4x5 REVERSIBLE BACK PRBMO . camera, long focus, tele-photo, doubl back, rising and slidinj hack, rising and sliding fr-and other Improvement*. c< abutter, symmetrical lens, holder* and dark room s aulck buyer, $15

focus, tele-photo, «._.. . . ' ~-"3i"- front, rack and pinion

complete, with Victor ie awing d

tripod, four .plate accessories; price

Jnmc* E. Shaver, jr.. reighton at., near ttfd and n aver ford are, TYPBWRITBR51 MIME

stan li

800" ,WainuL

i A A --, H JtAPHS! 8UPPLIBS1 Remington. $20; No. 8 Callgrapb, $12: other

standard makes at equal bargains;-copying and mimeographing: headquarters for supplies; rib­bons, 50c. Both telephones. Palmer's Exchange,

IR FLOORS FOB $2.50 TO free; Brussels rugs, 9x12 ft., $12: > cts.; send fop^catalogue. Luts

LIPPINCOTT SODA FOUNTAIN. WITH spray, costing $800. for $100 If sold at once;

Ice shaver, counter, e tc . included. 2726 N. Front st. -$175-GENTI^EMAN,R DIAMOND SCARF PIN,

nine beautiful white diamonds, with seven-grain pearl In centre; cost $276. Kennedy A Bro.. 125 N. l l th at., corner Cherry. EDISON'S 'iTOMB V H O N O G R X P H T C O M P L E T E

fine large horn stand, 86 Edison gold-moulded records; this outfit Is perfect; $25. 1610 N. 2d st. BDISON' 8"G0lr^M^ULDBr>^^C0BDS. 16C.

each. Columbia, 10c.: fine record cabinets. cheap; also Edison standard phonograph, $10. 1610 N. 2d. CARPET YOUR

$6.50. lining fi cocoa mats. 50 ct*.: sent! Bug Co., 47 N. 18th St. JACK POT8. BEB HIVES AND PENNY

slot machones of all descriptions; 1 Brownie nickel machine. $12. N. W. cor. 20th and Mifflin. . $40-PHOTOGBAPHBR'S OUTTIT-CAMBRA.

fens, tripod and carrying case. Beusch A Lomb shutter: regular price $100. Kennedy A Bro.. 128 N. l lth street, corner Cherry. ICE CREAM FREEZER, CANS. TUBS. TA-

bles, show cases, counters, shelving, coffee urn and mill. Scbucks. Germantown ave. and Columbia. ELECTRIC FANS, CHEAP. IN PEBFBCT

order; used one season; four large blades. Kensington Loan A Storage Co., Corner Front and Susquehanna at*. r. T V P E S W R I T E R S ^ A L L STANDARD MAKES,

for sale and rent at a price that will sur­prise you. Guarantee Typewriter Exchange. 1215 Filbert st. PORCELAIN BATH TUB, ENAMEL. 60 CT8.

pint: very he*t made: will etandiscalding wa­ter and make old tub look new. DUwqrtb. 417 •u d_ :(* ) 4 Mar*?* J t f

$100-OEi«TLBMA'Nr8 DIAMOND JMNG. TWO beautiful white diamonds, with fine cabuchon

sapphire between, worth $200. Kennedy A Bro,. 125 N. l l tb St.. corner Cherry. FAMILY LEAVING TOWN WILL DISPOSE

beautiful parlor set: cost $07: latest upright piano, almost new. at half price: can be *een on Sunday. 886 Federal. RUBBER GLOVES'," KUJCTBIOIANl'. PHYSL

clan*', driving and ladle*', seamless; will be sold at coat; who wants them? K-20, Inquirer office _ _ $35.00 - MA88TVM SinFJlOABD WAnTER


roll matting, verona davenport, six oak leather library chairs, nearly new. RUBBER COATS. MEN'S AND BOYS'. WILL

sell at cost; who want* one? L-79, Inquirer office. . . . , . EDISON'S


FOR SALE-113 DOZEN CHILDREN'S BLACK stockings. 6\4 to 9: will take $100 for the

lot. Address C. F. Wilby. 705 Highland ave., Chester. Pa . . SODA" FOUNTAIN8 AND OARBONATORS,

new and second hand; prices low: terms to suit purchaser. Symonds and Toor Carbonator Co.. 1882 Glrard ave, Philadelphia. SODA FOUNTAIN -COUNTER FOUNTAIN,

large and showv. three draughts, ten syrups: com *7o0; price $160. Toplls Drug Store. 4939 Germantown ave. SODA FOUNTAIN. 8 DRAUOHT8. 12-DRAWER

svruo tanks, made of art tiles, very hand-somo and showy; prloe $210. Fry's Pharmacy, 10th and Arch sts. M8.00-MAHOGANY CHIFFONIER. SWELL


perfect ordor. Kennedy A Bro., 126 N. l l tb street, corner Cherry. POOITTABLB'SV" IN VINETORDBR.' TO HIRE

by month, cheap. Crldland. Fernwood. Del­aware county. FOR SALE^TWO REFRioRRATORS, TWO

ice chests, one pio steamer, lot of chairs. 1137 Spring Garden st. $1 BXTEN8IQNJTABLB..QUARTTCR 0.\K,



FIREPROOF 8AFE8-FIFTEEN SECOND-hand. standard makes; big bargains. Has-

senforder Safe Works. 210 North Fourth. MAHOGANY PARLOR TA-


sizes to suit. John J. ('baulk. 508 S. Delaware ave^ ____^_ FOR SALE-CARPET, BODY BRUSSRI^,

about 18 yards; also full slzo white enamel bed and spring. 1835 N. 81st st. ALMOST NEW NO. 7 FAYSHOLES TYPE-

writer: low figure: some duplicating devices cheap. 910 Walnut st. • NATIONAL CASH BEGISTKR, 8M~ALL; WILL

suit barber shop or bootblack " ""' " " er office.

R-334, luqurr-

FOR SALB—aHBBT MUSIC FOR ONE WEEK at 10 cts. copy. North Broad st. Music Store,

906 N. Broad St. ^ _ ^ $2.76-FlNBi TRUNK. STEEL BOUND, 28

Inches, patent lock and tray. Kennedy A Bro., 126 N. llth] at,, corner Cherry.

(iRAPHOPHONF, AND 4 RECORDS. IN FINE'' cooditl^jp. 05.ly_jM.50; bargain. . gosenfelt's


unlntoil and WWk*. 'itfl North

Germantown ave. and York st. SAPlea EXCtlANOED! RE*-removtd. Hassenforder Safe

onrth.s FINE WARDROBE, WAJkNUT;$2i;c6sT~$125l

walnut chamber suit. $18; dining table, wal­nut. 12 toot. $12. 1BU N. 12th st. PRJNTINO" PRESS-NO. 8 PEARL; CHA8H 7

a l l : uew type faces, etc:: cost net $160; sell cheap. S. E. hpr. 24tb and Columbia ave. MUST SELL FINELY LOCATED' CEMETERY

lot. with or without monument stone; low €?!£?_ tod easy terms. R-371, laqoirer office. ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS FURNITURE OF

15-room apartment house for sale; fine loca tlon: house for rent. 8-389, Inquirer office.

^ ^ ^ c o ^ ^ W 1 ^ ^ -SMALL MAHVIN 8A~FB. NEARLY NEW, MlL-

Jtr's Storage, JBroadjand Leblgh. • FINE WALNirf CRIB. CITEAP. OR WILI, EX*-

- for alrl's bicycle. 4089 Glrard ave. )NYX MARBLE PEDESTAL. BRASS IWD. ISAACS. 1312 COLUMBIA AVK,

iWW-VPWhXoiWlL CHOICE. 10 BACH. JStalogue, E v a n s . 50 N. ots:


WALNUT SIDEBOARD. $20. WORTH $45. 43 8. B2d St.

BBCORDS^ j»C.. WORTH $1,005 PHONO-graphs. W-OO^^orth $16.00. 18 8. 17th.

O^NDSTONEl 8 fN. FACE 88 TH.~mA. _ Weter. with heavy shsft. 8418 Market st.


L ^ E J B O D A F O U N T A I I T F O R SAL* CHEAP. Prut store. Btb and Queen sts.

NO. 4 .SMITH PBBMIBR~CHBAP, 8 1 0 ~ W A X -• i in n * i | i » — • — ^ 1 •!•*»>»•Km . », • ' 7 . r . J . . . . , . . . . M .

F I N E B R A S S B A R r T O N E HORN. ONLY $12: great bargain. Rosenfe l t ' s Loan Office. Ger-

m a o t o w n Ave, and York s t . .


Edison la te rooords, large horn; stand complete, C a l r Sunday. 144 Master.

