free neighbor-to-neighbors online network called

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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A San Francisco internet startup in 2010, NEXTDOOR is spreading across the United States faster than a Kansas prairie fire. Google, Yahoo, Facebook step aside; NEXTDOOR has arrived. Scheduled to go international soon, first in English speaking countries, and then worldwide. replaces the old Google email and Yahoo email systems with Facebook for the neighborhood. Only people who live in a particular neighborhood can join NEXTDOOR in that neighborhood. The NEXTDOOR verification system sends a postcard to your home address with a unique code that allows you to join. Bottom-up communication replaces top-down communication. You no longer have to depend on the authorities to decide what you need to know and when you need to know it. Great power used to be in the hands of kings, pharohs and emperors. Now, more than ever, it is in the hands of the people. With that power comes responsibility. That is what the MUTE button is for. If a neighbor posts things you don't like, just MUTE him. This will block his emails from you and delete his posts from your view of the newsfeed. No one will ever know that you muted him. His name is still on the list. You can always go back to their page and UNMUTE him later, if you like. The power is all in your hands. If a neighbor offends everyone in the neighborhood, then everyone will mute him, and no one will receive any email from him or see his posts in the online newsfeed, but he will still see his own posts and think that everyone is seeing them. He will just be "talking" to himself. The 20th century was all about conformity and one-size-fits-all. The 21st century is all about diversity and the uniqueness of the individual. transfers more power to the people. Create your own neighborhood GROUP => dog owner's group. gardening group, book club group, health and nutrition group, home maintenance and repair group, tips on saving money locally group, conservatives for freedom group or liberals for justice group. Only people who join the group receive the emails and newsfeed posts from the group. You have freedom of speech. Others have the freedom to ignore you.
