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05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

France from the Colonial Exhibition to theLiberation, 1931-1945(Session 2017-18)


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197 items

Essential Reading (4 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004


La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book

The age of extremes: the short twentieth century, 1914-1991 - Hobsbawm, E. J., 1995Book

Dark continent: Europe's twentieth century - Mazower, Mark, 1998Book

Indicative reading (26 items)

French history since Napoleon - Alexander, Martin S., 1999Book

Histoire de Vichy: 1940-1944 - Aron, Robert, 1954Book | Other edition available

The French at war, 1934-1944 - Atkin, Nicholas, 2001Book | Contains a number of primary documents in English

Azeìma, J-P. (1984). From Munich to the Liberation, 1938-1944. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press

Document | 944.0816 AZE

Leregime de Vichy et lesFrancais -Azema, Jean-Pierre,


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Bedarida,Francois, Peschanski, Denis, Rousso, Henry, c1992


La Francea l'heure allemande: 1940-1944 - Burrin, Philippe, c1995


Vichy, resistance, liberation: new perspectives on wartime France - Diamond, Hanna,Kitson, Simon, Kedward, H. R., 2005


La France dans ladeuxieme guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 - Durand, Yves, c2001


France since 1945 - Gildea, Robert, 2002Book | Earlier edition available

Marianne in chains: in search of the German occupation, 1940-1945 - Gildea, Robert, 2002Book

Essais sur la France:declin ou renouveau? - Hoffmann, Stanley, 1974


France: the dark years, 1940-1944 - Jackson, Julian, 2001Book

Nationalism in France: class and nation since 1789 - Jenkins, Brian, 1990Book | Other version available

Vichy France and the Resistance: culture & ideology - Kedward, H. R., Austin, Roger, c1985Book

Occupied France: collaboration and resistance 1940-1944 - Kedward, H. R., 1985Book

French culture and society: the essentials - Kelly, Michael, 2001Book


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

France since the Popular Front: government and people, 1936-1986 - Larkin, Maurice,1997

Book | Earlier edition available

True France: the wars over cultural identity, 1900-1945 - Lebovics, Herman, 1992Book

Twentieth-century France: politics and society 1898-1991 - McMillan, James F., 1992Book

War and identity: the French and the Second World War : an anthology of texts -Nettelbeck, Colin W., 1987


Vichy France: old guard and new order, 1940-1944 - Paxton, Robert O., (1982)Book

A concise history of France - Price, Roger, 1993Book | Earlier version available

France since 1870: culture, politics and society - Sowerwine, Charles, 2001Book

Choices in Vichy France: the French under Nazi occupation - Sweets, John F., 1986Book

France, 1934-1970 - Vinen, Richard, 1996Book

The unfree French: life under the occupation - Vinen, Richard, 2007Book | Earlier version available

Block 1: The end of the Third Republic (53 items)

Week 1: The French empire and the colonial exhibition (10 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pages 90-92

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pages 138-140

Vann, M.G. (n.d.). The Colonial Exhibition of May 1931. Retrieved September 25th,,18533,en.pdf


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Document | Website | PDF

The decline of the Third Republic, 1914-1938 - Bernard, Philippe, Dubief, Henri, 1985Book

Empire and culture: the French experience, 1830-1940 - Evans, Martin, 2004Book

History todayJournal

French colonial empire and the Popular Front: hope and disillusion - Chafer, Tony, Sackur,Amanda, 1999


True France: the wars over cultural identity, 1900-1945 - Lebovics, Herman, 1992Book

Morton, P.A. (1998). National and colonial: The musée des colonies at the colonialexposition, Paris, 1931 [Electronic version]. The Art Bulletin. 80(2) 357-377

Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

‘Sans Distinction de Nationalité’? The French Communist Party, Immigrants andUnemployment in the 1930s - Matt Perry, 2004-07-01

Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

Week 2: France and the Great Depression (8 items)

Essential Reading (3 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pages 97-99