$ 8 5 - V I C T O R T A M t l N G M A O H i N E . W I T p 1 dozen 10-lnch records, $18: also disc cabinet,

golden joak. $10^ 1610 N. 2d sL 24 Y A R D S O F lOrWlRB B Q O f BRUSSELS

carpet, good sty le , sewed, cheap. Apply at once, 2628 N. 6 th st . ^ _ _ j $ 8 5 - V E R Y " F I N E I M P O R T E D 5 B N T T 5 M A N * S

saddle and bridle, leather tree; cost S76. Kennedy A Bro.. 125 N. l l t b St., corner Cherry. $25r00^R7>TAirwi*T/r0N RUG. J i A R G E SJIZR


stones , only $45.00: very cheap. Rosenfe l t ' s Loan Office. Germantown ave. and York s^.__ $ 2 T 8 5 - G E N U I N B L E A T H E R A N D Q U A R T E R .

ed oak box post dining chair, cost $5. Bert s Loan Office. 1226 Columbia_^avc DOCTOR'S H A R V A R D CHAIR. $25: CLARK

A Roberta table , $35. Clark A Roberts, 1321 Arch s t . m A FOUR-TON IRON HORSE ROAD ROLLER

and a lot of packing boxes. Rerry A„ Alklns. Balnbrldge st. wharf. Schuylkill. Phlla. _ FOR SALE-OOOART. GOOD OONDTTION:

cost $12.00; sell for $2.00. D. Y. Evans, 1380 R. Rlttenhouse, Germantown.

MAGNIFICENT MAHOGANY UPBIOHT piano, been in u*e one month, practically

new, with a ten-year guarantee; coat $425: sacrifice; call from lo 'c leck

until 5i P. M. at 1580 N. 10th at. Will not sar ..

will sell at a sacrifice; call until BiP, M. at be In on Sunday.

! * • - . v .

FOR SALE For Sa le 1 cent a wor<l Sundays; 2 cent s a

word Dai ly . •• • ty: •<•>• ' ' ' • , ' '

P H O N O G R A P H S . ALL M A K E S .

$1 Down, $1 a Week 827-820 Areb st. Open, evenings*. •;

... CREAM CABINET. 4-200 PORQELAIN-Uned pans, fee selling milk dispensing box,

counter, gutter x<^'--*-*- •-- '- - • -form scales, ie


cream sign. CIGAR FIXTUR rer, fine «< lass outside Igb, round tu_... _

ave., cor. Master.

frlgcrator. ice Scales, plat lam tables and chairs, lee slui, 8d and Master sts.

QUARTERED OAK MIR or caser •-*-•• «---irorize c

ror, fine counter, floor cases, inlaid plate glass outside dlspftv brofige slgp, round table and chairs.

asf. Indian'cigar 1401 Germantown

REVOLVERS ip»v awjr calibre..

.B ACTION. : Tver Johns

8BI.F-calibre. $2: Iver Johnson or Haripg-

chardson, automatic •bell extracting Wesson pattern, $4. Dllwortb. 417 Market.^

1 1 I I 11 1 1 W 1

square block, cor cash office. *how i Beruheim, 1401-05



1 beef tank, delivery carl; is for meat or vegetables.

. . . . . . . . Jcrmantown ave., cor. Mas ter • .t - ; • THE ADVERTISEE HAS RECENTLY PAWN-

ed three-atoue gypsy diamond ring for $65; diamond Tiffany ring $65; diamond stud $75; $7 will purchase •Ithor tickets. B-27, Inquirer office. FOR SALB CHB . screen .new Ingrj U i j ^ e . ^ o r r l s c,

ffilp. LARGE 4-FOLD rain carpet, large walnut chair. H dos. restaurant <

OAK drees-


I HAVE PAWNED LAST MONTH DIAMOND Tiffany ring- for $85; pair diamond screw ear-

rlngafor $40; opal and lamond cluster c pg $40. B-96, Inquirer office. $20--GENTLEMAN'S DIAMOND SCARF PIN.

corner Cherry. Vterf!:


B. Cum-

cherry bed room suit $20, walnut bed room suit $10; f ining room table $5. ~ ™ " beriand st. • MERRY GO-ROUND

for.9ny_further in

BILLIARD. TOOL. TOURNAMBNT. fleboards. . tables rented., privilege

8HUF buying.

Sllehtlv used, cheap: repairing: call and see our 1905 for private use. Late Ken for, American Manufacturers, 231 Glrard avenue. FOR SALE—Young couple leaving clfcr will d s;

an new: goods only ..-^.. ;uby st... 53d and Race

nose ot furniture and qou*ebo'i.- — sell whole or in part; also fine go-cart.^jtood

oso of furniture f t . .

new: goods only

effects; will o-cart. gootf

used five months. 215 N

AJvARM CI/)CKS-"nAVF3 TO GET UP kind, $l.BO: ring 20 minutes; guaranteed one

year] Now .Haven ala,rm £locks.-79e. Dilworth'a Markot. ware Store. 1004 and

ONE R-8PRING JOBBBR'8 WAGON. SUIT plumber or carpenter. In good order; five

white Wyandotte rooster*. W. B. Mack strain, one year old. Apply 1410 N. 61st st. NO. 6 ROTARY NBO8TYLE.

twice: will sell for half price or exchange for typewriter and pay difference. In cash. Inoulrer office.

U8FJD ONLY »ge foe W-886.

. $12: SIDEBOARD. $12; FOUR PARLOR CHAIRR. $5: large mirror. $1 50; trunk. $2: marble top

waahstand. 98 cents: walnut double bedstead. 1704 S. with spring*. $7. 8th st.

RARGATN8 IN HANDSOME MAHOGANY, walnut and oak pianos: like new: reduced

$76: can be paid $1 weekiy. Fox. 1925 Colum­bia ave. LADY'S DIAMOND RING. TIFFANY 8RT-

tlng. V, kt.. pure white, perfect, never worn. R-826. Inquirer office. SOUVRNIR POSTAL 0\BD8. $2.75 PER 1000:

send 10 cents for 25 samples. Hlmebaugb Mfg. Co.. gQlO Fairmount ave. DENTAL CHAIR. MAHOGANY CHERT, HAM-

mood typewriter, almost *ny price. 1818 Diamond st. $8-16 YARDS WILTON STAIR CARPET. AS

good as new. cost $28. Bert's Loan Office, 1226 Columbia ave. $18.00-MU81Q CABINET



$6-LADY'S DIAMOND RING, SINGLE STONB eltrlet, worth $12. Kennedy A Bro., 125 N.

llth st.. corner Cherry. A WALNUT REFIHGIJRXTOR. " A LADY'S

Cleveland bicycle, will sell very reasonable. 847 N. Mrth st. $S;60l'vERY FINE MACHINIST'S LBOVIRR;

regular price $8. Kennedy A Bro., 125 N. l ltb street, corner Cherry. $18.00 - LEATHER COUCH. INDBSTRUCTt-


scales, counters and shelving, complete; no dealers; sold cheap. 1384 Wood at.

FOR SALE-MOTOR: ONE-HALF H P . : cheap: 50 volt: direct current. 801 Washing­




round pedestal claw feet extension table, worth $30. 1110 Columbia ave. PHTI'NIJ'GRA'PH AND" 48 RECORDS FOR

sale: bargain, $8. Call evenings or Sunday. 2210 Kater st. J ^ BLAOK"HAIR" CLOTH PARLOR SUIT. 14

yards Brussels carpet, painters' swing, spreads, Jacks. 782 Chestnut St., Camden. $6v40"rYTBr71toTirO*F^HlNA AND JAPAlf-

cse mattings, carpet designs, worth $12. 1110 Columbia ave. _ ^ $180 FOB .FUBNUTPBB. 6 F ~ 5 - R O O M HOUSE,

good condition. 1902 I^lthgow (4th and Berks). __^ CASH REGISTER. NATIONAL. WELSBAClf.

outside gns lamp, wax show figure. ' 2554 Frankford ave. $5.00-LAROE TRUNK. STB|0.__CORNFRS


In good runnlng/jprder, worth $8. Kennedy & Bro.. 125 N. llttf st., corner Cherry. $lft-OENUINB MAHOGANY LIBRARY TA-

hie, wltb secret drawer, very massive, cost $40._BerTs Loan Office. 1226 Columbia ave. DOUBLE moOKRR. BOAT HOUSE. PENROSE

ferry bridge. Call Monday evening, 1122 Wolf street.

LARGE FRENCH PLATE GOLD PARLOB mirror, will sell at a low price. 622 01-

rsrd ave. i

NEW AND SEOONDHANn SAFBS. S'AFB repstrlng. Eureka Specialty and Safe Co.,

1024 Beal Estate Trust Building. $18-GKNUINE BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE

fouler, with Urge mirror, worth $85, Columbia av* $25 GRAPHOPnONE. $8.50: $8 MACHINE

for $2; both have brass horns, at Edison uptown headquarters. 1781 Columbia ave.

omf-. 1110

ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A. TWENTIETH century edition; new; 81 volumes; cost $68;

make offer. X-98. Inquirer office. TURKISH CHAIR. MAHOGANY FRAME. Up­

holstered In pantasote. almost new, $9. Call morning. 6720 Chestnut »t. BLOCK RECLINING GO-CART. ALMOST

new cheap. 4255 Viola st., 42d and Thomp­son sts.

ner, 910 Columbia ave week.

