From Runnable and synchronized To atomically() and parallel()

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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3 questions

2 solutions

1 problem





Parallel computing

Parallel computing

Parallel computing

Parallel computing

Parallel computing

Parallel computing

Java & API

Java & API

Multicore processors

Multicore processors

Multicore processors

On the sofware side

On the sofware side

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

A classical example

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

A classical example

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

A classical example

A classical example

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

private Singleton() {}

public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;


return instance ;

} }

A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



A classical example

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



A classical example

Solution to the « data race »

Solution to the « data race »

Solution to the « data race »

Solution to the « data race »

Solution to the « data race »











Happens before

x = 1

r1 = x

Happens before

x = 1

r1 = x

Happens before

x = 1

r1 = x

Happens before

r1 1

x = 1

r1 = x

Happens before

Happens before

Example : normal read / write

private int index ;

public void gloriousIncrementation() {

index++ ;


public void happyTesting() {

if (index > 10) {

System.out.println("Index is BIG!") ;



private int index ;

public void gloriousIncrementation() {

index++ ;


public void happyTesting() {

if (index > 10) {

System.out.println("Index is BIG!") ;



Example : normal read / write

private volatile int index ;

public void gloriousIncrementation() {

index++ ;


public void happyTesting() {

if (index > 10) {

System.out.println("Index is BIG!") ;



Example : volatile read / write

Problematic case

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

r1 = 1, r2 = 1

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

public void niceMethod() {

x = 1 ;

synchronized(lock) {

y = 1 ;



public void coolMethod() {

synchronized(lock) {

r1 = y ;


r2 = x ;


private int x, y, r1, r2 ;

private Object lock = new Object() ;

Problematic case

r1 = 0, r2 = ?

Back to the double check locking

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



Back to the double check locking

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



Back to the double check locking

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



Back to the double check locking

public class Singleton {

private static volatile Singleton instance ;

public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

synchronized (Singleton.class) {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton() ;




return instance ;



Back to the double check locking

Is there an elegant solution ?

Is there an elegant solution ?

public enum Singleton {

instance ;


Is there an elegant solution ?

public enum Singleton {

instance ;



private Object o = new Object() ;

private int index = 0 ;

public void slickMethod() {

synchronized (o) {

index++ ;



private Object o = new Object() ;

private int index = 0 ;

public void slickMethod() {

synchronized (o) {

index++ ;




private Object o = new Object() ;

private int index = 0 ;

public void slickMethod() {

synchronized (o) {

index++ ;




Memory barrier

Memory barrier

Optimization 1

Optimization 1

Optimization 1

Optimization 1

Optimization 2

Optimization 2

Cache trap !

Cache trap !

False sharing

False sharing

Variable padding

public class Sequence {

private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<Sequence> updater =

AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Sequence.class, "value");

private volatile long p1 = 7L, p2 = 7L, p3 = 7L, p4 = 7L,

p5 = 7L, p6 = 7L, p7 = 7L ;

private volatile long value = Sequencer.INITIAL_CURSOR_VALUE ;

private volatile long q1 = 7L, q2 = 7L, q3 = 7L, q4 = 7L,

q5 = 7L, q6 = 7L, q7 = 7L;

// ...

public long sumPaddingToPreventOptimisation() {

return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 + value +

q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 + q6 + q7;


public void setPaddingValue(final long value) {

p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = p5 = p6 = p7 = q1 = q2 = q3 = q4 = q5 = q6 = q7 = value;



package java.util.concurrent; /** * * @since 1.7 * @author Doug Lea */ public class ThreadLocalRandom extends Random { /** * The random seed. We can't use super.seed. */ private long rnd; // Padding to help avoid memory contention among seed updates in // different TLRs in the common case that they are located near // each other. private long pad0, pad1, pad2, pad3, pad4, pad5, pad6, pad7; }

How to write efficient concurrent code ?

How to write efficient concurrent code ?

Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { System.out.println(« Let’s go sailing !") ; } } } ; Thread t = new Thread(r) ; t.start() ;

ExecutorService service = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10) ;

Callable<Boolean> task = new Callable<Boolean>() {

public Boolean call() throws Exception {

int i = 0 ;

while (i++ < 1000) {

System.out.println("Let’s go swimming !") ;


return true ;



Future<Boolean> f = service.submit(task) ;

Boolean b = f.get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) ;

private Object o = new Object() ;

private int index = 0 ;

public void saltyMethod() {

synchronized (o) {

index++ ;



private Object o = new Object() ;

private int volatile index = 0 ;

public void pepperedMethod() {

index++ ;


Lock interface

private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock() ; public void crispyMethod() { lock.lock() ; // blocking call as synchronized // ... lock.unlock() ; } ;

Lock interface

private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock() ; public void crispyMethod() { lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) ; // timeout // ... lock.unlock() ; } ;

Semaphore interface

private Semaphore s = new Semaphore(5) ; public void maMethode() { s.acquire() ; // blocking call as synchronized // ... s.release() ; } ;

Semaphore interface

private Semaphore s = new Semaphore(5) ; public void maMethode() { s.tryAcquire(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) ; // timeout // ... s.release() ; } ;

Semaphore interface

CountDownLatch Class

private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch() ; public void init() { db.connect() ; // slow operation latch.countDown() ; // openning of the latch } ;

public void process() { latch.await() ; // blocks until the latch is openned } ;

CyclicBarrier Class

private CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2) ;

public void processOne() { // ... barrier.await() ; // blocks until 4 calls } ;

public void processTwo() { // ... barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) ; } ;

ReadWriteLock Interface

ReadWriteLock Interface

private ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock() ;

public void aMethodThatReads() { Lock readLock = rwLock.readLock() ; readLock.lock() ; // reading... readLock.unlock() ; } ;

public void aMethodThatWrites() { Lock writeLock = rwLock.writeLock() ; writeLock.lock() ; // writing... writeLock.unlock() ; } ;

Atomic types

private AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0) ;

public void uneMethode() {

long newValue = index.incrementAndGet() ;


Compare and swap = CAS

Compare and swap = CAS

public final long incrementAndGet() {

for (;;) {

long current = get() ;

long next = current + 1 ;

if (compareAndSet(current, next))

return next ;



Queue & BlockingQueue interfaces

Queue & BlockingQueue interfaces

Queue & BlockingQueue interfaces

Queue & BlockingQueue interfaces

Queue & BlockingQueue interfaces

add(e) offer(e) put(e) offer(e, time, unit)

remove() poll() take() poll(e, time, unit)

element() peek() - -






Try trees

Immutable systems

In databases…


update ... set ... where ...


In databases…


update ... set ... where ...


In databases…

In databases…

STM Pattern








<name>Akka Maven2 Repository</name>



STM Pattern

final Ref<Integer> source = new Ref<Integer>(500) ;

final Atomic<Object> atom = new Atomic<Object>() {


public Object atomically() {

source.swap(source.get() + 1) ;

return null ;


} ;

atom.execute() ;

STM Pattern

final Ref<Integer> source = new Ref<Integer>(500) ;

final Atomic<Object> atom = new Atomic<Object>() {


public Object atomically() {

source.swap(source.get() + 1) ;

return null ;


} ;

atom.execute() ;

STM Pattern

final Ref<Integer> source = new Ref<Integer>(500) ;

final Atomic<Object> atom = new Atomic<Object>() {


public Object atomically() {

source.swap(source.get() + 1) ;

return null ;


} ;

atom.execute() ;

STM Pattern

STM Pattern

STM Pattern

List<E> queue1 = new ... ;

List<E> queue2 = new ... ;

final Ref<List<E>> refQueue1 =

new Ref<List<E>>(Collections.unmodifiableList(queue1)) ;

final Ref<List<E>> refQueue2 =

new Ref<List<E>>(Collections.unmodifiableList(queue2)) ;

final Atomic<Object> atom = new Atomic<Object>() {


public Object atomically() {

// duplication

List<E> dupQ1 = new ArrayList<>(refQueue1) ;

List<E> dupQ2 = new ArrayList<>(refQueue2) ;

// transfer

E element = duqQ1.remove(...) ;

duqQ2.add(element) ;

// swapping

refQueue1.swap(Collections.unmodifiableList(dupQ1) ;

refQueue2.swap(Collections.unmodifiableList(dupQ2) ;


} ;

STM : implementation

STM : implementation

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?

STM : why is it so important ?



