Formation of Extracellular Lipoteichoic Acid byOral ... · disrupted with glass beads in a Braun...

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INFECTION AND IMMUNrrY, Aug. 1975, p. 378-386Copyright 0 1975 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 12, No. 2Printed in U.S.A.

Formation of Extracellular Lipoteichoic Acid by OralStreptococci and Lactobacilli

JULIE L. MARKHAM, K. W. KNOX,* A. J. WICKEN, AND MERILYN J. HEWET1The Institute of Dental Research, The United Dental Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010,* and School

of Microbiology, University of New South Wales, Kensington, New Sourth Wales, 2033, Australia

Received for publication 26 February 1975

Examination of the culture fluids from a number of strains of oral streptococciand lactobacilli has shown the presence of an erythrocyte-sensitizing antigenwith the properties of lipoteichoic acid. The antigen was isolated from the culturefluids of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus fermentum and characterizedchemically and serologically. For other strains, serological evidence for thepresence of lipoteichoic acid depends on the reactivity with antiserum specific forthe glycerol phosphate backbone. The relative concentrations of the antigen inculture fluids from different organisms, in culture fluids from different stages ofgrowth, and in extracts of organisms was estimated by determining themaximum dilution that fully sensitized erythrocytes; the culture fluid titer,which is the reciprocal of the dilution, varied from 4 to 320. Strains ofStreptococcus mutans were generally characterized by a high level of extracellu-lar lipoteichoic acid, the amount being greater than that detectable in cellextracts; this conclusion was confirmed by using the quantitative precipitinmethod. A high-molecular-weight fraction obtained from S. mutans BHT culturefluid was effective in sensitizing erythrocytes at a concentration of 1 gg/ml,compared with 2 ,g/ml required for cellular lipoteichoic acid from L. casei. Thedetecting procedure depends on the teichoic acid sensitizing erythrocytes but, asshown with L. fermentum, low-molecular-weight nonsensitizing teichoic acidmay also be present in culture fluid.

Lipoteichoic acids are characteristic mem-brane components of gram-positive bacteriaand consist of a glycolipid joined covalently to aglycerol teichoic acid which carries carbohy-drate and D-alanine substituents (19, 39). Thereis serological evidence that they may functionas surface antigens, and the results have beeninterpreted as indicating that glycerol phos-phate chains can penetrate the cell wall (4, 34).As surface antigens they may be useful in theserological classification of bacteria, though thepresence of the common glycerol phosphatesequence can lead to considerable cross-reac-tions (19, 38, 39). There are a number of reports(19, 21, 32) of gram-positive organisms contain-ing a common antigen detectable in cell ex-tracts or culture fluid, generally on the basis of ahemagglutination reaction (9, 27, 29, 30, 33),and the present investigation was undertaken toascertain whether the results for culture fluidcould be accounted for by the presence oflipoteichoic acid. Serological evidence has beenobtained for the presence of a component withthe properties of lipoteichoic acid in the culturefluid of a number of oral streptococci and

lactobacilli; in addition, lipoteichoic acid hasbeen isolated from the culture fluid of Lac-tobacillus fermentum whose cellular lipotei-choic acid has already been characterized (37).

MATERIALS AND METHODSOrganisms. The strains of Lactobacillus casei

(NCTC 6375), Lactobacillus plantarum (NCIB 7220),and L. fermentum (NCTC 6991) were those employedin previous studies (16, 17, 18). Cultures of Strepto-coccus sanguis ATCC 10558, Streptococcus salivariusATCC 13419, and S. salivarius NCTC 8606 wereobtained from the appropriate type culture collection,and Streptococcus mitior 439 was obtained fromMelbourne University Microbiology Department,Melbourne, Victoria. For the remaining cultures weare grateful for the following donations: Streptococcusmutans strains AHT, BHT, OMZ-61, and FA-1R fromR. J. Fitzgerald, Veterans Administration Hospital,Miami, Fla., B13 from S. Edwardsson, University ofLund, Malmo, Sweden, Ingbritt from B. Krasse,University of Goteborg, Fack, Sweden, KPSK2 fromJ. Carlsson, University of UmeA, UmeA, Sweden, andGS 5 from A. S. Bleiweis, University of Florida,Gainesville, Fla.; S. sanguis strain 804 from J. Carl-sson; and S. mitior strain S-3 from R. J. Gibbons,Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, Mass.


