Forthcoming Events Important Notices: Important...

Post on 23-Mar-2018

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Forthcoming Events Tuesday 5th December 9.30am-10.30am

Prayer Meeting

Thursday 7th December 7.15pm-9.30pm

Friends of Trinity Christmas Pudding Making

Monday 18th December

Christmas Carol Service 5.30pm – 6.30pm

Monday 18th December

Friends of Trinity Christmas Raffle

Important Dates Wednesday 20th December

Last Day of Term

Important Notices: RJ Notification - page 2

Faraday House Day - page 7

Form Tutor details - page 9

Chaplaincy - page 3

Please start following us on Twitter - @Trinity7oaks, @Trinity7English, @Trinity7oaks_PE.

Visitors. Can we please remind parents that should they wish to see a member of staff at school they need to

make an appointment. This can be done directly with the member of staff or through reception. Whilst we

understand the matter may be urgent, the person you wish to see may not be available without prior knowledge

of your visit. Thank you for your support. Please refer to page 9 for further details.

Issue No 11

1st December 2017

This weeks attendance:

Year 11 94%

Year 10 95.3%

Year 9 96.5%

Year 8 96%

Year 7 95.6%

Totals 95.5%

After school clubs and subject interventions. Students are expected to leave the school site at

3.25pm unless they are in a supervised activity. The only exception is if they are waiting for a lift home.

Parent voluntary donations. The school is

incredibly grateful for the donations that have been made

to the school fund this year with all proceeds going

towards purchasing resources for the school library. To

date, £4,600 has been given. Please refer to the Library

News article on page 7 for further details.

Year 8/9 Battlefields Trip. Thank you very much to all that have paid the second instalment for the

Battlefields Trip. For those that are yet to make this payment, please be reminded that the deadline for this

instalment of £105 is today (Friday 1st December). All passport and EHIC photocopies should also now be with

the school office.


Vacancies The following vacancies are being advertised externally:

• Teachers – from September 2018: Geography full or p/t, English p/t, RE, Business Studies, MFL p/t,

Science full and p/t

• Facilities Assistants

• Clerk to the Governors and Company Secretary

Further details can be found on TES, Kent Teach and our Website.

Higher Education Conference at Sevenoaks School. Students from Trinity were invited to attend

a conference at Sevenoaks School. The conference focussed on life after sixth-form. Guest speakers from two

Universities (UEA and Bristol) spoke to the students about admissions, the variety of courses available and stu-

dent finance. The students left the event feeling better equipped to deal with the issues associated with Higher


Education for life in all its fullness

Careers at Trinity Sevenoaks

Year 11 Skills London - 25th November 2017. Year 11 attended a careers

event at London Excel. Skills London is the UK's biggest jobs and careers event for

young people. Focusing on young people aged 15-24 the event attracts more than

30,000 individuals across two days.

Skills London’s allowed the students to interact with the exhibitors to find out first-

hand what the career entails.

By engaging with the exhibitors, Trinity students gained valuable access to the varied

career routes and job opportunities available in Greater London and the local area.

RJ (restorative justice/detention) notification. Further to the message in the parent newsletter on

10th November, we have now updated and improved our communication regarding RJs set at school. If your

child is set an RJ you will now receive a message that reads:

This is to inform you that <PreferredForename> has been issued with a detention by <MainStaffAssigned> on

<Day> at <StartTime> until <EndTime>. This has been issued due to <ReasonForDetention>.

We hope that by reinstating the message service you are able to discuss the RJ with your child and reiterate

the expectations of our school and support us in making arrangements for your child to get home after the RJ.

At Trinity we refer to RJs rather than detentions as the intention is to restore positive working relationships

between staff and students.

Overdue Library Books. We have a number of library books that are now overdue. Please could you

have a good look for any that you may have at home and return them to the Library ASAP. Thank you for your

co-operation with this matter. The Library Managers.


Education for life in all its fullness

Worship in the Sports Hall. As Years 10 and 11 take mock exams over the next few weeks, we will be

holding worship in the Sports Hall. Please be aware that the students will be asked to remove their shoes as

they enter the hall and put them back on as they leave and return to form.

Prayer Space. All our students have now had a chance to visit our annual prayer space which has been a

reflective time for all. Some of the prayers, questions, feedback and reflections that the students have written

have been beautiful, moving and thought provoking. Prayer and reflection

stations included an activity on advent, one on refugees and one involving the

much loved bubble tube. We look forward to the next one!


"Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and it struck the Philistine in his forehead...

and he fell on his face to the earth."

1 Samuel 17:49

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to the students in worship about facing their fears. This is found in

this week’s reading when David defeats Goliath and the fact that the Bible says David ran towards Goliath to

face him, a feat which an army of his kinsman could not do. This brave act is an inspiration to us as we face

our fears today – that with God’s support, we can find the courage to act.

Giving thanks for:

The prayer space and all our students prayers and reflection there.

The fundraising completed by Faraday House.