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read chapter 7, then ‘World depression, French crisis’

Twentieth-century France: politics and society 1898-1991 - McMillan, James F., McMillan,James F., 1992

Book | Read chapter 10

France - the insecure peace: from Versailles to the Great Depression - Bury, J. P. T., 1972Book

The Popular Front in France: defending democracy, 1934-38 - Jackson, Julian, 1988Book | Read chapter 1, then ‘Democracy in crisis’

Class: image and reality in Britain, France and the USA since 1930 - Marwick, Arthur, 1990Book


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Prisoners of want: the experience and protest of the unemployed in France, 1921-45 -Perry, Matt, ebrary, Inc, c2007


The hollow years: France in the 1930s - Weber, Eugen, 1995Book

Week 3: Reaction and the rise of the far right (6 items)

Essential Reading (3 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pages 99-100

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pages 163-170

Twentieth-century France: politics and society 1898-1991 - McMillan, James F., McMillan,James F., 1992

Book | Read pages 103-108

France in the era of fascism: essays on the French authoritarian right - Jenkins, Brian, 2005Book

Anti-semitism in France during the 1930s: organisations, personalities and propaganda -Kingston, Paul J., 1983


French peasant fascism: Henry Dorge�re's Greenshirts and the crises of French agriculture,1929-1939 - Paxton, Robert O., 1997


Week 4: The popular front (11 items)

Essential Reading (3 items)

Hurcombe, M. (n.d.). The spanish civil war and France, 1936�39. Retrieved September 25th,2008,20685,en.pdf

Document | Website | PDF

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pages 100-105

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Book | Read chapter 9

French history since Napoleon - Alexander, Martin S., 1999Book

The decline of the Third Republic, 1914-1938 - Bernard, Philippe, Dubief, Henri, 1985Book

French politics, culture and society - Harvard University, Conference Group on FrenchPolitics and Society


Front populaire:revolutionmanquee :temoignage militant -Guerin, Daniel, 1997


Irvine, W.D. (1974). French conservatives and the 'new right' during the 1930s. [Electronicversion]. French Historical Studies. 8(4) 534-562

Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

The Popular Front in France: defending democracy, 1934-38 - Jackson, Julian, 1988Book

France since the Popular Front: government and people, 1936-1986 - Larkin, Maurice,1997

Book | Earlier edition available

France, 1934-1970 - Vinen, Richard, 1996Book

Week 5: The Popular Front and Culture (3 items)

The Popular Front in France: defending democracy, 1934-38 - Jackson, Julian, 1988Book | Read pages 113-145

The politics of fun: cultural policy and debate in contemporary France - Looseley, David,ebrary, Inc, 1995



05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

The politics of fun: cultural policy and debate in contemporary France - Looseley, David,1995


Week 6: The fall of France (15 items)

Essential Reading (3 items)

Alexander, M. (n.d.). The Fall of France, 1940. Retrieved September 25th, 2008,20686,en.pdf

Document | Website | PDF

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pages 106-109

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read chapter 10

Contemporary French civilization: an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study offrench speaking cultures throughout the world


The Republic in danger: General Maurice Gamelin and the politics of French defence,1933-1940 - Alexander, Martin S., 1992


La grande histoire desFrancais sous l'occupation - Amouroux, Henri, c1976


1940:l'annee terrible -Azema, Jean-Pierre, Mil neuf cent quarante, 1990


The French defeat of 1940: reassessments - Blatt, Joel, 1998Book



05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

defaite: temoignageecrit en 1940, suivi de Ecrits clandestins, 1942-1944 - Bloch, Marc, 1957


To lose a battle: France, 1940 - Horne, Alistair, 1979Book | Earlier version available

The fall of France: the Nazi invasion of 1940 - Jackson, Julian, 2003Book

Journal d'une longue nuit: carnet de route de deux francais mayens 1939-1944 - Massenet,Pierre, Massenet, Marthe, 1971


