FREE Tool - Type in Zip Code - Find CASH Home...

Post on 31-Aug-2018

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FREE Tool - Type in Zip Code - Find CASH Home Buyers –

Get free access to it plus free training on how to profit

bringing them Foreclosure deals by going here...

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Hello and Welcome...

I’m THRILLED you’re here!

My name is Mark Walters and I’m blessed to be able to say that

I’m a 3rd generation real estate investor.

My grandfather started investing in 1937 during the great

depression in San Jose, California. He taught the business to my

father, who then taught it to me.

I can’t wait to share some of what I know with you here.

This is going to be a FUN adventure we’ll be going

on together…

If you want to change your life and get your finances

in order so you can crush your debt and never worry about

money again, this is the first day of that transformation.

I can’t wait to show you how to start making serious

money in real estate as soon as possible.

I’m ready and I KNOW you’re ready too so let’s

rock and roll…

Strategy 1: Flipping Foreclosure Houses Online… [ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure Wholesale

System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

Depending on the market cycle, house values go up, go down,

and even stay pretty static at times.

Either way you want to be able to find situations in the market

that make it possible for you to pick up properties at a bargain


These discounts can help investors create profits

when they know how to control these discounted

properties and sell them quickly for a profit.

Rinse and repeat to start growing your wealth.

With all the Foreclosures and Bank REO’s out there, when you

know what you’re doing you should be able to find discounted


In past market cycles, that’s been a big challenge for


So when markets are challenged you’re already light years

ahead of the other successful investors who have walked this

path before you.

It’s important to realize there are discounted deals

waiting for you out there right now as you read this.

The amount of money you can profit with these homes

as mentioned above depends how big the discount is

and what type of demand there is for the property.

The great thing is you can control both.

Contact other investors in your area to see if they’re

interested in you bringing them deals.

By using freebie websites online such as... can start finding active investors in your area

and start doing deals with them.

You'll learn how to do that in detail in the Foreclosure

Wholesale System...

To get up to speed watch my video here.

FYI...the Foreclosure Wholesale System shows you how

to wholesale properties in 2 simple to follow steps.

So if you can follow 2 steps, then this is for you :-)

Plus in it you'll discover a magic formula to help get

motivated home sellers loyal to you before they ever meet you!

You'll also receive an exclusive marketing plan to use

with this to take the guess work out of it for you.

I don't offer this in any of my other trainings so

grab it while you can.

Below we'll be talking about how to get real estate agents

to bring you deals 3 times a day...and it won’t cost you a cent.

It’s about to get very exciting for you!

“Agents Bringing You Deals 3 Times a Day”

It’s pretty cool to be able to sit back and have trained

professionals bring you sweet deals without paying them

a cent to do it…wouldn’t you agree?

You bet! So let’s dive right in here…

Strategy 2: “How To Get Real Estate Agents To Bring

You Deals 3 Times a Day”. [ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure Wholesale

System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

One great thing about real estate agents is that they’ve

got their finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the market.

Plus they have access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

so they can know the second a new GOOD deal hits the


Here’s part of how to get real estate agents to bring you deals

3 times a day. You’ll want to target new agents. Ones that

are hungry that will take direction.

Considering the amount of turnover, finding new agents is

simple. You can contact some local real estate offices in your

area and simply say you would like to interview 5 new agents.

Set up a time when you can talk with each one to determine

how motivated they are to work with you.

Believe me, new agents are motivated and you’ll be able to

quickly realize which one is the best fit for you.

Tell these agents that you want them to send you deals 3

times a day that meet your criteria.

These can be sent via email very easily and the new agents

will usually be happy to do this for you as they can often

automate it on their end.

Just so you know there’s no cost for this. Agents do this all

the time as a course of their business to try to find good

properties for people. So this isn’t costing you a penny.

You'll find out the exact criteria to ask them for in the

Foreclosure Wholesale System so you start streamlining

the deals they bring you...

To get up to speed watch my video here.

FYI...the Foreclosure Wholesale System shows you how

to wholesale properties in 2 simple to follow steps.

So if you can follow 2 steps, then this is for you :-)

Plus in it you'll discover a magic formula to help get

motivated home sellers loyal to you before they ever

meet you!

