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Full conference programme – draft 2 June 2017

DAY 1: Tuesday 27 June 2017 - Morning plenary programme - 8:00 am – 10:45 am

Registration – 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Opening session 9:00 am – 9:20 am

Patrick Schröder, Research Fellow, Green Transformations, IDS, Conference Co-Chair - Welcome Melissa Leach, Director, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex - Official conference opening address Manisha Anantharaman, Assistant Professor in Justice, Community and Leadership, St. Mary's College, Conference Co-Chair - Welcome from the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption Richard Gower, Senior Policy Advisor, Tearfund - Welcome from conference co-organizer Uwe Weber, Team Leader, SWITCH-Asia - Welcome from conference co-organizer

Conference keynote 9:20 am – 10:00 am

Janez Potočnik, former EU Environment Commissioner, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel Keynote Title: “Economic Model Transformation and the Role of the Circular Economy” (followed by brief Q&A)

Plenary panel and Q&A 10:00 am – 10:45 am “Circular Economy and SCP in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change”

John Carstensen, Head of Profession, Climate and Environment, Department For International Development, UK Lewis Akenji, Policy Fellow, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Jeffrey Barber, President, Integrative Strategies Forum Moderator: Joanne Green, Senior Associate, Tearfund

Tea/coffee break 10:45 am – 11:15 am

DAY 1: Tuesday 27 June 2017 - Morning breakout sessions - 11:15 am – 12:45 pm

Theme: Circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals Breakout session no:

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Organiser: Institute of Development Studies

Tearfund & African Circular Economy Network

Future Earth Network GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

Title: Circular economy research in the context of development studies and green transformations

Building on circular foundations: Making the most of existing circular practices in developing countries

Beyond SDGs – Social transformations towards systems of sustainable consumption and production

Circular economy and waste-water-energy-food nexus research

Regulation, innovation and institutions: designing policies and systems to support well-being in a circular economy

Session format: Research paper presentations

Panel discussion Presentation and discussion session

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Moderator: Patrick Schroeder (IDS)

Peter Desmond (African Circular Economy Network)

Melissa Leach (Future Earth Science Committee)

Fiona Marshall (STEPS Center)

Tim Foxon (SPRU)

Presenters: Sir Richard Jolly (IDS) - “Sustainability, circular economy and GNP” Elise Wach (IDS Business, Markets and the State Cluster) – “Circular business approaches for food waste reduction” Wei Shen (IDS Green Transformation

Joanne Green, (Tearfund) Johanna Lehne, (Chatham House) Solomon Khurrum, (PMS, Tearfund partner Pakistan) Alex Lemille (African Circular Economy Network, South Africa)

Maurie Cohen (New

Jersey Institute of

Technology & Future


(presentation title tbc)

Vicky Lucas (Belmont

Forum e-Infrastructures

and Data Management

project) - “Development

of e-Infrastructures and

Data Management for

Global Change


James Suckling and Angela Druckman (University of Surrey) - “Scaling-up socio-technical innovations: advancing the circular economy, whilst avoiding unintended con-sequences within the water-energy-food nexus” Jamie Myers (IDS Community-Led Total Sanitation Knowledge Hub) – “Reuse of human waste in the circular economy – a food-waste-

Paul Dewick, (University of Manchester) - “Eco-innovation, regulation and the circular economy” Márcia Dutra de Barcellos (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil) Luciana Marques (Vieira Fundação Getulio Vargas Brazil) and Domenico Ceglia, (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil) - “Circular Economy Approach in Italy and

Theme: Circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals Breakout session no:

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Cluster) – “The role of biogas in China’s rural circular economy” Eric Kasper (IDS Cities Cluster) – “Potentials of Blockchain technology for circular economy and livelihoods”

Asher Minns (Future

Earth Europe


(presentation title tbc)

energy nexus perspective” Dirk Willenbockel (IDS) (tbc)

Brazil: Differences and Similarities” Midori Aoyagi, (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) “Socio-economic development and sustainable consumption”

Lunch break 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm

DAY 1: Tuesday 27 June 2017 - Afternoon plenary programme - 1:45 pm – 4:00 pm

Plenary panel 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm “Brexit and the future of the EU Circular Economy Package in the UK”

Janez Potočnik, International Resource Panel Dustin Benton, Green Alliance Moderator: L Alan Winters, Professor of Economics, University of Sussex. Director UK Trade Policy Observatory