. CHEAP FOR ..CASH: formation call on"H. Wag-


nearly new; first-class condition: coiur" with chuck and stools; .weight about 600 j.ols; weight


ovens, msde h> V. Clad and Dougherty: sllghtlv used: also circulating boilers. 252 Dia­mond st. 810-VBRY FrNB 20-YBAB GOLDFILLBD

case and Elgin, movement; guaranteed two

Tears; In. good running order. Kennedy A Bro., 25 N. l l th street, corner Cherry.

• i - i . w p i , . . ) . | l l i n n „ i i , | i l 11, I I I I I »i'.i»i .< . in—»tn I I m i l '

FOR SAIE 1'V.c Sals 1 cent a word Sundays, 2 cant* a

word Dally. ' , . r *

PRIVATE /FAMILY. GIVING UP .HOUSE; keening, will sell at sacrifice elegant upright

grand piano, new last Sept.:. also five-piece parlor suit, oak dining room suit, leather couch. Smyrna rug, 0x12; oarr*ts; catr be seen to-day and Monday. Dealer. 1715 N. 81st.

keening, will sell at sacrifice ele rand piano, new last Sept.: . al trior suit, oak dining room suit. R

' ' sts: can be 1718 W. 81*

RUGS. RUGS. RUGS-CHEAPER, 'MORE serylceablo than carpets; they are the Brussels

effecto, reversible kind; $2.50 to $6.50;^.bnv from the maker; send for catalogue. Willis Rug Co.. 63 N. 8th *t. . HANDSOME FLEMISH OAK PHONQGBAlPH , cabinet, beautiful bra** mounted, built .to or­der, hold 160 records, cost $76;. suitable for Edison Triumph or Home phonograph; what's Edison Triumph or Home phonograp offered t . 2188 Clarlob. 18tfi and 01 lamond.

„ rer. of awnings and window shades 'mates cheerfully given; and get the jtrst. p lco.; by he busy soasoi

1487 N. 10th st

,P, SET ball uniforms, In' first-class condition: used

lnpostat Hogarth, 4484

IN) BASE ndltlon: used

PARLOR SUIT, COVE! or Verona, 5 piece*. -«^, - ,

75 cent* A room, send po«ta Germantown ave. $1 UPWARD-OUT GLASS, FINEST QUALITY

only; nappies, olives, bowls, tankards, vases, at one-half original prices. Kennedy A Bro., 125 N. llth street, corner Cherry. A FINE, BRUNSWICK A BALKE POOL TA-

bje, 4V4x0; fast cushions, cloth., balls, cues, racks, all in first-Clan condition. J. Q. Adams. Brldgeton, N. J. •' . i * ,; 1,,. , VERY FINE *6x7 CAMERA. WITH GBORKB

leuse, cost' $160; wlirsacrlflce cheap or trade for a diamond. Z-840, Branch Inquirer, 1089 Columbia ave. HANDSOME NEW GREEN VRLOUB. THREE

r< iartO~niecOs," pairlor furniture.; a lso goj^en.oak

'"'Icfeiftir leg extension table, clieap. no dealers.

TRUSSES-NEW YORK ELASTIC. $L; REGU-lar price. $8: large assortment, bsid rubber

trusses, abdominal helts, olectrlc beRs, elastic hosiery, suspensory. Nolte's Drug'. 8th an^Race.


$85; scales, coffee mills, caddies, push-cart*/. 51 N. 2d St. FOR SALB—THREE ICE CREAM FREEZERS

and tubs, two 80 quarts, one 20 quarts, In good condition. 169 Kstaugb st. $175-LADY'S DIAMOND BROOCH. 9 LARGE

beautiful white diamond*, cost $800. Kennedy *L B r o » 1-6, N. . l ltb st., corner Cherry. FINE SOLITAIBF. DIAMOND RING. ONLY

$24.00: worth $45.00: bargain. Rosenfelt's Loan Office. Germantown ave. and York at. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE FOR

sale: price $800. N-654. Inquirer branch of­fice, l lth and Green. CARPETS. STORAGE. WILTON AXMIN8TBR.

must be sold,, repay store Brussels: line second-hand' carpets cheap. ' 1810


HEATERS CHEAP-NOVELTIES AND OTHER makes removed where steam and water heat

baa been installed. T. L. Makln, Heating Ex­pert, 2220 Bridge at., Frankford. FOUR7"~GR"6sif*EACH OF" AMBER SHORT

bottles, at hslf price; also four gross of Apnll-narls and pint champagne, $1.25 per gross. 8028 Market st. $9.00~j

01 BIA


$10-I>ADY'S DIAMOND LACE PIN. 8INOLE stone, worth $207 Kennedy A Bro., 125 N.

llth st.. corner Cherry. PAINTERS' RIGGING. SWING. JACKS, LAD-

dera, paints, oil brashes cheap. 857 Esst Price. Germantown. 8BVBBAL OIL PAINTINGS; 8 BUBNER GA8-

ollue. safest, nos* better; walnut bed room ?Hlt*' f!*!!'!? ! 2 ! E I J L Federal. Pbfls^ GOAT TEAM, 2 PltRFECTV-Y BROKEN

Soats snd large wagon; $80.00. L 377. In-rer office.

US-CHERRY MUSIC CABINET. MIRROR back; cost $40. Kennedy A Bro.. 125 N. llth

street, corner Cherry. FOR SALE SQIIARB PIANO. GOOD CONDI-

" thy tender; also child's go-cart. % 8th st. 482

60-EGO INCUBATOR AND 75 CHICK BBOOD-er, nearly new) both for $12. Call Sunday,

811 E. Wilder it . |

LAT TOP D E S K T Q U A R -$88.00. ISAACS. 1812 :»,^vF

10B CREAM CABINET, CANS. TUBS. MARBLE tables, chairs, measures and spoons.

W. Huntingdon st. 8003 Jones,

"KING" COLLAPSABLE CANVA8 BOAT. NEW last year; co*t*$40;jwlU sell, for. $20. E. H

Lee. 41 4th st., Camden. N. J. FIVB BETUBNTlCKETrS

good for one year; will 1 821. Inquirer office.

TO NEW YOBK. sell at sacrifice. H

HANDSOME OAK SIDEBOARD OR WILL Ex­change for glass closet; also refrigerator.


of rims, cheap; also tin type lenses. 830 S. 18th st. L _ _ _

16. • ^ - " «

BLANK BOOKS, TOYS. DOLLS, BOOKS FBOM stationery store; sell cheap In small lots.

R-87, Inquirer office



case, with new cash register. 2072 Ridge avenue. NO. 2 REMODELED REMINGTON TYPBWRI-

ter; perfect order. $22; can be *een any time. 1010 Glenwood ave. STEAM F.NGINEV-3 H. POWER. 7 FANR.

Jsmes McCook. Centennial Market, 23d and South sts. || . $8 7 6 - S P A N I R t T L E A T H E R AD. tUSTABLB

Flemish oak Morris rocker, cost $15. Bert s Loan Office. 1226 Columbia ave. JOB PRINTING B U S I N E S S . GOOD T R A D E :

good nrosnects: fully ""nipped p lant ; sold a t cost. W-48. Inquirer office. • T ^ ' i P R I N ^ H B - M H O O L B ' ; N U N H V E R I N G MA*

ehine, $15, good condition. R-888, Inquirer offtCOj ,

II \NDROMB R-PIECB GVER~RTUFFBD SIT.K brocatelle parlor snlt. with linen covers. $25.

2041 Rnrtsln St.. below 12th and I^hlgh ave^ $25O0-RElFERT TROMBONE. J&M*J^TKJjk


pump, boiler, etc.: also lot round table*. Hotel. Belmont and Parkalde avea.. West Phlla. SAWS. SAWS-BAND SAWS. CIRCULAR

saws, back saws; also machinery. Diamond Saw and Machine Co.. 140 N. 8th st,; NINE ROOMR. HARDWOOD FINISH. NEAR

16th and Mifflin, cheap. W-841, Inquirer, Passynnk ave. and^ Moore.. FOR S A L E - H A L S T A K1LBURN WALNUT

folding bed. cost $150. for $10. 1628 Fon-tain St. TUXEDO SUIT. GOOD CONDITfON AND

style, size 38. $7. Call, don't write. 901 Maater st. •• . |t fw6~AWNING RINGS AND CRANE OYSTER

gas stovo.. suitable for oyster bouse or res< taurant. Apply 1022 Oxford st. \ • y FOR SALF^I^T OF FINE MAGICAL TRIOKR

cheap. P-898\ Inquirer branch office, 2601 Columbia ave^ _ ^j •.