Praying for:

All our students taking assessments in the next couple of weeks, especially year 10s and 11s taking mock


The upcoming Christmas Carol Service.

Many thanks and God bless, Alice

Singing Group in Otford. St Bartholomew’s Church in Otford are starting a singing group for 8 to 12 year

olds (and older teens if they are interested in joining) to meet three to four times each term, starting in Term

3 after Christmas. They will meet from 3-4pm on select Sundays at the Church Centre.

You don’t have to be a good singer to join! All are welcome to come along and have fun singing The Lion King,

Aladdin, folk songs and some carols. You don’t have to be a member of the church and there is no charge.

Please contact the church office if you are interested on 01959523185, or email


Education for life in all its fullness

Arts Award Centre. We are pleased to announce that we are now a registered Arts Award centre! We

are currently delivering the Bronze award programme as a co-curricular club on Wednesdays after

school with 20 students in year 8 who are exploring with portraiture, architecture, illustration and much

more. If any other year 8 students are wishing to attend they can still sign up by speaking with Mrs Rayfield.


Advent Doodle Competition. Closing date 15th December. Please refer to newsletter Issue No 9,

dated 17th November for full details. Template attached.

Termly Maths Challenge “The Treasure Hunt”. Closing date 8th December. Please refer to

newsletter sent 10th November for full details.

Termly Library Challenge “Produce a Poem”. Closing date 8th December. Please refer to

newsletter sent 10th November for full details.

Art Competitions: Contemporary Watercolour Competition and Into the Wild Competition.

Closing date 26th January. Please refer to newsletter sent 10th November for full details.


Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Meeting. There will be a very short lunchtime meeting on Monday

11th December in G10 for all year 11 students who completed their D of E expeditions in July. The meeting

will start promptly at 12.45 and should only take 10 minutes followed by any questions. Miss Howard will

be explaining how to upload all sections onto eDofE and give details of the presentation evenings where

participants will receive their awards.


Education for life in all its fullness

Education Education

RE TRIP. Thank you to the year 11 students who attended the

GCSE Religious Studies conference. It provided understanding of the

new specification and focused on the content required for students to

apply, ready for the examination in May. Students were outstanding

and some even offered opinions and understanding in the debate

about euthanasia. Miss Chant would like to thank the students for

their company, excellent behaviour and conduct – it was a really good


Design Technology - new laser cutter! The DT department is delighted and excited to announce

the purchase and installation of our new Laser cutter. This will complement the Computer Aided Design

(CAD) taught at GCSE. It will enable students designs to be precision cut from woods, plastics or card,

prior to fabrication. Amongst other things, the Laser machine can cut out lettering and even engrave black

and white photographs.

Meet the Teacher

Each week we will be doing a short Q+A with staff members. This week is

Mrs Casillas.

Role: MFL (Spanish) Teacher

Favourite subjects when you were at school: Art and PE

Hobbies: Cooking, sculpture and painting, learning other cultures and

languages, visiting museums.

Favourite books: Childhood books: The famous five and The Secret Seven

(Enid Blyton), Catcher in the rye, Spanish classic: El lazarillo de Tormes. Don


Prayer request: We pray for Mrs Casillas and give thanks for her hard work and commitment to the MFL

team. We pray that she will continue to inspire a love of foreign languages in the students she teaches and

that she will be sustained throughout the year ahead, both personally and professionally.


Education for life in all its fullness

History Update: Medieval Architects in Year 7

The girls were having a debate as to how best to give their medieval

parishioners advice on how to live a good Christian life and avoid too

much time in purgatory – they paused long enough for a photograph!

I think they decided on a serious of colourful stained-glass windows. I

look forward to seeing their finished product.

We’ve got a big push on presentation this year – it’s good to see this

student taking pride in their work (and also improving their work in

purple without prompting)!

A student taking time to sort out the finer details of their

entrance having already included an altar.

Students had to think carefully about how religion and faith was

perceived in the medieval period to make their church authentic.

A flagstone walkway is definitely an upgrade from the mud paths

of medieval towns!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their support with the department’s homework.

We had a submission rate of 98%! We look forward to maintaining that record in the terms to come. We

hope parents can appreciate the value of challenging reading and comprehension in preparing students for the

rigorous GCSE specifications introduced as of 2016.

After a fantastic first term studying the Norman Conquest, Year 7 have moved on to examine religion and

Christianity through the eyes of the medieval people.

They have explored the roles of monks, nuns and priests within their community as well as the impact of

religion on ideas surrounding science, medicine and warfare. They are also exploring how the importance of

religion and faith is reflected in medieval architecture.

Year 7 took the role of sinful noblemen who had been given the task of building a new church as their

penance (a common medieval practice to avoid spending too much time in purgatory). They had to think

carefully about what to include in their place of worship, right down to the images they would include on

their stained-glass windows.


Education for life in all its fullness

Library News

New Resources. Just arrived !! The Week Junior is a weekly current affairs

magazine for children which is now available in the library. We also have a range of

new books including short stories and Graphic Literature which includes classics,

mythology and biographies

Our new spinner displays our range of Christian Fiction.