Conference keynote 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm

Sonia Dias, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Keynote Title: “tbc” (followed by brief Q&A)

Plenary panel and Q&A 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm “Circular economy - informal sector, SMEs and livelihoods in developing country contexts”

Uwe Weber, Team Leader, SWITCH-Asia Network Facility Olayiwola Agoro, Chief Scientific Officer at Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria Nalini Shekar, Founder & Director, Hasiru Dala, Bangalore Richard Gower, Tearfund Moderator: Manisha Anantharaman, Assistant Professor in Justice, Community and Leadership, St. Mary's College

Tea/coffee break 4:00 pm – 4:15 pm

DAY 1: Tuesday 27 June 2017 - Afternoon breakout sessions - 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm

Theme: Circular economy in developing country contexts: traditional livelihoods, informal sectors and SMEs

Breakout session no:

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Organiser: SWITCH-Asia Programme

Waste Aid GRF conference committee

Tearfund GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

Title: SWITCH-Asia Programme and its Circular Economy approaches in Asian developing countries

Two billion without formal waste collection – should we care, and if so, what should we do about it?

SCP and development: bridging environmental protection, livelihoods and dignity

Avoiding linear lock-in: what are the challenges and opportunities for developing countries in creating circular rather than linear infrastructure and institutions?

Sustaining and reviving circular economy practices: a path to sustainable livelihoods?

SCP and circular economy in global and comparative perspectives

Session format:

Development practitioner project presentations

Panel discussion Research paper presentations

Panel discussion Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Theme: Circular economy in developing country contexts: traditional livelihoods, informal sectors and SMEs

Breakout session no:

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Moderator: Kartika Anggraeni and Uwe Weber (SWITCH-Asia Network Facility)

Mike Webster, (WasteAid UK)

Marlyne Sahakian (University of Lausanne)

Joanne Green (Tearfund)

Jeffrey Barber (Integrative Strategies Forum)

Philip Vergragt (Clark University)

Speakers: Delgermaa Ikhagvsuran (Caritas Mongolia) (presentation title tbc) Thinh Xuan (Vietnam Cleaner Production Center) (presentation title tbc)

Damitha Samarakoon (Janathakshan Ltd. Sri Lanka) (presentation title tbc)

Margaret Bates (University of Northampton); (presentation title tbc) David Lerpiniere and Aiden Short (Disaster Waste Recovery) (presentation title tbc) Jacqueline Gaybor (Erasmus University) – “Limits of the Argentinean zero waste framework and the potential contribution of reusable menstrual management technologies”

Milcah Jaluha Asamba, (JKUAT) “Mkopa’s contribution to waste reduction and natural resource consumption while shaping sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods” Priliantina Bebasari, (IDS) – “Can Sustainable Livelihoods Approach Contribute to Women Empowerment? Case Study of Wonder Women Project in Indonesia.” Agoro Olayiwola, (Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Nigeria) - “Sustainable Production in a Recessed Economy: Agriculture as the Path to Recovery” Oluwafemi, R.A., (University of Abuja, Nigeria) - “Agricultural

Giselle Umuhumuza (Rwanda Environment Management Authority) Solomon Khurrum (PMS, Tearfund partner in Pakistan) Tim Foxon (SPRU)

Deepak Sharma and Jayesh Joshi, (Vaagdhara) - “Successful Revival of Traditions of Circular Economy among Endogenous Rural Communities” Patricia Noble Gonzalez, (IDS) - "Towards a Circular Economy: Under what conditions do Informal Waste Pickers contribute to closing the Waste Management Cycle in developing countries?" Atsushi Watabe (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies) - “Sufficiency and diversified aspirations: organic farming in the post-

Elsa Dominish, (University of Technology Sydney), “A circular economy for organics: towards new value chains for food security” Simon Mair, (University of Surrey) - “Western European Sustainable Production and Consumption, the Global Environment and Decent Work in BRIC" Fabian Echegaray (Market Analysis) and Francesca Valeria Hansstein (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) -

Theme: Circular economy in developing country contexts: traditional livelihoods, informal sectors and SMEs

Breakout session no:

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Transformation Agenda in Nigeria and Policy Implementation Challenges: Ban on Poultry Products Importation as Case Study”

peasant village lives in Northeast Thailand” Tamara Megaw (Erasmus University) – “A sustainability approach to the informal weaving sector in Eastern Indonesia”

