Fraud Analyst Certification - Global Revenue Assurance...

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Fraud Analyst Certification CTFA - Certified Telecoms Fraud Analyst

Certification Programs for Fraud Professionals in the Telecoms, DataComs, Satellite, Cable & related industries

GRAPA Training and Certification Programs

Online Live • On Demand • Regional Events • Onsites

40 Hour Program - 4 Ways to CertifyOver 2000 certified since 2007

2GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

GRAPA Certification Offers Worldwide Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Certified Telecoms Fraud Analyst (CTFA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Training Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Regional Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Onsite Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Online Live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9OnDemand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Courses to Choose From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11FMF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12FMF101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13VNF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14DNF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15PNH001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16LNH001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17SSC001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18ICF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19ICF101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20RMF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21AFF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22BNF001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Professional Advancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Certification Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Testimonials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Table of Contents

3GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

GRAPA Certification Offers Worldwide Recognition

The GRAPA – School of Fraud Management is the continuation of our original Revenue Assurance Academy. This school pro-vides the revenue assurance professional with the opportunity to gain access to an extensive catalog of Fraud Management best practices, latest methodologies and standards based approaches to the ever expanding, and ever more complicated world of the fraud professional.

This School allows professionals to take specific short courses to focus on specific topics, while at the same time making our extensive catalog of intermediate and advanced Masters, Manager and Specialist programs available via OnDemand, Online-Live, Regional event, or corporate Onsite event.

GRAPA has offered certification for Telecommunications professionals since the begin-ning of 2009. The publication of GRAPA’s ratified standards document for 2009, The Revenue Assurance Standards 2009 - included a comprehensive Body of Knowledge spelling out the charter and scope of the Revenue Assurance function as practiced by our global membership. Since then, GRAPA has offered certification in line with those Standards and that Body of Knowledge.

This standards-based approach is developed using a rigorous and ongoing review process that collects and distills the latest, most up-to-date and effective practices currently implemented by telcos of all types and sizes around the world. Because GRAPA’s certification is based on professional principles and an in-depth standards-driven methodology, GRAPA’s certified professionals are able to apply their skills not just to environments where they have personal experience, but across a variety of situations to address whatever new and unique problems they encounter. This is an absolute necessity in an industry where new business models and technologies are producing continuous upheaval and disruptive change.

GRAPA’s certifications require intense and exhaustive continuous education and a stringent set of examinations and verifica-tion of relevant work experience, so they can provide management with a credible assurance of skills and ability. Manage-ment knows that by utilizing certified professionals, not only are their team members trained and tested according to a uniform understanding of their profession, but they can apply those skills in real-world situations.

In the breadth and segmentation of GRAPA’s certifications, professionals and organizations can be assured that not only does GRAPA offer a 360o view of telecoms operations and revenues to those it certifies, but it is also able to offer that perspec-tive at levels appropriate to the aptitude, ability and experience of those who seek certification – whether they are National Regulators, CFOs, Internal Auditors, Revenue Assurance & Fraud Managers, those with intermediate experience in telecoms,

as well as those who are new or just starting out in Revenue Assurance or Telecoms Fraud.

School of Fraud Management

4GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

5GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

Fraud Management Core Certification

Certified Telecom Fraud Analyst (CTFA)GRAPA’s intermediate level certification focuses on a practical, hands-on, standards based ap-proach to Fraud Management. For practitioners performing the Fraud Management function on a day-to-day basis, this is an essential program of training and credentialization. It provides Fraud Management team members with the framework and techniques, as well as badly needed profes-sional stature, required for practitioners to be successful within their organizations – enabling and motivating them to effectively pursue revenue risk wherever it can be found.

What Does Certification Offer?

Those who certify will not only have a firm and fundamental grasp of GRAPA’s standards, as well as GRAPA’s standard controls across all telco domains and lines of business, they will also be able to implement that understanding towards the effective containment of revenue risk. Achievement of this certification, therefore, allows for a clear means of gaining professional status and confidence, allowing for accelerated professional development within your organization.

Because the certification is structured to be comprehensive, it provides a detailed overview of Fraud Management issues and solutions from across the spectrum of telecoms businesses and addresses the appropriateness of controls for telcos of various sizes and situations. This allows professionals to return to their organizations with lessons learned by other telcos for implementation in their (often unique) operating environment.

This approach ensures that certified professionals are rationalized in their approach, putting in place the appropriate level of controls to minimize risk, without resorting to needless redundancy that wastes budget and resources.

Choose 10 of 12 UnitsFMF001 Telecoms Fraud Management Fundamentals

FMF101 Fraud Domains, Tools and Methods

VNF001 Voice Network Fundamentals

DNF001 Data Network Fundamentals

PNH001 Physical Hacking - Radio & Cable Hacks

LNH001 Logical Network Hacking

SCC001 Social Engineering, Collusion & Customer Frauds

ICF001 Interconnect Bypass Frauds

ICF101 Interconnect Injection Frauds

RMF001 Roaming Fraud Management

AFF001 Accounting & Financial Systems Fraud

BNF001 Backhaul Network Fundamentals

6GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

Four Options for Training Available at Your Convenience

Telecommunications professionals are extremely busy, and putting the time and resouc-es necessary to attain a forty hour certification is never easy. Over the years, GRAPA has developed a number of different ways that students can certify to help meet these differ-ent requirements. Each of these options includes the same forty hours of prerequisite training based upon the GRAPA Body of Knowledge. Each requires the same training and experience verification. Employers can be assured that no matter how the student attained the certification, the same high level of standards have been met.

