four mixed genre double page spread

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Layout- this magazine has a very energetic layout. They have put many different styles, colours and themes on the double page spread. Although the image stands out it doesn’t over power the page. I like this magazine as it suggest a young sophisticated mannerism. The background colour being black helps all the other information on top stand out, this will mean the reader is automatically attracted to the magazine. The background colour helps emphasis and bring the text to the reader’s attention.

masthead- the masthead is in the bottom left hand corner of the page. The first word of the headmast is an italic style lower case letter showing it is informal and blends in with the rock theme. The second letter is on a red background and are white capital letters. This stands out most and emphasises the headmast making ti appealing to the reader. This also links to the theme of the colour being red which has connotations of blood and evil which the band portrays in their rock theme songs.

Cinematography- the image is in the middle of the double page spread and is a front shot. The first artist is coming out of the page showing his is the most significant in the band. He is also putting out his hand which grabs the reader’s attention as it is pulling them in. the other two are holding instruments in the background showing that they are not the main members in the band. This also informs the reader that it is a music magazine.

Copy- the text is white on a black background. This is effective as it is a good colour contrast meaning the text will stand out more and clear for the reader. The subheadings are also in red, this shows where the start at each paragraph is so it is a clear indicator to the reader. The text is limited and cut down so it isn’t too much for the reader to read which is effective as they won’t be put off with the amount of text there is.

Mise-en-scene- this magazine is based on a rock theme. It shows this through their outfit. The person at the front is wearing a snapback, a checked jacket, jeans and a top with writing on. He is also wearing trainers. This shows the theme of rock as it is in monochrome which also suggest the dark side to the magazine.

Colour palette- the colour of the cinematography is monochrome. This is effective as it shows the darker side to the magazine and also represents the theme of it being a rock magazine. The other colours are red and blue. Red indicates the subheadings or the headmast, this shows a clear indication of where the reader should be looking at. The other colour is also blue, blue is used on the quotes that certain band members have used. This highlights and indicates the fact it could be an article. All these colours link in together and spread throughout the magazine, this is effective as it all links to one certain theme which is appealing to the viewer’s eye.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music/interview based one as shown. The magazine is clear as the band name is the masthead.

The main feature of the spread is the image of the artist David Bowie, who is presented in a medium close-upshot in the theme of monochrome, this dominates the spread by filling the entire left page, this makes the image instantly recognisable as it will be the first thing on the page to be noticed by the reader, and will encourage them to read the article because the image is so bold.. By using an older image taken of Bowie could suggest he was at the height of his music career. This image is attractive to fans of David’s music and will also attract an audience since his music has had a large appeal since he has been involved in the music industry for a long time.

Cinematography- his dark clothing and messy hair shows his rebellious side which is an indicator of what the magazine is about. Since the image was taken a long time ago when the artist was much younger, this shows how far he has come in his music and how it was his prime time of the industry. This sense of mystery within the image is also furthered with how the artist is looking at the reader and so directly addressing them. This makes the reader feel like they are looking at them directing them to read the magazine. The fact that the image is in monochrome and

masthead- the headmast is bold capital letters showing its significance in the magazine. It also is a good colour contrast on a white background as it is more appealing to the reader.

Copy- the subheadings are in bold implying it is more significant information. It is also draws the reader to reading that section of text as the bold font attracts them.

Colour palette- the colour of this magazine is monochrome based which stands out as it is a good colour contrast and links into a theme throughout the magazine. It also reflects the personality of David in his younger days which also presents his music.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music/ interview based magazine.

Pull quotes- ‘it keeps dragging me back’ this could imply that he wants to do music as the image is of him when he was first introduced to the music industry.

The text in the article is divided into three columns on the lower half if the page. It is all presented in the same style and shape showing it is a formal magazine. When the font changes it attracts the audience to show the indie theme of the magazine.


Colour palette- the colour palette is red and black. They have also made her eyes and lips more noticeable to the rest of her face. This is effective as it reflects the theme of autumn because the colours of brown and red associate with that season. It also presents the magazine more formal as it all links to one colour theme.

The genre is an interview with Emma Watson the actress.

Cinematography- the image of her is a close up front shot. The camera focuses on her eyes and lips which stand out most to the audience. This is effective as half of the page is of her showing what the magazine could possibly be about. Copy- the subheadings are a bold font as well

as the headline and the article is in smaller font with key questions/information highlighted. They’re also the colour red which links into the theme of the magazine as a whole. The text includes quotes suggesting it is an interview this is clear to the reader.

masthead- the headmast is of the actress’s name. Her first name is lower case showing it informal while her last name is higher case so it could be viewed as being informal or informal. Her second name is also the colour red which again links to the colour palette of the magazine. It is made clear that it is the headline and although it is not bold it is still noticeable.

Layout, the magazine layout is very basic and subtle. It is split into two which is half of Emma Watson and the other half is the interview. This is effective as it is a clear indication of what the magazine is about. It is also easy to read.

There are many colour themes going on. However the main ones are brown and red. The colour is effective as the magazine is based on the season autumn. Her lips are red which stand out and her eyes are brown and focused on which also links to the colour of her hair. Red is significant in this magazine as it is the key theme colour in this magazine.

This double page is effective as it is a clear indication of what the magazine is about and is attractive to the reader.

masthead- the masthead is lower case suggesting it is an informal magazine, based on the layout it also looks like a teenager’s magazine. The headmast goes across two pages so it is noticeable however there is images around the magazine which take away the attention of the headmast.

Cinematography- there are many images on this magazine. On the right hand it is a front shot of the model. On the left hand it includes images of; buttons, rings and a lipstick this could suggest the theme of the magazine. The colours are mainly multi- coloured which is appealing to the reader.

The genre of this magazine is a fashion based one.

Copy- the text is spread out around the images. On the right hand side it is around the image and certain words are highlighted. Such as the subtitles are in bold drawing the reader to that section. On the left hand side the text blends in around the images. This suggest it is informal due to the fact it is cluttered and spread around everywhere.

Colour palette- the colours are mainly multi coloured including; blue, red, gold, pink, black and mainly different shades of this colour. Bright colours either attract the audience or push them away. Some like being attracted to bright colours etc. but others find it to in your face.

The layout of this magazine is cluttered. It’s all over the place which may be a put off to certain people. It doesn’t show clear information and the writing isn’t in bold meaning the reader would have to find it themselves.