You'll also receive an exclusive marketing plan to use

with this to take the guess work out of it for you.

I don't offer this in any of my other trainings so

grab it while you can.

Okay, below we'll be talking about ways to find

Bank REO property…

This is where many of today’s best bargains are, and you’ll

know how to tap into them very soon…

You’re getting very close to finding your first deal…I feel it!

“Ways to Find Bank REO Property”

Bank REO stands for “real estate owned” by banks.

These are properties that banks got back after they foreclosed

on the property because the home owner stopped making their

loan payments.

Bank REO's are one of the best sources for deeply discounted


Strategy 3: "Ways to Find Bank REO Property".

[ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure Wholesale

System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

There are a few ways you can get an incoming stream of deeply

discounted Bank REO property coming your way so you have

good deals to cherry pick from.

One way is to do a Google search for lenders. It's important to

understand that not all lenders fall into the same category in

terms of the investor.

You've got the big institutions, the medium size lenders, and

then smaller local lenders and banks.

Compile a list of these smaller lenders with their website

address. Look for pages on their sites to see if they list Bank

REO property.

You can contact the lender about a particular property to find

the contact information for the Bank REO department and/or

Bank REO manager that handles their REO's.

This is valuable as you now have the beginning of the inside

track on future houses they want to sell at discounts. Treat

these people in a nice and friendly way.

Let them know you're looking to buy properties, and that you

may even be interested in bulk purchases.

Since their job is to get rid of as much property in the shortest

amount of time, you can become a valuable resource for them.

Smaller lenders are even more willing to work with investors.

That's just scratching the surface...

You'll learn other ways to get incoming Bank REO leads

in detail in the Foreclosure Wholesale System...

To get up to speed watch my video here.

FYI...the Foreclosure Wholesale System shows you how

to wholesale properties in 2 simple to follow steps.

So if you can follow 2 steps, then this is for you :-)

Plus in it you'll discover a magic formula to help win over

motivated home sellers before they ever meet you!

You'll also receive an exclusive marketing plan to use

with this to take the guess work out of it for you.

I don't offer this in any of my other trainings so

grab it while you can.

Below we're going to skip a few steps and cover...

"How To Create Bank REO Offers That Get Accepted".

Writing offers can be simple, and in the "Foreclosure Wholesale

System" you'll get all kinds of contracts and forms for your


But if you don't know how to write offers that get accepted,

what's the point of writing them in the first place?

Do this the right way and start changing your life...

Do it the wrong way and you're wasting your time.

See what I’m talking about below...

“How To Create Bank REO Offers That Get Accepted”

Like I said above, writing offers can be simple, and in the

"Foreclosure Wholesale System" you'll get all kinds of contracts

and forms for your deals.

But if you don't know how to write offers that get accepted,

what's the point of writing them in the first place?

Strategy 4: "How To Create Bank REO Offers That Get

Accepted". [ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure

Wholesale System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

In all successful negotiations one must put themselves in the

shoes of the person they're trying to influence.

By understanding their needs, you can position yourself and

your offer to meet those needs so your offer has a much better

chance of being accepted.

In regards to getting Bank REO offers accepted, you need to

put yourself in the shoes of the Bank REO Listing agent.

They're the Realtor who is handling the transaction for the

lender. You want to win them over so you're not only able

to put one deal together, but MANY more deals going forward

on a regular basis.

Just consider for a moment the types of offers they're getting

presented with for a single Bank REO listing...

Some will be all cash offers...

Some will need financing and the time to make that happen...

Some will have contingencies that must be met before the

buyer will truly commit to buying the property...

Some will need extra time to close on the deal...

Some will be able to close very quickly.

So if you're the real estate agent, you're going to perceive

these offers differently and prioritize them accordingly.

What's one of the most important aspects of an offer to this


Generally speaking it's the one with a buyer that has the

financial ability to actually follow through and close the deal -

and close quickly.

Also, if this same buyer's offer has no contingencies such as

"the offer is based on my partner’s approval", "this offer is

based on a professional property inspection acceptable to

buyer", etc.