Regional EventsBy far the most popular training option is the GRAPA Regional Event. These live, face to face, one week certification events are held in different major cities around the world several times a year. Students are able to enjoy the luxury of being away from work to focus on the mate-rial. They also have the ability to become aquainted with like-minded professionals from all over the world.

Onsite EventsFor those organizations that desire to certify a large number of people at the same time, or for situations where management wants to use GRAPA Training and Certification to bring recognition to the entire organization, the customized onsite option proves highly effective. Anchored upon the same principles and best practices transfer as the other certification op-tions, the onsite event allows management to streamline and customize in order to accom-plish their own specific strategic and operational objectives. It provides the team with the benefits of best practices transfer and organizational synergy that are the hallmark of GRAPA certification wherever it is implemented.

Online LiveFor people who are unable to get away from home or the office but still want individual teacher interaction, the GRAPA Online Live training is the perfect choice. Held for four hours per day, over a two week period, these live classes cover the same materials at a slightly slower pace. While receiving the same benefits of in-person training and fellow students, live training would still allow a half day of work and spending the night at home.

OnDemandCritical project deadlines, commitments and the typical chaos of working in a telecom can make fitting scheduled classes into your routine impossible. For those professionals, GRAPA has developed the OnDemand training option. The OnDemand program provides students with the opportunity to attain certification whenever they can find the time. OnDemand uses the same forty hours of training material, pre-recorded and available for review twenty-four hours a day in the interactive Learning Management System environment.

7GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

Regional EventsTelecoms represent some of the most hectic, technically complex and challenging environments to work in. GRAPA’s intensive forty hour certification program has been designed to maximize the professionals’ time by providing them with an intensive five day period of best practices in a wide variety of different topics and disciplines.

GRAPA training provides more than just “tips and tricks” and more than simple “how to” guidlines. It tackles tough issues such as: •Prioritizingeffortsandorganizingworkforthebesteffect •“Partnering”withprofessionalsfromnetwork,I/T,FinanceandOperationsinordertoget the results needed •Clearandorganizedcommunicationwithmanagementandco-workers

STARTED IN 2007–Over 1000 students have certified through the Regional Event Program

Benefits of Regional Events•Travel•ChancetoFocus•NetworkingwithPeers

Best FitRegional events work well for professionals who:- Have an available training budget- Have time available- New to telecoms or fraud management- Interested in expanding an understanding of FM to include areas in which they have yet had a chance to work- Managers, CFO, Auditors or others hoping to acquire a comprehensive understanding of what FM is about,

how to manage it, and how to fit it into an existing organization- Interested in meeting with and networking with other professionals from other countries- Interested in discussing commmon challenges with other FM professionals - Learn best in a live, interactive environment, away from usual work and home distractions

Customization OptionsGRAPA Regional Events bring professionals from many different countries and lines of business together in order to share common approaches and experiences. For this reason, the curriculum will be built choosing ten of fourteen available Body of Knowledge units. The emphasis in the classroom will be based upon both a series of student interest surveys conducted before the training begins and the direction provided by the class during the daily sessions.

Certification RequirementsStudents must attend and participate in the forty hours of training (no texting or “working on the side” during class). They must pass the final exam and provide proof of the experience and effectiveness in the practice of Fraud Management.

COST: Pricing starts at $3900 (before discounts) for training, snacks and lunch. Travel and hotel accommodations are NOT INCLUDED.

For a list of currently scheduled events visit:

8GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

OnsiteSometimes training one or two people is not enough! Some organizations decide that they need training for the entire team or they want people from different departments to come together to learn the same things at the same time. In either situation, GRAPA Onsite events can get the job done.

Training large groups for maximum effect and minimum cost!GRAPA’s unique onsite pricing model makes onsite training extremely attractive and useful.

Low Cost Per Student: Companies can contract for a week of certification training at their location and put as many people as desired (up to 30) into the room for no additional fee. This method will deliver the absolute best cost per student training available in the market today.Customized to Meet your Tactical and Strategic Requirements: While GRAPA certification will require that certain materials be covered for any training event, your company gains the benefit of focusing the training on those areas most critical to your current business objectives. Programs have been customized to address the needs of the Revenue Assurance team itself.

STARTED IN 2007–Over 800 students have certified through Onsite Events

Benefits of Onsite Training•Bestpriceperstudentvalue•Completelycustomizedtomeetmanagement’sobjectives•Bestmethodavailabletobreakdownorganiza-tional barriers and get people from each department to work together to eliminate leakage and other risks to revenueDisadvantages: Difficult to make everyone available for the same week - Not always possible to get the buy-in needed

Best FitOnsite Events work best for companies that:- Have a large number of people to teach at one time- Have challenges in the areas of organizational synergy and cross-functional cooperation- Face challenges with new technologies, new procedures or difficult organizational mis-alignment

Customization OptionsGRAPAOnsiteprogramsaredesignedaccordingtotheorganization’sresponsestotheGRAPAsurveys.

Certification RequirementsStudents must participate in the forty hours of training in alignment with the fourteen units specified. Material can be customized to meet the requirements of management. Additional training may be required in order to attain a specialized certification if the management dictated curiculum is too diverse.

