Four (4) Oppressed Generations of Israel's Egyptian Exodus into Canaan

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Timeline Analysis of Israel's Exodus from Egypt to Canaan in Relation to the Balfour Century, 1917-2017. Considerations are given to the Biblical Chronology periods of 487, 450, 430, 400 and 100 year time elements. (four hundred - eighty seven, fifty, thirty and one-hundred) It is shown that three hundred ( 300 ) years of Israel's bondage in Egypt best matches the manifold requirement of 400 years for four generations from Jacob's birth until the beginning of Canaan's conquest starting about 1405 BC. Difference is also given to the completion of Solomon's temple about 972 BC. Sundry references are provided for the reader's independent review, including timeline development methods and multiple charts relating to Jubilee years and date of completion for Solomon's temple.


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This is a brief to clarify an ambiguity presented previously under title; The Balfour Century, (TBC), July 2012. In that title it was implied that four generations could be equated to either 400 or 430 years. Addition study, since then, indicates the four generations of Genesis 15 can only apply to the mentioned 400 year time span, or 100 years per generation. A recap of TBC is given in Appendix 1, below.

The 430 year time span, of Exodus 12, marks a retro time from the Exodus backwards to, „that very day‟. The 400 year time span starts with Abraham‟s children (possibly after his death). It then ends after the descendents are no longer travelers in a land that is „not their own‟. This return is marked by Israel having possession of Canaan. Such is consistent with the Judgment/Redemption generation time span being 100 years, as indicated by the story of Noah.

Footnote 2 of TBC stated; „The 400 year or 435 years is taken not of necessity of total time in Egypt. The equating of 400 years to 4 generations is specifically provided in the same bible passage. This equating is consistent with most other reviews of Genesis, chapter 15, which place the four generations running co-currently with the 400 year time span.

The TBC method of date numeration is thusly accomplished:

Seven Days, of 1000 years each, account for „Determined Time‟ of The Creator‟s dealings with fallen mankind. These days are numbered as: two (2) days of darkness or promise, two days of old covenant time or confirmation, two days of new covenant or Kingdom time, and one (1) day of rest or dominion time.

Demarcation of TBC time uses a start point of Jesus Baptism by John in river Jordon at Jesus age of about 30 years. TBC takes the year of this event at 27AD for a birth year of 4BC. “The Law and Prophets were until John, since that time, the Kingdom of God is preached”. The year 27 AD corresponds, by some accounts, to the 70 weeks of determined time, as given by Daniel, see Appendix 2.

Two thousand years prior to “John‟s Baptism” is the start of the old covenant given to Abraham when he was age 75. Two thousand years prior to Gen12:4, marks the beginning of darkness when man fell from grace and a promise of redemption given. Three thousand years after John‟s Baptism of Jesus, marks the end of Sin when the devil is eternally bound and time ends.

There is a simple way to see why the four hundred years and four generations of Genesis 15 cannot be the same time span as “430 years to that very day”. The 400 years must end with return into Canaan in the 4th generation, see appendix 5. This return to Canaan is more than 40 years after the Exodus. The 430 years looks backward from the day of Exodus. These arrangements are diagramed in the 3 charts of Appendix 3. Selection of Exodus year is arbitrary for the diagrams of

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appendix 3. The starting date for these charts may be changed to fit any reasonable sequence. „The Balfour Century‟ epochs are fixed to Jesus Baptism by John. The baptism event is viewed to start a 2000 year epoch of the new covenant. The baptism of Christ also marks the end of 2000 years of old covenant. The 2000 years of old covenant is separated from 2,000 years of Darkness Time with the calling of Abraham at age 75, which allows dating of Israel‟s entry into Egypt.

