
Post on 05-Dec-2015

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Commodity classification; press statement 81

Market for, condition of 76, 132, 173, 212 , 36*

Address of A. C. Miller before Ceroercial Club of Boston 228

Advisory Council, recommendation of, relat ive to trend toward lever ratios of capital assets to cur-rent l i a b i l i t i e s in banVing inst i tut ions 298

Annual reports;

Federal Reserve Agents, preparation of 343

federal Beserve Beard, data requested 364

Assessment for expenses of federal Reserve Board 286

Assistant federal Reserve Agents, appointment of; salary recommendations 278

Atlanta par clearance ease, action of U. S, Supreme Court 276

Attorneys for IBBaaks* (See Counsel for fBBanks)

Baker, Xewton D.:

Biployment of, as counsel in Brookings par clearance ease 87

fee f e r services in C a t l e t t s T m r g p a r clearance case 39

Wttic debit press statement, change in date of 348, 349

Bank examination and credit functions of federal reserve batiks 1611 162

Bask Insolvencies and suspensions:

Infozmatlon requested 137 , 312, 326, 337, 360

ft tm 1-4402 8 8

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(2) P*g*

Sufie organisation, rlews on, ty l a . Sproule

leak of Oran, He,, eoaroletiloner in charge of liquidation; 7. B. Bank of St, I*mie vs.* preference claim, collection of draf t ; oplnioa of Court of Appeal#

leak of Poplar Huff TO. Commissioner in charge of l iqui -dation of Bnhk of Pmdcc, tfc.; preference claim, collection of draf t ; opinion of Court of Appeals

Bankers1 acceptances, commodity classification of

Borrowers, continuous, banks classed as; information re-quested

Branch Ik* Mag;

Me id random by Prof- Spragua on

thy section 9 should be etridcea out; a r t i c le by lleiadr don l a American BWcers Assn. Journal

Branch of 7. 1. Bttak of licketoad, hearing on estabHaheent of

SraadUMi and agencies of 7. 1. Beaks, pamphlet

Breaches, foreign, ef America* beaks, l i s t of

Brookings State Bank ve. 7. 1 . Bank ef San Sreacieco; par clearaaoe:

Briber, lewtoa B., appelated as eewnsel

Memorandum of authorities oa motioa to dismiss

Budget for s ta t le t iea l aad analytical work of 7. 1 . beaks

Bulletin, 7ederal Beserra, ooerpllmentary copies to State








ass 394







ef Xagraving aad. Printing, accounts for printing Fed-eral reserve notes 188, 160, 204,

Buslnees conditions, press statement

Cafeteria expenses, 7. 1 . banks

Canned com as a nonperlshable readily marketable stable

223, 260

73, 129, 174, 809, 851, 287


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(3) Page

Capital Meets to current l i ab i l i t i e s , trend of, l a b a n k i n g Insti tutions

Ghaago of State bank members










Oeurt of Appeal* of Missouri l a ease of J , B. Bank ef St . Settle vs. Commissioner l a oharge ef Uqol te t lea of Beak of Oraa, Mo.; preferenee claim 133-137

Court of Appeals of Missouri l a ease of Batik of Poplar Muff vs. Commissioner l a charge of liquidation of Batik ef PmdLco 138-180

S» S. Circuit Court of Appeale in ease of 7. 1 . Bask of Saa Ifraacleeo vs. Idaho Qrima Al-f a l f a Seed Croiere Assa.$ oolleetion of draft 289

Class B director, e l ig ib i l i ty ef off icer ef lasuraace coo-panjr for eleetloa as 88

Cleeed State fcutics 9,13,16,17,22,24,26,27

Closing ef books ef f . 1 . banks; dividend resolution 243L

Charter ef f i r s t Xatloaal Batik of Hagsrstosa, Md., f o r f e i -ture of; oplaloa of Circuit Court of Appeals

Check clearing and collection:

Atlanta par clearance ease, action of Supreme Court

Iticer, Vevton B.$

Ittplojment of, as counsel l a Brookings case

lee for services la Catlettsburg ease

Brookings State Batik vs. f . B. Bank of Saa Dranclseo; memoranAm ef authorities oa motion to dismiss

l e t t e r ef Parker 8. Williams, counsel for f . B. Batik ef Cleveland, r e dseisloa of Supreme Coutt of Pennsylvania

Honmanber banks maintaining clearing accounts

Opinion of courts -

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(4) Pag*

Code words, ttilegreqphici

Amendment to regulations r s Indicating to ta l words in b m w m *1

Bsric Poldd. eredlt 177

Oert i f lsa tas of indebtedness 156,879

Sosr-cash collection item# 77,189

Participated foreign aocount* 46

Commodity c lass i f ica t ion of acceptances 81

Comptroller of the Carreney:

Conference with counsel of i% B. tMutice in eosaection with claims against insolvent aatioaal bahka 48-66

Controversy with 7. 1. Bank of Atlanta re la t ive to disposition of Collateral pledged to secure M i l e

Seorgia IBktioaal leak of Athene ineolvent; l e t t e r of receiver; l e t t e r of counssl 33-37

f i r s t Satiosal Sank of Sageretown ve.i fo r fe i tu re of charter; opinion of Circuit Court of Appeal# 313-830

Inquiry a# to asmuat of paper of finance and eredlt companiee held by beaks 331

Condition of 7. B. teaks, weekly statsment, revision of 316

Condition ef msmber banks 307,333,336

Conference of counsel of 7. 1 . beaks and Comptroller of the Currency i a connection with claims against insolvent nations! "beaks 48-66

Consolidations, State hanks 1.3,4,6,7,18,13,16,18,19,81,83,36,*

Conversions of State baake into national testes 1 , 3 ,19,31,26

Com, canned, as a nonperishable readily marketable s taple 285

Corporations, subsidiaries of, e l i g ib i l i t y for rediscount of notes of 898

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(S) p*g*

Counsel for Federal reserve "banket

Baker, lewton D. -

Bmpleyment i n Brookinge par clearance ease 87

f ee for eerrlcee in Catlettetrarg par clearance ease 39

Conference with Comptroller of the Currency in connection with claims against insolvent national tanks 48-68

Williams, Parkas 8. (Cleveland) re decision of Superior Court of Pennsylvania i n check collection transaction 79

Oounad of federal Reserve Board:

Administrative duty of I . 1 . Board re expend!tureeef I . B. haaks; memo, to Dr. Miller 178

Opinion re deduction of items in process of collection from gross demand deposits 161-171

Court opinions:

Circuit Court of Appeals in case of f i r s t Xational Beak of Bageretown, M<L, vs. Comptroller of the Currency; fo r fe i tu re of charter

Court of Appeale in ease of T. 8 . Bank of S t . lauia vs . Commissionar i n charge of liquidation of Bank of Oran, Ho.; preference claim, collection of draf t

Court of Appeals in caae of Batik of Poplar Bluff, Mo., vs . Commissionar in charge of l iquidation of Baric of Puxico; preference c3#Sa, collection of draf t

V. S. Circuit Court of Appeals i n c a s e of Y. 1 . Bade of San Francisco vs. Idaho flrimm Alfal fa Seed Orowers Assn.; collection of draf t

Credit coepaniee, paper of , held "by hanks; information requested

Credit and bank examination functions of 7. B. hanks

BeCeep, Ceorge, appointed I . B. Agent a t Cleveland







DmmiwA deposits, deduction of items in prowess of collec-t ion from; opinion of counsel 161-171

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Directors of federal reserve tanks:

Class 1, e l ig ib i l i ty of off icer of insurance oo«-psny to se t a#

DeCaop, George, appelate* Glass 0 a t Cleveland

ZLeotlea of, Sato for opening poll*

#m#h of off leo for Class B, revision of

Btseeoat ra tes , changes las




to francisco

Dividend# of Y. S. tanks, closing of books

laming# and dividend# reports of State tank members

laming# and expenses of t . S. banks:

Period elnoe organisation

Statement reqaeeted

Election of directors, date for opening poll#

Ixpert eerrioee in the oondaot of l i t igat ion, special studio#, a te . . Board to approve

%penditure# of 7. B. banks, administrative duty #f Boat A; Counsel to Dr. Miller

federal Reserve Agent#:

Assistant, appointment of; salary recosmendation#

DeCamp, George, appointed a t Cleveland

federal reserve bask organisation, views on, by 1m. Sproole

f . S Bank of Atlanta, controversy vlth Comptroller of the Currency re la t ive to disposition of collateral pledged to secure M i l s bgr Georgia Katlonal Seric insolvent; l e t t e r of receiver; l e t t e r of counsel for reserve heric

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m Tixf*

Wm 1 . leaSc of Msfaaono, bearing oa eetetolshment of tranflh 394

f . 1 . Beak of St,. Leals vs. CeaartselOBer in dWge of li«pl» dntion of Batik of Ona, Mo.; prefereeee elala , ooll motion ©f draft ; opinion of Court of %p#ele 133-13?

f , B, Baste of Ben Itossefseo, amtidUBg* State Batik t a . t per clearance Oase$ msmmmam of #ath**ltlo# om

to # W e # 89-121

F» 1# Swale of Sao Ifeaaoiseo *». Idaho O r t a Alfalfa Seed Growers A»*au$ collection of draft $ opinion of 0 . S. Circuit Court of Appeal* S89

tedstrst Beeerfe Basket

AMnts t ra t lve dtetgr of Board re expenditures ©fg C#me# to Br. A, C. U l l * 178

"Mmndhtm sm& *&«mci©s, pemphlet 306

Caieterl* expense 183

I,irld*ad paywml reeolntloa MI

BwrttUigs sad m&uam -

Period eisee w p o t o t t e a SI?

Steteeeo* reqaeeted SSI

floildajrsj (See Selideys)

Salaries, request for eehedal#* 236

federal Saaerre Board, assessment for expenses of 888

federal Beeerre Bulletin, ceeplteontery copies to State %B8k eatBElners m

Federal reserve notes, accounts of Bureau, of Bagravlng for printing 122,160,204,323,280

fldnolary powers greeted, to netloml tarotos 1-37

finance and orsdit ooopanls*, snerosit of paper of , held hakke; Information requested 330

f i r s t Xational Bank, Bageretoen, Md., vs. Coaptrollar of the CurreBeyt forfei ture of charter; opinion of Clreult Court of Appeals 218,330

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foreign hrandhee of American tanks, l i s t of


34 - Balance sheet, revision of

86 - Claselflcatlon of discounted "bills, revision of

97a - Meeontlaoaace of

108 - Condition of State tanks, forwarding of

X - functional expenee reports, committee changes In

St . 4645a • Banks classed as oontlneeus borrowers

1-4402 * Insolvency and suspension of barks

Amber of copies desired by each bank

franchise tax paid V f . 1. banks, cer t i f icat ion of, to treasury Department

functional expense reports, ooanittee changes In form 1

fleergta lat lonal Bank of Athens Insolvent; disposition of oellateral pledged with ? . B. Bade of Atlanta* controversy between reserve bank and Comptroller of the Currency

fleld settlement fund statement, revision of

Bearing on establishment of branch of f . B. Baric of Blchmond


Armlstloe Day





Christmas lay

Columbus Bay






















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(9) P#«#

Holt toys: - Continued.

Dearer 4?

Detroit 178,208

Jacksonville 178,290

Later Itagr 126

Memphis 290

IMhvl l le 890

1e» Orleans 290

Sear Teer*s Day 290

lev Yexk 808

Philadelphia 808

f i t t e t e r # 308

l ideond 208,290

fhaaksgLrlnc Dsy 808

IW&o flrlma Alfa l fa See flrewere lean . , 7 . 1 . Baric ef Sen Xraaelsso vs.$ eolleetlen ef drafts opinion ef U. 8 . Clreait Conrt ef Appeals 259

Insolvency ef hankst

Information requested 187,818,386,387,880

Item *4468 88

Insolvent national "basics, olalma against; conference ef counsel ef I . B. ieadce and Comptroller ef the Cerreaor 48-65

Insurance companies, o f f ice rs e f , e l i g ib i l i t y for election as Class 1 directors 88

In te r -d i s t r i c t time schedule, changes l a 8#

teased wire system, telegraphies

Amendment to regulations 41

Statement ef expense 42,123,156,305,224,281

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(10) Pag#

Hcladden M i l :

Mworandn* tgr Prof. Sprague on 66

t b j section 9 dwnl4 to stricken cut; a r t i c le t y MeJadden in American leakers As sedat ion


Master tanks:

Condition of 307,388,386

Withdrawals from system; termination of mastership, # $ * of 3*6

Master ship in federal reserve system; papulation of c i t i e s and towns 84

Miller, A, 0. , address ty , tefore Commercial Glut of Boston

Mstional tautest

Amount of paper of credit and finance companies held tgrt iafa t ry tgr Control ler of the Currency

fiduciary powers granted to 1-27

Insolvent, claims against; conference of counsel of 7. 1 . tanks and Comptroller of the Currency

State teuaka converted late 1,2,19,21,26

XoasMmter teaks maintaining clearing accounts 83

lonpsriehable readily marketable etaple agricultural product, canned corn as 886

Motes of corporations representing torrowiags of funds to he advanced to subsidiaries, e l ig ib i l i ty for rediscount, ruling on 886

Oath of of f ice , Class 1 director* revision of

Pameagoela lat ional Beak par clearance case, action of II. 8. Soprano Court 876

Personnel of I . 1 . tanks, statement for amwal report 88*

Population of c i t i es and towns, tasks applying for abersMp

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(11) Fags

Frees statements;

•eeeptaaee market, condition of 78,128,178,218,884

Address ef A. 6. Miller before Connerelal Club ef leetea 888

SoalaMS conditions 73,129,174,809,251.287

Commodity classif icat ion of •cosptsaaeee 81

BeOanp, George, appointed ©Lass 0 director

Discount ra tes , changes l a -



Philadelphia 848

8#a Francisco

Searing on establishment ef branch ef ? . B. of MdeooA 894

l a t los ef capital assets to eorreat l i ab i l i t i e s , trend of , i a banking Institutions

lesenres ef member be#a , dodaction ef Items l a proesss ef collection from frees ftassiid deposits In eespatlagi eplntea ef ceoassl 181-171

Salarlee, F. 1 . beaks, request for schedules

8pra#s , Frof . , msmeraatam ea McFadden M i l 66

Spreole, I s . , r i ses ea lednrel reserve bide organisation 899

State banks:

Admitted to system 1-87

Oeaditlea reports •

Forwarding ef 848

Information requested fares Stale banking departmente 888,884

Conversions late national beaks 1,2,18,81,86

Withdrawals from system 8*7,11,16-18,88,83,86 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

(12) Pag#

Subsidiaries, notes of corporation# representing borrowings of tfcnd# to be advanced to, e l ig ib i l i ty for redlecmmt, rnllag on

Sepeaelon# of Iwafcss

* o » £-4408

Xafonaatioa reqaeeted

tax, firaadbiae, paid by f . £ . bsake, cer t i f lea t loa of, to treasury Department


Code words •

Baric Polski credit

Certif icates of indebtedness

Son-eaeh oolleotion item#

Participated foreign account#

Leased wir# system -

•teendewnt# to regalatione

Statement of expense

t la# schedule, in te r -d ie t r ie t , changes in

t rea t powers granted to aatloaal bade*

ledcly etateaent of ooadltloa of f . 1. bank#:

Sate of iasue changed

fierision of

Withdrawals frost federal r##«nr# eystaat

Stat# bsoaks

termination of membership, date of

















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