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Growth conditions. Lactobacilli were grown for 18h at 37 C in the medium described by de Man et al.(24). Streptococci were grown at 37 C under anaerobicconditions (95% N2, 5% CO2); unless otherwise stateda complex medium was used (35), without pH control.Synthetic medium contained the components recom-

mended by Lawson (20) with the omission of pyridox-amine and the addition of sodium phosphate buffer,pH 7.0, to a final concentration of 0.1 M.

Ultrafiltration of culture fluid. Cell-free culturefluid was concentrated and fractionated by passingthrough a Sartorius membrane filter SM12134 (whichretains protein molecules of greater than 20,000 mo-

lecular weight) or through Diaflo XM 50 (50,000molecular weight) and XM 300 filters (300,000 molec-ular weight) on an Amicon filter cell at 4 C and a

pressure of 40 and 5 to 10 lb/in2, respectively.Preparation of cell extracts. Saline-washed sus-

pensions of organisms (30 mg [dry weight]/ml) were

disrupted with glass beads in a Braun cell homoge-nizer for 2 to 3 min with CO2 cooling. The efficacy ofthe disruption was followed by the Gram-stainingreaction. After removal of glass beads by filtration,the suspension of disrupted organisms was cen-

trifuged at 10,000 x g for 15 min. The supernatantfraction was reserved for serological estimation oflipoteichoic acid.

Preparation and characterization of teichoicacids. Procedures for the isolation of lipoteichoic acidand teichoic acid from organisms and for studyingtheir structure have been described previously (17, 18,36, 37).

Fatty acid analyses. Gas chromatographic analy-ses of fatty acids were kindly performed by D. G.Bishop, CSIRO Division of Food Preservation, Syd-ney, on columns of 25% diethylene glycol succinate,2% phosphoric acid on Gas Chrom P (100 to 200 mesh)at 165 C.

Serological methods. Procedures have been de-scribed previously for obtaining antisera to lipotei-choic acid and for examining the reaction of teichoicacids (including lipoteichoic acids) by the quantita-tive precipitin method (16), immunoelectrophoresis(36), and hemagglutination (12).

Antisera employed for detecting extracellular lipo-teichoic acid were prepared against lipoteichoic acidfrom L. casei NCTC 6375 since such sera cross-reactwith different lipoteichoic acids on the basis of thecommon glycerol phosphate backbone (38); to con-

firm the specificity of the reaction, glycerol-phospho-ryl-glycerol-phosphoryl-glycerol (G3 P2) was preparedfrom cardiolipin (40) and examined for its ability toinhibit the hemagglutination reaction (38).

The relative amounts of lipoteichoic acid in culturefluids and cell extracts were routinely estimated bythe sensitive hemagglutination procedure; the cell-free fluids were neutralized (with 6 N NaOH), dilu-tions were made in phosphate-buffered saline (pH7.0), and the tubes were heated at 56 C for 15 min todestroy any hemolysins. Where the concentration wassufficiently high, 0.1 to 0.5 ml of culture fluid (afterdialysis against 0.85% NaCl) was examined to deter-mine the amount of antibody precipitated from 0.1 mlof antiserum 217 prepared against L. casei lipotei-

choic acid. From the resultant precipitin curve, thevolume of solution required to precipitate approxi-mately half the maximum amount of precipitableantibody was determined, and from this value theamount precipitable by 1 ml of culture fluid or thebacterial cells derived from 1 ml of culture fluid wascalculated.