Table 1 Results for Possible Exodus Date & 1st Temple Completion date based on Alternatives for 430 year start date and year of Jesus Birth by TBC Timeline

The time from Abe‟s 75th year unto Israel‟s entry into Egypt is established by scripture. The Genesis account tells of: 1) Abraham‟s covenant calling at age 75 and death at age 175; 2) Abe at age 100 sired Isaac who died age 180 and; 3) Isaac sired Jacob at age 60, Jacob enters Egypt at age 130 in 9th year after Joseph appointment as Grand Master at age 30, & Jacob died age 147. When Jacob arrived in Egypt, he was accompanied by 70 people including Levi and Kohath. Isaac is not listed as entering Egypt. These are the fixed criteria given by Moses. Appendix 4 shows how Israel‟s year of entry into Egypt corresponds to the Exodus year using the TBC method of Epochs. The results for the most likely parameters are tabulated in Table 1, above, as extracted from Appendix 6.

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The use of I-Kings 6 criteria for Solomon‟s Temple completion, 487 years after Exodus, allows a cross check for the calculated year of Exodus. References to dating Solomon‟s Temple are provided in Appendix 9. Babylonian history can date the approximate year of the Temple destruction. Destruction matches well with others review of Solomon‟s temple era around 972BC.

Summary of Findings (See also Index):

The 400 year time span, encompassing 4 generations, was shown by the diagrams of Appendix 3 to be a separate time span from the 430 year time span. This is because the 400 year time span must end with Israel’s entry into Canaan. This entry is more than 40 years after the Exodus. While the 430 year retro-time span starts at Exodus, ending at ‘Covenant Confirmation’.

Both the 240 and 300 years in Egypt appear to fit and explain all necessary criteria. Key criteria are: 1: Life spans of listed four generations must over lap within specified 430 years; 2: The specified time span of 430 years starts the very day of Exodus, Exod.12:40-41; 3: the 400 year time span must end on or after Israel’s entry to Canaan.

The two different time spans, of 430 and 400 years, may be used to estimate a year for Israel’s first Passover and the Exodus date using the method of TBC, Appendix4.

It is certain that the date for the start of Sabbath Years has been lost. This makes it imprudent to use Jubile counts or year to pontificate eschatological events. Appendix 7B & Table 2 do present some interesting coincidental dates.

The time period of Solomon’s Temple may be used as a marker to substantiate a year range for the Exodus date, Table1.

There is not a common consensus among scholars and archeologists for the precise year of the Exodus and associated events. However, TBC method of epochs and Jesus birth & baptism year is one way to biblically set an improved range of years for Israel’s Exodus date. This is because the consensus for the year of Jesus birth has less variance that the estimated date for Solomon’s Temple. However the Exodus dates thusly obtained are at variance with some pontificators.

The use of scriptural genealogical time spans, alone, does not provide enough data to determine an accurate Exodus date. This fact has been well established to provide ample fodder for vigorous debate amongst scholars. Thus it appears prudent, to realize conclusions about faith may not always be validated by prevailing historical understanding.

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Appendix 1: Recap of Balfour Century Concept “The following verse from Genesis equates four hundred years to four generations. This equates to one generation being one hundred, 100 years, more or less. If one takes the Exodus account, a generation equates to 107.5 years. "And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. And you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full”. “Genesis, chapter 15:” Now, the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:40-41 So is given that a generation by one biblical account is around 100 years. The end of the last Diaspora was initiated November 1917. The significance of the two facts was told by Jesus in Mark 13:28-30: "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Truly I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done." Notice Jesus did not say, 'when the fig tree is mature', but rather, 'when it starts to grow or put fourth'. Indicating the clock starts counting from the moment the event is initiated. Some eschatological counts start from 1948. However by 1948, the Diaspora-end was well underway, with substantial immigration to the holy land by 1948. The immigration was substantial enough for formation of militant groups to resist Crown administration of Jerusalem, prior to 1948. Additional clarification was added by Jesus when he stated, "This generation shall not pass away until all these things be completed". Possibly the generation to which he referenced are those born since the end of the Diaspora starting in 1917. If so, then, counting places the end of the church age somewhere between 2017 and 2024.5 A.D. Arrived at by counting the length of a Genesis generation and adding those years to the date of Balfour's declaration.” - return.P1 goP2 goP3 -

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Appendix 2 Balfour Century Determined Times Figure A

The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic documentation. This is detailed

on the following chart, “Two Thousand Three hundred days” and Seventy (70) weeks of Daniel. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 2 Figure B

The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic documentation. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 3: Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans

Appendix 3 Figure A The 215 Egypt Years

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Appendix 3B The 240 Egypt Years

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Appendix 3 Figure C The 300 Egypt Years

The 400 year time span of oppression and slavery is selected to start at Jacob’s birth and ends with Israel’s return to Canaan. The 400 years include the 40 of oppression during the wilderness. The first 70 years of 300 years in Egypt are omitted 400 years of oppression, as Israel suffered no oppression in Egypt under Joseph.

