Foundations 600 BCE D.A.R.T.H. · Foundations – 600 BCE D.A.R.T.H. Domestication, Agriculture,...

Post on 26-Jul-2018

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Foundations – 600 BCE D.A.R.T.H.

Domestication, Agriculture, River Valleys, Trans-

regional trade and technology, Hittites and Iran

600 BCE – 600 CE Quiet People Make Great Human Resources

Qin, Persia, Mauryan & Maya, Gupta & Greek city

states, Han, Rome

600 - 1450 T.I.M.B.E.R.

Tang-Song, Islam & Incas, Mongols & Mali, Byzantine,

Europe Regionalized

1450 - 1750 G.E.R.M.S.

Gunpowder Empires, Exchange & Exploration,

Renaissance & Reformation, Ming, Silver-Sugar-Slavery

1750 - 1900 R.A.I.S.I.N.G.

Revolutions, Abolition, Industrialization, Social Darwinism & Spheres

of Influence, Imperialism, Nationalism, Global Migration

1900 - Present D.I.C.E.

Decolonization, Innovations & Integration, Conflicts &

Communism, Environmental Issues & Economic Integration