Future of insights. dina mehta. april 3, 2012 india social summit

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The Future of Insights - Immerse, Co-Create, Breakthrough. This talk will focus on how research needs to, and can adapt to new forms of perception, influence, desire and consumption, which are increasingly being influenced by the real-time mobile social web. Notes uploaded too.


once upon a time, many many years ago ......

the future of insights

dina mehta | convo.org | @dinaapril 03, 2012

trend 1/7:

data is everywhere

big, cheap, accessible, mobile, real-timedata flows

“We never, ever in the history of mankind have had access to so much information so quickly and so easily” ...... Vint Cerf

An Indian model displays a chip placed on a 'bindi' on her forehead during a news conference by 'Mindtree Consulting' in Bangalore December 14, 2005

trend 2/7:

social media allows people to negotiate culture & context differently

trend 3/7:

duality in consumer negotiations and decisions

traditional insight-generating purchase panels are not equipped to handle the complexity of influence, community and real-time in purchase behaviour

trend 4/7:

media consumption convergence current measurement systems do not look at the “whole”. how long will these standalone systems last?

trend 5/7:

redefining target group or audience

expert? influencer? customer?early adopter?

trend 6/7:

community at your fingertips - real time the power of a single tweet can be a very real source of insight

they’re talking .... are you listening?

trend 7/7:

from 1-to-many

to many-to-many

to many-to-1

“The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. Paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.”

John Schaar, Futurist

so ... from where will GREAT IDEAS come?

our practice morphs we need to put the ‘byte’ into the offlineand the ‘human’ back into the onlinewe’re definitely not out of business!

crowdsourcing insights and solutions from community

image: http://www.businessesgrow.com

subjects and customers are now becoming researchers

how do you bring these insights to you?new egs. Gigwalk, Pinterest

Mobile App - examples

Blographies - an example www.convo.org/immerse/wikimobile/

the future of insights

approach: grounded or empirical, much more individual yet very networked and social, co-creation

practice: participative, real-time, multi-layered systems, multiple touchpoints

people: multi faceted people - an MBA or a social science degree no more a passport

tools: offline and online – mobile and PC convergence across media.

DIY research

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard and what you read is not what I meant.”

Robert McCloskey, American author and illustrator of children’s books

Invisible editing of the web

“Facebook was looking at which links I clicked on, and it was noticing that I was clicking more on my liberal friends’ links than on my conservative friends’ links. And without consulting me about it, it had edited them out. They disappeared.”

Privacy? Protection? Ethics?

who’s watching?

who ownsme?

Dina Mehta@dinadina@convo.orgApril 03, 2012

Thanks for listening :)