“Navigating the complex ecolabelling space: how consumers understand sustainable consumption guiding tools in Brazil”

Drinks Reception – sponsored by SWITCH-Asia Programme - 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

DAY 2: Wednesday 28 June 2017 - Morning plenary programme - 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Opening 9:00 am – 9:10 am

Johan Schot, Director, SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex - Welcome

Conference Keynote 9:10 am – 9:50 am

Jacqueline Cramer, former Dutch Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, Chair of Sustainability and Innovation, Utrecht University Keynote Title: “The urban transition towards a circular economy: theory and practice” (followed by brief Q&A)

Plenary panel and Q&A 9:50 am – 10:45 am “Circular economy, lifestyles and livelihoods in cities”

Joanna Williams, Senior Lecturer, The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London Ashish Chaturvedi, Head of Climate Change, GIZ India Duncan Baker-Brown, Director & Owner, BBM Sustainable Design Ltd & Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton Moderator: Michael Søgaard Jørgensen, Associate Professor, Aalborg University

Tea/coffee break 10:45 am – 11:15 am

DAY 2: Wednesday 28 June 2017 - Morning breakout session - 11:15 am – 12:45 pm

Theme: Circular economy in cities: policy and social innovation Breakout session no:

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Organiser: GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

University of Lausanne

GRF conference committee

SPRU, Aalborg University & St. Mary’s College

Durham University & SPRU

Title: Urban infrastructures, provisioning systems and transition possibilities

Sustainable lifestyles, wellbeing and health in Chinese cities

Sustainable lifestyles and consumption in urban contexts

Energy consumption transitions and social change - introduction to ENERGISE (H2020 project on energy transitions)

Sufficiency policies, community innovations and local sustainability action in times of austerity

Circular economy in cities - between city branding and civil society innovation

The role of placemaking and infrastructure in the circular economy

Session format:

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations & discussions

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Short presentations & interactive Workstudio

Moderator: Michael Søgaard Jørgensen (Aalborg University)

Wei Shen (IDS) Vanessa Timmer (One Earth)

Marlyne Sahakian, (University of Lausanne)

Silvia Lorek (SERI)

Chiara Farné Fratini, (SPRU - University of Sussex)

Janice Astbury (Durham University)

Speakers: Fred Steward and Ritsuko Ozaki, University of Westminster - “Contrasting sustainability transition pathways - linear or circular sociotechnical reconfigurations for hydrogen energy?”

Di Zhu (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and Jo Mylan (University of Manchester) - “Meat Consumption in ‘Middle Class’ Urban China: nutrition, fitness and reduction”

Robert Lindner (United Nations University) “Sustainable Energy Consumption: Lessons from Energy Saving Campaigns in Tokyo”

Daniel Welch, (SCI Manchester University) - “Imagined Futures: cultural imaginaries and practice” Lina Brand Correa and Julia K Steinberger, (University of Leeds) -“Qualitative insights into the relationship

Yasuhiko Hotta and Ryu Koide (Institute for Global Environ-mental Strategies) - “Repackaging Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Policies from Sufficiency Approach”

Chiara Farné Fratini, (SPRU - University of Sussex) - “Circular Economy for sustainable urban transi-tions: policies, institutions and material arrangements”

Janice Astbury (Durham University) - “Infrastructure that makes places people care about and facilitates sustainable lifestyles”

Theme: Circular economy in cities: policy and social innovation Breakout session no:

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Lauren Tavener-Smith (Stellenbosch University) - “Circular economy strategies to scale and sustain quality infrastructure services in South African informal settlements” Wouter Spekkink (University of Manchester) and Jaco Quist (Delft University of Technology) - “The role of grassroots sustainability initiatives in the diffusion of sustainable lifestyles”

Adrian Ely (STEPS Centre and SPRU, University of Sussex) “Innovations to connect producers and consumers: lessons for sustainable agri-food systems from Brighton and Beijing” Chia-wen Kuo (Taiwan National Cheng-chi University, Taipei) - “The Behavioural Economics of Architectural Sustainability: the Case Study of Sanzhi UFO Houses in Taiwan”

Monique Retamal, (Australian National University) and Damien Giurco, (University of Technology, Sydney) – “How circular is the sharing economy? Case studies from Southeast Asia” Ana Poças Ribeiro (Utrecht University) “Will Circular Economies lead to Sustainable Consumption? – Case study of cities” Cecilia Grandi-Nagashiro. (The University of Tokyo) – “Pro-Environmental Behavior, Environmental Awareness, and Subjective Well-Being: Finding a Pathway to Sustainable

between energy services and human needs”

Senja Laakso and Eva Heiskanen, (University of Helsinki) – “Experimental governance and energy consumption – experiences from Finland”

Audley Genus and Marfuga Iskandarova, “Legitimacy: the key to unlocking the transformational potential of community renewable energy?”