RESULTSEstimation of extracellular lipoteichoic

acid. An estimate of the relative amounts oferythrocyte-sensitizing antigen in the culturefluid of different organisms was obtained bycomparing the extent to which serial twofolddilutions retained full sensitizing capacity, asjudged by the agglutination of the erythrocyteswith the cross-reacting antisera to L. caseilipoteichoic acid. The reciprocal of this dilutionis called the culture fluid titer and is distinctfrom the hemagglutination titer, which is thereciprocal of the greatest dilution of serumwhich still caused visible agglutination of sensi-tized erythrocytes. The method is illustrated bythe results for two strains given in Table 1,where the culture fluid titer for S. sanguis strain804 was 4 compared with 40 for S. mutans strainAHT; the table also shows that a concentrationof 2 gg of L. casei lipoteichoic acid per ml wasrequired for full sensitization.To show that the agglutination of sensitized

erythrocytes depended on their reactivity withantibodies specific for a glycerol phosphatechain, G3P2 was tested for its ability to inhibitthe hemagglutination reaction. To serial dilu-tions of antiserum to L. casei lipoteichoic acidwas added G3P2 (0.5 Amol), followed by erythro-cytes fully sensitized with culture fluid fromdifferent organisms; the hemagglutination ti-ters are compared with those obtained in the

TABLE 1. Sensitization of erythrocytes by decreasingconcentrations of lipoteichoic acid and culture fluids

Culture fluidsLactobacillus caseilipoteichoic acid Streptococcus Streptococcus

sanguis 804 mutans AHT

Concn HA Dilution HA(Cg/ml) Titer Dilution titera titer

10 800 1 400 1 4005 800 2 400 2 4002 800 4 400 4 4001 400 10 200 10 4000.5 200 20 100 20 400

40 40080 200160 50

a HA, Hemagglutination.

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absence of potential inhibitor in Table 2). For L.fermentum where the inhibition was less thanfor other strains the specificity of the reactionwas confirmed by inhibition with L. casei lipo-teichoic acid, 10 gg, decreasing the titer to<50.Effect of growth phase. The relative

amounts of erythrocyte-sensitizing antigenpresent in early and mid-log phase and alsostationary phase were compared for four cul-tures. An increase during the growth phaseparalleled the increase in cell mass (Table 3).

Evidence on whether the extracellular lipo-teichoic acid might be resulting from cell autol-ysis was sought by growing S. mutans strainAHT in a chemically defined medium for 18 h;the yield of cells at the stationary phase was0.35 mg/ml (compared with 1.0 mg/ml in com-plex medium) and the culture fluid titer was 10.Rhamnose is a major component of the cell wallof strain AHT (1), but the amount of materialestimated as rhamnose (7) in the culture fluidrepresented less than 5% of that estimated inthe cells derived from the same culture fluid.Comparison of viridans streptococci.

Strains of S. mutans, S. sanguis, S. salivarius,and S. mitior were grown for 18 h in complexmedium and the culture fluids were examinedfor their ability to sensitize erythrocytes, whichwere then agglutinated with antiserum to L.

TABLE 2. Inhibition of hemagglutination by G3P2


Culture fluid G,P,Control (0.5 srmol)

Lactobacillus casei NCTC 6375 200 <50L. fermentum NCTC 6991 400a 200Streptococcus mutans AHT 400 <50BHT 400 <50Ingbritt 200 <50

a Decreased to <50 by 10 gg of L. casei lipoteichoicacid.


casei lipoteichoic acid. The results in Table 4compare the titers for the different culturefluids and also show the corresponding hemag-glutination titers for the sensitized erythro-cytes. All strains contained in their culture fluida component with the properties of lipoteichoicacid, with the concentration being relativelyhigh for most strains of S. mutans.

For S. mutans strains AHT, BHT, and Ing-britt, the amounts of extracellular antigen werecompared with the amounts detectable in thesoluble fraction from organisms disrupted in theBraun cell homogenizer (model MSK), thesoluble fraction being diluted to the same vol-ume as the original culture fluid. For each strainthe results (Table 5) suggested that the amountof extracellular lipoteichoic acid exceeded theamount of cellular lipoteichoic acid.