Akka Actors

Akka Actors

Akka Actors

public class Vador extends UntypedActor {

public void onReceive(Object o) throws Exception {

// o is the message

// return something ;

getContext().reply(something) ;



Akka Actors

public static void main(String[] args) {

Message message = new Message() ;

ActorRef jeff =

Actors.actorOf(Vader.class).start() ;

Future future =

jeff.sendRequestReplyFuture(message) ;

// a bit further away

// beware, it’s not our good ol’ concurrent Future

result = future.get() ;


Akka Actors

public class PrimeFinderActor extends UntypedActor {

public void onReceive(Object o) throws Exception {

List<Integer> bounds = (List<Integer>)o ;

int debut = bounds.get(0) ;

int fin = bounds.get(1) ;

PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

for (int i = start ; i < end ; i++) {

PrimeFactors pfi = pfs.getPrimeFactors(i) ;

pfs.add(pfi) ;


// return pfs ;

getContext().reply(pfs) ;



public class PrimeFactorCallable implements Callable<PrimeFactors> {

private int debut, fin ;

public PrimeFactorCallable(int debut, int fin) {

this.debut = debut ; this.fin = fin ;


public PrimeFactors call() throws Exception {

PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

for (int i = debut ; i < fin ; i++) {

PrimeFactors pfi = pfs.getPrimeFactors(i) ;

pfs.add(pfi) ;


return pfs ;



public static void main(String[] args) {

Future [] futures = new Future [400] ; // it’s the Akka Future

for (int i = 0 ; i < futures.length ; i++) {

List<Integer> bound = Collections.unmodifiableList(

Arrays.asList(10*i, 10*(i + 1))) ;

ActorRef primeFactorFinder =

Actors.actorOf(PrimeFinderActor.class).start() ;

futures[i] = primeFactorFinder.sendRequestReplyFuture(bound) ;


PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < futures.length ; i++) {

pfs.add((PrimeFactors)futures[i].get()) ;


Actors.registry().shutdownAll() ;


public static void main(String... args)

throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

ExecutorService es = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10) ;

Future [] futures = new Future [400] ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < futures.length ; i++) {

PrimeFactorCallable callable =

new PrimeFactorCallable(10*i, 10*(i + 1)) ;

futures[i] = es.submit(callable) ;


PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < futures.length ; i++) {

pfs.add((PrimeFactors)futures[i].get()) ;


es.shutdown() ;


BTW, the result is…
































Akka Actors

Akka Actors + STM

Akka Actors + STM

public class Balance {

public final int amount ;

public Balance(int amount) {

this.amount = amount ;



public class Deposit {

public final int amount ;

public Deposit(int amount) {

this.amount = amount ;



public class Withdrawal {

public final int amount ;

public Balance(int amount) {

this.amount = amount ;



public class GetBalance {


public class BankAccount extends UntypedTransactor {

private final Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(0) ;

public void atomically(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Deposit) {

int amount = ((Deposit)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0)

balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) ;


if (message instanceof Withdrawal) {

int amount = ((Retrait)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0) {

if (balance.get() < amount) throw new IllegalStateException("...") ;

balance.swap(balance.get() - amount) ;



if (message instanceof GetBalance)

getContext().replySafe((new Balance(balance.get()))) ;



public class BankAccount extends UntypedTransactor {

private final Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(0) ;

public void atomically(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Deposit) {

int amount = ((Deposit)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0)

balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) ;


if (message instanceof Withdrawal) {

int amount = ((Retrait)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0) {

if (balance.get() < amount) throw new IllegalStateException("...") ;

balance.swap(balance.get() - amount) ;



if (message instanceof GetBalance)

getContext().replySafe((new Balance(balance.get()))) ;



public class BankAccount extends UntypedTransactor {

private final Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(0) ;

public void atomically(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Deposit) {

int amount = ((Deposit)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0)

balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) ;


if (message instanceof Withdrawal) {

int amount = ((Retrait)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0) {

if (balance.get() < amount) throw new IllegalStateException("...") ;

balance.swap(balance.get() - amount) ;



if (message instanceof GetBalance)

getContext().replySafe((new Balance(balance.get()))) ;



public class BankAccount extends UntypedTransactor {

private final Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(0) ;

public void atomically(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Deposit) {

int amount = ((Deposit)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0)

balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) ;


if (message instanceof Withdrawal) {

int amount = ((Retrait)message).amount ;

if (amount > 0) {

if (balance.get() < amount) throw new IllegalStateException("...") ;

balance.swap(balance.get() - amount) ;



if (message instanceof GetBalance)

getContext().replySafe((new Balance(balance.get()))) ;



public class Transfer {

public final ActorRef source ;

public final ActorRef destination ;

public final int amount ;

public Transfert(

final ActorRef source,

final ActorRef destination,

final int amount) {

this.source = source ;

this.destination = destination ;

this.amount = amount ;



public class BankService extends UntypedTransactor {

public Set<SendTo> coordinate(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Transfer) {