Beatrice Bertho and Marlyne Sahakian (University of Lausanne) and Patrick Naef (University of Geneva) – “Passive consumer or engaged citizen? The power dynamics behind a household energy efficiency program in

Phedeas Stephanides and Gill Seyfang (University of East Anglia) – “Crisis Community Currencies: enabling sustainable lifestyles in an age of austerity?” Rosemary Byrne and Susan Byrne (University of Limerick) - “Achieving collective change: applying the Q-method to examine motivation and barriers to community sustainability action” Julia Steinberger, (University of Leeds) - “What is necessary to live well? Socio-technical provisioning systems and the

Joanna Williams (UCL) Boyd Cohen, (Universidad del Desarrollo) & Pablo Munoz, (University of Leeds) (presentation title tbc) Manisha Anantharaman (St Mary’s College); (presentation title tbc) Martin Charter and Scott Keiller (The University for the Creative Arts) (presentation title tbc)

Ralitsa Hiteva (SPRU) – “National Infrastructure Assessment methodology as a practice of placemaking and sustainable living” Cian O’Donovan (SPRU) – “Making happiness: Insights on subjective wellbeing, human development and the role of digital fabrication technologies in makerspaces and open workshops”

Theme: Circular economy in cities: policy and social innovation Breakout session no:

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Lifestyles in Tokyo”

Lausanne and Geneva”

Edina Vadovics, Szandra Szomor, Anke Merziger and Kristóf Vadovics - Save @work: changing behavior and saving energy in public buildings in 9 European countries.

empirical quest for sufficiency”

Lunch break 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm

DAY 2: Wednesday 28 June 2017 - Afternoon plenary programme - 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm

Conference keynote 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm

Joss Blériot, Executive Officer, Head of Editorial and Public Affairs, Ellen MacArthur Foundation Keynote Title: “tbc” (followed by brief Q&A)

Plenary panel and Q&A 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm “Sustainable lifestyles, business models and social innovation in the circular economy”

Michael Kuhndt, Executive Director, Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production Karen Onthank, Executive Director, lntegrative Strategies Forum Moderator: Tim Foxon, Professor of Sustainability Transitions, Science and Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex

Tea/coffee break 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

DAY 2: Wednesday 28 June 2017 - Afternoon breakout sessions 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm

Theme: Circular economy business models, financing and innovation Breakout session no:

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Organiser: GRF conference committee

University of Sussex, School of Business, Management and Economics

Aalborg University

GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

Centre for Industrial Energy, Materials and Products (CIE-MAP)

MORE -SL World Resources Forum, Integrative Strategies Forum, One Earth

Title: Financing circular economy and sustainable business models in developing countries

Thriving as a business in the Circular Economy?

Developing circular economy business strategies in different socio-material contexts

Business models, design and innovation in a circular economy

Transforming consumption practices in a circular economy

Circularity and Material Flows

Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles

Session format:

Research paper presentations

Research presentations & business perspectives

Research presentations & business perspectives

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Interactive workstudio

Moderator Stephen Spratt (IDS)

Mirela Xheneti (University of Sussex)

Michael Søgaard Jørgensen (Aalborg University)

Karen Onthank (Integrative Strategies Forum)

Leonie Dendler (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment)

Tim Cooper (Nottingham Trent University)

Vanessa Timmer (One Earth)

Speakers: Galib Ibn Anwarul

Azim(United Nations Capital Development Fund Bangladesh) - “Innovative Green Financing Schemes of Bangladesh: Lessons from an Early Mover towards Green Transformation”

Ödül Bozkurt (University of Sussex) - "Repair Work and the Circular Economy: Problems and Prospects” Smarter Uniforms (Brighton based company) –

