
Post on 08-Jul-2015

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A man with talent, ingenious, very intelligent, audacious…

Retailer, observer, attentive…

With a wife that loves…

Almost a perfect life!

• Possessor of the characteristics that many people would point out it as the ideal.

For the woman's blame that he loves…

Passions, deceits, lies, falsehoods….

It ruins their life, and that of the other ones.

In spite of planning the “Perfect Crime.”

And the lack of tests.

“A bad clock gives at least twice a day, the suitable hour.”

Ingenious, young and dedicated.

Talented, and made an effort.

Persistent, it sends to revise several times the house, to find tests and to take out their work ahead.

And in spite of the many difficulties that are presented it continues ahead.

Without caring that so difficult, the present situation, and the little support that he obtained was.

None of both, wanted to lose.

It involves the personal life with the labor one.

It causes him problems.

But continuous although the boss will deny it to him, he was her purpose.

A very interesting movie that treats diverse topics which it is necessary to do with attention