French dome of dark chocolate with strawberries

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Dome of chocolate with strawberries(by Yaël)

Here are the ingredients

Two hundred grams of dark chocolate

Three hundred grams of white chocolate

A bag of chantifix

Fifty centilitres of liquid cream


Fifty grams of icing sugar / powdered sugar


Then pour the liquid cream into the robot

Pour the icing sugar in robot

Weigh fifty grams icing sugar

Mix everything during five minutes while adding the fix chantilix

Five minutes after pour the preheated white chocolate and wait for two minutes

After with a pastry brush put chocolate on the edge of the dish and rest fifteen minutes in the fridge

At the same time heat dark/plain chocolate

Finally fill the mold of whipped cream with white chocolate and let them four hours in the fridge.

Put a strawberry above the domes


The end