The 430 year time span of travel begins with the birth of Jacob and ends with Israel’s Exodus from Egypt.

The date of Jacob’s birth is determined by “The Balfour Century” method, thusly: Abraham is 75 years old in year 1974BC. Thus Abraham is born 75+1974=2049, Isaac was born when Abe was 100 and Jake born when Ike was 60 or 160 years after Abe’s birth. The Exodus is 430 plus 160 years after Abe’s birth or year 2049-590= 1459 BC; ‘elementary my dear Dr. Watson’. There are published, a wide range of Exodus dates. Bishop Ussher gave a date of 1491, others favor around 1445BC. A list of speculative Exodus dates is far too long to publish here, see appendix. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 4: Figures A, B, & C: Method of Finding Exodus Year by TBC Method & Years from Abe‟s 75th to Start of 430 Period

Appendix 4C

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Diagram for Dating of Exodus Year by Epochs of ‘Determined Time’using “The Balfour Generation” method



|<- 7k years total - From A to CA, 4,000 years, & O to CA, 2,000 years, & CA to E 3,000 years ->| Total Determined Time is Comprised of 1000 years of Rest and 6,000 years of Labor

* Year of Completion for Solomon’s Temple, 1459 – 487 = 972 BC 1Kgs.6:1&:38

A Adamic Covenant Gen. 3:15

O Old Covenant Gen. 12:4

CA Christ Anointing @30Yr, born 4BCLuke 16:16, 3:21-23 & Matt. 11:12-13

N End of New Covenant 1Th.4:16-18

E Eternity Future StartRev.20:1&7, &10; Rev.10:6

Time Gap 1 is time FromOld Covenant start whenAbraham was age 75 untilJacob Birth 85 years laterGen. 12:4, 21:5, & 25:26

Time Gap 2 is 430 yearsFrom Law to CovenantConfirmation with Jacob’sBirth Ex. 12:40-41, 19:1 &Gal.3:15-17

27 AD3027 AD

1974 BC3974 BC

1459 BC

1974 BC-25-60

-4301459 BC


04 BC Jesus Birth alt



.5 A









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Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year Appendix5A



Year of




75 yrs







2000 YR

prior to






Year Christ 30

years old


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Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year Appendix5B



Year of




75 yrs







2000 YR

prior to







Christ 30

years old


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Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year Appendix5C

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Appendix 5: Generational Charts of Exodus


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Appendix 6: Matrix of Exodus Year Ranges with Calculation Details

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Appendix 7A: Jubile Count and Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives

Sabbath & Jubile year counting should start from Exodus Year. For the Passover was kept every wilderness year, also by Joshua and other Judges forward. This was stated by both of Moses accounts (Numbers 9.1:5 & v11 & Ex 40:17). The book of Joshua, Chapter 5 does not say the Passover was not kept in wilderness, it merely states that those born in wilderness went uncircumcised due to the burden of travel. The word of the count start date was lost some time after Solomon’s temple completion.

It is my view that Jubile system ended with Christ. For the new

covenant says the Law was nailed to the Cross & Jesus said, ‘For the Law and the Prophets were Until John’ after John the Kingdom of God is declared. Again, whosoever seeks justification by the law makes Christ of no avail, & if Christ (our Passover) was not crucified and raised from the dead, we of all men are the most to be despised. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 7B: Jubile Count and Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives

Review of Coincidental Sabbath Years for 4BC Birth, 27AD Baptism 240 Egypt Years for 1519BC Exodus

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Appendix 8: Scripture references

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers: Table A Summary Table of Internet source data for Exodus & Temple Dates