Bottom line - What offer is closest to the lenders asking price

and is going to close quickly with the least amount of hassles for

the real estate agent.

You see these agents are VERY valuable to a real estate investor

because if you can show them you can close a deal quickly

without contingencies, they will in turn value you.

One more element to getting your Bank REO offers accepted is

by creating relationships with real estate agents that handle these

types of listings.

Start contacting different lenders in your area to find out the

names and contact information for the agents that handle their


Another way is to contact some of your local real estate offices

and see which of their agents specialize in Bank REO


You'll need to know that all agents can SHOW you Bank REO

listings. That's easy...they just look them up in the Multiple

Listing Service (MLS).

That's not what I'm referring to here.

You want to know who the agents are that are working directly

with lenders to LIST these properties for them.


Because these people always have a fresh stream of Bank REO

listings becoming available.

When you reach out to them and contact them regularly,

building an open line of communication, they begin to know

who you are and that you're serious.

Combine that with the fact that they'll know you have the ability

to present offers on properties and actually close on those deals,

assuming you know how, who do you think they'll want to know

about their new listings?

Do you think they'll consider your offer more positively

knowing you can make their job easier?

Probably so right?

That's why we first started this conversation by putting ourselves

in their shoes.

When you know what they NEED, you can give it to them so

you can both win.

And in this case, you have the chance to potentially profit over

and over again because these agents will have a steady stream of

new Bank REO deals to provide you with on a regular basis.

When you're good to them, they can be VERY good to you!

Start reaching out to find these agents so you begin to know

who they are. It's the first step and it's simple.

### END of Excerpt from the "Foreclosure Wholesale

System" ###


Below I’ll show you how to create a "Cash Buyer Feeding

Frenzy" when you turn around to sell these properties…

“How To Create a Cash Buyer Feeding Frenzy"

In this training I'm going to jump ahead again and touch

on one of the most important elements of getting CASH from

your efforts...

...and it's what EVERYONE wants to know about.

In the Foreclosure Wholesale System I show you all kinds of

ways to build a buyers list so you have people to flip your

properties to so you can potentially cash out quickly.

In this training I'm going to touch on how to use psychology

with your buyers list to create a cash buyer feeding frenzy!

Strategy 5: "Creating a Cash Buyers Feeding Frenzy". [ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure Wholesale

System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

Alright, let's say you've taken what you've learned in this

system on all the ways you can build your buyers list.

Now you've got a very nice size list of wholesale buyers, as

well as retail buyers.

You know that your list of retail buyers are seriously looking

for a house to buy in the near future.

You also know that your list of wholesale buyers are investors

who are ACTIVELY buying property and always ready to buy

the next good deal you have for them.

You know this because you know what areas they're actively

buying in. You know the types of properties they're buying

and the price ranges they're interested in.

They know you're a good source for deals and they're

always happy to hear about your next deal.

That's great! But how can you improve on this scenario even


Let's say you've got a really good deal...a KILLER deal!

You got it at a great price and you know it's a property

you can sell quickly.

Let's also say you've got 2 types of wholesale buyers' that's your general list, and once that's your

V.I.P. list.

What's the difference? The V.I.P. wholesale buyers list

only has people you KNOW have the cash and desire to

close quickly on deals.

Maybe they've already bought properties from you before

so you've built a good track record with them as a real player.

Here's some psychology to use to get your V.I.P. buyers

VERY excited about this killer deal...

You let them know you APPRECIATE them and that's why

you're giving them first crack at your “New Red Hot KILLER


Let them know you can't play favorites though and that

you're letting your entire V.I.P. buyers list know about this.

You can do this via email or text. Text is better as it almost

always gets read immediately.

You can say something like this...

"I just got this KILLER deal. I don't want to play favorites but

I REALLY value you! You're on my VIP buyers list and this

message is going out to other VIP's.

If this doesn't sell by 5pm today, I'm going to blast this out to

all the other people on my buyers list. Because you're on my

VIP list, I want YOU to get first crack at it.

THIS WON'T LAST! If you want it make an offer ASAP!"

Your VIP's will like this because you're giving them special


Plus they're excited because this is a great deal.