TYPEWRITERS-50 NEW NATIONALS. LOT •old at bargain or retailed, J. 8. Rogers, care

of Boothhy's. 1235 Chestnut St.

$25-MACHINIS'S PLANBB, IN GOOD OR-der; coat originally $100. Konnedy A Bro.,

126 N. l l th street, corner Cherry. FOR SALRw-PARlOft SUIT.,(6). .PARLOR

mlrr cheap.

mirror and table, extension table and pictures, 5180 Ogden st.

BLOCH GOCART. PORCELAIN HANDLES. steel tube frame, almost neW. complete wltb

boblnette_parasol!_ cheap._2234 Olive st. CAMERA. LONG FOCUS, VBRY FINE, COST

$100.00, will sell very cheap, complete out­fit. 2407 Douglass, 82d and York. YOUNG COljPLB B A K I N G UP'HAVE'SEy-

eral pieces of furniture 267 N. 12th at. (Up stairs), _^ . FAMILY GIVING UP HOUSEKEEPING, WILL

sell all household furniture, comprising AEOLIAN ORGAN. 410 S, l l th street. $15^VBRY |fiN*E JMPOBTEP .LADY'S SAD-

die. Ketthedy A Bro., 125 N. l l th St., corner Cherry. _ SODA WATER FOUNTAIN. FINE CONDI-

tlon. K-229, Inquirer office. $25 0O-I_VRGE SIZE CARPET. COST SOO.fO



I«hlgh ave. CHEAP. 154

RECORDS^ 800.. WORTH $1.00: • PHONO-grsphs. $8.00, worth $18.00. 18 8. 17th.

RAZZLE DAZZLE, COR. 67TH AND HAVER-ford road; open Monday.

F eft. VJSH i?iW0N DEtfK, CHEAP. Filbert st.

STAR BANJO, GOOD CONDITION. WITH green cloth cover, $3, 2548 Colorado st.


GO-OARTS^ FROM $1.76 UP. AT ROHRREIM-er's. 12 N. lth st.


FOR SALE-SINGER SEWING MACHINE AND square piano, cheap. 2218 N. Delhi st.

OAK BBDBOOM~56lT, BJ_AMEL~BEDS AND other household goods. 492 W, Leblgh are.


REC-and 35c. each. 161

PV»H CART > 0 B " lALjfc' 922 MELON " s r r LAXtOJB ROCKING HORSE, 1031 8 , CLAW ON.

OHBCK PROTECTORS-ALL KINDS. NEW and second hand, $8 to $80. J. S. Rogers,

care ot Boothhy's. 1288 Chestnut st. SMALL FIBBPROOF SAFE, NEARLY NEW.

for sale. 24x24; 84 inches high; a bargain. 2037 N. 7th s t T |

FOTSA^E^SODA FOUNTAIN. 81JPIGOT8. 10 syrups, cheap. 624 Federal st., Camden. _^

FINE TON* SQUARE PIANO WITH STOOL and coven "• Olfi Dickinson st.



HAMMOND TYPEWRIT condition,; can be SOefi. v.tnc^ea


RECORDS^ graphs, $5.' worth a ssr-

FLORODORA COUPONS. ANY^ QUANTITY, 40c Par 100. A-826, Inquirer office.

RING*.' $18.00-LAD1BS' DIAMOND^ 8 COST $45. I8AA 1812 A AVE:

PHYSICIANS STATIC MACHINE..GOOD AS new, best mako. bargain. 1412 Arch st,

RANGE-ACTIVE^ FORTUNE MAKE. COM-plete. 618 N. Orlanna st.

A GLOBE SALES REGISTER, NEW.' Lippincott Building..


GOOD STYLE COACH, ALMOST NEW, REA-ouable. 527 8. 16tb st,

"setup** •ian&mugjm N E W 0 I N C H D I S K

used, wi l l se l l cheap. H A N D S O M E * 8 I D B B O A « . , ,

for $25 cash. 180 N. 12th St.,

;1?ia_!B_^rrt» St., 2d floo

s t . _ . SELL


makes. 010 Walnut st. $ 0 - O E N U I N E BKED^ EYEAMAPLB , DRESS.

In* table, worth $26. U10 Columbia ave.


1 ' I > I I > I I • . • , nmmI^WWFW^I n>ii«w#wflNwi^^'.wi|i"M^w.^^yw^^www^i<w«w^r^-w»*

ciOLUMBU^'ttdT T E A M . condit^ for tale cheap,

.. FINE Qulroroff,


Stanley and; Huntingdon. B. COB.

FILTER. NEW YORK HOUSE SIZE. CHEAP. Station 0.1 Box ; 8481. . Phlla.

LADY'S NBW SOLID GOLD .WATCH. SMALL ^modef eight, {m Sbtlth s t .

Tji c 'rvTVMOND. EiNGj' vwmp £OR $22: sell ticket. 82.80. P-t f l . Inqolifef office.

80C. AND RECORD SECURES LARGE DISC record;' 18 8, 17tb. . - . ; , . ' . ;..-. ,

S>Dt)LKS AT iXOf»T:„tOv CLjgAN &)* A Hoe of n*W saddles. Roach. S&Jsf *"'

TOR SALB. OR WILL EXCHANGE APOLLO for merchandise; perfect order; see tbls be­

fore purchasing. Apply 1326 Vine st. FORISALE^MILK WAGON ANJD ICE CHEST

good as new. <$eap. B. HslU, 8019 Woodstock street. MASSIVB WALNUT WARDROBE. MtHEOR

door*, birch bedroom suit, walnut sideboard. $8. 1825 Rldgehvc. r^^—

TEiJaWSWBIBB .3SWE & nesday only . 2026 Ridge ave . MSOS«.^IJ?A1I,*EAVB,£!»OFOOWMRKA AVE.

NOVELTY RANGES. JAMES 8PKAB.AND . . „ . - - . . , -,-with boUers: almost new; also Novelty heat­

ers 62 Dlamoi • 1 x i a«ss*j


others: special prices: send for list. Gaut->hVs. 1020 Choatnut. second floor. sc.

CAMERAS 8 ^ 8 K T WITH THREE DOUBLE "" id 8x10 and jlwo double slides. slides. $8.

new. $13. X «

Hge: ni Poplar.

NICKEL WINDOW FIXTURES; AL80 SHELF arm* for displays: will sell cheap. 910 N.

Thirteenth st. $10--"QUARTERED OAK H A L L RACK, B O X

seat, cost $25. Bert's Loan Office. 1226 Co-lumbla ave. BOILER—VEGETABLE STEAM IRON BOH^

er. standing on leg*, sultsble tor restaurant; will sell cheap. 019 N. 18tb st. MIRRORS. FRENCH PLATE. OAK FRAMES.

good as new; different slses. some beveled; will sell cheap. 919 N. 13th st. WALNUT BBD BOOM SUIT. SPRING MAT-

tress and walnut mirror door wardrobe. 2159 N. l lth st. SODA FOUNTAIN. AM/ FIXTURES IN

eluded; also eight ft. snow case. 4060 Lan­caster avenue.

FORSAU For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays . 2 cents a

word Da l ly . '

Awriings and Screens P Y L E , UPHOLi$TEBER> 6107 M A R K E T ST.

, > » — « » » . I I • • — , ; « > , » . > . ,»>^, i .^si ^ t ^ . . , . . . . ^ , . , h . a ^ ^ . . . ^ ^ . M ' - ' - - • • _ ^ — ^ - ^ ^ - *


jrou avo: the busy season

fully given; wby not buy direct first prlco; by placing your order Id the delays that often occur in »son.v Canopies 'to hire. 'Phone.

GROCER'S AND BUTCHER'S FIXTURES, comprising counters, shelving, show cases,

floor and counter coffee milts, ice boxes, round

?nd square Blocks, meat racks, butter boxes irlod beet cutters, platform and counter scale tlder, 1400 N. 2& st.

RESTAURANT FIXTURES. PLATN AND pOL-Ished top tables, cbalrs. copper steam table,

refrigerators, oyster bars, copper kettles, dishes, copper candy basin, peanut butter machine, sieve, candy thermometers, etc. Rider, 1400 N.

FINE HAIR CLOTH AND PLU8H PARLOR suits, cherry and walnut bed room suits, oak

and walnut wardrobes, sideboards, bookcases, chiffoniers, roll-top desks, enamel beds, folding beds, pier mirror, parlor organ, carpets, cook stoves. 1220 Ridge ave. AMBBRG 40-DRAWER FILING CABINET.

