FRI 15TH L E T T E R - Watsonia Heights Primary …...Please note that this seminar is for 5/6...

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15th MARCH 2019, Issue 4

Michael Kent - PRINCIPAL

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6 1 H E N R Y S T R E E T ,

G R E E N S B O R O U G H 3 0 8 8

( 0 3 ) 9 4 3 5 4 6 1 7



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Hi everyone and welcome to this edition of the newsletter.I hope you all enjoyed the recent long weekend and managed to maximize the extra day away from school and work commitments. DiversityNext week we take the opportunity to celebrate Cultural Diversity week. We are lucky to live in a democratic society that values the impact and celebration of the numerous cultures that contribute to making our nation such a diverse and unique culture. The contributions of so many people over our history allows the current day Australians to enjoy and embrace the many aspects and facets of our great nation. Amongst our community we acknowledge and celebrate all of our contributors. WHPS embraces the people and our diversity each and every day. We are lucky enough to have indigenous families, generations of local families, new arrivals to our country and recent Australian citizens. This provides a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other, celebrate our individuality yet enjoy the teamwork that our school community provides.In celebrating our diversity we ask you to please join us next Tuesday afternoon (19th March) at 3pm, as our whole school celebrates all the wonderful cultures at WHPS with a special musical performance. Please also stop by in both the Library and the Office to view the United Nations of WHPS displays. Thank you to all members of the community who have contributed with information about your family's heritage so far.It is wonderful to see how excited and proud your children have been to discuss the items they have brought in. Families are welcome to continue to contribute to the displays until the end of next week. Thank you for helping to make Cultural Diversity week a fantastic experience for our students.



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Student ConferencesAt WHPS we work extremely hard to develop a holistic, engaging and broad curriculum for each individual student. This requires a range of strategies to ensure our high expectations and performance can be achieved. A HUGE part of the process is developing effective relationships between home and school. An integral part of this learning process is providing regular updates of student progress and also negotiating and developing individual learning goals.As you are aware we strive to establish transparent learning experiences and try to communicate these with you on a regular basis.Using tools such as Compass, newsletter, Facebook, Seesaw, team newsletters, meetings, emails, information nights, meet the teacher meetings, parent teacher interviews etc.. we hope to continue this relationship between home and school.A significant part of this process is our Student Led Conferences.These occur twice a year and provide an opportunity for student, parents and teachers to come together to share learning, celebrate successes and set learning goals.Our first Student Led Conference is approaching and scheduled for Tuesday 2nd April. Students are not required to attend school on this day, other than for their conference. Therefore we expect all students to attend (along with their parents) across the day for this important conference.During the conference you will receive up to date progress reports, an opportunity to share in the goal setting process and celebrate the learning that has occurred this year (via sharing examples of work and progress).Further details will be coming home soon about how to book in for your conference.I ask that you make to the time to support your child in this important stage of their learning journey. Watsonia Heights School CouncilThank-you to all the parents who have recently nominated for our 2019 school council. I am excited to announce the following membership who will lead and govern our school throughout this year. Richard Illingworth, Pierre Scotney, Georgina Nankervis, Mel Bradley, Tracey Szymanski, Charlotte Bethune, Leigh Greenhalgh, Donna Leibowitz, Shelli GiosisStaff - Michael Kent, Tony Ryan, Jess Rancie. Phil Hannon Our council meets twice per term and focus on policy development, financial governance and strategic planning. The newly formed council will meet for the first time on April 1st following our AGM. National Day of Action against Bullying and ViolenceToday marks the national day against Bullying. A wonderful message and initiative for our school and community. Unfortunately due to so many competing activities happening today, we have decided to mark this event with some activities next week.Whilst we acknowledge the importance of this messaging we are lucky to have such a supportive, respectful and inclusive community where bullying is never accepted.We are also mindful of the impact of cyber bullying and also passive bullying. this means standing by silent in witnessing any form of bullying. We all have an obligation to uphold the levels of respect to every member of our community (school and abroad). At WHPS every day is day against Bullying and Violence. We look forward to enjoying this focus with our students throughout next week. Staff CarparkI remind ALL parents to PLEASE NOT park in the staff carpark. This area is out of bounds for students and our staff require this space to safely enter and leave the school. Your support in this area is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, recently we have had parents accessing this carpark which has provided considerable disruption to our staff.

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Travelling to schoolI remind all families to please utilise our school crossings when approaching and leaving our school. The school is surrounded by busy streets that provide potential dangers when crossing roads and travelling home. There have been some concerning reports in recent times of some student scooting dangerously around our neighbouring streets. Please be sure that any students whom chooses to ride or scoot to school wears appropriate safety helmets and stays well away from the roads, utilising the footpaths. School commences at 9amI have recently noticed a number of students arriving after the bell. It is important that the students are in class, ready to commence learning at 9am sharp as we start our teaching at this time. Students who are late are missing essential learning. If your child arrives at 9.15, they are likely to have missed important instructional information that establishes the morning and daily focus. Additionally, it is very difficult for students to maintain focus, when there is a stream of students arriving late. Please endeavour to have your child at school at 8.50 so they can complete the morning process and be ready to learn at 9am.N.B. As you would be aware we are marking the roll via Compass. Therefore, if you arrive after the bell, you are required to sign your child in at the office and obtain a late pass.Thank you for helping us to ensure your children get the most out of our learning time.If your child is absent parents must make a notification via Compass otherwise the absence will be marked as unapproved. Your input has maximum impact!As parents we want to impact positively on our children’s learning and life prospects around being a successful learner. One of the most significant things you can do to impact on your child is to read with them! Developing a love for literacy in the most significant thing you can do to support your child’s learning progress and future projection.Reading to your child, reading with them and listening to them read will support, encourage and model a love for reading that will make a hugely positive impression on their attitude towards learning!

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Wellbeing Workshop for 5/6 students and Parent SeminarOn Wednesday 20th March, all grade 5/6 students will have the privilege of participating in a full day wellbeing workshop presented by SEED. SEED workshops deliver a holistic approach to student wellbeing. The workshop will also be followed by a parent seminar at 6pm in the school library – please see the Compass post from Miss Clarke for more information. Please note that this seminar is for 5/6 parents only, as it talks about things that were covered in the student workshop. WHPS writing programAs you are aware all students in Years 1-6 are involved in our ‘VCOP – Big Write’ writing program. As an integral part of this program students are required to have conversations with people at home around a weekly topic focus. These conversations allow students to articulate their thoughts, gain other perspectives and prepare for their writing session back at school.This is based on the notion that: “if you can’t say it, you can’t write it”We need to encourage the development of language and listening skills to develop student’s writing abilities.Your child will come home with a new topic each week. This will inform you of the genre of writing and the topic.We ask that you talk to your child about this topic to help them with the content of their writing the following day.To help you get the most out of their BIG TALK homework, we suggest that you:Encourage as many family members as possible to be involved in BIG Talk homework (not just the adults!!!)Switch off the TV! Try to ensure this is dedicated talking and listening time.When giving your opinion, use ‘because’ to explain why you think what you do.Ask others around the table to give their opinions, using ‘because’ also.Ask your child his/her opinion and have them use ‘because’ to explain their reasons.Link to the past and future – talk about things you remember from when you were a child and how they differ now, and … project forward to how things may be different in the future. DON’T WRITE ANYTHING DOWN! Not only are we improving oral language, but we are also improving memory links. VCOP VCOP is focused teaching of:V = Vocabulary Teaches a wide range of WOW words (ambitious vocabulary)C = Connectives Teaches a wide range of words and phrases for connecting thoughts, ideas, sentences, etc.O = Openers Teaches a wide range of ways of opening sentences, including sequencing words, linking words and phrasesP = Punctuation Teaches a wide range of punctuation, including power punctuation Thank-youThanks to all of the parents who have been supporting and helping around the school. Your contribution is highly valued and makes a significant impact on the students (as well as supporting the staff) in our focus on improving student outcomes.It has been fantastic to see so many parents being part of supporting programs such as: reading each day, 3-6 swimming program, representative swimming, canteen, inter school sport, etc…A reminder that all volunteers are required to obtain a current working with children card. This helps to ensure our Child Safe Standards are being met. Enjoy the weekend ahead! Warm regards, Michael

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Across The AP's Desk...

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Tony Ryan

Two weeks to go until our School Colour-Run. Hopefully students have been using their student profile pages at get the most out of the fundraiser. Currently we have raised $3500 towards our GOAL AMOUNT of $6000, so thank you to those families that have contributed towards this amount. If you are yet to create a page, I hope you will do so. Remember, the money will be going towards our new school playground so all money raised for the school through donations from friends and family will benefit our students. If all students are able to raise $15 each we will achieve our goal of $6000. At $25 per student we could raise over $10,000. We currently have 10 students that have raised more than $2100, meaning that more than 60% of our current total has been raised by just 10 of our 400 students! We’ve set our money due back date as the 5th April, so please make sure you’ve returned all your money to the school officeby then.

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We would love some volunteers on the day, if you can help us create an amazing day, please make contact with Miss Macellari. If you can’t help, we’d still love to have you come down and cheer the kids on to create a great atmosphere. In order to avoid school uniforms becoming stained, our recommendation for the day is for students to bring along an old white T-Shirt to wear. Particularly for those students wishing to take on the coloured powder stations, the powder is made from food colouring and can stain. The powder is more visible on a white background adding to the fun of the day for students. HOW TO ORDER YOUR PRIZE:Between 5th April and 26th April simply visit and log into your Profile Page. Then click on the ‘ORDER PRIZES’ button and follow the prompts.If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun-Run team on 1800 FUN RUN and they will gladly assist!

Across The AP's Desk...

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Good SportsOur school has always enjoyed an excellent reputation in the our sports district for being competitive, but always showing good sportsmanship and respecting our competitors, officials and the game. This reputation is something that we cherish more than any sporting trophy! Unfortunately we have had some recent examples where a small number of our students and parents have not displayed our STRIVE value of respect during interschool sport. I have included the SSV players and spectators codes of conduct below, that our sport district adheres to, as a reminder of the spirit of competition that is expected. On the whole, our students and spectators show excellent sportsmanship and we want to keep it that way. I want to make it very clear that anyone unable to follow the codes of conduct below will be excluded from representing our school in interschool sport. PLAYERS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Play for enjoyment. 2. Play by the rules. 3. Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain or coach approach the official during a break or after the game. 4. Don’t be induced into ‘throwing’ a game for the benefit of another team or individual 5. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent and throwing equipment is not acceptable or permitted in any sport. 6. Work equally hard for yourself and your team. 7. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully, or take unfair advantage of another player. 8. Co-operate with your coach, team-mates and opponents. 9. Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of mediums of communication used eg digital mediums such as twitter, facebook, email and texts. SPECTATORS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, harassing players, coaches or officials 2. Students play organised sport for enjoyment. They are not playing for the entertainment of spectators only, nor are they miniature professionals. 3. Don’t let your behaviour detract from their enjoyment 4. Applaud good performance and efforts by your team AND the opponents. Congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless of the game's outcome. 5. Respect the official’s decision. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure of the sport in order to question the decision and teach the children to do likewise. 6. Never ridicule a player for making a mistake during a competition. Positive comments are motivating. 7. Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players. 8. Show respect for your team's opponents. Without them there would be no game. 9. Encourage players to play according to the rules and the officials' decisions. 10. Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others regardless of mediums of communication used eg digital mediums such as twitter, facebook, email and texts.

Across The AP's Desk...

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Congratulations!Congratulations to all our students that represented the school at the Division Swimming Carnival in Northcote last Wednesday. We also thank Miss Macellari and Mr Hannon for supervising and supporting our swimmers on the day. We had some great performances and the students that attended this day were a credit to our school, cheering for each other and supporting each other. In an amazing effort Ryder Athanasiou has qualified for the Regional Swimming Carnival in the 12/13YO Boys Breaststroke event to be held next Tuesday. This is an incredible achievement with regionals being one level below state. We wish Ryder all the best for his event! Have a great weekend everyone! Tony

School Sport Victoria Banyule Division Tennis Trials

On Friday 9th March Audrey Novak (5/6R) took part in the Banyule Division Tennis Trials @ Banyule Tennis Club, Heidelberg. She was the only student selected by the Watsonia District to represent from Watsonia Heights. Audrey made it into the semi finals and put in a great amount of effort! We are so proud of you as a school community and keep up the amazing work you are doing Audrey!

Amanda Macellari

Division Swimming CarnivalM A R C H 2 0 1 9 I S S U E 4

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Amanda Macellari

Our 24 awesome swimmers did such an amazing job at the Division Carnival on Thursday. Thankyou to all the parents and guardians that came to support their child. I know the students would have loved having you there to support them!I was so impressed with our students cheering each other on and supporting one another through the tough races that we faced with the difficult competition.I think that’s what makes our students so special at WHPS, our ability to support and get around one another is something that we continue to do at all our sporting events. The students should be so proud of their efforts and should continue to STRIVE for the heights.A special thankyou to Mr Hannon, for coming along and supporting at Division Swimming we loved having you there!An amazing effort by RYDER ATHANASIOU in 5/6H who came first in 12/13 year old boys 50m Breaststroke. Ryder will go on to regional swimming on the 19th of March, well done Ryder we are all so proud of you!

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WHPS Student of the Week!Week Ending 8th March 2019

Adele PB - For always demonstrating our school value of respect towards everyone.

Nam PI - For being brave at School and jumping into the learning pit.

Daniel PM - For achieving success when learning his red words. Well done Daniel!

Mitchell PN - For jumping in the learning pit to improve his writing

Julias 1D - For his very thoughtful show and tell about how he shows our school value of respect at home

Lucy 1M - For being brave when working in maths, solving problems independently. Great work Lucy!

Shelby 1/2BT - For trying her best in every activity in class. Your reading and spelling have improved so much! Keep up

the great work Shelby!

Evie 2EL - For jumping in the learning pit when building her scooter. Go Evie!

Mia 2G - For being a reliable learner by always being on task.

Fern 2T - For doing her best listening and setting a great example for her classmates. You have been doing amazing


Laily 3/4A - For helping her classmate when they got stuck on a difficult maths topic. We are so lucky to have you in

3/4A Laily!

Leah 3/4B - For your wonderful teamwork in the classroom. Thank you for being such a respectful member of our


Yolotl 3/4M - For his fantastic persistence and enthusiasm towards any task in the classroom. Keep up the good work


Rory 3/4D - For showing Individuality and using creative ways to partition and add using a blank number line.

Charlie 5/6C - For working hard to set extra challengers for himself during our Kmart shopping challenge. Well done


Andrew 5/6H - For spending his exact budget of $60,000 at the online KTM motorbike shop in our maths lesson.

Excellent addition buddy!

Maggie 5/6M - For her amazing effort using descriptive language to describe characters when writing. Well done


Audrey 5/6R - For being such a great help to Mrs V whilst Mrs Rancie was away. You're awesome!!

Brennan Library - For writing a fantastic story inspired by your library book. Keep writing and WELL DONE Brennan!

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Brainstorm Productions present 'Being Brave'

By our amazing WHPS wellbeing captains: Orlaith and Libby

On Tuesday the 5th March we were so lucky to get the opportunity to

watch the play Being Brave. This was an amazing experience for the

whole school, because it showed that no matter what is going on in your

life, you can be brave by showing your feelings and standing up for

yourself. One of the morals of this story was that no matter how sad

you’re feeling, you can always seek help from others. All the characters

we met in this experience are similar, because they were all in a tough

situation. They got through their situation by being resilient with the help

of the main character Fly. The whole school really enjoyed this play

because throughout the play, we were able to sing and dance with all the


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Here is another review, written by Eysha in 5/6C:I found Being Brave really sad and meaningful. It was about a boy named Fly whose parents

divorced. His pet birds were really ill and the vet told him he had to let them loose and that it was the only way they would get better. However Fly didn’t agree and refused to let them out of the cage. Fly met lots of brave people and enters a competition for a prize of $500 for a bigger birds cage. In the end he realises he has to be brave and do the best thing for his birds. He goes to Sydney to see his dad and it was a very happy ending. I really enjoyed this beautiful play and i thought it was very

important for everyone to see and we were so lucky to have the opportunity of watching Being Brave.

What's happening in 3/4!M A R C H 2 0 1 9 I S S U E 2

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IIn Discovery Learning the 3/4’s

have been helping Sir Harley

Houndstooth the Third in the Great

Desert Island Challenge. So far we

have built a hut and a bridge with

limited resources and within a set

time limit. We have had to think

outside of the box to make our group

creations to help Sir Harley

Houdstooth survive the dangers of

the Desert.

This has taught us all about working

together in teams and collaborating

all our ideas to be successful in these

challenges. We are really looking

forward to what challenge is next

and how we can achieve it together!

By Zara and Emma 3/4M

Discovery Learning

Maths Fun!

In Mathematics, we have been learning about place value and odd and even numbers. We created challenges for each other by separating numbers into a Venn diagram. To solve the challenge we had to ‘find the rule’ by identifying the similarities and differences in the numbers. We also got to walk around and see if

we could find the rule of other teams.

During the activity we learnt lots about

place value and odd and even numbers.

By Laily and Layla 3/4A

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So far this term the 3/4’s have been writing

some things about teamwork and respect,

including a respect rap. We have also been

writing some narratives. Our classes have

been describing settings, such as beaches,

forests and houses. We have been trying to

use descriptive language in a lot of

different ways and described a haunted


In our reading we have been making

connections with texts and finding a good

fit book. We also read half of a book and

then got to write our own ending to the


By Sabrina, Dakota and Archie 3/4B



At swimming we have been learning how to swim,

dive, and be safe around water. We are doing it so

everyone can be safe around water and make sensible

choices. It is really fun when we go to the deep end and

dive. Rory 3/4D

We learn swimming at school to be safe around water

so we don’t drown. If we fall in we will know how to

swim until we can get help. We find it a challenge to

dive down and get the sinking toys. It makes feel like

I’m in the learning pit.

Vayla and Tania 34D

Swimming is very fun and it teaches you how to swim.

It is very educational and when it is a hot day you ca

go out swimming and parents don’t have to worry

about you drowning. My favourite thing about it is the

sinking toys. Sky 3//4D

Swimming is a great sport so you won’t drown in the

ocean waters. It is fun for all kids. I enjoy when we do

torpedo races. Oliver 3/4D

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Name: Jessica

Nickname: Jess

Favourite thing about WHPS: Art

When I grow up I want to be an: Art Teacher

Some of my hobbies include: Art, origami and


Someone I look up to is: My big sisters.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Doing

fun activities.

Name: Eleanor

Nickname: I don’t really have one J

Favourite thing about WHPS: My friends and writing.

When I grow up I want to be a: writer and illustrator.

Some of my hobbies include: Reading, writing and


Someone I look up to is: Professor McGonagall, from the

Harry Potter books.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Expressing my

opinion and designing posters for events!!

Name: Tom

Nickname: Tom

Favourite thing about WHPS: The teachers!

When I grow up I want to be a: Fireman.

Some of my hobbies include: Basketball and


Someone I look up to is: Tim Duncan.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Working to improve the school.

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Name: Jasmine

Nickname: Jass

Favourite thing about WHPS: That everyone is

so kind.

When I grow up I want to be a: Teacher!!

Some of my hobbies include: Swimming.

Someone I look up to is: My Mum.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Changing the school.

Name: Ava

Nickname: Prendergast

Favourite thing about WHPS: Everyone is so


When I grow up I want to be a: Teacher.

Some of my hobbies include: Going to the pool.

Someone I look up to is: Amelia (my big sister).

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Making

the school a better place for everyone.

Name: Alexander

Nickname: Xander

Favourite thing about WHPS: P.E with Miss


When I grow up I want to be a: Farmer.

Some of my hobbies include: Basketball, gaming

and reading.

Someone I look up to is: My sister.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Helping

my community and school.

Name: Cadell

Nickname: Dell

Favourite thing about WHPS: The teachers.

When I grow up I want to be a: Play in the

Big Bash!

Some of my hobbies include: Cricket.

Someone I look up to is: Sam Harper.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Raising money for charities.

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Name: Dakota

Nickname: Dakota Bear

Favourite thing about WHPS: We’re all kind to each


When I grow up I want to be a: Cricketer or a teacher.

Some of my hobbies include: Calisthenics, footy and


Someone I look up to is: Sophie Molinuex and of course

my parents!

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Raising money

and making the school a better place.

Name: Peyton

Nickname: Payt

Favourite thing about WHPS: All the awesome

learning we do.

When I grow up I want to be a: Dakota J

Some of my hobbies include: Art, swimming and


Someone I look up to is: My Mum.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Looking

after people.

Name: Michaela

Nickname: Kayla

Favourite thing about WHPS: All of the

legendary teachers.

When I grow up I want to be a: Kinder teacher.

Some of my hobbies include: Dancing and


Someone I look up to is: My Mum, Dad and

Erica my sister.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Helping

the environment.

Name: Charlie

Nickname: Lil splash

Favourite thing about WHPS: Friendly vibe.

When I grow up I want to be an: NBA player.

Some of my hobbies include: Basketball, iPad

and cricket.

Someone I look up to is: Kobe Bryant.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Proudly representing the school.

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Name: Layla

Nickname: Layla Bug

Favourite thing about WHPS: All the awesome


When I grow up I want to be a: Teacher.

Some of my hobbies include: Footy, dancing and


Someone I look up to is: My Mum.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Raising money

for important people and charities.

Name: Tayte

Nickname: Taytey-cake

Favourite thing about WHPS: Learning.

When I grow up I want to be a: Basketball player.

Some of my hobbies include: Basketball.

Someone I look up to is: Aaron Finch.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Raising


Name: Storm

Nickname: Stormy

Favourite thing about WHPS: Teachers, my

peers and the specialists.

When I grow up I want to be a: A teacher.

Some of my hobbies include: Netball, dancing

and colouring.

Someone I look up to is: My Mum, Dad and

oldest sister.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Fundraising and being a leader.

Name: Charlie

Nickname: Cha Cha

Favourite thing about WHPS: Recess and lunch.

When I grow up I want to be a: I’m not sure yet!

Some of my hobbies include: Guitar, running and


Someone I look up to is: Mr Mackie and Miss


As part of JSC I am most excited about:

experiencing everything as it is my first time!

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E M A I L - W A T S O N I A . H E I G H T S . P S @ E D U M A I L . V I C . G O V . A U

Name: Dane

Nickname: Daneo

Favourite thing about WHPS: My friends.

When I grow up I want to be a: Policeman.

Some of my hobbies include: Hanging with my


Someone I look up to is: Jasmine

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Being

part of JSC and helping make the school a better


Name: Ryder

Nickname: Ryds

Favourite thing about WHPS: Sport with Miss


When I grow up I want to be a: AFL footy player.

Some of my hobbies include: Football and ball


Someone I look up to is: Trent Cotchin.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Raising

money for others.

Name: Ava

Nickname: Ava

Favourite thing about WHPS: Playing outside

and P.E.

When I grow up I want to be a: Chef or netball


Some of my hobbies include: Netball and


Someone I look up to is: Sam Gooden.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Fundraising for different organisations.

Name: Ethan

Nickname: Eth

Favourite thing about WHPS: I like how everyone

can move around the yard and play with anyone.

When I grow up I want to be a: SWAT member.

Some of my hobbies include: Video games, soccer

and swimming.

Someone I look up to is: My Mum and Dad.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:


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E M A I L - W A T S O N I A . H E I G H T S . P S @ E D U M A I L . V I C . G O V . A U

NName: Elisha

Nickname: Leesh

Favourite thing about WHPS: My peers.

When I grow up I want to be a: Chef.

Some of my hobbies include: Cooking and


Someone I look up to is: Miss Clark, my mum

and my nan.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:


Name: Kate

Nickname: Kaysie

Favourite thing about WHPS: Library.

When I grow up I want to be a: Zookeeper.

Some of my hobbies include: Bike riding and


Someone I look up to is: My mum and Ginny


As part of JSC I am most excited about: Raising


Name: Chelsea

Nickname: Chels

Favourite thing about WHPS: Fundraising.

When I grow up I want to be a: Chef.

Some of my hobbies include: Netball and


Someone I look up to is: My mum.

As part of JSC I am most excited about:

Raising money!

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Name: Max

Nickname: Strike

Favourite thing about WHPS: Big oval and playing

basketball on the basketball courts.

When I grow up I want to be a: A basketball


Some of my hobbies include: Running and jumping.

Someone I look up to is: My Dad.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Going to

the meetings!

Name: April

Nickname: I don’t have one yet.

Favourite thing about WHPS: The nice teachers.

When I grow up I want to be a: Scientist.

Some of my hobbies include: Playing with my


Someone I look up to is: Albert Einstein.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Making

the school a better place.

Name: Emma

Nickname: E

Favourite thing about WHPS: The nice


When I grow up I want to be a: Actress.

Some of my hobbies include: Netball, dancing,

singing and running.

Someone I look up to is: Emma Watson.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: The

meetings and making the school a better


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Name: Jenaya

Nickname: Naya

Favourite thing about WHPS: That I have awesome


When I grow up I want to be a: I don’t know yet.

Some of my hobbies include: Colouring and


Someone I look up to is: Aunty Jo.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: We get to

do lots of posters because I love drawing.

Name: Daniel

Nickname: I don’t have one yet.

Favourite thing about WHPS: All the classes.

When I grow up I want to be a: A chemical


Some of my hobbies include: Sport and reading

Someone I look up to is: Dad

As part of JSC I am most excited about: The


Name: Isabella

Nickname: Bella

Favourite thing about WHPS: That we can all

show individuality.

When I grow up I want to be a: I’m not sure yet.

Some of my hobbies include: Playing with my


Someone I look up to is: My teachers.

As part of JSC I am most excited about: Playing

and decorating things.

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E M A I L - W A T S O N I A . H E I G H T S . P S @ E D U M A I L . V I C . G O V . A U

Hurry! Bonus Early Bird Offers. Limited Time Only.

Watsonia Heights Primary School is fundraising with Entertainment Book! Your support really helps our fundraising, so we’re thrilled to let you know about special bonus Early Bird Entertainment Membership Offers for loyal supporters.

Pre-order the NEW 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership and receive bonus offers you can use right away!

Click on the direct link below for more information.

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Important Community Links Dates for your Calendar

Friday 29th March - Colour RunMonday 29th April - Mother’s Day Raffle

Friday 10th May - Mother’s Day Breakfast Friday 14th June - Kids Disco �

Sunday 25th August - Bunnings BBQ & Cake StallFriday 30th August - Father’s Day Breakfast

Saturday 19th October - Trivia Night

Entertainment Membership Pre-Orders Now Available

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Keeping Imagination Alive in Primary School Children

Children spend most of the day in classrooms, learning concepts and developing new skills. But if you

wander past the school at lunchtime, you’ll see them gallivanting through the playground kicking a ball or

setting up a “shop” in the sandpit.

Children inherently want to roam and explore using their imagination, and we are keen to strengthen this

practice at Outside School Hours Care by using play-based learning, which is used as a fantastic framework

for kids to learn.

We make it a priority to “lighten up” as much possible, giving the kids a chance to tell us what activities

they’d like to see in OSHC for the next week or month, rather than our team always setting the schedule.

We think this approach not only enables them to think freely and imaginatively, it also sparks their

curiosity to learn more.

Some of the other ways we encourage imagination in OSHC include:

· Avoiding screens and encouraging interaction between the children.

· Going outside to the playground to let the children lead games.

· Building spaces, like imaginary forts or cafes using the equipment in the OSHC space.

· Offering a box of LEGO, without any building instructions so the kids can create whatever

they fancy.

· Putting out art and craft activities and supervising as the children create whatever they feel


If you would like to see some of the activities that children participate in at OSHC, please feel free to drop by

and meet our friendly team.

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!

From the Team at Camp Australia