Free Advice SAT Help August 2017 Darkest Day Volume 1...

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August 2017Volume 1Edition 9

Free Advice

SAT Help

Mr. Fridrick

Newspaper Staff

Advisor Mrs. McDowellEditors Anna Campos

Montia GreenStaff Ivette Barriga

Ethan BlandKailee DeVaughn

Ben HendrixRobert Keith

Lucero MaganaGrace Rose

Sept. 1 Back to School DanceSept. 4 Labor DaySept. 6, 20, 27 Minimum DaySept. 7, 13, 14, 21, 30 9th

BlockSept. 15-16 Star FlightSept 19-22 Ashland

Monthly Calendar

Welcome, new Charter stu-dents! As you’ve probably already deduced from your 7:45-to-2:58 p.m. weekday experiences, Charter is a very special kind of school. At newspaper, we’ve decid-ed to generously extend our palm full of advice for you young fillies to graze upon. To be clear, that last sen-tence wasn’t weird. Please don’t leave the article, I’m not even done with the first paragraph. Okay, now that you’ve correctly decided to stick around, let’s get right into the actual advice.Good List of Advice- hide in class and do not make eye contact with teach-ers- your merit is in your memes- fashion is dead. furries arein.The lunch is free, just like a young spring love, and your great grand paw-paw always told you that nothing good in this world is free. He was right . I highly suggest eating a high-nutrition diet of text-books and pencils for all of your iron and fiber require-ments.“Got milk?” No, but if you are a milk-loving connoisseur, what I am about to reveal may be scary news. I suggest you close your eyes as we venture into this dark void ofmilk-denouncing science

facts.1. Higher milk intake is linkedto acne. The only way to stump this?Well, obviously the answer is to drink more milk. Because I realize you dear readers may still have questions about this, I have written an equa-tion that I believe adequately explains my reasoning.milk=abadabad=negativenegative=negativenegativexnegative=positivepositive=moremilk 2 . Much of the world’s pop-ulation cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance. I never thought this day would come, but thecows are plotting against us. This is their anarchy- which is fine in their own rights as cit-izens of wherever cows come from (the... Milky Way...), I suppose, but I cannot sit idly by and watch cow milk cor-ner us all into udder defeat. It’s our moove. Gah. Thanks for reading. To be real for a moment, Charter is a great school with an ex-tremely friendly and accept-ing environment. Take this ridiculous article as proof of that fact. The Charter com-munity is always ready to welcome the students that join our smallish school and make them feel like they be-long. Remember to partici-pate in class: it benefits you, your peers, and makes class go faster. Don’t skip meals.Drink plenty of water. Tell your parent or guardian that you love them.Recycle. Read the Charter newspaper once a month. Good luck! Coconut Head, signing off.

By: Coconut Head (Anna Campos)

Juniors and Seniors! As you all know, it is now time to start taking/preparing for the SAT. However, it can be hard to know where to find the best study guides or websites in order to practice for these tests. Here is a list of recommended books and websites: • • •

• Kallis’ Redesigned SAT Pattern Strategy (Amazon price: $30) • SAT Black Book, Second Edition (Amazon price: $26.99) • McGraw-Hill Education SAT 2017 (Amazon price: $18) • Barron’s New SAT (Amazon price: $11) • Princeton Review’s Cracking the New SAT (Amazon price: $22)

By: Montia Green

Hey there scrubs! It’s that time of the year again, school is back in session and unquestionably everyone is thinking about Picture Day. So here’s a friendly reminder to spend the next couple of days preparing for the bright, flashing camera. Treat yourself by lavishing in the aroma of bubbly soap and silky shampoo. Spritz a whole bottle of your dearest perfume or cologne, smile bright, and wear a fresh fit that represents who you are! Bear in mind everyone’s pictures will be apart of the yearbook forever, so don’t forget to miss it or you will remain anonymous… just kidding, picture day is inescapable. Since picture day already occurred I hope you brought your brightest smiles for this years 2017-2018 MCAA Picture Day that was on August 31, 2017.

