From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Monolithic to Microservices in 45 min

Understand Scalability


AgendaMonolithic ApplicationsMicroservicesBest PracticesHow it's Done

Monolithic Applications

"A monolithic application is self-contained, and independent from other computing applications. The design philosophy is that the application is responsible not just for a particular task, but can perform every step needed to complete a particular function"




Monolithic Applications• It’s very easy to start building applications that become Monolithic

– Projects start small– If successful they will grow

Super Cool Application

UI Component

Business Logic

Persistency Layer

Monolithic Applications

Super Cool Application

UI Component

Business Logic

Persistency Layer

Monolithic Applications

Super Cool InstanceSuper Cool Instance

Super Cool InstanceSuper Cool Instance

Super Cool InstanceSuper Cool Instance

Super Cool InstanceSuper Cool Instance

Decouple Applications

"Decoupled architecture is a framework for complex work that allows components to remain completely autonomous and unaware of each


Decoupling your applicationsSuper Cool Application

UI Component

Business Logic

Persistency Layer


Reasons to Decouple

• The different components of your application have different:– Density– Release and Development cycles – Requirements

• Functional• Architecture

Decoupling your applications

UI Layer

Business Service Layer

Scalable Data Layer

… for scalability

UI Layer

Business Service Layer

Scalable Data Layer

UI Layer

UI Layer

UI Layer

UI Layer

… for different integrations


Business Service Layer

Scalable Data Layer

Web UI


Web UI

Specific UI

… for function segregation

… scale separately

Scale AxisY-axis: Functional Decomposition

X-axis: Functional Duplication Z-axis: Data Partitioning


"Microservices is a software architecture style in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs"

Application Stack

UI Layer

Business Service Layer

Scalable Data Layer



Text Search

Recommendations Engine

Chat Service


Microservices – Service Registry

Service Registry

Service Registry allows client side discovery of existing and available services

Host OS

Virtual OS

Virtual OS

Virtual OS

Microservices – Virtual MachinesVirtual Machines are a familiar topic, it is the backbone of many PaaS and IaaS services out there

Host OS

System Kernel

Microservices – ContainersContainers are a typical approach to deploy and maintain microservices because they're highly scalable and isolated.

Microservices – Containers

Host OS

System Kernel

Host OS

System Kernel

Host OS

System Kernel

REHL v7 Windows 2008

Web Search v1Web Search v2

Microservices – Clustering

"I'm getting dizzy"

Norberto Leite – 2015/10/06


Ops Manager


MongoDB - Containerized

• Benefit from MongoDB Scalability– Replica Sets for HA– Sharding for Horizontal Scalability

But Keep In Mind: • Sharding requires knowing well your data• Replication is much more than just spinning a few more


Ops Manager is Important for these


Use Cases

Otto Use Case

Batch analytics Layer

Frontend – System

Profile Service Customer Service Session Service Persona Service

Shared Nothing architecture

Clear Isolation of services

Hundreds of Virtual Instances

How to do it


Best Approach• Start monolithic

– There's nothing wrong with starting small – Your team will be small enough so they will know all the code

• Start Decoupling when you grow – In number of features and functionality – In number of teams working side by side

• Go Microservices– When you become Netflix!


When do Microservices Fail• Contracts

– It's important to agree on the interfaces– Developer Philosophical Beliefs

• Service Separation– Granularity – Dependencies

• Maintenance – Devops and Release Manager Burden– Monitoring– Orchestration

"…language-agnostic APIs"

"completely autonomous"

"composed of small, independent processes"


Best Approach - Data• Replication from Day 0

– No excuses to have a single node in production• Shard when you grow

– Functionally – By Volume – Regionaly

• Ops Manager to the rescue– Makes you life easier!

Now that you understand it… I hope


• Norberto Leite• Technical Evangelist•• @nleite