Range of others dating of Exodus: 1200 BCE to 1626 BCE. This wide range of dates gives low certainty. The most common accepted date seems to be about 1445 BCE. The average of the 15th century numbers is 1465. The average Exodus date of all numbers is 1424 BCE. The average of all values for temple completion is 973 BC. The Year of the Exodus arrived at by the Balfour Century Method is 1459 BCE. The time in Egypt selected for this analysis is 300 years. The date of Solomon’s Temple completion is 972

BC, calculated from Exodus year of 1459. The last table entry results (using calendar counting) are exactly 2 years prior to the Balfour Century method. Were his method to select 4BCE as year of Jesus birth, the results of both methods would be identical. Both these methods indicate a tribulation start date of on or before 2017. return.P1 goP2 goP3

reference link article info Year BC Exodus

Years n


Sol's temple


based on Joshua & Caleb 1626

exodus 1552

Joshua & Caleb + temple 1538 968

Ussher 1491

Solomon Temple finish BC 1491 1004

Solomon Temple finish BC 1462 973

Solomon Temple finish BC 1452 964

archaeological record disputed 1450

Solomon Temple & Sabbaticals 1446 Seder Olam Rabbah 1313 215

Exodus 2491 anno mundi 1513 270

archaeological record 1225

temple complete anon c.a.

1200 1000

time n Egypt 400 - 215 YR 215

time n Egypt 400 - 215 YR Yalad ? 400+ Seder Olam 430

Years by age?? 430

Yalad speculations

Sol's temple complete BC 953

Sol's temple complete BC 949

Jesus born 5/14/6 B.C 1461 300 974

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Appendix 9B: Other Writers Considerations The 400 and 430 year periods serve the purpose of bridging the gap between the time of Abraham and the Exodus (of the children of Israel from Egypt). Many have advanced various theories or solutions to the twin periods of 'four hundred years' and 'four hundred and thirty years', but when one considers these theories carefully they do not completely satisfy the stated requirements. The verses which mention these periods are as follows.


Gen 15:13 Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. :14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions." Acts 7:6 But God spoke in this way: that his descendants would sojourn in a foreign land, and that they would bring them into bondage and oppress them four hundred years. 7:'And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge', said God, 'and after that

they shall come out and serve Me in this place'.


Exod 12:40 Now the sojourn of the children of Israel, who lived in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years - on that very same day - it came to pass that all the armies of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. [ Literal = Exod 12:40 And dwelling of sons/builders of Israel, which dwelt in Egypt, thirty year and four of hundreds year. :41 And is becoming from end of thirty year and four of hundreds year and is becoming very of the day this they went forth all of hosts of Yahweh from land of Egypt.] The rendering 'sojourn' is questionable. The Hebrew word according to Strong's means "a seat; figuratively, a site; abstractly, a session; by extension an abode (the place or time); ..." return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

Gal 3:15 Brethren, I speak in the manner of men: Though it is only a man's covenant, yet if it is confirmed, no one annuls or adds to it. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one,:17 And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect. (My note: The “confirmed before” is taken to be the birth of Jacob. Jacob was chosen (confirmed) by grace, for by birthright the privileges of covenant should have passed to the 1st born, Esau. This is the election by grace. After this election was confirmed, all 12 sired offspring of Jacob were counted as heirs of the promise. Abraham & Isaac had many children but each had only 1 heir to promise. But with Israel forward, all were counted as heirs of the covenant) In addition to these verses it is necessary to also consider the period of 450 years. NIV Acts 13:16 Standing up, Paul motioned with his hand and said: "Men of Israel and you Gentiles who worship God, listen to me! :17 The God of the people of Israel chose our fathers; he made the people prosper during their stay in Egypt, with mighty power he led them out of that country,:18 he endured their conduct for about forty years in the desert,:19 he overthrew seven nations in Canaan and gave their land to his people as their inheritance. :20 All this took about 450 years.:21 After this, God gave them judges until the time of Samuel the prophet. NKJV Acts 13:19 And when He had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, He distributed their land to them by allotment. :20 After that He gave them judges for about four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet. The NIV rendering associates the 450 years with the period between Exodus and the overthrow of the 7 nations. The NKJV rendering associates the 450 years with the period between the overthrow of the 7 nations and the arrival of Samuel. The translations utilize two different received texts: NIV - "About years four hundred and fifty. And after these He gave judges until Samuel the prophet" return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers NKJV - "And after these about years four hundred and fifty He gave judges until Samuel the prophet." The text used by the NKJV mentions the 450 years following 'And after' so initially indicating association with the judges period, but it also mentions the 450 years immediately following the word 'these' and the word 'these' refers to the prior mentioned events. This NKJV received text does seem to carry a degree of ambiguity, which could have been removed by a few extra words, e.g. - And after these which took about years four hundred and fifty, He gave judges until