Detection of extracellular lipoteichoic acidby the precipitin method. The concentration oflipoteichoic acid in the culture fluid of S.mutans strains is sufficient to detect by theprecipitin method. Using antiserum to L. caseilipoteichoic acid (217) and 0.1 to 0.5 ml of cul-

TABLE 4. Serological reactivity of streptococcalculture fluids

Species Serotype Strain CF titer" titer

mutans a AHT 40 400OMZ-61 20 400

b BHT 320 400FA-1R 40 400

c K2 20 200GS5 10 400Ingbritt 20 200

d B13 4 200sanguis 804 4 400

10558 4 200saliuarius 8606 40 800

13419 4 200mitior S3 4 200

439 10 200

a CF, Culture fluid.' HA, Hemagglutination.

TABLE 3. Detection of erythrocyte-sensitizing antigen during different stages of growth

Growth phase

Early log Mid-log StationaryOrganism

(mg/ml) CF titera Dry/ml CF titera Dry wt CF titera(mg/ml) (mg/ml) (mg/ml)

Lactobacillus casei NCTC 6375 0.23 1 0.60 2 2.3 4L. plantarum NCIB 7220 0.40 2 1.7 4L. fermentum NCTC 6991 0.25 4 0.51 4 1.8 4Streptococcus mutans AHT 0.10 4 0.60 10 1.0 40

a CF, Culture fluid.

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ture fluid from strains AHT, BHT, and GS 5,the results confirmed those obtained by hemag-glutination, namely a greater reactivity for theBHT culture fluid. The values (Table 6) areexpressed as the amount of antibody precipita-ble by 1 ml of culture fluid. For strain BHTgrown in medium containing sucrose, and there-fore synthesizing extracellular polysaccha-ride(s), the amount of antibody precipitable by1 ml of culture fluid was 810 ,gg. By comparisonwith the culture fluid values, 10 ug of L. caseilipoteichoic acid precipitated 240 jig of anti-body.To compare the amounts of cellular and

extracellular lipoteichoic acid for each strain,the cells recovered from 500 ml of culture wereextracted with hot aqueous phenol, dilutions ofthe extract were tested by the quantitativeprecipitin method, and the results were ex-pressed, as before, as the amount of antibodyprecipitable by the cells derived from 1 ml ofculture (Table 6). For strain BHT, the compari-son was extended (Table 6) by concentrating100 ml of culture fluid to 20 ml, extracting withhot phenol, and determining the reactivity ofthe recovered aqueous phase after dialysisagainst 0.85% NaCl.

Absorption of extracellular lipoteichoicacid to hydroxyapatite. Teichoic acids, includ-ing lipoteichoic acid, will absorb to hydroxyapa-

TABLE 5. Comparison of cellular and extracellularlipoteichoic acid by hentagglutination method

Dilution retaining full activityStreptococcusmutans strain Cellular Extracellular

fraction fraction

AHT 10 40BHT 40 320Ingbritt 10 20

TABLE 6. Determination of relative amounts oflipoteichoic acid by precipitation of antibody to

Lactobacillus casei lipoteichoic acid

Antibody precipitated(gg/ml of culture)

FractionStrain Strain StrainBHT AHT GS 5

Culture fluid (a) 1,100 188 170Phenol extract of 930 NDa NDa

culture fluidPhenol extract of 96 76 106

organisms (b)

Ratio a/b 11.5 2.5 1.6

a ND, Not determined.

tite (unpublished observations and personalcommunication from D. C. Ellwood). Culturefluid (pH 6.0) from S. mutans strain BHT wasshaken at room temperature for 1 h with anequal volume of a saline suspension of hydroxy-apatite (Bio Gel HTP, Bio-Rad Laboratories,Richmond, Calif.), to give a final concentrationof 5 and 10 mg/ml. The amount of lipoteichoicacid remaining in the supernatant was esti-mated by reacting 0.2 ml with 0.1 ml of anti-serum 217 and determining the amount ofantibody precipitated. At 5 mg of hydroxyapa-tite per ml there was a 30% decrease in antibodyprecipitated, and at 10 mg/ml there was a 47%decrease.Membrane filtration of culture fluid from

