Framing Jogja

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Not to trap, but to make it free. To share the world how beautiful my home town, Jogjakarta.


FRAMING JOGJA Not to trap, but to make it free. To share the world how beautiful my home town, Jogjakarta.

[a sketch diary by Erick Eko Pramono]

Kampong Ketandan Kampong Ketandan used as a residential for the Chinese descendant at colonialism era. It's located in the

north of Beringharjo market. Nowadays we can still find some old Chinese shophouses in Ketandan.

Kopi Oey Jogja is a café located in Jetis Jogjakarta. They use this beautiful old house.

Ngejaman They called it Ngejaman because there’s a big clock (stadsklok) in this three-junction in Ahmad Yani street.

In the old time, they used to use this place as a meeting point.

Kampong Tamansari This Tamansari is a water castle built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in 1758 as a rest house and a leisure

park for the royal family. Now this castle is open for public who interested to explore the beauty of its

ancient architecture. Long time ago, the kampong surround this water castle were a big pool.

Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or Jogjakarta’s Sultan Palace. This beautiful palace was built in 1755. Here you can see a lot of Sultan’s

collection such as ancient weaponry, gamelan (traditional music instrument), etc.

Erick Eko Pramono - 2013 -