COST: Onsite events are not charged per student. Approximately $25,000 includes the forty hour training with materials and testing.

9GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

Online LiveFamily responsibilities, budget restrictions, work commitments and busy schedules make it dif-ficult for many professionals to attend a GRAPA Regional Event. In response to the demand for an alternative, GRAPA began offering Live Online Training.

The Online Live program features the same curriculum offered at the regional events, but is delivered via the interactive online classroom. Based upon the GoToMeeting/GoToTraining ap-plication, the online classroom events make it possible for people to ask questions, contribute ideas and hear from other students while never leaving the comfort of the workplace.

STARTED IN 2009–Over 500 students have certified through Onlive Live Training

Benefits of Online Live Training•NoTravel•Abilitytokeephomeandworkcommitments•Stillhaveachancetofocus•Techerinteraction•Networkingwithpeers

Best FitOnline Events work best for professionals who:- Can be available for four hours per day for two weeks- Have a reliable laptop computer, a headset, a microphone and a camera- Have a good (at least 1Mbps) internet speed- Interested in networking with other professionals from other countries- Comfortable in an e-learning environment- Interested in learning the fundamentals of RA, hearing of the latest best practices from other carriers and

putting work into perspective

Customization OptionsGRAPA Regional Events bring professionals from many different countries and lines of business together in order to share common approaches and experiences. For this reason, the curriculum will be built choosing ten of fourteen available Body of Knowledge units. The emphasis in the classroom will be based upon both a series of student interest surveys conducted before the training begins and the direction provided by the class during the daily sessions.

Certification RequirementsStudents must attend and participate in the forty hours of training (no texting or “working on the side” during class). Hourly live “check-ins” and “camera checks” will be conducted randomly during the training times. They must pass the final exam and provide proof of the experience and effectiveness in the practice of revenue assurance.

COST: Pricing starts at $2500 for one student, but volume discounts for multiple students can bring the price down to $1000 per student. Price covers the online classes, testing and work verification.

For a list of currently scheduled events visit:

10GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

OnDemandIf time management is your biggest challenge, training can be especially challenging. Some people find that they go through periods of too much odd free time on their hands; others find their schedules are chaotic with sporadic open hours but no regular pattern. In these cases, training must be available whenever time does not have an advance notification.

That is exactly how the GRAPA OnDemand program works. Students are given access to the GRAPA Online Learning Management System. This system organizes the curriculum into the same units, lectures and tests as the live events but with convenient availability on the internet. The handy “speed up” and “slow down” functions also let you set your own pace for watching the lectures. The regularly scheduled teacher conferences offer the chance to speak with the teacher and get the answers to any questions.

LAUNCHED IN 2015–Over 100 students have certified through OnDemand Training

Benefits of OnDemand Training•TrainingavailablewheneverYOUHAVETHETIME•Youcanwatchlecturesasmanytimesasyouwant.•Additionalquizzes,knowledgechecksandgamestoreinforce the knowledge learned.•Liveonlineteacherinteractionsforanyproblemareas faced

Best FitOnDemand Events work best for professionals who:- Have interest in limited subject areas- Want a best practices refresher course- Cannot commit to a training schedule- Have less than optimal internet speed- Have self discipline and can meet their own time management and learning objectives- Stuggle with the English language and would like to listen to lectures at a slower pace- Need more time to cover the material

Customization OptionsGRAPA Regional Events bring professionals from many different countries and lines of business together in order to share common approaches and experiences. For this reason, the curriculum will be built choosing ten of fourteen available Body of Knowledge units. The emphasis in the classroom will be based upon both a series of student interest surveys conducted before the training begins and the direction provided by the class during the daily sessions.

Certification RequirementsStudents must participate in the forty hours of training (10 four hour units). They are required to make a commitment to complete a certain amount a training each month. They must pass the final exam and provide proof of the experience and effectiveness in the practice of revenue assurance.

COST: Price varies depending on the program requested.

For a list of currently scheduled events visit:

11GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

FMF001 - Telecoms Fraud Management FundamentalsIn this fundamental course, students will uncover the history, the standard approaches, best practices and key methodologies devel-oped to help the professional develop an effective, efficient and scientific approach to fraud management.

12 Units to Choose From

FMF101 - Fraud Domains, Tools, and MethodsThis unit will provide students with the context and case studies of the most commonly addressed telecoms fraud management scenarios.

DNF001 - Data Network Fundamentals Assurance of networks and services associated with interconnect (inter-carrier, wholesale services). Students are introduced to the terminology, business protocols, and key controls associated with the understanding and protection of interconnect revenues, Identifi-cation and containment of fraud and leakage risk. (Bypass Fraud, Carrier Fraud, Settlement Leakage, Margin Protection and more).

PNH001 - Physical Hacking - Radio & Cable Hacks Assurance of the networks and services associated with roaming (GSM & data roaming). Students learn the terminology, business protocols, and key controls of protecting roaming revenues such as Prepaid, Postpaid, USSD, and Camel Roaming. Introduction to the workings of the DCH, HUR, NRT, Steering, and IREG along with the identification and containment of fraud and leakage risk.