S. mutans strain BHT. S. mutans strain BHTwas grown in the New Brunswick Microfermfermentor with pH control (pH 6.0) for 18 h.Compared with the culture previously grownwithout pH control, the yield of cells hadincreased from 0.76 to 2.4 mg/ml and theamount of antibody to L. casei lipoteichoic acidprecipitable by 1 ml of culture fluid increasedfrom 1.10 to 2.04 mg. A portion of the culturefluid (150 ml) was concentrated by ultrafiltra-tion on an XM 50 membrane (yield 112 mg) andfurther fractionated (105 mg) on an XM 300membrane to yield 31 mg of retentate and 67 mgof diffusate. Several ultrafiltrations with thisculture fluid and also culture fluids from orga-nisms grown without pH control showed that atleast 95% of serological activity detectable bythe precipitin method was retained by the XM50 membrane; the amount of serologically ac-tive material passing through the XM 300membrane was low and variable, the diffusatefor the reported culture fluid being inactive.The XM 300 retentate (5 mg/ml) was examinedby immunoelectrophoresis; it showed a singlecomponent reacting with antiserum 217, whichhad the same mobility as lipoteichoic acid (2mg/ml) from L. casei NCTC 6375 (Fig. 1). Bythe quantitative precipitin method, 10 Mg ofretentate precipitated 58 Mg of antibody fromantiserum 217, compared with 240 Mg of anti-body precipitated by 10 Mg of L. casei lipotei-choic acid. However, the preparation showed agreater activity in the hemagglutination assay,1 ug/ml being sufficient to sensitize erythro-cytes, compared with the required concentra-tion of 2 Mg/ml for L. casei lipoteichoic acid(Table 1).Column chromatography of the XM 300

retentate on 6% agarose indicated the presenceof typical micellar lipoteichoic acid, as well aslow-molecular-weight nonmicellar teichoic acid.

Isolation of cellular and extracellular li-

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_- BHT~~BH

FIG. 1. Immunoelectrophoretic comparison of extracellular teichoic acid fraction from Streptococcusmutans BHT with lipoteichoic acid from Lactobacillus casei NCTC 6375. Electrophoresis in 0.01 M pota-sium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, performed for 75 min at 6 V/cm and antiserum to L. casei lipoteichoic acid thenadded.

poteichoic acid and teichoic acid from L.fermentum cultures. For a comparison of cellu-lar and extracellular lipoteichoic acid, L.fermentum NCTC 6991 was chosen for furtherstudy as the structure and properties of itscellular lipoteichoic acid have been reported(37). A culture (10 liters) of L. fermentumNCTC 6991 was grown to the stationary phasein the New Brunswick Microferm fermentorwithout pH control. The culture fluid wasconcentrated to approximately 700 ml by mem-brane filtration (Sartorius membrane filterSM12134), dialyzed, further concentrated to 90ml by rotary evaporation, and then extractedwith hot aqueous phenol (36). The aqueousphase, after dialysis, was adjusted to pH 7.0 andincubated with deoxyribonuclease and ribonu-clease (36) for 4 h at 37 C; 4 volumes of coldethanol was then added and, after standingovernight at 4 C, the precipitate was collectedby centrifugation, washed with ethanol, anddried (yield = 2.417 g). Chromatography of 100mg of extract on 6% agarose in 0.2 M ammo-nium acetate at pH 6.9 gave a major organicphosphorus peak with Kd = 0.1 and a minorcomponent with Kd = 0.5, the ratio in terms oforganic phosphorus being 6.4:1.0. Studies onseveral organisms (19) have shown that a Kd of0.1 on 6% agarose is typical of a lipoteichoicacid, whereas a Kd of 0.5 is obtained forlow-molecular-weight teichoic acid.

Fractionation of the hot aqueous phenol ex-

tract from one-half of the organisms derivedfrom 10 liters of culture on 6% agarose also gavetwo organic phosphorus peaks with Kd = 0.1(72.5 Mmol of P/g of cells) and Kd = 0.5 (8 to 10,umol of P/g). When the remaining portion of theorganisms was incubated in 0.05 tris(hydroxy-methyl)aminomethane-hydrochloride buffer (pH8.0) at 37 C for 10 min and the extract wasfractionated by column chromatography on 6%agarose, low-molecular-weight teichoic acid(32.4 umol of P/g of cells) was isolated but nolipoteichoic acid fraction was detectable. Sub-sequent extraction of these cells with hot aque-ous phenol yielded a lipoteichoic acid fraction(50.3 ,umol of P/g of cells) but only a trace oflow-molecular-weight teichoic acid.