Strange victory: Hitler's conquest of France - May, Ernest R., 2000Book

The fall of France, 1940 - Shennan, Andrew, 2000Book

Documents (1 items)

Suitefrancaise -Nemirovsky,Irene, 2007


Block 2: Collaboration and resistance (74 items)

Week 7: The Vichy regime (20 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read chapter 8


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read chapter 11

La grande histoire desFrancais sous l'occupation - Amouroux, Henri, c1977


Le dossier de Vichy - Launay, Jacques de, 1967Book

Women and the Second World War in France, 1939-48: choices and constraints - Diamond,Hanna, 1999


Vichy, resistance, liberation: new perspectives on wartime France - Diamond, Hanna,Kitson, Simon, Kedward, H. R., 2005


Vichy: (1940-1944) - Durand, Yves, 1972Book

Politics, society and Christianity in Vichy France - Halls, W. D., 1995Book

France: the dark years, 1940-1944 - Jackson, Julian, 2001Book

Kedward, H. (1982). Patriots and Patriotism in Vichy France. 32. 175-192Article | Print copy in Second Floor journal

1944-1945: leproces de Vichy : Pucheu,Petain, Laval - Kupferman, Fred, 1980


Petain et leregime de Vichy - Michel, Henri, 1978


Les pousse-au-jouir duMare


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

chalPetain - Miller,Gerard, 1975


Nord, P. (2007). Pierre Schaeffer and Jeune France: Cultural politics in the Vichy years.[Electronic version]. French Historical Studies. 30(4) 685 - 709

Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

LeprocesPetain - Pottecher,Frederic, 1980


Vichy France: old guard and new order, 1940-1944 - Paxton, Robert O., (1982)Book

War and society in twentieth-century France - Scriven, Michael, Wagstaff, Peter,Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1991

Book | Read Peschanski, D. 'Control or integration: Information and propaganda underVichy'

Discours auxfrancais: 17 juin 1940-20aout 1944 -Petain, Philippe, Barbas, Jean-Claude, 1989


The trial of MarshalPe


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

tain - Roy, Jules, 1968Book

The politics of French business 1936-1945 - Vinen, Richard, 1991Book

Week 8: Vichy anti-semitism (16 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pp. 118-124

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pp. 263-267

Carrier, P. (.n.d.). Vichy and the Holocaust. Retrieved September 25th, 2008,31502,en.pdf

Document | Website | PDF

Kitson, S. (n.d.). The French police under the Vichy regime. Retrieved September 25th,2008,18931,en.pdf

Document | Website | PDF

La grande histoire desFrancais sous l'occupation - Amouroux, Henri, c1981


Bad faith: a forgotten history of family and fatherland - Callil, Carmen, 2006Book | Includes an English interview with Vichy commissioner for Jewish affairs Louis

Darquier de Pellepoix, published in L'Express (1979)

Laresistance juive: entre la gloire et latragedie - Diamant, David, c1993


Anne Frank's diary - Frank, Anne, 1958Book


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Politics, society and Christianity in Vichy France - Halls, W. D., 1995Book

Police and Politics in Marseille, 1936-8 - S. Kitson, 2007-01-01Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

Denying the Holocaust: the growing assault on truth and memory - Lipstadt, Deborah E.,1994


Vichy France and the Jews - Marrus, Michael R., Paxton, Robert O., 1981Book | Later edition available

Three faces of fascism: ActionFrancaise, Italian fascism, National Socialism - Nolte, Ernst, 1965


Une jeunessefrancaise:Francois Mitterrand, 1934-1947 -Pean, Pierre, 1994


Petain's crime: the full story of French collaboration in the Holocaust - Webster, Paul, 2001

Book | Earlier editions available

French cultural studiesJournal

Week 9: Collaboration (17 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pp. 123-124

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pp. 258-271


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

La grande histoire desFrancais sous l'occupation - Amouroux, Henri, c1978


Living with defeat: France under the German occupation, 1940-1944 - Burrin, Philippe,1996


