Franklin Community Church is a beacon of faith, development of … · 2020-07-19 · Katie (Bonnie...

Post on 27-Jul-2020

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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Keep in Touch

Sunday Service: 10AM

Address: 26425 Wellington, Franklin, MI 48025

Phone: (248) 626-6606


Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-3PM

Church Website:

Facebook: Franklin Church MI

Preschool Website:

United Methodist in Affiliation, Ecumenical in Spirit

Franklin Community Church is a beacon of faith, embracing each individual and nurturing the

development of Christian discipleship.

Our Staff

Pastor: Rev. David Huseltine

Director of Music: Maria Cimarelli

Director of Discipleship: Dr. Althea Simpson

Early Childhood Ministries: Kim Greidanus

Office Administrator: Delia Price-Rice

Bookkeeper: Karl Heiss

Custodian: Bill Prazuch

Preschool Director: Katie Rourke & Stephanie Cochrane

Ministers: All Members of the Congregation

Good Morning and Welcome! We hope that you will experience God's presence

among us today in a way that refreshes your spirit. If you are a visitor, please be

sure to fill out attendance envelopes and join us for refreshments after the worship


Caring Table Because of COVID 19, it is no longer safe for members

to sign cards for those who are ill or who have a special need.

However, cards are still going out to those people, so they know that FCC

members are praying for them. Please continue to contact the church

office with the names of family members or friends, when they are in need

of our prayers. You may also contact Delia via text at 313-605-7328.

Thank you!

New Announcements!!!!

We are updating our prayers and concerns page and need your help! If you put a friend or relative on the PRAYER CONCERNS list last year and have learned that they are doing well now and don't need prayers for healing, please let our Secretary, Delia, know by contacting her via email ( or via text (313) 605-7328. Thank you.

For Electronic Contribution

Alternatives For Girls (AFG) needs your leftover or no-longer-

needed yarn! The girls can produce numerous items from

donated yarn (of all kinds), and they sell their handmade items

to help cover their personal expenses.


Please stop by the Caring Table in the hall outside the Sanctuary to sign a card and offer a prayer.



Shaelyn Moyer (Vicki Hurd)


Nancy Duncan (cousin of Carole Hardy)

Barbara Marquart (friend of the Brichford family)

Bill Westphal (father of Shelly Diaczok)


Anthony ( Maria Cassise)

Cecilia Abbott (niece of Marta Johnston)

Andrew (friend of Debbie Scott)

Marianne Barber

Jack Blair (brother-in-law of Bill & Judy Rollo)

Rene’ Bragg (friend of Althea Simpson)

Helen Browning (cousin of Carole Hardy)

Anthony Cassise (son of Maria Cassise)

Gabriela Carlan (mother of Andrei Cojocar-visitor)

Bev Colluci (Friend of Mary and Chuck Johnson)

Cucinello Family (Friend of Yeimy Smith)

Pam DiBernardo (cousin of Joanne Duffner)

Robert Francis

David Finkel (Husband of Amy Good, CEO of Alternatives For Girls)

Shan G. (friend of Debbie Scott)

Cher Rennie-Gieseking (friend of Shelly Diaczok)

Brenden Grisdale (grandson of Sharon Grisdale)

Katie (Bonnie Gilchrist)

Kurt Haney (Father of Rhonda Myers)

Stuart Holmes (Friend of Tom & Carol Brichford)

Genie Hunter (friend of Carol Brichford)

Nancy Hook (Sally Burger)

Vicki Hurd

Laura Infanti (The Kelly Family)

Florence Iwanski (friend of Sally Burger)

Steve Johnston (nephew of Bob Johnston)

Connie Jonas

Ed Keller (brother of Helga Ernst)

Tom Knight (Sara Burger)

Vince and Lois Maiorana (friends of Tom and Carol Brichford)

John Mayo (Susan Kitching)

Kevin Muir (friend of Janet Hornett)

Home Continued

Ehren Newman (son of John Newman)

Betty Prill (friend of Sally Burger)

Valerie Prong (friend of Rhonda Myers)

Tammy Jean Querry (daughter of WSCS member)

Marilyn Quinn and family

Eric Randolph (The Kelly Family)

Kathleen Ringstad (daughter-in-law of George Ringstad)

Jim Reb (father of Erin Rollo)

June Roberts

Sal & Kelly (Maria Cassise)

Martha Salvatore (Sally Burger)

Debbie Scott

Jeff Soderberg (brother-in-law of Bob & Marta Johnston)

Joanne Steinmayer (friend of Cheryl Cross)

Susan Sweeney (sister of Sharon Grisdale)

Jill Thomas (sister-in-law of Wendy Ellis)

Eric VanDussen (friend of the Rollos)

Barbara Whalen

Matthew Willox (ex-husband of Debbie Scott)

Tony Wiesnewski (family friend of Suzanne Kitching)

Charlotte Zenobi (Sally Burger)


SFC Leonard Adams (injured) (friend of the Diaczok family)

Andrew Greidanus, U.S. Army Infantry Ranger School (son

of Stuart and Kim Greidanus)

Tara & Arthur Middlebrooks, U.S. Army (granddaughter of

Dave and Jane Roberts)

Cameron Robertson, U.S. Marine Corps (Okinawa)

(grandson of George Robertson)

Parker Robertson, U.S. Marine Corps (grandson of

George Robertson)

Chase Gerber, U.S. Marine Corps (son of Jonathon Shoalts)*


Jennifer Chandler (cousin of Cindy Juliano)

Karen P. (friend of Eric Fernando)

Please notify staff of changes

*New additions

Romans 2:1-4 (NRSV)

The Righteous Judgment of God

2 1Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.

2 You say, “We know that God’s judgment on those who do such things is in accordance with truth.”

3 Do you imagine, whoever you are, that when you judge those who do such things and yet do them yourself, you will escape the judgment of God?

4 Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?

Franklin Community Church

would like to wish a special Happy

98th Birthday to...

26-Jul Stanley and Helga Ernst

27-Jul Peter and Marilyn Green

28-Jul Buz and Susan Pflaum

1 Marta Johnston

1 Rhonda Myers

2 Patricia Wagner

8 Kay Duncan

8 William Lang

12 Vicki Hurd

13 Peg Marlin

15 Robert Johnston

18 Diane Johnson

18 John Stephenson

24 Juana Booker

27 Cheryl Cross

27 June Roberts

30 Cathy Kunkel

July Birthdays and Anniversaries



Elsie Breckwoldt

July 23rd!!!