Samuel the prophet. Or - And after these, about years four hundred and fifty passed during which he gave judges until Samuel the prophet.

It is interesting to note that the NKJV translation moves the word 'judges' forward in their translation. The NKJV translation chooses to mention 'judges' prior to the mention of the 450 years. In doing they remove any ambiguity and depict only the latter meaning. However, despite concerns over which received text is reliable and issues over translation, God's intended meaning becomes quite clear when one considers 1Kings 6:1. 1Kings 6:1 states that a period of 480 years passed from the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon. Hence a period of 450 years from the defeat of the 7 nations to Samuel is clearly seen as being far too long! To equate with the duration of the 1Kings 6:1 period, one would have to add at least 47 years to the start (wilderness + defeat of 7 nations) and 20 + 40 + 40 years to the end (Samuel, Saul and David).So the 450 years would become at least 597 years and therefore be in excess of 117 years over the defined 1 Kings 6:1, 480 years. So in conclusion the 450 years in Acts chapter 13 must be referring to the period between the Exodus and the defeat of the 7 nations. The NIV translation correctly identifies the events associated with 450 years and the KNJV translation does not. Upon reflection the structure of the period of 450 years is suggested to be: return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

Choosing of the Fathers to the Exodus 400 Wandering in the wilderness 40 Destroying of the seven nations 10 --- 450 Years In summary, the main points concerning the twin periods of 400 years and 430 years can be listed as follows: 400 YEARS -

1) Encompasses sojourning and bondage (AND affliction, which stopped at the crossing

into the ‘promised land’ or ‘bring back’or return. 2) Involves Abraham's descendants, Gen 15:13 3) Ends with the Exodus, (entry to their promised land) Acts 7:6-7 & 13:17-20 4) Begins with the choosing of the fathers! (Thy seed, or possibly Abe’s death) (NB: The 400 year period initiates the longer 450 year period and since the 450 years starts with the choosing of the fathers, then the choosing of the fathers must also be the event which begins the 400 years.) 430 YEARS – 1) Encompasses some time in Egypt 2) Ends with the Exodus, Exodus 12:40 3) Begins at Passover (at the same time of the year that Israel left Egypt, Exod. 12:41 'that very same day') 4) Begins when the Abrahamic covenant was 'confirmed' Gal 3:17.(by Jacob birth) If both the 400 and 430 year periods end at the Exodus, then apparently their starting points are 30 years apart. Unfortunately, with this knowledge, determining the events which initiate the 400 and 430 year periods is still difficult. However, rather than at this point entering upon a lengthy analysis, for the sake of brevity the starting points are simply stated. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

400 YEARS - *** The Birth of Jacob *** The 'chose our fathers' in Acts chapter 13 is a reference to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The 'descendants' mentioned in Gen 15:13 and Acts 7:6 were Isaac and Jacob. The selection of Jacob occurred at his birth, Gen 25:23. (At this time Isaac was 60 years old and Abraham was 160 years old; Gen 25:26, 21:5.) 430 YEARS - *** The Intended Sacrifice of Isaac *** (not agree this section) This event was a type of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which also occurred at Passover. Following the willingness of Abraham to offer his son God made the prior promises to Abraham unconditional! Gen 22:16 ... "By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son,:17 in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.:18 In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." Consider also; Exod 32:13,'You swore by Your own self'- Heb 6:13, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself'. [ NB: The circumcision covenant, which is described in chapter 17 of Genesis, did not cause the promises to Abraham to be unconditional. ] Although not dated this event would have occurred when Abraham was 130(160-30) years old! (Really? Looks like guessing) Isaac about 30 years of age, an adult!!