LNH001 - Logical Network Hacking The future of telecoms clearly rests in a big way on how GSM advances. The ITU 2000 roadmap spells out how mobile networks can move from 2G to 3G to 4G and beyond. In this unit, students will learn about the 2g/3g/4g migration and the key network controls and billing and policy enforcement issues that doing RA in the NextGen Mobile world creates.

ICF101 - Interconnect Injection FraudsAssurance of points of sale, sales channels, and provisioning of telecoms products and services. Challenges of securing cash revenues, logistics mgmt cycle for prepaid top up cards and ebalance systems, and standard controls for provisioning, HLR/IN synch, HLR/PPB synch, A.Number services tables, and other major CRM and service provisioning leakage risks and controls domains.

RMF001 - Roaming Fraud ManagementOverview of assuring financial systems and controls related directly to revenue management, including revenue recognition, revenue accounting, audit of revenue management switches and systems, and the overall Controls Inventory and discipline developed and advocated by GRAPA members.

SSC001 - Social Engineering, Collusion & Customer FraudsThe assurance of revenues requires the RA, Fraud and Finance professional to understand the many different ways that internet ac-cess and IP transport occur. This course provides the student with the multi-dimensional world of wholesales data, data roaming, and corporate services assurance.

VNF001 - Voice Network Fundamentals Wireless broadband services have surpassed voice networks as the number one source of revenues for telecoms around the world. But now that they are here, it is time for billing, finance and assurance teams to verify that all of the revenues earned are in fact being collected. This course provides telecoms professionals with the principles of service and policy billing systems and their assurance.

AFF001 - Accounting & Financial Systems FraudsThis course is designed to provide billing and assurance professionals with a comprehensive guide to the design, assurance and audit of data roaming environments. Key controls and the roles of DCH, GRX and other roaming exchange models are considered. Standard controls for the environment are highlighted.

BNF001 - Backhaul Network FundamentalsThis course is designed to provide billing and assurance professionals with a comprehensive guide to the design, assurance and audit of data roaming environments. Key controls and the roles of DCH, GRX and other roaming exchange models are considered. Standard controls for the environment are highlighted.

ICF001 - Interconnect Bypass Frauds In this course we proved fixed and mobile professionals with an understanding and a roadmap that shows how their networks are getting from where they were (2G – POTS- ADSL) to where they are going – IMS, MPLS, HETNETs and beyond.

OverviewIdentified as one of the growth career paths for telecoms professionals, this course provides the student with a high level introduction to the telecom’s fraud management job. The range of fraud risks that telecoms face has exponentially increased as fraudster have learned how to exploit the new weaknesses created by an explosive launch into the use of dozens of new technologies and hundreds of new business models and partnerships. Now the telecoms industry is reinventing itself. As usual the fraudsters are the first to expose new weaknesses and capitalize on this rush to make money for themselves while costing the telecoms billions in lost revenues. Presently, fraud losses are outpacing growth. In other words, the telecoms’ need for well trained, proficient and up to date professionals is greater than ever.In this fundamental course, students will uncover the history, the standard approaches, best practices and key methodologies developed to help the professional develop an effective, efficient and scientific approach to fraud management.

Learning Objectives —What is the organization of a typical Fraud Management Department? —What are the major types of frauds, those frauds that represent the most risk and the different ways they are addressed? —What are the key organizational methodologies including?—What are “exploit chains” and how are they used?

FMF001:TelecoMs Fraud ManageMenT FundaMenTals

Course Overview: FMF001

Key Concepts• An Introduction of the teacher, the students, the curriculum

and objectives for the class. • Introduction to the criteria for professionalization and a

review of the lessons in this course• An introduction to the different management postures

assumed by the telco regarding different types of fraud issues.

• The utilization of profiling techniques ( Behavioral and Victimology) to assist in fraud containment, and the decomposition of frauds into components (MOD, MOI, MOC) to ease defensive posturing

Module Name TitleFMF001 Introduction to Telecom Fraud Management

FMF002 Postures - Profiles & EChains

FMF003 The Fraud Management System

FMF004 Incident Management and the FM Cycle

FMF005 Methods of Deception 1.0

FMF006 FMS Issues and KPI’s

FMF007 Incident and Case Management

FMF008 Controls and Treatments

FMF009 Methods of Deception 2.0

FMF010 Hacking, Phreaking, Collusion

OverviewThe telecoms fraud management discipline is often applied in an eclectic, confusing way. Different organizations can have very different ideas about how to best fit the fraud management team into the overall governance framework. For this reason it is critical that the fraud professionals understand and have access to the operational templates. Best practices for fraud containment on an industry wide basis are necessary in order to better equip them in providing management with the guidance required when fraud events occur. This unit will provide students with the context and case studies of the most commonly addressed telecoms fraud management scenarios.

Learning Objectives— What are hacking, phreaking, collusion and Social engineering? How do they work?— What is roaming, how does it work, who is involved, and what are the risks?— What is accounting, what is its history, what are the in built controls and principles?—What are the different categories of accounting frauds and how are they combatted?— What is the corporate sales cycle, where are the fraud risks, what are the most critical corporate sales fraud controls?

