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Post on 08-Sep-2019

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REALITY TVStudy the cartoon and answer the questions below.

© 2010 Zapiro - Reprinted with permission - For more Zapiro cartoons visit www.zapiro.com

Questions1. Describe each of the TV shows portrayed by Zapiro (frames 1 – 3) based on the

content shown on the TV screens in this cartoon. (8)2. How do the characters on the sofa respond to these TV shows? Refer to their facial

expressions in your answer. (4)3. What is the message Zapiro wishes to convey in this cartoon (frames 1 – 4)? (2)4. How does Zapiro emphasise his point in frame 4? (1) [15]

Suggested Answers1. In the show The Biggest Loser people volunteer for a weight-loss programme and can win big prizes for losing the most

weight. Viewers are able to watch the competitors as they attempt to slim down. Zapiro’s picture shows an obese man and woman in training shorts and T-shirts lifting weights – hardly very exciting to watch. The Kardashians is a reality TV show in which viewers can watch what happens in the lives of this family from day to day. Judging from the cartoon, everything is shown on camera – including petty squabbles and women dressed in their underwear. Big Brother is a competition in which people live together in a house and get voted off based on popularity. The cameras are on them the whole time including, as is shown in the cartoon, when they sleep.

2. The people on the sofa show no emotions in frame 1. The man shows some irritation in frame 2. In the third frame, one assumes that they are so bored they have fallen asleep. There is a big contrast to their reactions in the last frame. Here they are clearly moved by emotion – tears are flowing and they are hugging one another.

3. Real life events are far more interesting and worthwhile than watching so-called reality shows on television. Many viewers were riveted to their screens when the Chilean miners were rescued.

4. He underlines the word ‘real’ to emphasise the difference between real human drama and the day-to-day trivia featured in many ‘reality’ TV programmes.