The common, but ill-conceived, portrayal of the intended sacrifice falsely views Isaac as a child.


I cannot concur this section: 1) Date guessing 2) Adulthood listed as age 20 and up by Numbers 32:11-12 and thirdly the trial of Isaac was only one part of the confirmation. Otherwise no need for election by grace of Jacob over Esau later. 4) Moses said: ‘to the very day’ – no guessing- this is only possible by using the stated ages for birth of Jacob & Isaac. Possibly both 430 and 400 years reference same start point – birth year of JACOB / ISRAEL see charts page 8 & 9

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers COMMON MISTAKES 1) Failing to recognize that the affliction suffered in Egypt never spanned the entire period. We only know for certain that the Israelites were afflicted the last 80 years (length of life of Moses prior to the Exodus). 2) Not noticing that the length of the stay in Egypt could not have exceeded 350 years (80 yrs + 137 yrs + 133 yrs). Moses at the time of the Exodus was 80 years old. Exod 7:7 And Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh. The father of Moses was Amram, who lived 137 years. Exod 6:20 Now Amram took for himself Jochebed, his father's sister, as wife; and she bore him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirty-seven. The father of Amram was Kohath, who lived 133 years. Exod 6:18 And the sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one hundred and thirty-three. Kohath had already been born when Jacob entered Egypt. Gen 46:8 now these were the names of the children of Israel, Jacob and his sons, who went to Egypt: ...:11 the sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 3) Placing too much emphasis upon the text of Exodus 12:40-41, without moderating it with the teaching of Galatians 3:17. In Exodus 12:40 the 'who lived in Egypt' statement should be considered a side comment and therefore not a clause which defined the period of 430 years. In Exodus 12:40 there appears to be two further aspects which would initially indicate a quite different timing. 1) 'Children of Israel' the word 'Israel' may be thought to refer to Jacob and this would lead to views which would try to allow at least two children of Jacob to be born before the 430 years began. Such an approach runs into difficulty with the above maximum allowance of 350 years in Egypt as Jacob entered Egypt being 130 years old and did not have any children 80 years earlier, (i.e. before turning 50 years old). Therefore, rather than being a reference to Jacob, 'Israel' in Exodus 12:40 has to be a reference to the spiritual nation of Israel (i.e. sons/builders of the Promises). 2) 'Dwelling of the children of Israel' if this indicated a dwelling in one place, then that would be in Egypt. However, once again the maximum time of 350 years in Egypt would be a problem and not allow any interpretation which would desire a full 430 years in Egypt. While at first not obvious quality translations show the word 'was' as in 'was four hundred and thirty year' has been added. One may at first wonder why the Hebrew sentence would not indicate the 'was' as the verse does require it. Looking back to the

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Strong's meaning of the Hebrew word for 'dwelling' we can notice that in the definition, if used in an abstract manner, it could indicate abode not in a place, but abode in time. This seemingly would provide the necessary link to the 430 year time period without the need for a 'was'. So the meaning would be 'abode in time ... 430 years'. 3) Another common oversight maybe to try and decide on an interpretation of Exodus 12:40 without considering the impact on the derivation of a credible biblical chronology. Whether Israel actually spent between 200-300 years in Egypt or 430 years in Egypt makes a huge difference to any compiled chronology. While biblical chronology may not be a subject studied in depth by many bible students it should be a factor considered before reaching a conclusion upon the meaning of the Exodus 12:40 verse. Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers - An example of „endless or indeterminate genealogies‟