Wooton rotary desk, walnut office partition, several directors' tables. 2 large mirrors, lot of typewriter stands, double door safes and lot of other goods very cheap. N. B. cor. l l tb and Buttonwood. 26 VAN LOADS OF GENERAL HOUSEHOLD

goods of all kinds, first-class and low-priced: must positively be sold at once. You can get anything you want in tbls sale and get it cheap. N7 B. cor.- l l th and Buttonwood. **. EDISON'S ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH, CABI-

net, battery and master records, about KM); also 86-lnch flue brass born; will set the

ice very cbeap or trade for a diamond. Z-1039 Columbia ave.

MUST SELL MY 14 RT. SOLID GOLD watch and chain, weighs 180 pwt.; cost $140;

will sell for $50; also ladles' solid gold watch for $12. Call Sunday, 640 N. 03'/3 St., or 549 Gross st. REFW^RTTO~R. OAK DINING TABLE.

piano, full set dishes, oak carved desk, tuft­ed Turkish coucb. rocking chairs, parlor ta­bles, etc., sell cheap: must sell Immediately, lift _________ **_ West Phlla. $80—ZEISS CONVERTIBLE "" ASTIGMATIC

lens with Cretuo 0V6 by HY2 camera. 2 plate holders, carrying case, almost new. Apply 712 W. Lehigh ave.. weekdays ouly. between 6 snd 8. BARBERS' LATEST STYLE PEDESTAL RE-

voivlng snd reclining chairs, mirror casea. wash-stand*, etc.; cash and easy payments. Archer Mfg. Co.. 1219 Germsntown ave. Chas. A. Smith, ageut. ELECTRIC"PIANO (PEERLESS). WITH SLOT

attachment, fine Instrument, cash or instal­ments; cheap to quick buyer. Address W-81, Inquirer office. $T6-EAK~DROpTlEAD SINGER SEWING

machine; all attachments; in perfect order. Kennedy A Bro., 126 N. llth street, corner Cherry^ 26~SASir3Wx4^ FT., SUITABLE FOR POUL-

try, hnusi'. etc.; nine sheet Iron cans, 16 Inches square, 80 Inches deep; sultsble for stor­ing gram. 88i N. 6tb st.

FOR SALE-LATEST IMPROVED NO. 79 NA-tlonsl cash register, total adder, detail slip,

etc. $125. 2900 Richmond st. • S M i h ^ ' N A CLOSET.

£OST $65.00. ISA. AVE.


SILK RAG PORTIERES. MOST BEAUTIFUL pair In Philadelphia, displayed at 014 Jeffer­

son: have a look at them. FINE DAMA8K PARLOB SUIT. 6 PIECES,

cheap: also gent's and ladv'a hlcvcli 2222 N. 80th st. FOB SALE-ICE BOX. 8 FT. BY 10 FT.. A

bargain, must be moved. $10. 2814 Master street. FRUIT. STORE,. GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES.

established 15 years. Grecian!. Mrsi

$16.00-MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE, COLOMBIA A W C 0 8 T » « ° ^ - WAACi. 1312

FINE SQUARE PIANO, GOOD CONDITION; . 7% octave- sold cheap; owner declining house­keeping. 1621 N. 12th st. $0.00-HA!R MATTRESS

LBS.. COST $18. I.VW.


LARGE LOAD Of KINDLING WOOD, CUT Wm. Kalbacb, mlWJ*** "r ,» ** delivered 5616 Race st.

FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO, ONLY BEEN used, short time; also grandfather's clock.

1924 N. 17th st. $25-WALNUT EXTENSION TABLE. $ 0 ;

also six walnut dining chairs. $10; little used. CallMonday. 628 W. Glrard ave. A FOUNTAIN AIR BRUSH. COMPLETE, $20.

90S N. Marshall st. PARLOR SUIT. 0 PIECES. $10; private fam­

ily. 8150 N. 8th at. B-FLAT CORNET. GOOD CONDITION. 1168


boiler. 5412 Bansom St. ENGINE AND

FOR SALE-MILK'BOX. HOLDS 200 QTS., cheap. 6521 Glrard ave.

FOB BALE, F V N K ' O L D VIOLIN CHEAP; CAN be seen on Sunday. 022 Melon st.

FOR 8ALB-BABY COACH CHBAP. 784 Mifflin st.


SYRUPS; PERFECT B-892, Inquirer office.

SODA FOUNTAIN, condition; price $40.

$6-BXLDWIN "COUCH BED. 2 FELT MA r-t reuses, worth $12. 1110 Columbia ave.

RECORDS graphs, $5.

„ WORTH $1.00: PHONO-worth $15.00. 18 R. 17th.

SODA FOUNTAIN. CHEAP. GOOD AS NEW. also organ. 484 W. York St.

ONE CARAT PURE AND WHITE PEBFECT solitaire diamond. $75. 2840 8. Broad.

FOR SALW-A CHEAP DIRT CART. AD-dress 1210 Anther st.

FURNITURE FOR SALE AT 8728 FAIR-mouut ave. Bed room suits, parlor suits, ex­

tension table, sideboards, odd chairs and wash machine. FOR SALB^EDWIN FORREST .FIGURE.COST , $600 to carve, also lot of £lgar manufac­turing Implements and leaf tobacco: will sell cheap. 8. W. cor. 18th and Glenwood sts. ROLL TOP DESK. LADY'S DESK, OFFICE

tables, smoker's table, walnut sideboard, oak dining room suit, 4 parlor cbalrs. cherry bed and bureau. 1914 MarkeL . $70^LADY'S DIAMOND RING.

style, 18 diamonds, will worth $150. Kennedy A bro corner Cherry.

PIUNCES8 n centre, l lth St.,

fleisy opal In centre

ACCOUNT BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING, large bsll rack, large sideboard, buffet, 10

St. extension table, oil painting, two cbll-ren's beds, body carpet, etc. 1923 Wallace at.

WILL SELL MECHANICAL DRAWING course, roll paid. I. C. 8.. for $15 ca*h; cost

$50. Address 8-1807. Branch Office Inquirer, Franklin and Columbia ave. BEDROOM SET. SPRINGS AND MATTRESS.

In good order, very cheap. 8704 N. 6tb, above Erie ave. GENT'S AND LADIES' SOLID GOLD AND

gold filled walchcs, also some flue diamond rings._eheap;_Csll 8nnday, 1516 N. 6th st. TO ARTI8TB-FINE'8KKTCHINO UMBRELLA

for sale cheap. Tavra srt materials. Oth above Arch. fc

M E S F O R E A 8 T E R NOVELTY, MAIL OR-der outfit; desk; bargain. K 80, Inquirer

office. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHEST WEIGHT MACHINE. COMPLETE JO

screw agalust wall; perfect; alx dollars. 1618 Chestnut at. RECIPE FOR 25C. FOR MAKING WASHING

fluid; will not Injure clothes. 1204 Ger-rltt st. 79.000 FEET OF WHITE OAK AND A8II LUM

ber. all slses wrlght lumber

ber. all slses. fleck and equate <ut; good wheel-Apply 4520 Richmond at.

ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH. 20 Edison moulded records, $43

day, 2783 Emerald St. PAWN TICKET FOR*"'

Walt ham wi pawned for $8

42-1NCH HORN. Call Sun-

GENT'S, 17-JKWRL Waftham~witcta " will sell for JH; co*t $28;


makes of machines. Atlantic Metal Co., 1640 E. Montgomery ave. _ FLOWER HORNS. IN ALL " THB^ SPRING

jcolor*. at price* y>i> never dreamed of. At-lantlc Metal Co- 1549 K. Montgomery ave. TAL1KNG MACHINES AND REPRODUCERS

repaired aud put In new condition. Atlantic Metal Co.. 1549 E. Montgomery ave-IMPROVED MODEL PRE88, NO. 1 TYPE.

cases, etc.; a good outfit at a sacrifice. 4124 Paul at., FrankfordL SODA FOUNTAIN, WILL" SELL VERY

cheaply; don't miss it. Bolton A Co., 504 Arch st. ONLY $*V-A GOOD 82iNOH HOT __AIR

beater. Apply Monday afternoon. 8532 N. Carlisle st.

inoulrer office. WINDOW RASHES. 6X5 FEET. GLAZED,

suitable for Vt_b>ns. porches, hot bouses; also glass doors. 252 Diamond st EDISON HOME PHONGGRAPjn. ATAtORT , , . . . „ . . . . . . . „ . - . . . „ . . . J G R A P H . . . . . . .

now, and two doien recorde. $20. Call Sun-day. Jacobs. 138$ N. Marshall at _


4-4 GBAVB LDT8 IN SECTION C. HILL-side CometcryT cheap to a quick buyer. P-34.

Inquirer office. IMDY

earring rjulrer' o

PLEDGED HER SegteW DIAMOND as for $32: ticket. $2.50. X-810, In-»fftce.