Histoire de La Milice 1918-1945 - Delperrie de Bayac, Jacques, 1969Book

European fascism - Woolf, S. J., 1968Book | Read Garner, G. 'Collaboration in France' | Later edition available

Histoire de la Milice - Giolitto, Pierre, 2002Book

Collaboration in France: politics and culture during the Nazi occupation, 1940-1944 -Hirschfeld, Gerhard, Marsh, Patrick, 1989


France: the dark years, 1940-1944 - Jackson, Julian, 2001Book

Vichy et la chasse aux espions nazis: 1940-1942 :complexites de la politique de collaboration - Kitson, Simon, 2005


Crisis and renewal in France, 1918-1962 - Alexander, Martin S.,Moure, Kenneth, 2001


La France allemande (1933-1945): paroles du collaborationnismefrancais - Ory, Pascal, c1977


Vichy France: old guard and new order, 1940-1944 - Paxton, Robert O., (1982)Book

Collaboration and resistance: images of life in Vichy France, 1940-1944 - Peschanski, Denis, 2000



05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

France, 1934-1970 - Vinen, Richard, 1996Book

The unfree French: life under the occupation - Vinen, Richard, 2007Book | Earlier version available

Documents (1 items)

Unprefet sous l'occupation allemande - Lecornu, Bernard, 1984


Week 10: Origins of resistance (21 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pp. 124-129

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read chapter 12

Kedward, H.R. (n.d.). The resistance in France. Retrieved September 25th, 2008,31504,en.pdf

Document | Website | PDF

La grande histoire desFrancais sous l'occupation - Amouroux, Henri, c1979


Les armes de l'esprit:Temoignagechretien (1941-1944) -Bedarida,Rene


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

e,Bedarida,Francois, 1977


Nous avions vingt ans:temoignages - Debrousse, Jean-Yves, Ducroc, Pierre, 1989


Memoires de guerre: [Tome 2]:L'unite, 1942-1944 - Gaulle, Charles de, 1956


Discours et messages: Tome 1: Pendant la guerre, Juin 1940-Janvier 1946 - Gaulle, Charlesde, 1970


La nuit finira - Frenay, Henri, c1973Book

Jackson, J. (2008). Charles de Gaulle. London: HausDocument | Not in stock

Resistance in Vichy France: a study of ideas and motivation in the southern zone,1940-1942 - Kedward, H. R., 1978

Book | Contains English language translations of interviews with resisters

De Gaulle - Lacouture, Jean, 1965Book

Histoire de laresistance en France: 1940-1944 - Michel, Henri, 1965




05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

a Vichy: laresistance civile de fonctionnaires de police - Muller, Jean-Marie, c1994


Histoire de laResistance en France d: 1: Lapremiereannee: juin 1940-juin 1941 -Nogueres, Henri, Vigier, Jean Louis,Degliame-Fouche, Marcel, 1967

Book | Read various volumes | Later volumes available

The Resistance versus Vichy: the purge of collaborators in liberated France - Novick, Peter,1968


LaResistance en France - Sainclivier, Jacqueline, 1988


De Gaulle - Shennan, Andrew, 1993Book

La classeouvriere dans laResistance - Tollet,Andre, c.1969



05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Le silence de la mer: et autres recits - Vercors, 1951Book

Shorn women: gender and punishment in liberation France - Virgili, Fabrice, 2002Book

Block 3: Politics and society under the Fourth Republic (40 items)

Week 11: Women (19 items)

Essential Reading (2 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read p.126

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pp. 256, 263....see index....., 315-316. Also pp. 308-309

Ils partiront danslivresse: Lyon, mai 43, Londres,fevrier 44 - Aubrac, Lucie, 1984


Histoire des groupes francs (M.U.R.) desBouches-du-Rhone de septembre 1943a laLiberation - Baudoin, Madeleine, 1962


