From pain to gain - Solving Mobile & Online Payments - Avishai Nadler, Leumicard

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Head of Business Development & Projects Department

CEO & Co- Founder


Sarah considers herself a Social, Mobile & Digital person

M-commerce is 15% of all e-commerce in 2013

It will reach 30% in 2018 – $700B annuallySource:

Juniper Research, 2014

Leisure Transport Clothing ElectronicsBooksFood

She’s not the only one.

She likes to rely on social recommendations.

She’s not the only one.

$2.69 B was spent on social shopping in 2013.More than 60% over 2012; the e-commerce market as a whole grew only 17%

Source:Invesp, 2014

She prefers contextual & location based offers.

Personal can also be nice.

She’s not the only one.

28% of US businesses use targeted MOBILE marketing

Source:Business Insider, 2014

She’s not the only one.

1.8 BILLION connected devices by 2019.

Source:Business Insider, 2014

She is a Sellsumer, partaking in the shared economy.

She’s not the only one.

90 MILLION North Americans SHARED in 2013.

Source:Crowd Companies, 2014

She is purchasing a $100 gift voucher from Jane

…with 30% discount.

A WIN-WIN Scenario:Sarah bought a discounted voucher…Jane found use to an otherwise obsolete voucher.

For Zeek to create this solution, focus was directed to

product management & business aspects.

There was no time to waste on procedures,

such as Mobile Payments.

How to scale up to diverse markets & Currencies?

How to enable mobile payments without impacting conversion rate?

How do I deal with PCI compliance? Local legal entities?

Smart transaction routing

Multi credit-card brands Multi-currency

User-friendly Payment GatewayLevel 1 PCI compliant

On top of that,

It was easy to connect and quick to on-board.