Advent in the Library. The Library is celebrating Advent with a display including a reading plan, books

and candle, a Year 8 Advent Reading Challenge and even a Christmas Tree made out of books! Please do

encourage your children to pop in for a visit.

The Library is open between 8.30am-4.30pm including break and lunchtime. It is a silent area for reading

and schoolwork.

Thank you to those parents who have contributed to the Voluntary Fund which has enabled us to

purchase these wonderful resources.


Education for life in all its fullness Education for life in all its fullness

Faraday House Day 2017 - 22nd November 2017

£1541 raised for Charity!

Faraday’s House Day was a fantastic

event. Students were able to enjoy

homemade cakes, popcorn and

candy floss at break and lunchtime.

Everyone was able to participate in

a number of different activities;

sending a candy cane to their friends and loved ones, stopping Father

Christmas falling down the chimney and trying their hand at winning £5

on the higher or lower card game. Freddie Watford, despite feeling quite

hot, looked particularly festive in a Santa costume and managed to sell an additional £98 worth of raffle

tickets, adding to the £323 of tickets already sold.

Mrs Hussey would like to thank everyone who supported the day including

parents who bought raffle tickets and made cakes; students and staff who

came in early to set up and help throughout the day; students who created

their stalls and the finance staff who counted numerous coins. Last but not

least thanks goes to Father Christmas, who with the help of his merry Elves,

cleared up at the end!

The raffle was drawn in the House Assembly on Monday, with Adam

Bignell providing a drum roll for each one. The prize winners are below

and a huge thank you goes to our generous sponsors who provided the

prizes for the raffle.

Whilst Christmas songs rang out, students spent their money on various

stalls including ‘Throw the ball in the Snowman’s mouth’, ‘The Shuffle

Board’, & ‘Guess the Number of Sweets in the Jar’ to name but a few.

The response from all students was amazing and Faraday can be very

proud of its achievement. Students displayed innovation, leadership skills

and a strong community spirit. The total amount raised was £1541,

(Raffle - £421, Activities - £624 and Own Clothes - £496). This is a

fantastic amount and will be shared equally between Faraday’s two

chosen charities, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Kent, Surrey &

Sussex Air Ambulance Trust.

1. GoApe Vouchers

2. Tamarind Restaurant, Kemsing

3. GoApe Vouchers

4. Jumpin Vouchers

5. Chelsfield Lakes Golf

6. McDonalds’ Sevenoaks

7. Pollhill Garden Centre

8. Tour Kent Air Ambulance HQ

9. McDonald’s Vouchers

10. Stag Theatre Family Cinema Ticket

1. Gracie Jordan

2. Sam Bryan

3. Lucy Townsend

4. Rory Pocknall

5. Ginny Colenbrander

6. Matthew Ayres

7. Rory Pocknall

8. Tom Mitchell

9. Tristan Branes

10. Tegan Shield


Education for life in all its fullness

Form Tutor Contact. Please remember that if you have any queries or concerns with regard to

your child/ren please contact their Form Tutor in the first instance. All staff emails are on the

school’s website under the Parents tab top left corner. If you need to meet a Form Tutor, one of the

Heads of Key Stage or a member of the Pastoral team please email to make an appointment. We

know parents/carers will appreciate that these staff members are teachers and will need to schedule

dedicated time to meet with you. Thank you.

Form Tutors are:

Group Form Tutor

7-HCO Miss Collis

7-NVA Mr Van de Weide

7-DRA Mrs Rayfield

7-MTY Dr Taylor

7-SFI Mr Fisher

7-MFR Ms Frizzi

8-ECU Miss Cupper

8-ECH Miss Chant

8-LSH Mr Sherwood

8-AHR Mr Hurst

9-TLA Mr Lawrie

9-HBE Miss Bennett

9-JRO Mr Roylance

9-AHO Miss Howard

10-NJO Miss Johnson

10-KBA Dr Barford

10-IHO Mr Holvey

10-AJO Miss Jordan / Mrs Cocovini

11-JCO Miss Corby

11-NSE Miss Searle

11-JCL Mr Cleeve

11-KTR Miss Trew


Friends of Trinity

Education for life in all its fullness

Christmas Raffle Students will come home with

an envelope containing raffle tickets for our

Christmas draw! We have some amazing prizes

including meal vouchers and a luxury hamper, take a

look at the flyer to see the full list! Please reuse the

envelope to return the completed ticket stubs along

with payment to the school office in good time for

the draw at 9.30am on 18th December. GOOD

LUCK! All money raised goes directly to benefit the

students of Trinity School.

Light up the Darkness Disco Party. The Year 7 and 8

disco was a great success with £675 being raised (after costs)

by the Friends of Trinity for the school. The students had a

great time and danced and sang to their hearts content! A

great time was had by all and we look forward to the next

Friends of Trinity event. Many thanks to all the committee

members who worked hard to make the event such a success.