LADY LOAN!?!) naif diamond^ acre . . . ...

ticket for $2.50. 0-885. Inquirer office ED $25 FROM BROKER .

naif diamond scr.ew._earrlogs: wlll^part wit

PAWNED MY TIFFANY, DIAMOND RING for $75: over gar at; sell receipt $5. K-358,

Inoulrer office,. _ — 3 _ • •>. s > •<• _ — q _ . km

FINE PAIR pawned fon _

378. Inoulrer 0

MOND SCREW r wants to sell tic

CO,' IfHi

W A N T TO ticket foi .

$40: take1 $3 m It B U Y E R . FOR B A W N

. J a n y dlomond ring: borrowed receipt . T-850. Inquirer office.

LOOK-TgmsLm****** FINE .MAOIGJLANTERN. ALL COMPLETE; G e ^ a r f t o ^ a W " ^ \%?T* ^ ° ° ^

I8H1NG TA«CLE. LARGE LOT NEW; NO deafor*. 9^2 flf. 18th.

MAST. 80 FI gqod flag pol

IET. _J GAFF. 2227 8. 6tb.


If1 can, Wklng"

IT PROF^ SAAOS. 181 was&m. liLQW DOUBLB-HEAD MBXl-will sell cheap. 428 N. 4th St.

ENOYCLOPED! cheap. " Apf

WRITB*TANl.. ^dealers,/ .C$1 APOLLO "W ^inuaicfi will • MILITARY^I

ebA*p. H-fl

BRITANNIOA. 21 VOLUMES. 505. N. 52d at, u

mm^^i^&Sm-^ 50.

C A R E O U S E L ORGAN. 80*TUNE8. OHEAp. 1821 Ontario st.


BATH TUB^POROELAiNLlN^ OR PUTIN complete. $22.. peters. 2614 N. 80th.

S_J . . ^ . , < > , . . w ^ i _Sw*••!**•••• y )* • •* ! • • ••>•! •»! it \ n - - . i > M a y . _ _ a n w ^ » s i n i g | i i < m i I ' S H M isspaA_m««'-i

CHEAP. CHILD'S % SIZE VIOLIN/ 6900 *TU-Ho street.

10 PF.NNy.IN.SLOT .ELF.^RIO MAOHlNES. nit placed. Call Sundnv, 1888 8. 20th


8 0 D A F O U N T A I N FOR S A L B JN GOOD order. 8 0 - Bt t t toPWcod.g t .^ \ , ' ,

SEWING M A C H I N E F O R S A L E C H E A P . 1622 N. Woodstock s t . .

STATIC ELBOTRlO M A C H I N E cheap. P O. Box 8280. ,t

RETTTNA EBPR, home phonograp



^ O U C B E A N D HORN tb. 4 9 1 4 Columbia ave . • •'• w . t . " • - * i •>' «* •» I I . I I .U , 11. , »


, . REASONABLE. Woodstock st.

$5,00~LAC ISAAC! w f - I S " 5

iiiA AVE. NET.

REMINGTON NO. f .NO. 79,000, IN PERFECT working condition. E-378, Inquirer office.

OFFICE"ouTFm ifDBsSk iiTYPEWRITER, sa fe , e tc , B-882, Inquirer offlco^

F O R S A L E ^ O L D VIOLIN C B E A P . 2148 J*. S O L I D ^ A E T i P O L D t i w n B E O , , W I T H DEsTt .


$o-^",0ART,"<360D CONDIXf6N^^"J6^N.

pLXfER. ' INpLDDINa , M 4 , inquirer off.

DING, SADDLE. cGMPLfcTB, ,v inquirer" office. < V

MONDAY 5 ^m&f^^m^^-_ ^ _ _ _ , - • " * ~ w ^ * - • - - . - , ' - • * - ^ - •

NEW MAHOokNY BED AND SPRINGS. SELL cheap. WicnaT. 16th. • < • * • ' • . ' .



BLECTBIO LIpHT FIXTURE8. BRACKETS, wire. etc. 919 N. 18th st.

WATCHMAKERS' ROLL TOP WORK BENCH for ssle. K-70. inquirer office.

SHELVING. A B O U T ' 4 0 .FT., "OAK FRONTS, will sell cheap. 910 N. 18th st.

FOR SALE-ICE WAGON: GOOD CONDITION, chean. Call 862 N. Marshall.

TWO OAK BED ROOM SUITS. 3 SPRINGS; tehles. chairs 6.46 N. 12tb.

$18-OENUINE LEATHER COUCH. 8TEEL - oopstructlon. worth $40. 1110 Columbia ave. FOLDING BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS*


chest wltb few tools. $5. Call 4229 Market st. FOR SALE-SMALL INCUBATOR AND BABY

coach. 4280 Powelton ave. FOR SALR-OO-CART, RECLININO, CHEAP.

1910 Green st. . __J •

DIAMOND RING. OVER 6 KARATS. CHEAP. Postofflce Box 125. ,

L^FT4IA"ND sTl>BB~NtOUNTED FLUTB,~$6; BOBHM flute, $16. 889 South 13th St.

SET OF 4 TUBES AND SET OF 9 FOB TlN types; also other lenses. 889 South 48th st.

HTRT'IHSIFLAY~C^S_S"1P6IV~SALB; FIRST'-csass condition. 148 N.; 18th st..

ICE CHEST IN FIRST-OLAS*8 ORDER. SIZE 88x24x24. for sale. M-26. Inquirer office.

TAKING MACHINE, 24 DISCTRECORDS. $12, cost $36. 2406 N. Cleveland ave.

^^i l» ROUTE. ALL panerp. F.ygaso Riqge aye- :

PURE HOMB-MAUK- 9_\_UJm AN* PRE-serves fot sale. S. E. cor. 17th and Oxford.

nUt N T M A N T E L P O L D / N G B E D . j ' . BtOl N. Wl> s t . - v . ; f

$20 t E S T B Y ORGAN. GOOD CONDITION. 2401 NTTtn at, •• :--. V t ' • .

$ 1 M P A R L 0 R ftUIT; $15. O A K ; S I D B B O A R D .

1- . • * 1 r " ' • ' • ' " ; f " — • i r 1 " 1 ' 1 . ' • » • - » - 1 x " . f ' F ' L " " " wi&: asi&m .airy.,.8*"-' FOR SALE 0

music box. 1 BlCYOLE AND LARGE

stock st.

FOR 8 very cheap

vY:FLOOB SHOW CASE . 10th at.


F ff:AY 8T $15.00.

yRNiTUREr$OSRO^J^#"& "*C_!:

flee, Call A w i . Price . 508 Chestnut, room 256. GRKHNKlt HAktMERLESS T R A P GUN; GOOD

condition. M-91, Inquirer office. . ^ • — K > - - H - . « i . . , ^ W . - r ^ » M » . . —>.> -*>*»> • < > l » # S » - " . _ - . t ^ i » i « | " •• Mil ' • »iiMlll..i> l . _ *

OAKjf W D K B O A R D , $10; COST $18. M-78. In-w j » M i i > s > ^ - . . * .—,..,*•» i , a i a ^ r p l . i s - M . _ s s > _ » ^ * w s ^ _ s w « i l . A » S i . i . - i » . i , ) . , . , . ^ . . ^ . , . ,<',• * i w i

SOLID OAK_fOLDING BED. CHEAP: AL-^ost new. <j>7 N. 12th st.

FOR SALE-SJ^RINKUNG WAGON. 2728 Ox* »»SM$j>W-' •t**,mm>-»S***i

IOB,CREA»I M A C H I N E A N D T U B S . 26 QTS 412 Belgrade s t . , rear.

• • ' » i ' ' i l l -SWI . I I - ' , I »i 1 _ * • * • ! » • • » - •

"5K&6 _>!• I l,t . • l l . . f . i A f».H » • •

GO-CART—VERY cart, like new. 2

»-_"• * . 1 i* 0 *"M MOULOKD A N D takes lot , 2884 Montgomery ave .

-we***: GO-

OAK E X T E N S I O N T A B L E . GOOD A S N E W ; a l so piano, 80i(t Oxford s t .

n t n i i y i * n

$6-WICKER BABY 00A0H, KENNEDY A R r o __i? 5 Ni ^"h ktrooTv«qrner^herry. '

* _ g T _ » » r?A9»..8TO"m "1TB

^^3^sl_«__i_fH: s»fe»n____i_i__ fa^ i^^WE PING P R E S S ,

FOR SALE—10-CENT B A R B E R S H O P A N D household furniture; must se l l cheap. Apply

910 N. 8d s t . . rear. 44 Y A R D S WILTON C A R P E T . C H I F F O N I E R .

feather pi l lows, parlor eult , 6 ft . counter, 6 drawers, 2026 N. l l t h s t . ^ B O U N D VOLUMES D P I. C. S. COMPLETE.

coal mining course, lo perfect condition; $15. E. Shackleton. 1917 Dennle st . SHOW CASES FOR SALE. SECOND-HAND,

suitable f or drug or confectionery store. Nel­son Frey, druggist . 1901 Arch s t .

