Fps -arrowsmith programme

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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The Arrowsmith Programme***Strengthening Learning Capacities

at Finlayson Park School, Manurewa.

Arrowsmith Programme.

--Growing the Brain

--Science of Neuroplasticity

---How Could we??---For FPS

FPS Benefactor

Implications of Research

Not only is the brain made of very specific

cognitive areas but these areas can be

targeted, stimulated and strengthened.

Who is an

Appropriate Candidate?

• Presenting with a diagnosed learning disability


Struggling to learn academic/social skills

• Average to above average intelligence

• Having any combination of 19 learning dysfunctions

• Mild to Severe learning problems

Principles of the

Arrowsmith Program• Design a task that stimulates a

specific cognitive area

• Start the level of task difficulty just above the level of current functioning of the area

• Remove the support of areas that could compensate for weaker functioning

• Build in performance mastery criteria that is rewarded

• Eliminate stress to build brain.

Improvements • Able to write more legibly, neatly,


• Eye tracking improves, no longer losing place in reading

• Able to complete written tests within time limits

• Able to copy material quickly and accurately

• No more careless errors in mathematics

• Speech is more fluent

• Reading speed improves

• Spelling can become automated

• Student does things for self. Teacher coaches/guides .

• 3 months for evidence of change

Why-- for Finlayson?

• Many Special Programmes----

• Students’ needs evident

• Research

• Benefactor

Arrowsmith at Finlayson Park.---Began 2013 Term 4

**2 experienced /Registered teachers. **

Trained in Toronto ---5weeks.

**5 sessions + Homework session


**10 students per programme-(9years-Adults)

Not a tutoring programme but will have some small snippets-- Literacy / Maths/Fitness/Arts

Student Voice

• Doing clocks challenges me. Now I can tell the time. My brain is working better and I can put a scooter together..—Jack 10

• I like tracing . It helps you think and makes you better. I can read now.—Samuel 10

• I like doing all activities- they fix my brain so I can do travelling now and other stuff—Olly 12

• I feel confident now like other kids. My brain is working better and I can go back to college now. ---Nick 13

Parent Voice

• “He could never settle at home. He can now watch a TV programme or talk with us.”

• “He now sees his messy room and tidies it.”

• “I let him travel across town now, by himself.”

• “His interest in books has multiplied a hundred fold. He reads chapter books now(17years) “

• “She is feeling different and it is driving her further with concentrated efforts.”

Kia kaha, Fa’amalosi,

Be Strong in your educational journeys

Thank you Shirley Maihi
