Fox Terrier - Alexei

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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The Fox Terrier - A Slidecast by Alexei, who is a student at Avatar Languages.


Hi, today I will tell you about the best dog breed.

Fox-terrier - is the best friend for mobile and sporty people.

He loves children and he is the best companion in games.

He is energetic, joyful, clever.

Fox-terrier was created for hunting. They can catch some den`s animals, like a fox, or badger.The fox-terrier has a large physical force, and they are fearless and even reckless. This dogs can attack animal, which is more heavy and tall their.

They helped people not only on the hunting. During the First World War there were dogs which got a medal for the service to the fatherland. In 1928-1930 the fox-terrier "Iglu" was a member in the expedition to Antarctica. The fox-terrier was used as a watchdog for the apartments, because they can bark loudly.

They are well-built and good-looking.

The first time a history mention a fox-terrier in 55! years before our era.When the roman conquerors cam to British islands, they saw a dogs, which hunted for den`s animals.

The doctor Jon Keus decrypted a fox-terrier in 1570 years. The breed became official.

That is all from me, but you can tell me about your favourite dog breed. Thank you and bye from me.

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This slidecast was created by Alexei

Alexei studies English online with Avatar Languages