Products with the properties of lipoteichoicacid and teichoic acid were also isolated from L.casei NCTC 6375 culture fluid but were notstudied further.

Characterization of cellular and extracel-lular teichoic acid fractions from L. fermen-tum. The high- and low-molecular-weight frac-tions from the cells and from culture fluid werehydrolyzed with acid and alkali and examinedfor the presence of teichoic acid components bypaper chromatography (37). Acid hydrolysatesof each preparation contained glucose, galac-tose, D-alanine, and glycerol, glycerol mono-phosphate, and diphosphate; alkaline hydrol-ysis followed by treatment with phos-phomonoesterase gave, in each case, glycerol,


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diglycerol phosphate, and the previously identi-fied glycerol glycosides obtained from cellularlipoteichoic acid (37), namely 2-0-a-D-galacto-syl-glycerol and O-a-D-galactosyl-1 2-0-a-D-glucosyl-1 2-glycerol from the main chain ofthe teichoic acid moiety, and O-a-D-galacto-syl-1-2-0-a-D-glucosyl-1-1 glycerol from theglycolipid.

Table 7 compares the relative proportions ofphosphorus, glucose, and galactose in the tei-choic acid preparations and Table 8 gives theresults for fatty acid analysis. The results forcellular and extracellular low-molecular-weightteichoic acid were similar, and only the resultsfor the extracellular fraction are recorded.

As shown by the quantitative precipitinmethod, both the extracellular lipoteichoic acidand teichoic acid reacted strongly with anti-serum prepared against L. fermentum lipotei-choic acid (16) and also antiserum 217 to L.casei lipoteichoic acid. The cellular and extra-cellular lipoteichoic acids were indistinguisha-ble by immunoelectrophoresis. The extracellu-lar lipoteichoic acid but not the teichoic acidsensitized erythrocytes in the hemagglutinationprocedure.

DISCUSSIONThere are numerous reports in the literature

of the presence in extracts of gram-positiveorganisms and also in culture fluids of eryth-rocyte-sensitizing antigens (19, 39). Frequentlyit was assumed that the antibodies were detect-ing an antigen common to all the reactive orga-nisms, and hence the use of such terms as non-

species specific (29), heterophile (22), andheterogenetic antigen (3). The possibility thatthe "common antigen" in certain cells was

teichoic acid, as suggested by Salton (see 9),received support from the observation thatpolyglycerol phosphate inhibited the agglutina-tion of erythrocytes sensitized with lysates ofStaphylococcus aureus (9). The same experi-mental procedure enabled Stewart (33) to con-

clude that the "Hickey antigen" in the culturefluid of some streptococci was also a teichoic

TABLE 7. Ratio of components in teichoic acids fromLactobacillus fermentum

Fraction Phosphorus Glucose Galactose

LTA-extral 1.00 0.21 0.14LTA-intraa 1.00 0.06 0.12Teichoic acid 1.00 0.15 0.23

a Extracellular and intracellular lipoteichoic acid

fraction, respectively.

TABLE 8. Fatty acid components of teichoic acidfractions from Lactobacillus fermentum

FractionFatty acid

LTA- LTA- Teichoicextraa intra' acid

Total (,mol/10 0.76 0.76 0.03Mmoles of Pb)

Component (% total)14:0 21.0 1.3 46.816:0 35.3 37.4 21.316:1 5.8 2.3 16.618:0 Trace 6.2 Trace18:1 23.6 25.4 1C.219:01 13.5 27.3 3.9

aExtracellular and intracellular lipoteichoic acidfraction, respectively.

b Assuming average molecular weight of 250.

acid. It is now known that the sensitization oferythrocytes depends on the lipid moiety oflipoteichoic acid (19, 39) so that a lipoteichoicacid would have been the component detectedin each of the above studies.