>«—*•»-*» "

FOR SALE 1. • ' • > " > — » . 1 .

- •

run omt For Sale 1 cent a word Sundays. 2 centa a

wofd Dal ly .

s p A Y


I rent 60 styles ftoni 30c per month up.

I sell 60 styles from $3.00 up on terms to stilt you.

Have no ax to grind, sell or rent you what you want always.

List showing rental r a t e s ,



D prices and terms of over 60 styles r \ free. Mimeographing, typewrit- _ J ing, copying. Telephones. 912 WALNUT STREET

NEAT OAK BED ROOM SUITS. LARGE mirror. $12; small organ. $8; fireproof safe,

$26: Baldwin coucb. |6.60; oak and Walnut hall rocks. $3.60 to $7; oak refrigerators. $0: parlor suits, $16 and $17: Ore foot show case. $6.60: oak folding beds. $6 and $8: oak chif­fonier, mirror top. $0; oad sideboard. $10.80; oak chiffonier. $4; oak rockers and kitchen cbalrs, reasonable. Home fine heavy enamel beds with brass trimmings, $6,60; single enamel beds. $3.60; half dosen oak dining room chairs.' $4.60; odd bureau and washstand. oak, $9.60; bedding spring*, ice cream tables and other furniture cheap. N. W. cor. 8tb and Spring Garden. *_~J

WIDOW WILL SELL VERY CHEAP. DAK bed, mattress and springs. Iron bed. mattress*

and .springs. 2 wastelands, refrigerator; one couch, 10 cas heaters for rooms; one mattroes and springs: one roll jute matting, one mlrrorj six oak chairs, four oak tables, sccounr lear-ing city this Friday. Call residence 1983 Park avenue. OAK BUREAUS AND STAND. $6: OAK

chiffonier and wardrobe combined. $14; oak secretary and bookcase, $10; mahogany cham­ber suit, jrood as new. $20, cost $46: walnut sideboard. $12: ebony secretary. $7; reftigcra-tore. Ice boic*. g«s ranges, stores, tables: other goads. 807 Spring Garden. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS S6LD

on the easy payment plsn; all the latest Vic tor, Columbia. Edison and American records now In stock: largest stock of up-to-date records 111 Pennsylvania. Lewis Talking Machine Co., lo 8. Oth St.. opposite postofBce. " FLOKOW'AfCs~FOB 6T CENTS: $1.60 PER

10<l; I/ord Dover and Cremo cigars. 7 for 26c; $1.76 per box of 60: Marsh's Wheeling StoRles. 16 for 26c. $1.40 per box of 10o; French briar pipes. 15c, were 26c. Daugher-t£s._1836 Market. FOR EXCHANGE-PEDAL BASS ORGAN FOE

ten trading stamp books, green or red, or would sell for $16; sultsble for chapel, mission or student practice. 8-918. branch Inquirer of­fice. 28th and Columbia ave. t

HAVE~YOU~A~r)isk~TALlnN^ If so. stop in and hear the new American

disc record; all the latest seleetlons. Lewis Talking Machine Co., 15 S. Oth at., opposite Postoffice. FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE "COMPLETE 8ET

Encyclopedia Britannlca. 20th century edL tinn. 81 volumes, hound to cloth; orlolnsl prlca 156: no reasonable offer refused. Address 8811 D st. FOR SALE-IRON WHEELS FOR ROLLER

skates: lowest price* to ihs trade: write for prices from 100 to 26,000 lots. Preston B. Lee. Mnfr. 666 Preston s t . West Phlla. PARLOR SUIT. HANDSOME. $18: ALSO A

fine library. $22: flne walnut sideboard, $16: couch. $5: oak extension table, flne walnut hall rack, oak book case. Call 2118 Columbia ave. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER NUMBER 88.

totl nddr. a good as new, perfect condi­tion: coat $225; will sell for $100 cash. Osier-lund. 46th and Baltimore are:

FOR SALE-CUT FLOW^E~C*A$iE" WITH extra pedestal sliding doors. In good condi­

tion, chesp. Apply 1764 N. Lambert st. • OAK COMBINATION BOOK CASE AND

secretary, with aiass door and mirror, new. $10; very cheap. 807 Spring Garden. FOP SALE—WALNUT BED. TWO SETS OF

pillows and bolster. Morris chair, etc.. cheap. 728 Wallace st. * FOR 8ALE-BRD ROOM SCIT COMPLETE.

Morris chair, onyx tshle and lamp, walnut ball rack, cheap. 602 Marshall. ^ HOTEL RANGES ANY) BROILERS, ALL

sli^s. steam tables, coffee urns, bake ovens. _J. **• Dougherty, 158 N. Oth at. FOR SALE. TWO LIFE INSURANCE POLL

elf*. 10 cents each. 0 years' stsndlnc. Address Q-1681. Inoulrer branch. 2600 Kensington. ave. WHITE ENAMELED BEDSTEAD AND MAT-

tress. full else. $6: decorsted dinner set, $6. 28 E. Logan St.. Germantown. ______ SHOW CASES FOR 8ALE: ALSO MILLINERY

cases snd cases for parlor, all week. 2038 N. Reese, near 6th snd Diamond. LADY LEAVING CITY WILL SELL 8OMB

flne furniture. Call all week In evening. 914 RIdge ave. COMPLETE SET OF GROCERY FI_TU«B8:

must be sold Monday on account of moving. 230 N. Front st. $28—PIANO. BEST CONDITION. COVER,

stol and delivered. 2742 Germantown ave. SHOW CASES FOR SALE ALL WEEK. 92T

Ridge are. , 8 H. P. 8TRAM ENGINE, SUIT ICE CREAM.

$20. X-60. Inquirer office. ——, BABY COACH FOR SALB CHEAP. ALMOST

•new. 2463 N. 81st St. - * * • * > - — « • —

B U T C H E R S F I X T U R E S . COMPLETE. L A R G E Ice box. Apply 2222 Oxford s t .

C H E A P - C O U N T I N G H O C S E D E S K . 10 F T . long. 5 drawers, g lass top. 256$ N. Front s t .

SHOW CASES F O R SALE. ALL K I N D S . ALL week. 10 S. 4th St., Camden.

TWO LARGE P O R T A B L E B E A T E R S . SLIGHT* ly used. 158 N. 9 t h . _

BICYCLE. LADIES . $9; GOOD CONDITION. 2032 Columbia ave .

OAK B E D ROOM S E T AND G A S 8TOVE. 1920 N. Camac st .

B I O C H G O C A R T . IN GOOD Call 1010 E. Allegheny ave.


N E W INVALID W H E E L I N G CHAIR. R U B B E R tired. 230 N. 16th s t .

FOR RALE. C H E A P . 76 N E W P U L L E Y blocks, all blocks. 2210 W. Cambria at.

SMALL JOB PRONT1NO P L A N T C H E A P F O R cash. Blackmore. 804 I/•high ave.

GOOD PUSH CART FOR 8ALE. 2182 ROD-man street.

TWO DOZEN N E W BENTWOOD CHAIRS, cheap. Call 1702 Vine.

PORTABLE B A K E OVENS. ALL SIZES MAN-ufactured by W. T. Dougherty. 168 N. 19th.

SMITH-PREMIER AND HAMMOND T Y P E -wrlters. cheap. 122 8. 4th at.

FOR SALE. MANDOLIN. GOOD AS N E W . 1028 N. Marvlne s t .

S A F E . S T I F F E L A F R E E M A N . 80x24x15. AL-most new. $60. 122 S. 4th at.

N B W IMPROVED S Q U A R E G R A N D PIANO, in. .flne condit ion^ very cheap for $85. Mrs,

"ele J. Shackleton. 1917 Dennle P A W N T I C K E T FOR LADY'B DIAMONK

ring, pawned lady's dlanicwd ring for $1 Inq. o! if.,n

WBLSBACH three months; sell ticket $1. A FOR 8ALE*~ -LIG*HT INSIDE

In perfec Juniper st

F. 8. BLACK~HAIB CLOTH PARLOR SUIT. heavy frame, also oak desk; private house.

2240 N. 6th st.

light, Jn .perfect order, can be seen in use.