The chart below is based on the date, Calculated from Biblical Jubilees, for the Exodus. It is convenient to analyze the chronology of the Judges period in three sections: - 1. The three hundred year period from the conquest of the land East of the Jordan river to the judgeship of Jephtha. 2. The period from Jephtha to Solomon's fourth year, 480 years from the coming out of Egypt. 3. Finding space for periods for which there is no clear or definite chronological data, such as Samson's 20 year, Eli's 40 year judgeship and the length of Samuel's lifelong judgeship (which extended into the reign of Saul). Other pieces of the jigsaw are Shamgar's judgeship and the 40 year oppression by the Philistines. Explanatory notes: - The first section, from the conquest of the land east of the Jordan to the time of Jephtha, occupies 300 years ( Judges 11:26). This is not enough to accommodate consecutively all the time periods given and still find enough time to allow, “for all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua and who had seen all the great works of the LORD, that he did for Israel” (2:7). Joshua lived to be 110 and we read that it was, “a long time after that the LORD had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies round about, that Joshua waxed old and stricken in age” (Josh.23:1), so clearly there must be a sensible gap between the granting by Joshua of the inheritance to Caleb aged 85, 45 years after the Exodus, and the falling away of Israel after the death of the elders who outlived Joshua. These elders, apart from Caleb, must have been less than twenty years old at the Exodus or they would have perished in the wilderness with that unfaithful generation (Nu.14:22-24, 29-33). They must also have been old enough to witness and appreciate God's great works. We can therefore assume a minimum age for these later elders of, say, five years at the Exodus (or even twelve years if they were to be held responsible for this witness).

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Thus, at the time Caleb received his inheritance, these elders would have been between 50 (or 57) and 64 years old. This puts an undefined yet sensible upper limit on the length of their rule. There followed alternate periods of oppression by enemies and deliverance by judges (2:14 -19). All the Judges in this period up to Jephtha are given in consecutive order interspersed with the oppressors - with the possible exception of the chapter following Deborah where there is no linking “after” or “then” in the narrative (6:1). Thus, there is the possibility of an overlap here. This has been incorporated in the chart so that the time following Deborah and Barak's defeat of Sisera (Jabin's commander) in Ephraim when “the land had rest forty years” (5:31), has been made concurrent with Gideon's forty years Judgeship of Manasseh (8:28). This also requires that the 7 years oppression by Midian prior to Gideon's deliverance must have occurred during the latter part of the 20 year oppression of Jabin before Deborah and Barak's deliverance. This gives a 13 year space for Shamgar, who followed Ehud, and was contemporary with Jael (who killed Sisera) while there was still oppression in Ephraim (5:6-7) This compression leads to a 27 year period from the entry into the land west of the Jordan to the falling away after the death of the last elder (who could have lived to the age of 87 but no longer - except that Caleb would have been 108 had he survived that long). These are sensible figures and allow for the full 80 years of Ehud's judgeship. This latter figure has been questioned because of the need to compress the data in this 300 year period (Whiston, in a footnote in his “Josephus”, suggests it should be eight years). There is no justification for questioning the accuracy of the Biblical figure but there is the possibility that the 80 year period can be interpreted differently - for example the time from the entry to the land to Ehud's judgeship. There are other possible interpretations which result in a range of values for the period to the first falling away of Israel after the conquest. The next period, 140 years from Jephtha to the fourth of Solomon, has to include the rest of the judges, including Samuel, followed by the reigns of Saul, David and Solomon. Based on Acts 13:20 (NIV), the chart puts Samuel's judgeship immediately after the last of the judges - it appears that, apart from Eli, they were all consecutive following Jephtha. Allowing for a 40 year reign for Saul, this results in a period of 25 years for Samuel's judgeship, plus the number of years David and Solomon reigned concurrently. (1K.1). Samuel also followed directly after Eli's 40 year judgeship, so Eli must have been concurrent with other judges.

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers It is also convenient to consider his time to be concurrent with the 40 year oppression by the Philistines, during which period we can probably also place Samson. The Philistines were subdued all the time of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:13). It was when Samuel was old, that Israel asked for a king (1 Sam. 8:1-5) so it is instructive to try to assess his age around this time. Eli was a priest and, under the law, a priest officiated between the ages of 20 and 60 years old. Eli was still officiating when Samuel had his message from the LORD. If we suppose that Samuel was twelve years old (the age of responsibility) on this occasion, he must have been at least 50 when Eli died at the age of 98.