Set<SendTo> s = new HashSet<SendTo>() ;

Transfer t = (Transfer)message ;

if (t.amount > 0) { // validation

s.add(sendTo(t.destination, new Deposit(t.amount))) ;

s.add(sendTo(t.source, new Withdrawal(t.amount))) ;

return Collections.unmodifiableSet(s) ;



return nobody() ;



public class BankService extends UntypedTransactor {

public Set<SendTo> coordinate(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Transfer) {

Set<SendTo> s = new HashSet<SendTo>() ;

Transfer t = (Transfer)message ;

if (t.amount > 0) { // validation

s.add(sendTo(t.destination, new Deposit(t.amount))) ;

s.add(sendTo(t.source, new Withdrawal(t.amount))) ;

return Collections.unmodifiableSet(s) ;



return nobody() ;



public class BankService extends UntypedTransactor {

public Set<SendTo> coordinate(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Transfer) {

Set<SendTo> s = new HashSet<SendTo>() ;

Transfer t = (Transfer)message ;

if (t.amount > 0) { // validation

s.add(sendTo(t.destination, new Deposit(t.amount))) ;

s.add(sendTo(t.source, new Withdrawal(t.amount))) ;

return Collections.unmodifiableSet(s) ;



return nobody() ;



public class BankService extends UntypedTransactor {

public Set<SendTo> coordinate(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Transfer) {

Set<SendTo> s = new HashSet<SendTo>() ;

Transfer t = (Transfer)message ;

if (t.amount > 0) { // validation

s.add(sendTo(t.destination, new Deposit(t.amount))) ;

s.add(sendTo(t.source, new Withdrawal(t.amount))) ;

return Collections.unmodifiableSet(s) ;



return nobody() ;



public class BankService extends UntypedTransactor {

public Set<SendTo> coordinate(final Object message) {

if (message instanceof Transfer) {

Set<SendTo> s = new HashSet<SendTo>() ;

Transfer t = (Transfer)message ;

if (t.amount > 0) { // validation

s.add(sendTo(t.destination, new Deposit(t.amount))) ;

s.add(sendTo(t.source, new Withdrawal(t.amount))) ;

return Collections.unmodifiableSet(s) ;



return nobody() ;



Akka actors + STM

Akka actors + STM

Parallel computing in Java

Parallel computing in Java

Parallel computing in Java

Fork / Join

Fork / Join

Fork / Join : patterns

ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool() ;

PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask task = new PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask(1, 4000) ; ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors> pfsTask = pool.submit(task) ; PrimeFactors pfs = pfsTask.get() ;

public class PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask extends RecursiveTask<PrimeFactors> {

private int start, end ;

protected PrimeFactors compute() {

PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

if (end - start > ITERATIONS) { // I’m too big

// processing

ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors> task = ... ;

task.fork() ;

PrimeFactors pfs = task.get() ;


} else {

for (int i = start ; i < end ; i++) {

PrimeFactors pfi = pfs.getPrimeFactors(i) ;

pfs.add(pfi) ;



return pfs ;



public class PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask extends RecursiveTask<PrimeFactors> {

private int start, end ;

protected PrimeFactors compute() {

PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

if (end - start > ITERATIONS) { // I’m too big

// processing

ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors> task = ... ;

task.fork() ;

PrimeFactors pfs = task.get() ;


} else {

for (int i = start ; i < end ; i++) {

PrimeFactors pfi = pfs.getPrimeFactors(i) ;

pfs.add(pfi) ;



return pfs ;



public class PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask extends RecursiveTask<PrimeFactors> {

private int start, end ;

protected PrimeFactors compute() {

PrimeFactors pfs = new PrimeFactors() ;

if (end - start > ITERATIONS) { // I’m too big

// processing

ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors> task = ... ;

task.fork() ;

PrimeFactors pfs = task.get() ;