Ledeuxieme sexe - Beauvoir, Simone de, 1949


La France de laLibe


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

ration (1944-1946) - Dalloz, Jacques, 1983


Women's rights and women's lives in France, 1944-1968 - Duchen, Claire, 1994Book

France 1943-1945 - Footitt, Hilary, Simmonds, John, 1988Book

Ceux de laResistance, 1940-1944 - Granet, Marie, 1964


Behind the lines: gender and the two world wars - Higonnet, Margaret R., 1987Book

Robert et Jeanne:a Lyon sous l'Occupation - Kahn, Annette, 1990


The Liberation of France: image and event - Kedward, H. R., Wood, Nancy, 1995Book

In search of the maquis: rural resistance in southern France, 1942-1944 - Kedward, H. R.,1993


War and society in twentieth-century France - Scriven, Michael, Wagstaff, Peter,Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, 1991

Book | Read Kenward, H.R. (1991). 'The maquis: whose history?'

The Condition of women in France, 1945 to the present: a documentary anthology -Laubier, Claire, 1990


Les courants depensee de laResistance - Michel, Henri, 1962


Schwartz, P. (1989). Partisanes and gender politics in Vichy France. [Electronic version].French Historical Studies. 16(1) 126-151


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Article | Electronic journal | Print copy in second floor journals

Contemporary French civilization: an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study offrench speaking cultures throughout the world


Shorn women: gender and punishment in liberation France - Virgili, Fabrice, 2002Book

Week 12: French empire at end of war (21 items)

Essential Reading (4 items)

France 1815-2003: modern history for modern languages - Evans, Martin, Godin,Emmanuel, 2004

Book | Read pp. 140-142

La vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900 - Kedward, H. R., 2006Book | Read pp. 317-322

Greater France: a history of French overseas expansion - Aldrich, Robert, 1996Book | Read pp. 272-292

Other versions available

Massacre in Algeria - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition - 2005-05-14Webpage

Ladecolonisationfrancaise - Ageron, Charles-Robert, 1991


L'ere desdecolonisations:selection de textes du colloque"Decolonisationscompare


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

es", Aix-en-Provence, 30 septembre-3 octobre 1993 - Ageron, Charles-Robert, Michel, Marc, 1995


France and decolonisation: 1900-1960 - Betts, Raymond F., 1991Book

BBC News - Cannes protest over Algeria film Hors la Loi - 2010-05-21Webpage

The wars of French decolonization - Clayton, Anthony, 1994Book

France and its empire since 1870 - Alice L. Conklin, Sarah Fishman, Robert Zaretsky, 2015Book

Algeria: France's undeclared war - Evans, Martin, ebrary, Inc, 2012Book | (pp. 75-99)

Algeria: France's undeclared war - Evans, Martin, 2012Book | (pp. 75-99)

France urged to admit 1945 massacre - Archive - Al Jazeera English - 2005-05-08Webpage

L'idee coloniale en France: de 1871 a 1962 - Girardet, Raoul, 1972

Book | Later edition available

A savage war of peace: Algeria, 1954-1962 - Horne, Alistair, 1977Book | Later edition available

The Transfer of power in Africa: decolonization 1940-1960 - Gifford, Prosser, Louis, WilliamRoger, 1982


Rethinking France: plans for renewal 1940-1946 - Shennan, Andrew, 1989Book

The Fourth Republic, 1944-1958 - Rioux, Jean-Pierre, 1987Book

Crisis and compromise: politics in the Fourth Republic - Williams, Philip M., 1964Book

Films (2 items)

Days of Glory (2006) - IMDb - 2006Webpage | Boucahreb, R. (2006). Indigènes. France : Tessalit Productions


05/20/18 France from the Colonial Exhibition to the Liberation, 1931-1945 |

University of Portsmouth

Outside the Law (2010) - IMDb - 2010Webpage | Bouchareb, R. (2010). Hors la loi. France/Algeria : Tessalit

