French 1 On va au café Eating in Paris!. Players Le serveur La serveuse.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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PlayersLe serveurLa serveuse

PlayersMaître d’(hôtel)The person that seats you

Seating – Prendre une place When you enter a typical Parisian

restaurant you are met at the door by the maitre d' who will escort you to your private and comfortable table. That is, if you're the Pope. The rest of us have to wait at the door and try to figure out if it's "seat yourself" or "wait to be seated".

If you seat yourself when you're not supposed to, you'll anger your server. He'll move you to a table that's so close to the restroom that people will use your tablecloth to dry their hands -- if you're lucky. On the other hand, if you wait for a server to seat you and it's "seat yourself", he'll gesture angrily at the empty tables implying "What, none of these were good enough for you, cretin?!"

The TruthAt most cafés in France, you

just seat yourself, especially if it is « sur la terrasse » or « au bar ».

If you wish to be seated inside (à l’intérieur) then just ask someone for a table.

In fine restaurants, a maître d’ will seat you.

Les Deux Magots

Le café de la paix

Le café de la mairie

Le Café Saint-Séverin

Culture Note: Eating on the terrasse is

preferred so that you can get fresh air, and people watch. Also, most cafés are not climatisés (air-conditioned). It is more expensive though.

Pets are allowed in most restaurants in France. It is not uncommon to be seated next to a poodle (un caniche).

How to orderTo order:Je voudrais I would

likeJ’aimerais I

would likeJe prends I’ll

takeDonnez-moi… Give

me…Apportez-moi… Bring


How to payTo pay:C’est combien? How much is

it?Ça coûte combien? How much

does it cost?Quel est le prix? What is

the price?

Culture Note:Le pourboire (a tip) is almost

always included in the price of your meal.

Check the menu, it should say: « Le service est compris ». If it is you are covered.

If not, you can ask: « Est-ce que le service est compris »? Just be sure to check the menu beforehand to avoid an embarrassing moment.

La nourriture

Oh là là, j’ai faim!

Un sandwich au jambon et au fromage

Un hamburger Des fritesUn cocaUn hot-


Un steak

Les boissons

J’ai vraiment soif

Un cocaUn soda

Un caféUn jus d’orange

Un citron pressé

Une eau minéraleUne eau

Un chocolat

Un lait

Le verbe prendre

Irregular verb

Je prends Nous prenons

Tu prends Vous prenez

Il/Elle prend Ils/Elles prennent

Practice Ordering:

Qu’est-ce que vous voulez comme boisson?

Je voudrais…

Now Practice Paying:

Voilà l’addition monsieur/madame!

C’est combien?

Ça côute….euros.