In the present investigation the use of anti-bodies specific for the polyglycerol phosphate"backbone" of lipoteichoic acid enabled thedetection of a component with the properties oflipoteichoic acid in the culture fluids of avariety of oral streptococci and lactobacilli.Supporting evidence is provided by the inhibi-tion of the reaction with G3P2, the immunoelec-trophoretic mobility of the component in theculture fluid from S. mutans BHT, and moreparticularly the isolation of lipoteichoic acidfrom the culture fluid of L. fermentum and L.casei. With the lactobacilli and S. mutansBHT, evidence was also obtained for a lower-molecular-weight non-erythrocyte-sensitizingteichoic acid, so that using the hemagglutina-tion method to survey culture fluids does notnecessarily detect all of the extracellular poly-glycerol phosphate-containing material.The use of antibodies specific for the poly-

glycerol phosphate backbone to detect differentlipoteichoic acids, whose carbohydrate sub-stituents are unknown, is based on the premisethat such lipoteichoic acids would react. Anumber of lipoteichoic acids carrying differentcarbohydrate substituents have been shown toreact with antiserum of this specificity (38) but,should a negative result have been obtained, itwould not necessarily have indicated lack of alipoteichoic acid. In fact, all culture fluids didcontain a reactive component, though the dif-ferent hemagglutination titers probably indi-cate varying degrees of cross-reactivity. The

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various terms used by earlier workers to de-scribe erythrocyte-sensitizing components im-plied that the antigen was the same in eachcase. If by "antigen" was meant the entirestructure, there is no evidence to support such aconclusion, though the evidence is consistentwith a common antigenic determinant-theglycerol phosphate backbone-in lipoteichoicacids of different structure.

Whereas different hemagglutination titersare indicative of the differences in the reactivityof sensitized erythrocytes with antibodies, theculture fluid titer, defined as the dilution re-taining full sensitizing capacity, presumably isa measure of the relative amount of sensitizingantigen in the culture fluid or cell extract. Onthis basis, the concentration of extracellularlipoteichoic acid is relatively low for the lacto-bacillus strains tested but frequently high forstreptococci, particularly S. mutans strains. Toquantitate the culture fluid titer in terms of theamount of lipoteichoic acid present requiresknowing the amount of material needed to sensi-tize erythrocytes. For the isolated L. casei lipo-teichoic acid, this value is 2 Ag/ml, though forthe culture fluid fraction from S. mutans BHT aconcentration of 1 Ag/ml is sufficient. Assumingthat for S. mutans strain AHT a concentrationof 1 to 2 ug/ml is required for full sensitization,then from the results in Tables 3 and 5 it can becalculated that the amount of cellular lipotei-choic acid is 1 to 2% of cell mass. This would bethe expected value (19) and would suggest thatthe method is giving a reasonable estimate oflipoteichoic acid concentration.

Comparative analyses with S. mutans strainsof the amounts of cellular and extracellularlipoteichoic acid by both the hemagglutinationand precipitin reactions indicate that theamount of extracellular material can exceed theamount associated -with the cells in stationaryphase. Assuming that, say, 1 ,ug of lipoteichoicacid per ml is required for sensitization, theamount of extracellular lipoteichoic acid for theS. mutans strains in Table 4 would be 10 to 320Ag/ml, with 20 to 40 ,g/ml being the mostfrequent. Should the lipoteichoic acids fromother strains not be as efficient as that fromBHT in sensitizing erythrocytes, so that, say, 2ug/ml would be required as with L. casei lipotei-choic acid, then the concentration for thesestrains would be even higher. The very hightiter for strain BHT may relate in part to theefficacy of its lipoteichoic acid in sensitizingerythrocytes, but the high ratio of extracellularto cellular lipoteichoic acid found by the precip-itin method does point to this strain producingconsiderably more extracellular lipoteichoicacid than the others examined.

Recent studies employing labeled glycerolhave provided evidence for high- and low-molecular-weight glycerol phosphate polymersin the culture fluids of S. sanguis (6), S. mutansFA-1, and Streptococcus faecalis (13); in thelatter study confirmatory serological evidencesupported the presence of lipoteichoic acid. Thestudies on S. faecalis also showed that 90% ofthe cellular teichoic acid was detectable in themedium after valine starvation; similar resultswere obtained with S. mutans FA-1 after over-night culture (13). This release was not theresult of cell lysis or wall turnover, as deter-mined by the lack of release of protein, nucleicacid, and ['4C]lysine-labeled peptidoglycan. Inthe present study, the lack of cell wall rhamnosein culture fluid is also taken as providingevidence that release of lipoteichoic acid is notdependent on cell lysis. Thus, the lipoteichoicacid in the culture fluid qualifies to be underPollock's restrictive definition of extracellular(28).