FMF101: Fraud doMains, Tools and MeThods

Course Overview: FMF101

Key Concepts• Interconnect Fraud Overview• Interconnect Controls • Roaming Overview• Roaming Frauds • Accounting Overview • Accounting Frauds• Corporate Sales Fraud• Sales Channel Fraud• Customer and Point of Sale Frauds

Module Name TitleFMF101 Wholesale & Interconnect Fraud ManagementFMF102 Roaming Fraud ManagementFMF103 Accounting Frauds 1.0FMF104 Corporate Sales & Channel FraudsFMF105 Customer and Point of Sales SecurityFMF106 Accounting Frauds 2.0FMF107 Corporate Sales FraudsFMF108 Channel FraudsFMF109 Customer FraudsFMF110 Legal Intercept and Summary

OverviewLegacy voice, Wired, GSM, and CDMA networks are still the most significant fraud risks for most telecommunications companies.In this course, students learn about the history, principles of operation, and key control areas of standards-based fraud management audits and controls. This unit provides students with the background, context and vocabulary to enable them to understand the many different physical and logical hacks employed to attack voice networks. They will walk away confidently understanding the points of vulnerability for internal frauds in the voice network, billing, provisioning and sales areas.

Learning Objectives— What are the principles of AAA?— How are these commercial requirements integrated into typical voice network infrastructure?— What are the standard controls and methods for assuring the commercial integrity of these businesses from the network perspective?

Course Overview: VNF001

Key Concepts • AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) for

voice Networks• Key commercial controls issues for voice network

environments • Fundamentals of Topology, Network Element integrity,

and Referential Integrity controls for voice networks• The role of the RA professional in the assurance of

voice network environments

VNF001: Voice Network FuNdameNtals

Module Name TitleVNA001 Intro to Voice NetworksVNA002 Voice Network OrganizationVNA003 Voice MediaVNA004 History of Telecoms RA & ControlsVNA005 Modern Switch - Controls & AssuranceVNA006 Topology & AAAVNA007 Radio & Wired AAA DifferencesVNA008 Introduction to SS7VNA009 How do you make a CDR?VNA010 Network Security for Voice

OverviewIn the past, data network security was a relatively simple and straightforward process. Today the modern world of Internet/IP based trafficking opens incredibly broad avenues that fraudsters can attack and that can make leakage a foregone conclusion. The Data Networks Body of Knowledge for fraud management covers all of those issues associated with the establishment of the security and integrity of 2nd generation and Next Gen networks in addition to fixed line networks. Included in this section are a brief history, principles of operation, operational vulnerabilities and key control areas for data networks. The information covered here has been identified as fundamental material required to truly understand and protect against next gen / data / 4G / LTE / IMS/ Fiber and Het Net fraud vulnerabilities.

Learning Objectives— How do internet carriers interconnect, bill for, settle and establish service levels for the data connections they provide?— How is security accomplished on a data network? — What are the alternative methods of establishing the service levels and access permissions provided to customers?— How methods are tracked and assured?— What are the alternative 2G and 3G methods of internet data?

Course Overview: DNF001

Key Concepts• How commercial internet data networks work from

fraud protection, security, accounting, billing and operational stand points

• Emerging standards in commercial and fraud controls for data networks

• Best practices in network assurance for fixed, wifi and mobile data networks

DNF001: Data Network FuNDameNtals

Module Name TitleDNF001 Indtroduction to Data Networking for Fraud

DNF002 Internet Data - The Reach

DNF003 Internet Data - The Tech

DNF004 Service Protocols

DNF005 Internet Ecosystem

DNF006 AAA for the Internet - An OverviewDNF007 Data Authentication Principles

DNF008 Data Authorization PrinciplesDNF009 Radius & DiameterDNF010 Wired ArchitecturesDNF011 Wireless Architectures

DNF012 Data Frauds Recap

OverviewPhysical hacking is one of the oldest and most well understood exploit in the fraudster’s toolkit. The exploding size and reach of today’s networks only create more and more opportunities for the fraudster to gain illegal entry through a large number of different mechanisms. The unit starts with a “hacker’s conversion guide,” which shows the different ways that physical hacks, logical hacks, social engineering and commercial positioning are combined to create hundreds of possibilities for unique fraud exploit chains. It reviews the nature and the methods employed for physical hacking.

Learning Objectives— What are the various physical hacks possible within a telecom’s network? — What are the ways that exploit chains are built based upon the vulnerabilities that these physical breaches create? — What are the standard controls and approaches for the detection of breaches?— What are the containment strategies for each of the environments considered?

PNH001: PHysical HackiNg - Radio & cable Hacks

Course Overview: PNH001

Key Concepts• Core networks (Switches, Router and Network

element intrusion) • Transit networks (backhaul intrusion• Radio network vulnerabilities and attack methods • BSS-Billing-Accounting and I/T Systems attack

profiles and protections • Physical splicing• Network Element Intrusion (clip on) • Cloning of key elements/security components

Module Name TitlePNH001 Intro to Physical HackingPNH002 Mobile Cellular SecurityPNH003 Cellular Attacks & ExploitsPNH004 Handset HijacksPNH005 WIFI HackingPNH006 Computer Hacking & Hardening

OverviewComputer hacking is broadly defined as intentionally accessing a computer without authorization or exceeding authorized access. While various state and federal laws deem computer hacking as a criminal activity, the telecom fraud criminals take hacking to a whole new level. They not only hack computers but also switches, routers and control mechanisms to make their fraud possible. In this unit we explore the issues and methods of logical hacking, and show how they can be detected, deterred and managed. In this unit we explore the issues and methods of logical hacking, and show how they can be detected, deterred and managed.