Arne Remmen (Aalborg University) Vesela Veleva, (University of Massachusetts Boston) and Gavin Bodkin (CircularBlu and UMass Boston) - “New Business Model Innovations

Julia Obinger (SOAS and University of Zurich) – “Promoting Sustainability in Japan: The Roles of Social Businesses and Civic Engagement”

Kate Meyer (Curtin University) - “Earth Accounting, a scientific basis for assessing human progress towards a circular economy” Jo Mylan, Jessica Paddock,

Samuel Cooper (Bath University) – “Scope for the circular economy to affect greenhouse gas emissions and employment embodied in trade”

Jeffrey Barber (Integrative Strategies Forum) Giana Eckhardt, (Royal Holloway, University of London) Lewis Akenji, (Institute for

Claudia Lorena García (CEP-Americas/ASDF) and Steve Cayzer, (University of Bath) - “Assessment of the Circular Economy Transition Readiness at a National Level” Anna Phelan (The University of Queensland) - “Ecosystem -based business development model for coastal communities in the coral triangle”

experiences with CE business models Charlie Habershon (PA Consulting) (title tbc)

and Collaborations to Support the Circular Economy” Jonas Engberg, (IKEA) (tbc) Eduardo G Silva and Carla Cipolla, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Maria Holgado and Minna Lammi (University of Cambridge) - “Customer-oriented business strategies for the circular economy” Charlotte Louise Jensen (Aalborg University Copenhagen) “Exploring ways of designing for circular economy – opportunities and challenges within fast fashion" Samira Iran (University of Ulm) “Sharing instead of Buying - Cultural influences on collaborative fashion consumption”

Helen Holmes, (University of Manchester) - “Re-Introducing Consumption to the ‘Circular Economy’: A Sociotechnical Analysis of Domestic Food Provisioning” Marlyne Sahakian and Laurence Godin (University de Lausanne)- “Towards healthy and sustainable eating: between prescriptions and practices”

Tim Cooper and Ana Mestre – “Circular product design” Kate Scott – “The role of material productivity to meeting climate targets” Kyungeun Sung – “Upcycling as the circular economy in practice”

Global Environmental Strategies) Jocelyn Blériot, (Ellen MacArthur Foundation (tbc))

Conference dinner and open mic ‘share your culture’ and talent show 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Hosted by: Marlyne Sahakian, Senior Researcher, UNIL - University of Lausanne

DAY 3: Thursday 29 June 2017 - Morning plenary programme - 9:00 am – 10:45 am

Conference keynote 9:00 am – 9:50 am

Barbara Muraca, Assistant Professor - Philosophy, Oregon State University Kersty Hobson, Senior Lecturer, School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University Keynote Title: “Circular Economy Within or Beyond Capitalism? A Degrowth Perspective” (followed by brief Q&A)

Plenary panel and Q&A 9:50 am – 10:45 am “Critiquing the circular economy”

Barbara Muraca, Assistant Professor - Philosophy, Oregon State University Kersty Hobson, Senior Lecturer, School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University Philip Vergragt, Fellow, Tellus Institute, Professor Emeritus of Technology Assessment at Delft University of Technology, Research Professor at Clark University Moderator: Jeffrey Barber, President, Integrative Strategies Forum

Tea/coffee break 10:45 am – 11:15 am

DAY 3: Thursday 29 June 2017 - Morning breakout sessions - 11:15 am – 12:45 pm

Theme: Limitations, critiques and future directions for integrating lifestyles, livelihoods and circular economy Breakout session no:

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Organiser: Manchester Sustainable Consumption Institute

SCORAI US GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

GRF conference committee

Title: Boundaries of the circular economy—the reach and limits of models of circular economy

Fostering and communicating sustainable lifestyles

Democratizing the circular economy

Critiquing and extending the CE frame: epistemological and ontological questions 1

Mindfulness and meditation practice for sustainable consumption

Session format: Panel discussion Dialogue session Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Research paper presentations

Theme: Limitations, critiques and future directions for integrating lifestyles, livelihoods and circular economy Breakout session no:

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Moderator: Dan Welch (University of Manchester)

Philip J. Vergragt (Tellus Institute and Clark University)

Karen Onthank (Integrative Strategies Forum)

Chiara Fratini (SPRU) Patrick Schroeder (IDS)

Speakers: Frank Boons (University of Manchester) Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) Tim Foxon (SPRU)