} else {

for (int i = start ; i < end ; i++) {

PrimeFactors pfi = pfs.getPrimeFactors(i) ;

pfs.add(pfi) ;



return pfs ;



Fork / Join : patterns

Fork / Join : patterns

// 1st strategy

if (end - start > MAX_ITERATIONS) { // I’m too big

int m = (start + end) / 2 ;

PrimeFactorsFinderTask task1 = new PrimeFactorsFinderTask(start, m) ;

PrimeFactorsFinderTask task2 = new PrimeFactorsFinderTask(m, end) ;

task1.fork() ;

task2.fork() ;

PrimeFactors pfs1 = task1.join() ;

PrimeFactors pfs2 = task2.join() ;

pfs.add(pfs1) ;

pfs.add(pfs2) ;


// 2nd strategy

if (end - start > MAX_ITERATIONS) { // I’m too big

List<ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors>> pfsList = new ArrayList<ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors>>() ; for (int i = start ; i < end – MAX_ITERATIONS ; i += MAX_ITERATIONS) { PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask task = new PrimeFactorsFinderRecursiveTask(i, i + MAX_ITERATIONS) ; task.fork() ; pfsList.add(task) ; } for (ForkJoinTask<PrimeFactors> task : pfsList) { PrimeFactors pfsElement = task.join() ; pfs.add(pfsElement) ; } }

Parallel Arrays

Parallel Arrays : patterns

ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool() ; // package !

ParralelLongArray a = ParralelLongArray.create(size, pool) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

a.replaceWithGeneratedValue(new LongGenerator() {


public long op() {

return rand.nextInt(100) ;


}) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Ops.LongPredicate filter = new Ops.LongPredicate() {


public boolean op(long l1) {

return l1 > 50 ;



a2 = a.withFilter(filter) ;

a2.all() ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Ops.LongReducer reducer = new Ops.LongReducer() {


public long op(long l1, long l2) {

return l1 + l2 ;



long reducedValue = a.reduce(reducer, 0L) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Ops.LongOp add2 = new Ops.LongOp() {


public long op(long l1) {

return l1 + 2 ;


} ;

a2 = a.withMapping(add2) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Ops.BinaryLongOp multAB = new Ops.BinaryLongOp() {


public long op(long l1, long l2) {

return l1*l2 ;


} ;

a2 = a0.withMapping(multAB, a1) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Ops.LongReducer sum = new Ops.LongReducer() {


public long op(long l1, long l2) {

return l1 + l2 ;


} ;

long normSquare = a0.withMapping(multAB, a0).reduce(sum, 0L) ;

double norm = Math.sqrt(normSquare) ;

Parallel Arrays : patterns

Java 8 Sept. 2013

What are the l ?

Collection<Person> persons = ... ;

int maxAge = -> p.getAge()).reduce(0, Integer::max) ;

What are the l ?

Collection<Person> persons = ... ;

int maxAge = -> p.getAge()).reduce(0, Integer::max) ;

Collection<Person> oldies =

persons.filter(p -> p.age > 40).into(new ArrayList()) ;

What are the l ?

Collection<Person> persons = ... ;

int maxAge = -> p.getAge()).reduce(0, Integer::max) ;

Collection<Person> oldies =

persons.filter(p -> p.age > 40).into(new ArrayList()) ;

What are the l ?

Collection<Person> persons = ... ;

int maxAge = -> p.getAge()).reduce(0, Integer::max) ;

Collection<Person> oldies =

persons.filter(p -> p.age > 40).into(new ArrayList()) ;

The new Collection interface

public interface Collection<E> {

public boolean add(E e) ;

public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) ;

// the usual methods of the Collection interface

// the new stuff

public void sort(Comparator<? super E> comparator)

default Collections.sort(comparator) ;


Supports parallel() !

Collection<Person> persons = ... ;

int maxAge = persons.parallel().map(p -> p.getAge()).reduce(0, Integer::max) ;

Collection<Person> oldies =

persons.parallel().filter(p -> p.age > 40).into(new ArrayList()) ;

Spliterable Interface

public interface Spliterable<E> extends Iterable<E> {

public Iterable<E>[] splits() ;

public Iterable<E>[] splits(

int maxSplits, int minPerSplits, int maxPerSplits) ;

public int naturalSplits() ;


Going parallel with the JDK 8

An anecdot

An anecdot

An anecdot

An anecdot

An anecdot

An anecdot

An anecdot










Thank you !