Learning Objectives— How is IP Hacking used to enable telecom frauds? — What are the top ten IP Hacking techniques?— How do fraudsters fake SS7 Traffic to enable interconnect, roaming, IRSF and SMS frauds?— What are the main targets of hackers? — What are the top wireless hacking domains?— What are the major types of hack attacks?— What are the major risks associated with the new generation of networks?

LNH001: LogicaL Network HackiNg

Course Overview: LNH001

Key Concepts• Internet IP Hacking• SQL Injection , PHP Include, Zero Day, Brute

Force • SS7 Hacking and Spoofing• Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS) as applied

to IP and SS7 networks • Hacking of WIFI hotspots• HLR, HSS, IN, Routing Tables, and Registries

Module Name TitleLNH001 Intro to Logical Hacking

LNH002 Methods of Conversion

LNH003 Hacker Profiling

LNH004 Windows HacksLNH005 SS7 Hacks

LNH006 Web Hacking

LNH007 Denial of Service Attacks

LNH008 The Darknet and the Anonymous

OverviewThe three biggest enemies of the fraud fighter are social engineering, collusion and customer frauds. In each of these cases the fraudster takes advantage of the companies desire to TRUST EMPLOYEES, TRUST CUSTOMERS when putting together their procedures and systems. This unit provides the fraud analyst with an in-depth investigation of the most powerful of the Methods of Deception/Intrusion - the Social Engineering exploits. Social engineering allows the fraudster to gain intelligence of the inner workings inside your operation. It involves various tricks or paying employees to assist them in the conducting of their frauds, allowing fraudsters to pose as customers. Understanding these concepts are important for the fraud analyst’s organization to thrive.

SSC001: SoCial EnginEEring, ColluSion & CuStomEr Fraud

Course Overview: SSC001

Learning Objectives— How are key methods of social engineering applied to each line of business and fraud risk area within the telecom? — What are the many different ways that social engineering is combined with the physical and logical hacking disciplines in order to enable sophisticated and costly frauds?— What are the major areas of customer fraud and their prevention, detection and management? — What is the difference between Cyber Social Engineering and Classical Social Engineering and how are they utilized together?— What are the major COLLUSION fraud areas?

Key Concepts• Collusion Roadmap• Social Engineering - Old school cons and spoofs• Cyber Social Engineering• Customer Frauds• Point of Sale Frauds and protections

Module Name TitleSSC001 Intro to Social Engineering and Collusion

SSC002 Social Engineering Techniques

SSC003 Customer Identity Frauds

SSC004 POS: Lifting Frauds

SSC005 POS: Cash Frauds

SSC006 High Value Customer Asset Fraud Management

SSC007 Virtual Asset Fraud Management

OverviewInterconnect frauds represent the single largest, most costly and most complex of the fraud losses suffered by carriers today. Shifts in technology and business partnerships have served to exacerbate the problem. This first unit is dedicated to the fundamental architecture commercial agreements and situational profiles that typify interconnect fraud containment. In this unit, students will gain an understanding of the history, principles of operation, and key controls that are required if an adequate job is to be made of mapping and establishing proper fraud and security controls over the many different forms of the interconnect voice business.

Learning Objectives— What is the interconnect business lifecycle?— What are the key points in which fraud controls and vigilance can have maximum impact?— What are the key fraud risks associated with partner provisioning?— What are the best practices used in running an interconnect business unit?— What are the fundamentals of Topology, Network Element Integrity, and Referential Integrity?— What are Integrity Controls for Interconnect Partnerships?

ICF001: InterConneCt Bypass Frauds

Course Overview: ICF001

Key Concepts• An overview of the primary domains of interest for the

Fraud analyst in the area of wholesale voice• The traditional voice interconnect architecture,

business model and control domains• A consideration of the complex internal and external

jurisdictional issues and constraints that typify interconnect partnerships, as well as the shared architecture and billing operational assumptions that make up the key points of fraud vulnerability and contention

• An examination of the major physical vulnerabilities in the NOC when it comes to interconnect including trunk group frauds and routing frauds

• A review of the many different successful Accounts Receivable exploits that have been successfully executed in the interconnect domain

• A description of the exploit chain, preventive measures and methods of control to prevent and monitor settle-ment fraud risk

Module Name TitleICF001 Intro to Wholesale Voice

ICF002 Interconnect Vulnerabilities

ICF003 Hardening and Tempering

ICF004 Accounts Receivable Frauds

ICF005 Settlement Frauds

ICF006 Consumer Injection Frauds

OverviewInterconnect Injection Frauds are the most difficult to assess and manage. This unit provides the analyst with a systematic breakdown of the nature, methods and proven control approaches for each strategy. Students will understand the architectural and procedural weaknesses that fraudsters exploit in order to make these frauds happen, and will be provided with insight into the many methods of exploit chain mutation that creates the dizzying assortment of variations on the fundamental themes. They will be given a clearer explanation of the many complex issues that must be addressed before a strategy can be launched.

ICF101: InterConneCt InjeCtIon Frauds

Course Overview: ICF101

Learning Objectives— What are the alternative methods of deception (different ways that hacking, phreaking and social engineering are employed to enable each fraud)?— What are the alternative methods of conversion ( ways the fraudster turns the exploit into money for themselves)? — What controls are designed to address each of the different exploit vulnerability points?

