Foundation portfolio in film

Post on 16-May-2015

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The Foundation Portfolio in Film coursework unit is worth 50% of your AS in Film Studies.

You produce a portfolio containing:

After half term we will be focusing on the textual analysis task.

You will write an essay of between 1500 and 2000 words.

Choose two contemporary (made since 2004) English language films. They should be of broadly the same genre. They cannot be the films studied for the exam topics. No more than one of the films can be produced in Hollywood.

You will apply one or two of the conceptual frameworks to the films:• Representation• Messages and values• Genre• Narrative• Theme• Style• Authorship

You will consider how the technical elements are used in the films:• Cinematography • Editing• Sound• Mise-en-scene

The creative artefact must be linked to the concepts you focus on in your essay.

For example an essay exploring how genre is created through film language in two romantic comedies could lead to a short filmed sequence showing how genre conventions are created through cinematography, sound, and mise-en-scene.

You must consider what creative artefact you will be able to produce when selecting the focus of your essay.

Read through the Examiner’s Report on the essay, and the assessment criteria so you have a clear idea of what you need to include in your essay.

By the first Film Studies lesson after half term (Thursday 7th of November) you need to have completed the planning grid with the following information:• The two films you will study• The concepts you will apply• General ideas for the creative artefact

In that lesson we will go through how to approach your essay, and I will review your ideas to ensure they will allow you to be successful


The exam board webpage for A Level Film Studies can be found here:

The Neale-Wade Media Department Film Studies blog can be found here: for the coursework will be on the Foundation Portfolio Page (click on the link at the top of the homepage).

Follow the @nealewademedia twitter feed for useful links and information.

If you have any questions please email at or contact me through the Department Twitter.