Tell them you’ll let them know the next time a killer deal like

this comes along, but that they must act FAST right now

because this deal won't last. The profit can only go to one


You're not only getting them excited about this one deal,

you're TRAINING them for the next time you do this so that

they take action!

You'll learn how to create these types of buyers' lists in

detail in the Foreclosure Wholesale System...

To get up to speed watch my video here.

FYI...the Foreclosure Wholesale System shows you how

to wholesale properties in 2 simple to follow steps.

So if you can follow 2 steps, then this is for you :-)

Plus in it you'll discover a magic formula to help win over

motivated home sellers before they ever meet you!

You'll also receive an exclusive marketing plan to use

with this to take the guess work out of it for you.

I don't offer this in any of my other trainings so

grab it while you can.

The next lesson below is HUGE because we’re going to talk

about how you can create LEADS for yourself!

The best part is it won’t cost you a penny to do this ☺

“Co-Wholesaling for Instant Deals”

Wow we’re already on Strategy 6 and you’re still with me here!

I can't tell you how AMAZING I think you are!’re on your way and I want to be

able to help you make your dreams a reality

as quickly as possible.

I want to do whatever I can to help you here and now!

So let's dive right in here because this is one of

the simplest things you can do to jump-start

your income in real estate...

Strategy 6: "Co-Wholesaling for Instant Deals". [ Exact "how-to" details found in the “Foreclosure Wholesale

System” – To get your no-risk copy go to... ]

In this system we go into great detail showing you

ways to create and grow your buyers list.

These are the people who will potentially buy your deals

FAST so you get paid FAST!

One of the great things about having a good

buyers list is these are the people who are ready

and motivated to buy properties.

That's why they got on your buyers list in the

first place.

Here's a way you can potentially profit from your

buyers list BEFORE you buy your first house to flip...

You can market OTHER investor's properties

to your buyers list!

This is perfect to do to potentially create income

sooner as you're setting everything else up.

This is known as Co-Wholesaling and it's SIMPLE

to do.

Plus, other investors are usually happy to do it

because it helps get their properties sold quickly

so they too can profit fast.

Here's how it's done...

Reach out to other wholesale investors and say...

"Hi, My name is _______ and I'm a real estate investor.

I've got a HUNGRY cash buyers list that's eagerly

waiting for the next deal I can show them.

Would you be interested in me letting them know

about your deals and we could each profit when

they bought one?

Please let me know quickly as I'm reaching out

to others as well...

Talk Soon,

Your Name"

Profit splits are negotiable of course. You might consider

aiming for a split anywhere from 20%-50% of net profits.

You can reach out to several investors to do this

with so you always have a steady supply of deals

to promote to your buyers list.

You're happy because you made money on a deal

you spent no time or money finding, buying, and

holding onto until you sold it.

What if you did 1-2 deals like this in a month? Would

it affect your finances?

What about 4 deals like this...just one deal a week?

The beauty of Co-Wholesaling is the OTHER investor

is doing most all of the work and taking all the risk.

You're simply sending out an email or text to your

buyers list letting them know about the property.

If they buy it, you get paid.

Either way you win because you’re out there making things

happen as you’re building your buyers’ list.

These are just some of the cool ways we show you how to profit

in the Foreclosure Wholesale System.

Watch my video on it here…

Can you see how simple it can be to make some extra

money in real estate with this system?

As you can see, this is one of the quickest ways

to start getting paid in real estate.

Simply get the Foreclosure Wholesale System to

find the best and fastest ways to start building your

buyers list today!

You'll be glad you did.

I just showed you one way to start profiting, but you'll

learn far more ways as we dig deeper into the System.

There you'll find more ways to create deals that offer

you the lions' share of the potential profits :-)

This is simple stuff that you can follow...

...and the System is here waiting to show you how to get

it set up quickly so you can finally begin to point your life

in a new happy direction.

You deserve this and your family deserves this!

It’s been a pleasure to share this with you.

Make good things happen…

Mark Walters~

3rd generation real estate investor

For more real estate investing strategies and

to watch my how-to videos visit…

© Worldwide Copyright, LLC. This material may not

be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without the express

written permission of the copyright holder. All Rights Reserved.