Key Concepts• A review of the different methods that fraudsters can force traffic

into a telecoms network • Overview of the nature and method of execution of bypass frauds• SIMBOX, Tromboning and refiling frauds and how they work. • Study of the working of SIMBOXes as network elements, their

legal and illegal application• Definition of the different parties that participate in SIMBOX

frauds and the way that they accomplish their conversion. • A review of the 3 primary methods utilized to detect SIMBOXes,

the FMS, TestCall and BI based approaches, and their strengths and weaknesses

• A review of the 5 primary means of attacking simbox revenue loss via : SIM Cut off, SIM Supply Cut off, Prosecution, Arbitrage adjustment & traffic reversal

• A consideration of the different postures that telecoms management teams take on the SIMBOX issue

Module Name TitleICF101 Network Injection Frauds

ICF102 Bypass Frauds Introduction

ICF103 Introduction to SIMBOX Fraud

ICF104 SIMBOX Detection Methods

ICF105 SIMBOX Deterrence Strategies

ICF106 SIMBOX Strategy

OverviewWhile voice roaming can represent big money, voice roaming frauds can cost operators millions in revenue. Making GSM Voice roaming work correctly requires a complex combination of TECHNICAL EXPERTISE, OPERATIONAL DISCIPLINE and ORGANIZATIONAL Control. This course provides the student with a comprehensive overview of the GSM Voice Roaming Business. The roles and responsibilities of the primary participants in the roaming ecosystem : Carriers, Digital Clearing Houses and signaling partners. Students will gain an understanding of the history, principles of operation, and key controls that are required if an adequate job is to be made of mapping and establishing proper fraud security controls over the many different forms of the roaming voice business.

RMF001: RoaMing FRaud ManageMent

Course Overview: RMF001

Learning Objectives— What are the roles of the GSMA, IREG, TADIG, DCH, and other parties? — What are the key fraud risks associated with each aspect of the complex environment? — What are the primary fraud exploits?— What controls/approaches to protect against fraud exploits?

Key Concepts• Partner selection, agreement management and price

controls for roaming• The settlement process, partner fraud risks and

standard controls postures• Key network provisioning and change management

controls (signaling tests - the IREG, TADIG, Signaling partner role, and management)

• Symptoms of key roaming frauds (IRSF, CAP) and their remedies

Module Name TitleRMF001 Intro to Roaming Fraud

RMF002 The Roaming Business

RMF003 Roaming Signaling

RMF004 Postpaid Billing Roaming

RMF005 Postpaid Credit Agreements

RMF006 Postpaid Roaming Frauds

RMF007 Prepaid CAMEL Roaming

OverviewAccounting frauds are some of the oldest and most damaging of frauds to plague any business. While in many cases, the responsibility for the detection and handling of accounting frauds is the responsibility of internal audit or other financial governance departments, it is important that the telecoms fraud analyst understand and be able to identify , diagnose and address accounting frauds when they arise.This unit covers two related areas of fraud management and protection:Accounting Fraud Management – considers all of those frauds associated with the manipulation of accounting systems and information for fraudster gainsFinancial Systems Fraud Management – highlights the many fraud risks and protections that must be considered with the telecom offers financial services like credit card, online payment, online banking or other methods of financial services delivery.

AFF001: Accounting & FinAnciAl SyStemS FrAud

Course Overview: AFF001

Learning Objectives— How are the telecom offerings affecting financial services?— What are the types of financial services used?— What are the primary controls and approaches required to secure them?

Key Concepts• The fundamentals of accounting controls• The key accounting control standards including

segregation of duties, revenue matching, double entry and revenue accounting assurance

• The major categories and exploit chains associated with: • Accounts receivable frauds

• Accounts payable frauds • H/R Frauds • ERM/Supply chain frauds

Module Name TitleAFF001 Accounting Processes and Fraud

AFF002 Accounting Frauds and Controls

AFF003 Fraud Management for Mobile Banking Systems

AFF004 Fraud Management for Credit Card Operations

AFF005 Non-Traditional Mobile Payment Systems

AFF006 EMV - Smart Cards Processing

AFF007 Money Laundering and International Funds Transfer

AFF008 Near Field Communications Systems

OverviewModern telecommunications ecosystems are made possible by two things — lightning fast speeds and access to billions of services and devices around the world. But the speed and access is only possible if you are hooked up to the latest generation of high-speed, high-bandwidth wholesale service providers. In the assurance of revenues, the RA, Fraud and Finance professional must understand the many different ways that internet access and IP transport happen. That also includes the commercial and financial operations that make them work. This course provides the student with the multi-dimensional and commercial critical world of wholesales data , data roaming and corporate services assurance.

BNF001: Backhaul Network FuNdameNtals

Course Overview: BNF001

Learning Objectives— What are Layer 1 and Layer 2 services and how do they work?— What are the Layers 3-7 and MPLS services?— How does the alternative backhaul market work?— What are the iPX and GRX business models?— What are the backhaul provisioning and accounting processes?— What are the key fraud controls associated with the backhaul commercial agreement?

Key Concepts• Major backhaul applications and frauds• Layer1-Layer - 2 Services - Layer 3-7 and MPLS• DSS Methodology for fraud containment• Intro to Alternative Transport Carriers - IPX-GRX Carriers• Backhaul Sales Fraud Profiles - Business Cycle Issues &


Module Name TitleBNF001 Intro to Backhaul Frauds

BNF002 Layers 1 & 2 Services

BNF003 Layers 3-7 and MPLS

BNF004 DSS Methodology

BNF005 Intro to Alternative Transport Carriers

BNF006 IPX-GRX Carriers

BNF007 Backhaul Sales Fraud Profiles

BNF008 Business Cycle Issues & Controls

BNF009 Satellite Backhaul Fraud

24GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

Your Professional Advancement

Starts Here

The GRAPA – School of Fraud Management provides the Telecoms, Datacoms and Broadcast Fraud Management professional with a unique opportunity to gain access to the latest thinking, approaches and best practices in the protection of their next generation operator against fraud in all of its forms.

Benefits of Attending the School of Fraud Management• End to end review and understanding of the Fraud Risks that operators facel• Systematic, end to end approach to fraud prevention, detection and deterrence• Headstart on the changes that are coming/or have already happened• Recognition for what you know / what you have accomplished• Making your work easier, faster, & more pro-

ductive• Networking with other professionals just like


Over 2000 professionals...have certified in one or more of the GRAPA programs, and the curriculum is continuously updated in order to reflect the absolute latest in the tasks that define the ever changing Revenue Assurance landscape.

• New Hires or new to the RA department• Novices and people with limited experience

and exposure• Experienced RA analysts• Managers• Specialists• People who want to get the edge in a spe-

cific area

25GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

1. Join GRAPA GRAPA membership is free. To join the association, all the candidate must do is enroll with a valid name, email address and phone number.

2. Choose the Certification Program Review the different certification options available. The student must choose be-tween the three major academies (Revenue Assurance, Fraud, and Finance) and then decide on the level of certification desired.

3. Submit Certification Application Form Each candidate is required to submit an extensive profile/self assessment.

4. Review Certification Syllabus Provided by GRAPA Your GRAPA Membership Manager will provide you with a recommended program syllabus.

5. Register for Class Based on your Program Options Report, you will be able to choose from the many different classes available and initiate the process.

6. Complete Prerequisite Requirements Each training class involves four sets of prerequisite timetables • Commercial – work out your payment schedule and method • Technical – verify and prepare your technology and Internet environment for

an online class• Logistical – make the time available, secure travel and accomodations, and

check entry visa requirements• Practicum – complete the course preparation work

7. Attend Class This is the easy part. Attend the class, network with professionals like yourself, challenge your teacher, and learn, learn, learn .

8. Pass Exams/Complete Practicum RequirementsAll candidates must pass the required tests and post-class assignments.

9. Verify Your CertificationCheck with your Membership Manager; check the website.

10. Display Your CertificateA GRAPA certificate is something to be proud of!

The GRAPA Certification Process

26GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

1. How can I get access to training? GRAPA certification training is offered in three different ways

• OnDemandOnline classes available at any time

• Online LiveReal time live teacher interactive

• Regional EventsAt key cities around the world

• OnsiteAt your corporate ocation

2. How much does it cost to get certified? GRAPA certification costs depend on your experience, the certification you are trying to attain, and the partnership program your company has with GRAPA. Specific prices are associated with your certification package. Standard rates are posted on websites.

3. When are classes available? GRAPA offers dozens of classes each month, but class sizes and dates are constantly changing. Telecoms professionals lead hectic lives and is often difficult for people to commit to specific dates and time. GRAPA provides a rolling timetable, which means that we never cancel a class, but we reschedule it until a time that is convenient for the majority of students.

4. Where is training held? Training classes are held at least once a year (often more than that) at strategic major cities around the world. Our anchor cities include:

- Chicago - Miami - London- Amsterdam - Cape Town - Pune - Dubai - Kuala Lumpur

5. What times are online classes offered? Online classes are offered at times convenient to people in all time zones. Classes are scheduled in “time slots” so people in Australia, SEAsia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, North America and South America all have available time.See the GRAPA websites for the latest scheduled classes

6. What about classes in languages other than English?GRAPA currently offers ALL classes in English and a limited number of online classes in Spanish. The Spanish classes are taught by Rob Mattison, by making use of a simultaneous interpreter. All course materials are available in Spanish.

*Interpreted classes in French and Arabic are available on special request (and additional cost).

7. How long does the certification process take? The speed of certification is limited mostly by the student and the student’s ability to organize the commercial, technical, logistical and case study work ahead of time.

8. How long is my certification valid? Certification is valid for five years from the date of completion of the program. After that, students are recommended to re-certify. Special re-certification programs are available .

Frequenly Asked Questions

27GRAPA Training and Certification Programs l

RA Manager, Central America: This is the most comprehensive training course on Telecommunications, generally, and Revenue Assurance, specifically, that I have ever attended. The GRAPA trainer has intimate knowledge of the material and presented it in a clear and simple manner.

Consultant, Europe:I have 12 years experience in Revenue Assurance, but the Revenue Assurance training still exceed-ed my expectation. I enjoyed organizing this training for both Premium and KPN and experienced the intake for this training as very professional. I am sure I will apply the gained knowledge in up-coming projects. The trainers are very professional and passionate, which is exactly what I like!

Project Manager, Midde EastThis class was great! I now finally know how to start Revenue Assurance in our company. My attitude towards RA & FM was changed drastically by this training.

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