By: Ivette Barriga

On August 21st, 2017, some-thing amazing happened. The moon passed in front of the sun, creating a solar eclipse. This event happens in the U.S. once every decade. We are lucky that during this eclipse, we got 85% totality. If you look at the sun to view the solar eclipse you might damage your eyes. That’s why we have to use protection. The school has handed out some very super cool, paper glasses. When wearing these glasses, we can only see complete dark-ness, and a small orange orb in the sky. So when we are outside wearing these glass-es, we can see the sun, but not what’s in front of our fac-es. Try not to trip and fall! In the end, eclipses are rare things that should be trea-sured. Not everybody gets to see it, so be happy that you can. It’s not every day that we are standing in the shad-ow of something as big as the moon.

By: Ethan M. Bland

Darkest Day

By: Ben Hendrix

This year the Seniors are helping the 7th graders relax and enjoy their new school. The seniors are very experienced and know their way around this school, therefore they will show the 7th graders the ropes of MCAA while still having fun. The 7th graders first introduction to their senior pals was during lunch when they had to find their senior pal in a big school wide game of hide and seek. The purpose of this program is to help the younger students enjoy and take in the full expe-rience and awesome things that are available at this school.

Page 2 August 2017

Ihadthewonderfulopportu-nitytositdownandgetto knowour newest teacherMr.Fridrich.Q: When did you start teach-ing? A: “This year. It’s my first year teaching actually.” Q: Where did you go to school? A: “Chico State, Arizona State, Cuesta College, and Butte College.”Q: What classes are you teaching? A: “English 8,9,10 and 12.” Q: How are you liking MCAA so far? A: “It’s amazing. You guys are amazing. I couldn’t imagine being at a better school.”Q: What do you think is the biggest challenge students face?A: “Those that give up on themselves or peer pressure/social struggles.”

Q: What do you find most en-joyable about teaching?A: “I like seeing students understand things, being able to grasp the material being taught. I also like be-ing able to see students en-joy what they’re learning.” Q: Any advice to your stu-dents?A: “Participate! Talk, be a part of the community.”

By: Kailee DeVaughn By: Robert Keith

By Lucero Magana

If you are a Virgo, then that means you are also a Pickle Rick. Pickle Rick comes from the adult cartoon “Rick and Morty.” It’s pretty self-ex-planatory.

Robert Keith

The movie Dunkirk is about World War II, and the battle of Dunkirk. The movie portrays the struggle of the 400,000 stranded soldiers. The Allied soldiers are cut off from sup-plies, and need to be rescued, before they are killed by the Germans who are closing in on them. The soldiers go through hell to survive, amid attacks from the air every few hours. The soldiers are saved by citizens using their personal boats. On rotten tomatoes the movie got a 94% and 8.4/10 on IMDb. The main thing people criticized was the lack of dialogue in the movie. Personally, I thought the movie didn’t need more dialogue. It made the movie more dramatic in my opinion. The movie hit theatres on July 21, 2017 and grossed $395.8 million as of August 23, 2017. Overall I think that Dunkirk was a great film that portrayed the struggles of the Allied soldiers and how badly they wanted to be saved.

Have you met our student body president? Well if you haven’t her name is Manbir Sanghera and here is a little more about her.

1. Write how you feel rightnow.

2. Of what are you mostproud?




6.Whatisyourfavoritetypeof band, movie or type offood?

Back toSchoolNightpicturedisplay.

Once again, MCAA had a wonderful Back to School Night! Although it was quite hot outside, It was very evi-dent that all students who attended were having a great time and everyone’s parents were enjoying meeting our staff and seeing what proce-dures their children follow each day. The event began with a beautiful performance by our choir and a few words from Mr. Malone. After that, the students and family members were sent off to show their parents around

to each of their classrooms. There was a bell schedule that went from 1 through 8 and seven minutes was al-lowed in each class with a 3 minute passing period be-tween each class. The dance classes did performances for their parents during specif-ic blocks. Pizza and refresh-ments were served through-out the evening. This is one of the many great events that MCAA holds annually so make sure to keep an eye out and mark your calendars for upcoming events!

By: Grace Rose