Garette Clark, (UNEP) Halina Brown (Clark University) Vanessa Timmer, (One Earth)

Jaco Quist (Delft University of Technology) “Backcasting for Sustainable Lifestyles & a Circular Economy: a refined methodology illustrated for the Netherlands" Leonie Dendler (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) - “Enabling public participation within post-truth framings: a study of science-based consumer protection” André Francisco Pilon (University of São Paulo International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology) – “A Normative Ecosystemic Approach for Public Policies, Research and Teaching Programmes”

Minna Lammi (University of Cambridge) and Markku Anttonen (University of Helsinki) - “Emperor’s new clothes”? Capturing Circular Economy in political and scientific discussion Nicolas Peirot and Olivier Galibert, (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté Dijon) – “Collaborative economy as a socio-ecological empowerment? A study of the French carpooling platform Blablacar.com” Lucie Middlemiss (University of Leeds), Elizabeth Bacon and Ashley Sarauer (University of Alberta, Canada) – “Third generation ex-miners: politics, identity and place in a failed transition in the Dearne Valley”

Ulf Schrader (TU Berlin) – “Medita-ting for the planet: quantitative results of a mindfulness intervention study on sustainable consumption” Pascal Frank (Leuphana University) - “Developing Key Competencies for Sustainable Consumption through Mindfulness Training: Results of a Qualitative Study” Pascal Frank (Leuphana University) – “Qualitative analysis of a consumer-focused mindfulness-based intervention – a comparison of methods”

Lunch break 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm

DAY 3: Thursday 29 June 2017 - Afternoon breakout sessions - 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Theme: Limitations, critiques and future directions for integrating lifestyles, livelihoods and circular economy Breakout session no:

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Organiser: SCORAI Centre for Industrial Energy, Materials and Products (CIE-MAP)

University of East Anglia

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

GRF conference committee

Title: Understanding the

relationship between

lifestyle and carbon

footprint; identifying

opportunities for policy


Energy and Materials Consumption

Circular Economy Curricula: Innovations in Sustainable Consumption Teaching (pecha kucha showcase & interactive)

Emotional Education for Sustainable Consumption “eBiNK”

Critiquing and extending the CE frame: epistemological and ontological questions 2

Session format Presentations and

panel discussion

Research paper presentations

Pecha kucha showcase and participative workshop

Interactive workstudio Research paper presentations

Moderator: Halina Brown



Tim Cooper (Nottingham Trent University)

Gill Seyfang (University of East Anglia)

Pascal Frank (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)


Speakers: Halina Brown



Maurie Cohen (NJIT)

Kevin Ummel

(Citizen’s Climate

Lobby) (by video)

John Barrett (University of Leeds) –“ Lifestyles and energy demand” Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon (Cardiff University) - “Moving towards a circular economy: Public deliberations of a low material future” Anne Owen (University of Leeds) – “Effects of

A lively showcase of innovative teaching methods featuring: Gill Seyfang (UEA) – “Theoretical Theatre” Lucie Middlemiss (University of Leeds) “Using lectures to tackle students’ uncritical assumptions” Marlyne Sahakian, (University of Lausanne) - “Future-Wheel participative methods”

Daniel Fischer (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) Laura Sophie Stanszus (TU Berlin)

Harald Wieser (University of Manchester) – “Circular Economy is the Solution, but What is the Problem? From Scarcity to Excess” Vincent Moreau (Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne) – “Coming full circle: why social and institutional dimensions matter for the circular economy” Joachim H. Spangenberg (SERI Germany) – “Circular economy experiences,

Theme: Limitations, critiques and future directions for integrating lifestyles, livelihoods and circular economy Breakout session no:

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

demographic change on energy demand” Alex Rodrigues (Nottingham Trent University ) – “Deciding between car sharing or car purchase”

Manisha Anantharaman (St Mary’s College, CA) – “Tracking supply chains in classrooms” followed by a workshop to share teaching ideas and best practice in the field from everyone present.

conclusions and beyond”

Tea/coffee break 3:30 pm – 3:45:pm

DAY 3: Thursday 29 June 2017 - Closing plenary programme - 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm

Closing session

Vanessa Timmer, Executive Director, One Earth - Conference Summary Jeffrey Barber, President, Integrative Strategies Forum - Next Steps for GRF Patrick Schröder, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies - Closing Remarks Moderator: Leonie Dendler, Researcher, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment