Friday trivia soil/forests. 1. 2. The use of natural enemies to limit damage to crops. The wolf...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Friday trivia soil/forests



• The use of natural enemies to limit damage to crops. The wolf spider a natural enemy to insects.




6. 7 Name two causes of tropical rain forest destruction


9. The rich, dark soil that develops from decaying plant and animal matter

10-12. Give the correct chemical symbol and ordering for the big three macronutrients plants


• 13 Endangered and controversial avian species in Oregon and Washington? It has sparked debate between loggers and environmentalists.

14/15 Name two factors that contributed to the first green revolution


• Which of the following is likely to MINIMIZE soil erosion

• A. High yield crops• B. Deforestation• C. Herbicide use• D. Minimum tillage agriculture

17. Clay soil tends to have a pH that isacidic alkaline neutral


Most likely, the most severe of the three types of erosion. Ruvulets, rill, or gulley

19 Name this soil erosion prevention technique.


• 20. heat intensive, Extractive metallurgy• 21. Earthen area that lies above an area of

economic interest in mining.• 22. bauxite is ____________ ore.• 23. a pile of gangue is called _____________• 24. metallurgical technique for extracting gold

from low grade ore.• 25. Type of organic fertilizer 6 letters


• 4 tests done in soil lab.• That is, what four soil factors were tested.

31. Dreaded insect superpest

• 32 , 33Identify two (2) characteristics of an ideal pesticide.

• 34 What term describes the length of time a pesticide remains deadly?


• So, which form of radiation is the most penetrating?

• Alpha Beta or Gamma?

• 22 Norman Boulag developed dwarf varieties of wheat and ________ and was credited with contribution and a Nobel Peace Prize for the second green revolution.

23 24

• 23 Plant roots absorb ammonium ions and nitrate ions for use in making molecules such as proteins, DNA and amino acids?

• 24. Nitrate ions and nitrite ions are converted into nitrogen gas.

• Nitrification ammonification assimilation denitrification


• CATEGORY: ORGANIC FERTILIZER ___________ yard and food waste to add as a soil amendment.


• The _______ _________ act passed in 1935 in the aftermath of the _______ _______ bowl promoted soil conservation practices and soil conservation districts.

. The half life of Zn-71 is 2.4 minutes. If we had 100 grams at the beginning, how many grams would be left after 7.2 minutes elapsed? SHOW SET UP

23/24 bonus