Although lipoteichoic acid is a membranecomponent, it can function as a surface antigen(4, 34) and can be readily released from cells bymild procedures (36). Further, cell wall prepa-rations may contain lipoteichoic acid (2, 18).Thus, lipoteichoic acid released from cell mem-brane may occur as a transient cell wall compo-nent before its release into the culture fluid,where the molecules being amphipathic wouldaggregate to form the native high-molecular-weight micelles detectable in S. mutans BHTculture fluid.

In the present study the release of lipotei-choic acid from cells, as measured by hemag-glutination, increased during the growthphases. However, the detailed investigations byJoseph and Shockman (13) with S. faecalis andS. mutans FA-1 have shown that a moderaterelease of teichoic acid during the exponentialphase is followed by a massive release of accu-mulated cellular teichoic acid and lipoteichoicacid during the stationary phase. From thestudies on L. fermentum stationary-phase orga-nisms, the fraction released into the mediumhas been shown to differ markedly with respectto 14- and 19-carbon fatty acids from thefraction still retained by the cells.

L. fermentum cells have also been shown tocontain variable quantities of a readily extract-able low-molecular-weight teichoic acid, with asimilar fraction being detectable in culturefluid. The low fatty acid content suggests that itis deacylated lipoteichoic acid, similar to thepartially deacylated product detectable in S.sanguis wall preparations (2). Thus, deacyla-tion by enzymatic or other means may contrib-ute to the release from the cell membrane of


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part of the extracellular lipoteichoic acid; suchproducts do not sensitize erythrocytes and thuswould not be detected in the hemagglutinationreaction.The formation of relatively high concentra-

tions of extracellular lipoteichoic acid by oralstreptococci may contribute to the pathogenicpotential of these organisms. Should the lipotei-choic acid diffuse into gingival tissue, as willlipopolysaccharides (31), it may induce an im-munological response or react with antibodiesalready present. It has been observed thathuman sera frequently contain antibodies react-ing with different lipoteichoic acids (25).

Lipoteichoic acid may also be implicated inthe resorption of bone in periodontal disease.Streptococci have been shown to induce alveo-lar bone loss in rats (15), and lipoteichoic acidat a concentration of ; 10 Ag/ml will stimulatebone resorption in organ culture (10). Althoughthis concentration is greater than that requiredfor lipopolysaccharide to induce bone resorption(10, 11), it is still within the range detectable inculture fluid. The effect in each case apparentlydepends on an amphipathic molecule as deacy-lated lipopolysaccharide or lipoteichoic acid isineffective (10).

Teichoic acids, by virtue of their ionizedphosphate groupings, also have the potential toreact with tooth enamel (5), and supportingevidence for this has been obtained by theabsorption of the lipoteichoic acid in S. mutansBHT culture fluid to hydroxyapatite. Studieson another polyphosphate, phytic acid, indicatethat its salts have cariostatic properties andthat these may be related to the ability ofphytates to lower the solubility in acid ofenamel (23). The potential ability of lipotei-choic acid to bind to the tooth surface couldtherefore have beneficial effects. Balancing this,though, is the possibility that the adherence ofbacteria to the tooth surface and other tissues, afactor given considerable ecological importance(8), could be similarly aided by cell surfacelipoteichoic acid. As extracellular lipoteichoicacid was still present in large amounts when S.mutans BHT was grown in sucrose, and there-fore forming glucans, it might be expected thatthe glucan, which is believed to be involved inthe adherence of S. mutans to the tooth surface(8), would also be permeated by lipoteichoicacid. This could account for reports on thepresence of phosphate in the glucans from S.mutans strains (14, 26).


This work was supported by grants from the NationalHealth and Medical Research Council of Australia.


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