1600 GALLONS FIRST-CLASS ALL RYE whisky In bond. Isaac Shawver, Middles

warth, Pa!. HOTEL RANGE, 2 FIRES. 2 OVENS, 7

feet; 24-inch broiler: nearly new. 168 N. Oth street. PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE- FURNITURE. BOOK"

case, desk, microscope, etc.; reasonable. 566 N. 16th st. VAUDEVILLE SKETCH FOR TWO MALES.

written by one of the best writers. C-60, In-qnlrer office. . FINE WALNUT DINING EXTENSION

table; reasonable. 1800 N. Van Pelt^ SMALL JOB PRINTING PLANT FOR SALE.

cheap. X-30. Inquirer office. SLOT MACHINES OF ALL KINDS. CHEAP.


cbeap. §45 N. 6th st. SOUVENIR POSTAL J u f t D S 'C/BEAI>" FINE

selection. i l U N , 8th at , 2d floor. FOR 8ALft-rd"UALITY GAS RANGE ONLY

been used 000 week, 112 N. Juniper. LAllOE


Frankford are. .

W Y L I F J ST.; 4718^-A L A R G E GOOD vtJOOK store. '




E?TEE*W>f' *ABLB* 10 FEET. 1780' WAL-

FOR SALE-6 FT. HURGERFORD COFFEE roaster, cooler an l fan. 1206 N. 8d,

O A E P E T S ^ OARHT'LAYiNG. 860. DP T»ER room; postal. Wallace, 004 S. Clarion.

FOR SALE-TWO POOL TABLES. COUNTER, tobacco case, cash drawer. 14-0 wolf st. •

S ODA EobNTAlN. M A E B L E , WITH T<5p7l6 syrups, $60, 4164 Gorroantown ave.

siNdLlFw60DENwBED8TEAp7sPRIN0 AND mattress, very cheap. 956 Jcssup,

^ _ 4 J # ^ B g j g ^ 8 S P MA0H""°' FIIrfE OAK SIDEBOARD. CHEAP. 009 NORTH

Seventh st. ' D»HAND RRVOLV-ermantown ave.


mrnmFMtmm* BED

6 CANDY JARS. BABY'S HIGH HAIR AND crib for sale. 4142 Market it.

GAS RANGE FOR SALE._CHEAP; 4 BURN-ers spd do good repair. 8726 Haverford gvc.

FOR 8ALE_LARGE DOUBLE. APARTMENT dog bog. 2814 N. lltb St.

86 BUSHELS OF POTATOES. CHEAP. 925 Spring Garden st. • • •

F I N E S P Q B T l N G W A T C H . C H E A P . E E. ^ W r t s , 2385 Frankford Ave. ,

F O f f K j ^ E ' W A 0 0 N 8 . W6t>"75. $100, 81*26. 6 haokster wagons . $10 up.. 148 N. Ifroad s t .

ROUND W A I _ i r t t C E N T R E T A J T L E , 801 INCifl". . e s dfamotet: three dollars. 1618. Obestnut St.

•»«>•• iii»«>_i*.l_«ai«WW•mmmy^K if— i ^ — w y » " . ' * < f l «^n>- . <»—n 1 - —t m 4 . •—•' 1 , , .

AUTOMOBILE. W I T H T d P . . C H E A P : OOOD running order, Burg Cox, laarj. N. 16th st .

SMALL T Y P E W R I T E R DESK. $6. 122 S. 4 T H street. " ^ _

WILCOX A W H I T E PARlX)R ORGAN. S P L E N " -dld condition. 2706 C St. •____

THREE-PIECE SOLID WALNUT BED ROOM set: also solid cherry bed. 1247 N. Front st.

084 EDGELY-A BICYCLE. SECOND-HAND; run one season. ,

$15-F1NE OLD VIOLIN. IN GOOD CONDF-tlon. 607 E. Glrard ave. _ _ J \.

HARNESS. TWO 'G0'6*D~BRCOND-HAND tKltf. ble, for salo «heap. 2810 Brown st, • •

A FEW ROLLER HEN CANARIBS. CHRAfC R. V. llarued. 2818 N. Broad ; ,

GRAPJIOPHONE V E R V C H E A P . C O M P L K T B with records. 607 B. Glrad ave.



Ing, rooms, papered $1.60 u p ; gold papered, 1.75; scraping and s l s lug ; work guaranteed. I. Anion, 620 Queen s t .

FIRST-CLASS works reasonab

A N D GRAIN ER painted, $8 . u p ;

P A I N T E R lie; fronts

rooms. $1. guaranteed sat is factory; highest ref­erence*. Talley<_1629^ Dorrs nee. ROOMS" P A P E R E D OR PATN'f ED- $1.76 Uf»|

g o l d papered, Burd, .741 S. 6tb^. ROOM P A P E R E D ^ OR P A I N T E D . $1 .50:

workmanship guaranteed. R. Norrls. 624 Franklin. - , , - • - . . . ALL K I N D S OF H O U S E PAINTINO D O ^ B

cheap; floors stained, shellaced, waxed ana polished. 8041 Redner st . " • • • » \ ROOMS P A P E l t E D , PAINTED" $1 .50; W O R K

posit ively guaranteed; send -postal for sam­ples or call . 110 Diamond s t . Old paper^anger. FIRS"f -CiXs8~PAPl f f iRHANGERr*R60M p T -

pcred, $1,60. material includod; scraping, s l s -Ing free; seud posts! . Goldberg, 1Q06 B. 3d »t. ROOMS P A P K R E D r $ 1 . 6 0 : MATERIAL, S C R X F -

ing. s ie lng Included; sepd post61 for ssmpicg. Pollner, 0S2 S. 2d st . > -FIR8T.CLAS8" P A P E R H A ^ G I N G „ D O N E . Bjfci

sonable, c i ty or country. John C. Wilson. Poplar.

L : • I





• : #



PAPERHANGING: $175 AND UP: W^okE guaranteed; send postal for samples.. .Bad*

bill, 907 S. 5th. .

F U B N I T O R E '^OR 'SALE AT 8720 'FA mount ave; Call, Monday evening. 7 to 8.

FOR f^LE-FlRST-CLASS LARGE ICE BOX, gullagfOfor,meat roavket. 8330 N. 22d st.

F^R~SALR-'FTIR8T.'CLASS CONFKCTI'MNEUY and ice crcum storo, 1417 w. ClearfleWlst

RECORDS", " e* _


EDISON'S PHONG large, horn, cheap. Allegheny'ave.

flt, $1600: recorder,, records. 1982 N. 6th. FOR SALE^I/)T SE0OND"J5XND FURNITURE

cheap at Noble Storage Co,, 468 N. 3d st. FIXTURES FOR CIGAR STORE. ALSO SMALL

safe. A«68, Inqnlrer office. * OAK BED. SPRING AND MATTRESS, $ 8 ^

2601 N. Bancroft at. BUTCHER'S 10B BOX FOR SALE; $80. S. W,

l t tk *pd fprlng Garden. _ _^ nof^WATER"STOYE8. ALL*SIZES. 1|»"*N. ^Oth. i i; • t .'_ | ^ it< | j { M , C O F F E R U R N S . T E A U R N S . H O T W A T E R

urn*. Dougherty, 156 N. 9 th at. PORTA R L E B A R B OVEN, N E A " R L Y N B W .

168 N. Otb. N I N E l l O C K B

f«red? A - l l , CROWN S T A M P S ; "WHAT OF-

Inquirer of nee.

"r""-: Vffllm Rc Xi

ome; beautl, W* Inqu Offloe.

PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGER8 OUT 0 » work, have tools, work reasonable; infoima-

tlon cheerfully given. Beck, )40 N. lltb. WILL HANG FOR f l36l'APKIl IN ANYycoST!

Samples. Pai)erhanger, 1T83 W. PSssyunk av.e. WILL PAPER YOUR ROOMS VERY R

able. 624 Cumberland st. ROOMS PAP^RJrtD_$2, ANY ROOM. DANl'l^.

1534 CnJlowlilU; 'Phone Spruce 32-01 1). H'ARDWOOD~FY.O^RS~MADE^^ „ new: drop postal, ^a f f t er , , 248 N. M-*r »<••••.

BUILDING MATERIAL. Building Material for Sale, 1 cent a

Sundays, 2 cents a word Dal ly .

FOR S A L E - A LOT OF PORCH BALUSTERS. 2x2x2 feet long, and balustera made to order.

R. E . Dickinson, Norrlstown. Pa . iii,«—»»»—«•—»«,»»»«»»»»»»,MWMM«_»y»»i«»«»——

1 ' I " I I I !»• . . • I . ' .^>»

TYPEWRITERS i 2 cents a word Datlj

GURANATEETT^R^GUI^R^LOO any kind. 00c., put on yonr machluei drop

not-tnl or phone. Moyer Typewriter Supply C«.,

Typewriters 2 cents a word Dally, 1 cent per ord Sunday.

1219 Arch. W X N T E D - N O . 7 SECONDHAND EffiMlNG-. ton. Address, atatTna price, etc., T5-1144, Inquirer branch. 8th and • Oxford., ' $15-HARTrOBD<i TYPBWBlTEBl P B R F K C X

order. 507 E. Glrard are* .

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069