Front Cover New Edit With New Pic

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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front cover new edit to stop offence


Front cover new edit with new pic

I am concerned with the main image as it may represent a negative connotation with gang culture which is not my intention. I tried to change my front cover image but unfortunately the quality was not great enough to work with the front cover therefore I had to revert back to the main image and replace the hand signs which could be seen as offensive with a backstage V.I.P pass. Therefore this would not portray my magazine in a negative light but as a positive portrayal of characters. Below are the screenshots of the process

I had to cut the image again and remove the space inside the two fingers so I could slot the backstage pass so it would look professional

I had to separate the parts in order to add the backstage ticket. Other alternatives were tried but failed.

I put the ticket forward a layer

Then I added the text to see how it would work.

This is the final front cover which I have replaced the hand sign with a backstage pass to ensure no offence is made when the examiner marks it.