Thus, according to the chart, Samuel would be at least 76 years old when Israel asked for a king, an age which harmonizes with the Biblical record that he was an old man (1 Sam. 8: 5). One other piece of information, which has caused doubt concerning the Biblical record, is the information that the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim twenty years (1 Sam. 7:2). Since it was moved from there by David when he reigned in Jerusalem (at least seven years into his reign), it has been said that a reign of 40 years for Saul, as testified by Paul (Acts 13:21), is impossible. However, according to the chart, the twenty years of 1 Sam. 7:2 fell within Samuel's judgeship and we read later, “And Saul said unto Ahiah, Bring hither the ark of God. For the ark of God was at that time with the children of Israel” (1 Sam.14:18). This was while Saul was in Gibeah of Benjamin.

Therefore the ark had already been removed from Kirjath- jearim before the time of David and must have been sent back in the intervening period. This fact removes the difficulty alluded to. The chart throws up an interesting chronological synchronism with Egypt. There is a unique and famous reference to Israel in a granite stela of Pharaoh Merenptah, “Israel is desolated and has no seed...” Gardiner1 gives dates of c1224 - 1214BC for this Pharaoh.

These dates agree well with the seven year period of oppression of Israel by Midian (1219 - 1212BC) where we read, “[the Midianites] destroyed the increase of the earth, till thou come unto Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass...And Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites;...” (Jud.6: 4-6). The term 'has no seed' is a description used several times in Egyptian records for describing a defeated and plundered people, so it appears that this reference to Israel was just describing their current state of affairs in common with other parts of the land of Palestine (including Gaza) referred to in the same stele. (1) Egypt of the Pharaohs, Sir Alan Gardiner, OUP, 1961.

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Appendix 10: Logic of TBC Method

“Endless Genealogies” A.K.A. Indeterminate Genealogies Passover Dates, Day of Week, for likely year of Crucifixion & possible baptism year Table2

Easter, but more surely, Passover is set by a lunar-solar calendar system. Passover is the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox. Kepler established a periodic table of golden numbers, which allows this event to be determined for any future or past date. Bible scholars were surveyed and found to favor either 30 AD or 33 AD as the most likely year. This is likely due to proximity to the ‘1st day of the week’ to fulfill Christ’s resurrection on a Sunday, ‘after three days’. For 30AD Passover of 03-April, Jesus baptism year would be around 27AD. For 33AD Passover of 01-April, Jesus baptism year would be around 30AD. Both dates correlate well with the selected dates of Table 1 for birth year and baptism at about age 30. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix Index return.P1 goP2 goP3

# & Link Index with Appendix Title

A1 Recap of Balfour Century Concept A2a Balfour Century Determined Times Figure A A2b Daniel's 2300 Days Figure B A3a 215 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans A3b 240 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans

A3c 300 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans


06 BC Jesus Birth & Isaac - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abe’s 75th to Start of 430 Period


02 BC Jesus Birth & Jacob - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abe’s 75th to Start of 430 Period


04 BC Jesus Birth & Jacob - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abe’s 75th to Start of 430 Period

A5a 300Y of Egypt, Jacob to Canaan - Generation Chart & Events Overlap

A5b 300Year of Egypt - Generation Charts Overlap

A5c 400Year of Egypt Does Not Work- Generation Charts Overlap

A5d 215Year in Egypt w/Caveats- Generation Charts Overlap

A6 Matrix of Exodus Year Ranges with Calculation Details


Jubile Count & Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives -w/ Selected Jubile years


Coincidental Sabbath Years for 4BC Birth, 27AD Baptism 240 Egypt Years for 1519BC Exodus

A7b1 Compus Method of Easter Date for Proleptic Gregorian AD year A8 Scripture references


Other Writers: Table A Summary Table of Internet source data for Exodus & Temple Dates

A9B Considerations of other Writers w/ review A10A Logic of TBC Method


Table 2 Proleptic Gregorian date of Passover; Nisan 14th, 1st full moon 25-34 AD & Considered date of Jesus Baptism & Death

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