France May Festivals

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Prezentacja ukazująca w jaki sposób świętowaliśmy francuskie święta May Festivals w naszej szkole.



Gen Antonii Heda ps. ,,Szary”

Primary School in Kowala.



1st May-Labour Day in France is at the same time a

traditional holiday of The Lily of the Valley. May is the time

of The Lilies blooming , what’s more according to Celtic

tradition, the lilies symbolize the returning of the happiness…

During this day French families give the lilies each

other,which they can find in every suburban forest.

8th May –Liberation’s Holiday

It is an anniversary of regained independence after the II World

War. During these days you can see French flags flattered at

every building.


9th May- Day of the European Union

This holiday is celebrated in the centre of Paris, where you

can see cultural, political and sport events.




*The pupils are giving

their classmates the

bunches of lilies.


The students of Year 2 learnt about the symbols of France and they prepared the French flags by themselves.


The Tutor presented the

Power Point presentation

about French Holidays

celebrated in May.



Katarzyna Dąbrowska